“Killing ” February 16th, 2020

Main Text: John 11:45-57 NOTES:______Review: ______ v.11:25 - ______ v.11:33 -  v.11:42b - ______


The Jewish and Roman Historical Context: ______ Rome had been stretching its power and influence far and wide all the ______way to . ______ Every time Jesus performed a miracle it would cause a disturbance. ______

 Many people desired Jesus to be the Messiah! ______ By killing Jesus, the religious leaders would keep a Messianic revolt from happening. This would keep peace with the Roman political and military ______leaders while securing the Temple and the Jewish heritage. ______Theology: ______Jesus is our substitutionary atonement ______(Reference from Moody Bible Institute) ______According to God’s Word, sin must be paid for. Christ's death was a payment to God for our sin. ______

 First, sin alienates us from God. ______ Second, God is holy. ______

 Third, the presence of sin renders us helpless. ______God, who is rich in mercy, sent Jesus Christ to die in our place. ______Confidence in Jesus: ______ What difference does it make in your life that your Lord holds the ______power over death? ______Additional Scripture References:

 Romans 6:4 Fear and worry are the tools of Satan. This is why we must  Ephesians 1:18-20  Matthew 6:24-27, 32-34 SEEK FIRST the Kingdom of God above all else.

LIVE Intentionally, LOVE Courageously

The Son of Man… Revealed Part 13: Killing Jesus Life Group Questions for 2.16.20:


 Stay accountable to the group. Did you pray for your Just One this week?  Was there anything that really stuck out to you from the Sermon this week?

Read & Discuss: John 11:45-57  How does understanding the historical context of the Jews and Romans help you understand the pressure and the rest of the Jewish leaders were under?

 What are some insights you gained from seeing how clearly these men were operating in fear?

 Does understanding that Jesus is our “substitutionary atonement” give you confidence and hope? Why or why not?


 How have your fears been “selfish-fears”?  What is one way you will act differently because of your confidence that Jesus has overcome the power of death?

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY… Ask God to help you see opportunities with your friends, family or neighbors this week. Say a friendly “hello”, give a friendly wave. Maybe even strike up a conversation, or compliment them on their house, yard, or car or…etc? Live Intentionally this week and Love someone in a Courageous way.