
TUB TIMES WASHINGTON SATURDAY APJUL 12 902 THE WASHINGTON TIMES DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SOCIETY THE PUFE FOOD BILL FRANK A MUNSEY German Ambassador Entertains Number of Prominent By Hon JOHN B CORLISS Representative from Michigan PUBLICATION OFFICE T cnth and D Streets Guests Theater Party in Honor of Miss Roosevelt I was compelled to dissent from the report of the charged with its enforcement the authority to make TION iimSCKIl ItATlS TO OUT TOWN Committee on Interstate and Ioicign Com me rce ¬ or POINTS lOVTAHi riEMAH sub such lequircnicnts at will All criminal laws cleaily Aiss Smedley of Paris and Mrs N P Wheeler Guests of Mr and Mrs 1 itttn Ant-- - 1 I mitted by Jlr Tompkins fnoiinir the pissage of express th ir meaning and requirements in plain incntlii c Il C VIM HITION iiiio S i 0tirr nmtilhv m months fhrc mmitli-k- 75 ents Douse bill 3109 with aniendmenta suggested b the tcims and a criminal food law should do no less Carl F Smith at a Studio Tea Portraits of General Corbin iiicnml unilaj onpjrnr inoittlw Lulling mid nm1a uo jrar ix eomnilttee 7 at t3SO incnths li- Whateter the requirements of a criminal law arc and Anderson on Exhibition tlire Miimi - HHitti SO tlin 4inonlh- - 1 Mnrn Justice onij fc in one i luontho fei injr l tiinjr ami un MO Legislation which will insme pure food and piotcc should be explicitly and exattly stated in language tliivo month 50jarpns nmli jpar I inuutliH Dirt month ijr0 tion to eonsumeis is wise but sin h legislation should width can be read and understood b any intelligent Dinner at German Embassy the artist with his wcrld tvlde experience not attempt to embarrass honest manufacturer and person The German Ambassadors guests at praises In most enthusiastic terms Any person wlio cannot dealers in pure f od products 1 Since the establishment of standards and fixing Mrs Smith in her career as a minia- ¬ buy the Morning Afternoon or Sunday dinner last night were the Mexican Am- ¬ Edition The objections to the bill be of labels lies entiicly with the food authorities these ture painter has had a number of dis- ¬ of The Times on any news stand in Washington in niit summarized as bassador and Slgnora Azpiroz the Belgian tinguished sitters among her collection suburban follows will be subject change one authority succeeds towns on railroad to as Minister and Baroness Moncheur the Sec- ¬ yesterday being a picture on ivory ot tho trains or elsewhere will confer a favor by notifying ¬ j young 1 and will cause no end of con- of Mrs Queen of Holland who gate her jritcs to he oflieers ¬ another such hinges retary War and Root the Turkish the Publisher charged with its enforce a wnue to cor- ¬ of The Times corner Tenth and D Sts Washington D C fusion and embarrassment to trade Minister Representative and Mrs Mc sitting in taris buy her ment arbitrary power to fi standards ami prescribe onation robs Mrs Smith also painted 4 upon Clcllan Jlrs Harriet Lane Bealc Slgnora a labels not for adulterated food products alone but Whateter construction may be placed and picture of Mrs Corbin which so pleased label required under this bill such construction mid Perez Lieutenant Commander and Krau tho general that he had a number of pho ¬ HE for pure products as well Ibis same nuthoriu git en tographs WOULD BE MISSED label cannot possibly agree with of all the State ton Rebcur Paschttltz Miss Josephine struck from the miniature one to the scteial Slate food commissioners under police that Patten Ml3s Wallach Mls3 Stevens of which Cieupies the place of honor on laws and authorities fitting to their seteral differ¬ his desk With the powers has lesulted in widely different regulations Lieutenant de Faramond Mr Norman of In keenest interest the p ople of Washington hate followed the ences consequently goods labeled addition to their works of art Mr produced la- ¬ to coufoim to the the British Embassy Mr Hauge of the and Mrs b reports Hint v and infinite infusion in the matttr of Smith hate autlfied their homo hne romv from lle heiKiik of O L Tunleii hose ¬ Jtijir requiteinents of the national authority will be improp- Swedish Legation Mr Van RoiJIn and with many draperies of and beauti- ¬ seiious -- bels for the sale of honest and pure foods throughout illness has roused the of ¬ ful designs ricalest mietj ninon liis host lncntls erly labeled and illegal in some States and when prop- ¬ Count Montgelas of the German Amba- rich dark rugs from tho United ¬ Tor a quarter of a centurt JIajor lias the States National legislation of this charac- looms of the Orient sardine fish nets from Iruilen filled the responsible position el ly labeled for those States cannot become subject ssadors start the Mediterranean of Assist mt ter can oiiH complicate further the already compli ¬ ecclesiastic vestments Scr tnrt to the resilient and in all that time none knew ¬ from Venice a cated condition to intei state commerce under the national require- In Honor of Miss Roosevelt costum that once belonged him but to pniise him rnllillinir hlscomp1e dntits with rare fidelity he ments to an Arab of the desert and countless 2 It does not state and Miss Root daughter of the Secretary of bits of queer bric-a-br- has won the esteem and alTeetiii of sneoeediiif Presidents as ttell as of clearly understanding by 1 1n foicgoing objection should be eliminated iy from the far off War will give a theater party this even- ¬ corners of the earth all the subordinate oili whom its terms what is requited but instead gites to those proper amendment Among iils ttith his work has brought him in eon ing in honor of Miss Alice Roosevelt those Invited to yesterdays tea tact n both branehes of Congress a he were the French Ambassador the Swls3 his is familiar figure and counts Minister tho among A Studio Tea Artist3 Secretary of the Treasury their members some f liK stanehest friends With the members for and Mrs Shaw Senator and Mrs Bur- ¬ of the newspapet profession he is a prime faorite and in no other ciiele Mr and Mrs Carl K Smith gave a rows Senator and Mrs Dolliver General is studio tea in honor of Mls3 Smedley of and Mrs Corbin and a hundred and moro his lecotert more anlenth hoped for well The Dissection of the Pcets Mrs X known people In the world of society JIajor Irtidenh genial temperament lias made friends for him UNDER THE CAPITOL DOME Paris and P Wheeler yesterday and art heiecr afternoon their artistically beautiful he has gone A dignified at modest bearing proclaims the gentleman and his home 1253 The old fashioned plan of setting Kcnesaw Street Mrs Stilson Hutchins Entertains generally acknowledged sterling integrity insmes him respect in all the Senator Depews Speech Mr Green on the Chinese The host and hostess In grammar classes to parse extracts received the Mrs Slilson Hutchins entertained at a departments of Ids official uctititt Serious as is bK piesent illness his or parties were disposed Representatltc Henry D Green of drawing room though the entire house Senators both from the bst English authors has tea yesterday afternoon many friends and admirers still hope he will fight bib way to tecot to the speech of Senator Depetv Tcnnsjltanla Is one of the mostdellght was thrown open to the gue3ts Miss that discuss been discarded but in its place has ery and again gladden them with his cstcrday from a political standpoint On ful story tellers In the House And he Is Loud and Miss Allle McCIIntock presided Wedding Anniversary pieence appeared a system scarcely less cal- ¬ the floor Senator Blackburn referred to alwas sure to hate a crowd around hlra at the tea table which was prettily deco- ¬ The home culated to arouse in the mind of of Mr and Mrs John S Cle as a lesurrectlon of the bloody shirt in the Democratic cloak room etery the rated with pink carnations and Mrs Ed- ¬ it pupil an undying ments 1112 sixth Street northeast was of ¬ morning Pennsyl antipathy for classic gar Smith and Miss KIrkup aided In the THE MAN WHO ACHIEVES to be flaunted as a threat the deputa for the member from the scene of a merry gathering ¬ literature It is what may be called general Wednes- tion of Representatltes In the face of tania is aluajs obliging entertainment of the afternoon day otening In honor of eighteenth the dissection of the poets the those Southern Senators ttho should adto Mr Green is agin the Chinaman Ie Both Mr and Mrs Smltn are artists and anniversary of their wedding Progres There is a disposition among latter day notclists to choose for a hero wily To assert that a child of before purchasing Washington cate the passage of the popular elections wants the Celestial to remain in the twelve their home she euchre was Indulged In until IS be his achieiement commercial military or politi ¬ ¬ cannot a year the man ttho achietes amendment In the corridors It tvas also Orient and therefore is In fator of Chi- appreciate selections from ago they spent six years traveling oclock at which hour the guests repaired cal and morcoter to count anil lecount all the links of the chain by much commented upon and along the nese exclusion as provided for In the bill Tennyson and Shakespeare would be In Europe and the Far East Mr Smiths to the dining rooms where a delightful which he drags himself to the heights This is all right but there is one same lines recently passed by the House perilous for experience proves that work while abroad is represented b repast was served upon tables tastefully re- ¬ The gentleman from the Keystone State scores of some oth- ¬ Southern men pointed out that the some children of that age can and do cantases completed adorned flowers ¬ clement in it sometimes that is all wrong was one of the Congressional party that with The host and host of were enjov ¬ ers sketched In with a masterly brush ess were recipients of many Hotels marks the Senator from Philip- ¬ the best authors with an Inten beautiful In one or two recent the h ro has been a college graduate of last summer tisited China and the snap shots in oil to in memory gifts Among made on the day after the return of the sity not always by ¬ fastsn those present were Mrs fit e or so who begins to do things at that age and dominttes a pines Speaking of his visit to the Kion matched the In Annie Lyles iVciy from de ¬ Kingdom a scene to be worked out later on The and sons of Mrs President South Carolina and crj Mr Green jesterday drew terest of thtir elders A child who is Sarah Miss miscellaneous crowd of the roughest kind of men bt sheer will power That this picture of whole collection makes ono of the most Stewart Mamie Lyles of t clared that the speech would be certain Canton by temperament fitted to understand Philadelphia Miss Ella Lyles Miss sort of thing in and on stage once in a blue moon to destroy all the friendliness created by The most unique city in the world i3 interesting art exhibits in the city and OHo happens books the and poetry will feed on it as Clements Mr George Scharter Mr Will- ¬ that tlslt to my mind Canton which has two and another child reflects credit on tha painters industry as it happens in real life but not oftener drinks in delights iam Clements and Mr Charles Xorman a half millions of Inhabitant and not a the supposed to be well as his marvelous skill The trouble with the novelist who uses this sort of material is that he Mr Babcock on single wheel motes there not eien a more to childhood Party Outlookv suited But it is On ¬ To Be a Home wheelbarrow with no beast of burden ex ¬ easels in the first studio were com- Ceremony has a sneaking desire to make his hero a gentleman and is not willing to ¬ rare indeed to find a class of fifty Representatltc BabcocK of Wisconsin cept man More than that ve were un- pleted portraits of General Corbin la full Owing to a family bereavement tha rccogni7c the fact that there U i ertain picturesque talue in was one third of which is anywhere near uniform cither ttho Wednesda night re elected able to get through the streets In this city and Justice Anderson and filling marriage of Miss Emily Crace Given to except in bedan by from the ttalU of the room as ad- ¬ achievement cten for a man who is not a gentleman or the equally certain chairman of the Republican Congressional a chair carried this intellectual level To take a well as the Mr rendleton Dickinson three to four coolies The streets of the joining studios that covered the space of will take place ¬ committee takes a tery cheerful tletv if grammar sehool class pre fact that occasionally a man is i gentleman without hating had the con between in and under the entire third floor were at the original date April 15 but at tho prospects in city are sir and eight feet realistically ventional life of one The nnn who does things and especially in the the Republican the next width they rarely go bejond that There tcrsc of familiarizing them v ith the beautiful pictures depicting the scenes home of the bride Instead cf at the First campaign He that if present condi- ¬ se- ¬ rough and tumble of American life is most likely to be the man who has sajs is an immense amount of property n best literature to drill Into them customs and people of Holland France Baptist Church as originally arranged tions continue in the industrial world the shape of merchandise In that town lections from the poets is simply Rome Venice Tunis and Algiers to ¬ Invitations to the marriage hate been commenced his at a early age who been brought in con ¬ work- ¬ gether with home tak tery and has the Republicans will bo sure to maintain The people are most Industrious laying up misery tievs of Piney Branch canceled as the ceremony will be wit ¬ re- ¬ for some of them in and Rock whose tact vtith the hard facts of life when more fortunate oun rsters are still control of the House of Representatitcs men Etery kind of hand work that Creek natural beauties nessed only by members of both families a skilled is made in after life in addition to the dreariness fed on employed high wages quires artisan that the semblance of renlitr as labor is well at place I saw embroider there that must of tho immediate process of being prices of agricultural products and the have taken skilled women at least from made to appreciate a fine thing by arc phenomenally high three to six months to make and Jt ws main force Most people who hatp any The suggestion of moving the campaign soJ for tIie sum of from J250 to 1 In gold lote for books can of fine poems GOSSIP AND CHAT HEARD IN headquarters to New York Is again re and that of course took in the think talue of the materials which entered iuto which hate been absolutely spoiled for DANGEROUS CARELESSNESS vived as some of the members think that - It which were of the finest Skilled arli- them In thj way They cannot listen with headquarters there the committee sans lite here on f- - per month WASHINGTON HOTEL LOBBIES to the music of the lines without hear- ¬ The horrible triple murder In Philadelphia some das ago has proved would be In closer touch with Influences I have not time to go Into the detnils that are depended upon in a campaign but wheretcr sou turned the fjet lhat ing the droning or squeaking voice of among other things the great danger of taklrg into ones house as servants not count forced upon the prosperity of the labor diJ itself some ignorant joungstcr giting pre- ¬ New Pension Commissioner The Round Cotton pecrlc cf tvhese antecedents one knows nothing or at an rate little that i3 where commercial ourattentliHnertbinT was cheap but Bala in Politics country lb such an important factor Mr cisely the strong emphasis and in- ¬ I known new good There arc people are altogether too icrcless on this point and it labor was thecheapcst I asked at Hong- - hate the Commissioner One of the chief causes that led to tha tho KltCCck btllt thinks that the Republican how- - they of v kong juuim the British goternment tonation cannot think of the Pensions Mr Eugene F Ware for the defeat of Senator J K Jones In his race Is Jo be feared tlhey are in the majority in our cltilization So lens as a party will sooner or later tack e the tariff a tQ on in modify on roads the meaning without associating with it past thirty years said ex Congressman for re election was raan aoes his ttork they do not ask whether he Is moral or immoral honest question and the rates sCh 1 his connection with as arc to be too high nUlL U Winter mU received the the miscomprehension of childhood Van Voorhis of Rochester N Y at the company has p In police or schedules admitted men were raid 2 cents Mexi the that controls the process ot or dishonest whether he record the court not is ¬ rely that Arlington He thinks that when the taril amend- can which equal to 12S cents and The old fashioned custom of speak- ¬ manufacturing the round cotton So long as a woman does not steal their goods or destroy their property will bo done by Republirms is In my opinion Is right bale ed it the and women much ing pieces on Friday he the man for C by The of half as afternoon had its the place I do said Dr R Shinault of Helena Ark she may be immoral and degraded for all that they care or inquire This rule not the Democrats re election to bring peo- ¬ not think the President Congressional If wo want the American good points By this means the taste could at the Shoreham may hold in shops and factories but the home is the one place where it should the present officers of the ple down to the plane of life have made a happier selection Mr committee indicates the state of harmon that that of the child was left free to choose Ware is a lawjer of the very highest The people of Arkansas particularly not apply No care is too great to take where children are concerned and it exemplifies all we have to do is to open that exists in the organization to who know too poetry suited to its nature and ag ability and he will bring to the dis- ¬ the farmers look upon the company Is not they Le intrusted to those whose ideas of are our doors the hordes charge of St that should moralit much of wealth and the largo wages in many memory his duties all the legal acumen or sjndlcate owns the while cases the was and clearness of to hich tie patent misty Mr Barney Wanted for Governor can be in this country- - intellect essential that earned stored with things well worth re- ¬ their fulfillment for the round bale as a trust and One of the that came out In the etldencc at the trial of this case Thc Chinaman has many points by There is a strong probability that when membering At any rate it was better He Is moreoter a man ot fine liter- ¬ the knowledge that the Senator was finan ¬ tvas the murderer had been in a reformatory and also in and had which he will dritc out cten the American that Jail the Pifty eighth Congress assembles a should he come here People than the present plan of teaching ary attainments and has written some cially interested in the concern did him of petty workmen very poems The country can been conticted larceny also that he came from a decent famil new member may be returned from the make a great mistake who think he has by machinery enJoable much harm He always denied that it ¬ literature be congratulated upon his appointment The first three facts ought to hate stopped his finding employment in any district now represented by Mr S S Bar no virtue As a ttorkingman I know of was a trust and even exhibited a letter ordinary household If they were discotered at the time of his engagement as ney of Wisconsin This is not because none who has greater or more I will men- ¬ from W Bryan which exculpated few In plate he Is Hunters Paradise in Oregon J him ¬ tion Just a the first from charge but a senant There ought to be a place for people to earn an honest liting if Mr Barnejs constituents are at all dis temperate the somehow the voters they want to after hating been convicted of crime otherwise cltilization is satisfied with the manner In which he has Australian Opal Mining I reside in eastern Oregon remarked couldnt see It in that light You will ncter find a drunken Chlna Certainly ¬ On the contrary they Mr T S Kenncrly of Gelser Ore last the State will lose noth guilty of a crime not only against them but against itself but that place Is represented them ilan at work The drunken Chinaman Is ing in sending ex Got ernor Clark to v opium and Mining in Australia is on evening at the Riggs House and very tho not In the homes of well-to-d- o people where they are subjected to etery arc quite well pleased with his sertice hre the Chinaman uses carried in Senate He Is a gentleman of ability anJ so much so indeed that they want to that to no great extent I will say lr the most primitlte fashion the prospector often when In need of recreation take a fine character suspi-¬ temptation to repeat their wrong doings we may see of in and free from all make goternor of the Badger respectlte of what it not being able to carry heaty tooU in his chase after elk cion of trust associations The cases in which disaster has resulted from carelessness in this respect him the San Francsco and perhaps other towns State tratcling outfit The first process after It is the finest sport on earth accord ¬ are many One of the most revolting murders ctcr committed In the State But throughout the Chinese Empire the my A delegation of Wisconsin leaders was Chinaman temperate in the extreme arriting on any field i3 pegging out a ing to notion Our laws forbid the Mr Mahoays Popularity of New Hampshire was work of an cx Georgia who had been is killing of more than by one indi- ¬ the contlct from at the Capitol yesterday confeirlng with n1K temperance goe3 beyond that he Is claim a square cf fifty feet being allowed three Congressman William Mahony has re ¬ into the famll of a as man of work When a man who has had vidual during the season and as a rule taken farmer all Senator Spooncr and other members of really abstemioi s not only in drink In each man This is accomplished by insert ¬ turned to the Raleigh after an absence Congress State regarding food our hunters do not seek to evade this a good home and instruction is sent to the reform school and then to Jail It from this auto emokc but In alike ing four mulga stumps the cornera When a man got of some days m Chicago is doubtfut politics and especially with relation to At Shanghai I visited th opium at restriction has to his It Is good evidence that he ought not to take In the home of a prosper ¬ Joints In- ¬ sertice gubernatorial candidate this fall anil places where the na after doing which the shaft Is started Its limit howcter he will find plenty to whether in that great metropolis of the upon the dancing halls him in reducing the cinnamon ous man where he will hate no restraint except the restraint of fear his La Follette the present execu and enter- ¬ position in the claim gcnetally being de ¬ terest West there is a man of stronger personal Goternor tltes gather for amusement abound in the Blue Mountains bad impulses and where he will be conslantlv giten opportunity to commit tlte Is said to bate a strong faction op- ¬ tainment The hour was not later than termined as most things are by the side bears that popularity He knows thousands of vot ¬ There are old settlers In my neighbor- ¬ crime of one sort cr another posing him and his rcnomlnatlon is de about 10 oclock when I left and by that of a coin which comes down uppermost ers by their first names and they also clared unllkclj There has been mujii the opium joints had shut up and hood who insist that bear steak is choice The reformatories themscltes are more or less to blame for this especially time all The firat three feet or so consists of soft eating but I have never jet been able address him by his first name minus any talk about nominating State Senator their patrons departed for they were opinion In the case of girls as a student of sociology Mrs Llllie Chace Wyman Whitehead but he Is antagonized by the empty Few compsratltely of the Chi drift sand the deposit of countless to subscribe to that title pointed out some time ago Girls from the reform school are as a rule liberal German element of the State and nese ip China isc opium to excess t lilt -- willies or ustralian desert tor- ¬ Mr Mahony will not try to distin- ¬ ¬ Thriving Southern Cities guish taught no trade only housework and those of them who arc not unfit to be just at present there Is a decided senti It is just these facts Mr Green said nadoes Occasionally detached ironstone himself as an orator In the Houe setting In toward the selection of necessary to protect tho but when it cemes to faithful and honest ¬ ment that makes it uowiuers are met with in this which are I hate been over a good pat ot th taken Into families as domestic servants are likely to be dritcn to despera guberna- ¬ against com- ¬ work his people his rec ¬ Representative Barney as the American ttorkingman the carefully examined for signs of opal ma South lately said Mr L D Wilkes of for and district tion by the humiliations and Isolation of such a life torial standard bearer Those who were petition of Chinese labor ord will bear the closest investigation tn a substance always associated with St Paul Minn at the Shoreham It i3 about time that society thould seriously consider the question of the here yesterday are tery much In favor of the gem and supposed to be tery imma- ¬ Ever where I journesed I found the pretention of crime amGng people who are not et confirmed criminals and one his nomination General Wheeler at the Capitol Oxford Not Favored opal Magazine A people the prosperity ot their was buzzing nrounl ture sas Blackwoods elated at go way in which society can do it and can also protect itself is by strict intcs Bill Gen Joe Wheeler section A man who hasnt visited At- ¬ I wouldnt want any son ot mine to Call for Less Than the Canal a He Is hard conglomeration of ironstone pebbles tigatlon of the character of those who are taken into the household the Capitol yesterday busy as bee is lanta Ga for some ears would be as- ¬ to Oxford University to be educated even Morgan Introduced by re- ¬ next encountered in which colors Senator Interested in pritatc affairs he sajj of little hery specks of opal are frequently tonished at the changes which have been If that most remarkable man Cecil payment ¬ quest estcrday a bill for the Importance to his State and incidentally found This usually protes about four feet wrought sky scrapers and other evi- Rhodes did deem it a wise act to send Jl- dences of metropolitan growth are seen of file claims which aggregated - expresses the opinion that will in thickness after which an extremely American boys to the great English seat 23 In etery quarter Another place with a with interest to date only about eteutualy produce more iron than any hard porous and red formation Is strue K and great future is Memphis Tenn It Is a of learning remarkeJ Mr Ceorge Cary There Is a storj In the Senate that a bill State in the Union Much railroad build which turns white on exposure to air ho says m great commercial center a great railroad Eggleston the writer ot romance at tha was once passed for tho pamcnt of 1 lnrf Is going on there and iny This lattei substance vitrified mud the CURRENT PRI1S5 COMNIzMT are projected miners call It extends downward farther center with a wide awake progressive Arlington some ac- ¬ roads of who arc of in cent in order that officers General Wheeler thinks that practically than an one has jet pierced and in some class citizens full faith I bellete that a boy should get his - might be straightened out hut re go Democratic of the ultimate greatness of their town It j counts the entire South will at the iron leaders running through Its does a man good to In South training in the land he expects to lite in show any measure next election He thinks tint the vast body the miner hopes to find his long tratel the cent records do not the see tho spirit of ambition enter- ¬ and it seems to me a foreign educa- ¬ The Plaint of ths Worker A Different Sort of Strike only Congressional districts In looked for rise and and that apiropriatlng a sum as small as Senator doubtful prise that permeates the whole of the tion is not desirable The English uni Philadelphia Record Probably there Philadelphia Inquirer Just because It the South are one In one The miners hate a superstitious dread of cotton belt Morgans in Kintucky and two In Tennessee the ublquito is patch and will often leave tersities are generally speaking tor moro strenuous happens to be ¬ was never an example of true keep it Lefore the peo- The measure provides that the District Speaking of Cuban affairs General a field It the poth is too plentiful Potch oung men who belong to the titled class And yet ple Reunion of life than that of Cecil Rhodes that the strikes nott in progress In Commissioners may rceeite and audit fito Wheeler thinks that Cuba cannot prosper Is slnipl opai without the liting fire or Dizia Veterans and the atmosphere is aristocratic in ¬ when he came to die his lament was that this country differ from those which took piecc3 of special Un scrip for the re- ¬ If isolated from the United States They a- thu mineis sa cpal a million cars One of the foremost men of North Caro stead of democratic American colleges there was so much to do so little done place under the good old Democratic day3 demption of wnkh th re is no law now on need is as a market he sas and they too young It is ot all colors often in Una and measured by character and tot American boys will work out better amounts of thu we an bo of great hlp to tho eam anil been found In in my judgment Uto ¬ which Is to say the arc for thu statute books The realize that bnmc has aehietement one of men of than the somewhat that increases 2 74 2 TC 2 73 2 73 1 H Is of the nlon up Oc- - the foremost Hurry Call scrip aie and thrui General Winder oi sheets to three in lies in thickness pian ideas of the South African Colossus A of wages not against reductions Looked lespcetlvely lhat Gen litzhugh Leo would be a good isloually a tertiial Ironstone bar may tho South Gen Julian S Carr of Dur- ¬ Philadelphia Ledger The British Pacific at in the calm light ot the morning tho Thu bill will hato to be printed three man for Minister to Cuba intercept the potch scam in which case ham stood in the lobby of the Raleigh A Couch for a Princess cable has reached the Fiji Islands on its dluercnce la easily perceptible times In the Senate In addition to any tile potch dips and generally makes last ct cuing In House f- elasb or gem opal a deeper way from to Canada The indi reports that may be printed the - Into lirst at General Carr fought gallantly 33 a Australia ¬ op Is 1 When and polisher As Can It will hate a similar friendly consider- level The best ll ininriably foun carter shall havo cations are that it will be finished and at Depositors Testify so All of pritate in the Southern army aad his ation by the printcrb if It gets far Pcrsonal Notes About between two parallel bands Ironstone came from done with the bclstoad which is being work before this countrj has finished Minneapolis News A Chicago electri much more than but the fact that the existence of title his being at the head of of this printing will cost booul the United Confederate Veterans of made at Honolulu for Princess Kawansna one pro ¬ mention the the sllieious gem is largely due to enor- ¬ the talking about who shall build the cian can take a carbon point or something ihn hill tails for not to Washington People old North State He will go with old koa sho will repose In a couch truly by and by the Sen- ¬ mous compression and is usually more the posed for our use between the United of that kind and burn great holes in the time spent committees followers of Lee and Johnston to worthy of em- ¬ consid- ¬ color d when from hard Dallas a princess The woods and Philippines ate and House themseltcs in its exquisitely taken week to of Elates Hawaii the hardest kind of a bank safe But a fer countrj nothing Is actually known as to next attend the annual reunion ployed are kauila and kou and the carv ¬ - eration the veterans of Dixie They will hato a rounds with stocks wheat races poke- I Holmes Ins recovered its causes ings are representatives of all tho various Without a Doubt Mr ivrcnce train of six Pullmans and three lay and similar diterslons have been known Pennsylvania Governorship gup and resuuitd his oiUeial characterstics of the Islands to produce practically the same results from tho coaches and will reach Dallas a week from Philadelphia Bulletin Chicago Is now Re- ¬ Clear as Mud Monday one in New The wood from which posts It will be no surprise should tho duties next stopping day the tall of egltated oter the question of allowing I Angeles Orleans the bed arc made tvas Wounded in Us Tendcrest Spot of Pcnnsyltanla nominate for was killing time In Los the obtained from an wear the plumage of birds in publicans Mr Gregg of Baltimore and In tho course of some cnterlaining women to Rcprcscntatlto George It Pat Maurice other day said the drummer and an oil building and is thoroughly cured lu Unless the dames and damsels Cincinnati Commercial Tribune The goternor Mr George Scllar of London England reminiscences General Carr said There many being so their hats English friend of mine took me in to were 300 people In I places well done that It sovereign Stale of Maryland looks coldly terson oi tlio inirtecnin uhk rsrai of Capt and Mrs Warren about Durham wlnn of that city are radically different from sorting his first are guests and pulled me out to the golf links went there 1S70 Now theie are 17000 has been cracked and split The posts on a German alliance since the announce- ¬ district Mr Patterson is in their Meters eNcvhcrc it is hlgnly proba Beach some kind of a tournament was and I bellete we have the best town be- ¬ measure eight feet in height and from ment that Prince Henry like can ¬ In Congress and has made quite a where they v Ill continue to do as doesnt term tween Baltimore and New Orleans I top hlrt that Just vas back duck district secur- ¬ doing I couldnt see much but a lot the base to the which represents tho record as a hustler for his Miss Bell Herron is visiting Mrs bought a third interest in a tobacco fac- ¬ they please about It Illa of men and girls with suits pull- ¬ crown of Hawaii they will be when com- ¬ ing almost ctcrjthlng he has gono after Benson at Atlantic City biccle tory the fame of which has spread to the Not That Kind of a Sovereign go-a- ou pleaso walking match plete a mass of carting He Is about the only Republican mem ing off a uttermost parts of the earth I think our Anothers Opportunity Recder of Chattanooga Is The kou wood which is in Cincinnati Enquirer Tho apprehension as a can- ¬ Miss Suslo when all of a sudden a dub in n pair of brand can lay claim to the distinction of used tho hci who has not been mentioned Mrs Burnett of Ala Baltimore American Cecil Rhodes Iierponl Morgan will visiting her sister pink pantaloons slugged out with his being the only goods ever adtcrtlsed on head board is pierced for nine panels all that J tako the didate for governor 1012 Thirteenth Street north- ¬ one vague fancy and that ¬ bntrn at the pyramids of Egypt There were three of which are of kauila polished to tho cherished tas from coro- ¬ Is a firm belictcr in or- cane and my friend began to cheer to star role King Edward at the Mr Patterson west psrtners In the concern at first but I highest degree Surmounting this board to gather all the multl millionalrca Into is not well grounded ganization and Is alwns regulsr Ills beat a bloacherite nation Whatever ¬ finally bought the entiro interest for which will be placed bettven the high oco combination else may ho taid about Mr Morgan he friends say he would make an Ideal can- Miss Kalherine M Cromelln has return- ¬ Here I nothing lo root posts great goternor nnd as he belongs to sas theres 230000 will be a crown supported on has not achieved his greatness through didate for ed from her winter visit abroad I can mo noxt Now I am entirely out of but by of younger elcratnt tvhl h is now In con- ¬ about as see Put tobacco either side sheaves fern leaves Apotheosis cf Bath House John spangled togeery the He on me with n look of with- ¬ am too to retire from busi- ¬ The four posts will be works of trol he ought to be in tho running Mr Mrs T AuRenstcin has gone to Atlantic turned still actlte art ¬ Why ness intestments The crown surmount of lictv York ljess The triuraphunt elec has been a commercial trateler City her granddaughter Mrs ering scorn blast it he sas he and hato considerable will each them Just a Trifling Oversight Patterson lo visit Ms putt from tco but in cotton mills I bellete every cotton mill and the decorations will be dcslgn3 of tion of Bath House John Coughlln and 13 known from one end of tho Key ¬ M Majer foozled bartered cinched bogio on the hole In the South Is making money My son various fruits and flowers of the Islands famous citizen has New York Mail and Express Mr Bryan stone State to the other still the rrotes tllhor that this Johnson will Oh I why didnt you tell me who Is mnager for oue In which I am The foot of tho bed vtill be a grill work magnetism or has been kind enough to name Mr Nor- ¬ In addition to Mr Patterson there are Mr and Mrs Semms lento sos a powerful personal that of House who an automobile run from here to that before and tin owing my hat in the interesteJ told me recently that he would with spindles between two round poles man E Mack of Buffalo to New Yorks soteral other members the today for next tin combined press of Chicago gubernatorial ambitions aiming Quantlto Md Later in the season they air I elled as loudly as anybody I was not take another order until J inuary which connect the foot posts The woeds governor bate Le polished hss lost Its Infiucnco on the Inhabitants cf next Mr Bo an hns failed whom are Rcprescntatlto Iinham of expect to make k tour f greater length perfectly willing to be in the game but gites an Idea of tho tremendous ac are to The rails are of oak Ts a veneering kou ¬ Hcth House Johns ward If It etcr had however to Eet the conbent of the gov ¬ Ttvna Tfenrenentntite Allen of Kentucky on a round of tisits to relatives in the I wanted to know where my chips were titlty of our factories and the resultant with cf which will be re erned land Representative Rcetes of Illinois two St Paul Dispatch prosperity will I think be enduring lieved by a beading above and below