Translate and Label! An Encoder-Decoder Approach for Cross-lingual Semantic Role Labeling

Angel Daza and Anette Frank Leibniz ScienceCampus “Empirical Linguistics and Computational Language Modeling” Department of Computational Linguistics Heidelberg University 69120 Heidelberg, Germany {daza,frank}


We propose a Cross-lingual Encoder-Decoder model that simultaneously translates and gen- erates sentences with Semantic Role Labeling annotations in a resource-poor target language. Unlike annotation projection techniques, our model does not need parallel data during in- ference time. Our approach can be applied in monolingual, multilingual and cross-lingual settings and is able to produce dependency- Figure 1: We propose an Encoder-Decoder model that based and span-based SRL annotations. We translates a sentence into a target language and applies benchmark the labeling performance of our SRL labeling to the translated . In this example model in different monolingual and multilin- we translate from English to German and label roles for gual settings using well-known SRL datasets. the have. We then train our model in a cross-lingual set- ting to generate new SRL labeled data. Finally, we measure the effectiveness of our method by predicate (Marcheggiani et al., 2017; He et al., using the generated data to augment the train- 2017), and even jointly predict predicates inside ing basis for resource-poor languages and per- sentences (He et al., 2018; Cai et al., 2018). While form manual evaluation to show that it pro- these approaches alleviate the need for pipeline duces high-quality sentences and assigns accu- rate semantic role annotations. Our proposed models, they require sufficient amounts of training architecture offers a flexible method for lever- data to perform adequately. To date, such models aging SRL data in multiple languages. have been tested primarily for English, which of- fers a considerable amount of high-quality train- 1 Introduction ing data compared to other languages. The lack Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) extracts semantic of sufficiently large SRL datasets makes it hard to predicate-argument structure from sentences. This straightforwardly apply the same architectures to has proven to be useful in Neural Machine Trans- other languages and calls for methods to augment lation (NMT) (Marcheggiani et al., 2018), Multi- the training data in lower-resource languages. document-summarization (Khan et al., 2015), There is significant prior work on SRL data aug- AMR (Wang et al., 2015) and Read- mentation (Hartmann et al., 2017), annotation pro- ing Comprehension (Mihaylov and Frank, 2019). jection for monolingual (Furstenau¨ and Lapata, SRL consists of three steps: i) predicate detection, 2012; Hartmann et al., 2016), and cross-lingual ii) argument identification and iii) role classifica- SRL (Pado´ and Lapata, 2009; van der Plas et al., tion. In this work we focus on PropBank SRL 2011; Akbik et al., 2015, 2016). A drawback of (Palmer et al., 2005), which has proven its validity cross-lingual projection is that even at prediction across languages (van der Plas et al., 2010). While time it requires parallel sentences, a semantic role former SRL systems rely on syntactic features labeler on the source side, as well as syntactic (Punyakanok et al., 2008;T ackstr¨ om¨ et al., 2015), information for both language sides. Thus, it is recent neural approaches learn to model both ar- desirable to design an architecture that can make gument detection and role classification given a use of existing annotations in more than one lan-

603 Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 603–615, Hong Kong, China, November 3–7, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics guage and that learns to translate input sentences to another language while transferring semantic role annotations from the source to the target. Techniques for low-resource Neural (NMT) show the positive impact on target predictions by adding more than one language during training, such as Multi-source NMT (Zoph and Knight, 2016) and Multilingual Figure 2: Monolingual Enc-Dec model for SRL with NMT (Johnson et al., 2017; Firat et al., 2016a), copying (Daza and Frank, 2018). We generalize this whereas Mulcaire et al.(2018) show the advan- architecture to multilingual and cross-lingual SRL. tages of training a single polyglot SRL system that improves over monolingual baselines in lower- contain tokens of different languages if de- resource settings. In this work, we propose a gen- sired. This means that we could train an Enc-Dec eral Encoder-Decoder (Enc-Dec) architecture for model that learns not only to label a sentence, but SRL (see Figure1). We extend our previous Enc- to jointly translate it while applying SRL annota- Dec approach for SRL (Daza and Frank, 2018) to a tions directly to the target language. Moreover, cross-lingual model that translates sentences from following conceptually the multilingual Enc-Dec a source language to a (lower-resource) target lan- model proposed by Johnson et al.(2017), we can guage, and during decoding jointly labels it with train a single model that allows for joint training SRL annotations.1 with multiple language pairs while sharing param- Our contributions are as follows: eters among them. We apply a similar joint multi- • We propose the first cross-lingual multilin- lingual learning method to produce structured out- gual Enc-Dec model for PropBank SRL. put sequences in the form of translations enriched • We show that our cross-lingual model can with SRL annotations on the (lower-resource) tar- generate new labeled sentences in a target get language (cf. Figure3). We will apply this language without the need of explicit syntac- universal structure-inducing Enc-Dec model to the tic or semantic annotations at inference time. Semantic Role Labeling task, and show that it can • Cross-lingual evaluation against a labeled be deployed in three different settings: gold standard achieves good performance, i) monolingual: encode a sentence in a given comparable to monolingual SRL results. language and learn to decode a labeled sequence by reproducing the source words and inserting the • Augmenting the training set of a lower- appropriate structure-indicating labels in the out- resource language with sentences generated put (cf. Figure2). A copying mechanism (Gu by the cross-lingual model achieves im- et al., 2016) allows this model to reproduce the in- proved F1 scores on the benchmark dataset. put sentence as faithfully as possible. • Our universal Enc-Dec model lends itself to ii) one-to-one multilingual: train a single, joint monolingual, multilingual and crosslingual model to generate n different structure-enriched SRL and yields competitive performance. target languages given inputs in the same lan- guage. For example: Labeled English (EN-SRL) 2 An Extensible Model for SRL given an EN sentence or Labeled German (DE- SRL) given a DE sentence. This multilingual 2.1 One Model to Treat Them All model still relies on copying to relate each labeled We define the SRL task as a sequence transduc- output sentence to its corresponding input coun- tion problem: given an input sequence of tokens terpart. However, unlike (i), it has the advantage X = x1, ..., xi, the system is tasked to generate of sharing parameters among languages. a sequence Y = y1, ..., yj consisting of words in- iii) cross-lingual: generate outputs in n differ- terleaved with SRL annotations. Defining the task ent target languages given inputs in m different in this fashion allows X and Y to be of different source languages, for example: Labeled German lengths and therefore target sequences may also (DE-SRL) and Labeled French (FR-SRL) given an 1Code is available at: EN sentence (see Figure3). In this setting, we Heidelberg-NLP/SRL-S2S. do not restrict the model to copy words from the

604 source sentence but train it to translate them. mechanism proposed by Bahdanau et al.(2015), In Section 2.2 we describe how the basic Enc- which computes a context vector at each time step Dec model for SRL is constructed and in Section t based on H and the current decoder state. 2.3 we describe the additional components that al- Decoder. We use a single-layer Decoder with low us to generalize this architecture to the one-to- LSTM cells (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) one multilingual and cross-lingual scenarios. and a copying mechanism. It emits an output to- ken yt from a learned score ψg over the vocabulary 2.2 Encoder-Decoder Architecture at each time step t given its state st, the previous We reimplement and extend the Enc-Dec model output token yt−1, and the attention context vector with attention (Bahdanau et al., 2015) and copying ct. In addition, a copying score ψc is calculated. (Gu et al., 2016) mechanisms for SRL proposed by The decoder learns from these scores when to gen- Daza and Frank(2018). This model encodes the erate a new token and when to copy from the en- source sentence and decodes the input sequence coded hidden states H. Formally we compute the of words (in the same language) interleaved with scores as: SRL labels. ψ (y = v ) = W [s ; c ], v  V ∪ L Data Representation. Similar to other prior g t i o t t i T (1) work (Liu et al., 2018) and our own (Daza and ψc(yt = xj) = σ(hj Wc)st, xj  X Frank, 2018), we linearize the SRL structure in where W  N×2ds and W  dh×ds are learn- order to process it as a sequence of symbols suit- o R c R able parameters and s , c are the current de- able for the Enc-Dec architecture. We restrict our- t t coder state and context vector, respectively. These selves to argument identification and labeling of scores are used to compute two distributions: one one predicate at a time. We feed the gold pred- for the likelihood of copying (c) y and another for icate in training and inference, and process each t the likelihood of generating (g) y . Formally: sentence as many times as it has predicates. An t opening bracket (# indicates the start of a labeled- p(y |s , y , c , H) = p(y , g|s , y , c )+ argument region; a closing labeled bracket, e.g. t t t−1 t t t t−1 t A0), indicates the ending and the tag of the labeled p(yt, c|st, yt−1, H) (2) region (see Figure2). The two distributions are then normalized by Vocabulary. We define a shared vocabulary a final softmax layer from which we compute a consisting of all source and target words V = joint likelihood of yt and choose the token with {v , ..., v } ∪ {UNK} and the SRL labels L = 1 N the highest score within this joint likelihood. {l1, ..., lM }. In addition, we employ a per-instance extension set X = {x1..., xTx } containing all 2.3 Multilingual Extensions words from the source sequence. Our final vocab- We generalize the monolingual Enc-Dec model for ulary is V ∪ L ∪ X . SRL to a multilingual SRL system by adding two Encoder. In our prior work (Daza and Frank, main components: 2018) we used a 2-layer BiLSTM as encoder. In Translation Token. Like Johnson et al.(2017), this paper, we adopt the Deep BiLSTM Encoder we prefix the source sequence with a special token from He et al.(2017) which has been shown to that indicates the expected language of the target work well for SRL models. Again following He sequence. If the source is in EN and the target is a et al.(2017), we define the encoder input vector German sentence with SRL labels, the source sen- xi as the concatenation of a wi tence will be preceded by the token <2DE-SRL>. and a binary predicate-feature embedding pi indi- Language Indicator Embeddings. We want cating at each time-step whether the current word the model to profit from the common role label 2 is a predicate or not . The encoder outputs a se- inventory used across languages, yet at the same ries of hidden states h1, ..., hTx representing each time there are subtle differences in role labeling token. We refer to this series of states as H. and how roles are linguistically marked in the dif- Attention. To improve the access to the source ferent languages3. Hence, we define N different sentence representation, we include the attention language indicators (e.g., FR, DE) and represent

2These two additions already show improvements com- 3e.g. the role A2 (Beneficiary) can be PP in EN and FR, pared to the reported results in Daza and Frank(2018). but dative NP in DE (DativeNP)

605 Figure 3: A universal structure-inducing Enc-Dec model with copying and sharing of parameters across languages that jointly translates and labels sentences. It can also be trained cross-lingually and be augmented with classic machine translation data (as shown in the two bottom rows of the figure).

each of them with a randomly initialized language dicator embedding lt−1 and the attention context indicator vector that we tune during training. The vector ct: model can use these language indicator embed- ding vectors to leverage language-specific proper- st = LST M([st−1; yt−1; lt−1; ct]) (4) ties when generating SRL annotations. Also, by using these embeddings in the decoder, we can 3 Data help it to stay consistent regarding the language 3.1 SRL Monolingual Datasets it generates4. Two labeling schemes have been established Thus, in all multilingual settings, at each time for PropBank SRL: span-based and dependency- step t we feed the Encoder with a concatenation based. In the former, arguments are characterized of the previous encoder state h , the word em- t−1 as word-spans. This scheme was introduced in the bedding w of the current token, the embedded t CoNLL-05 Shared-task (Carreras and Marquez` , predicate indicator p and the language indicator t 2005) and is available only for English. In the embedding l . The Encoder state update is defined t dependency-based SRL format, only the syntactic as: heads of arguments are labeled. This format was defined in the CoNLL-09 Shared task (Hajicˇ et al., ht = LST M([ht−1; wt; pt; lt]) (3) 2009), which includes SRL labeled data for seven 6 Likewise, on the Decoder side we concatenate languages. the representations for both word tokens and la- We will use span-based and dependency-based bel tokens with the language indicator vector to data for English to benchmark the monolingual produce tokens in a specific language. For SRL- system. For the multilingual experiments, we labeled output sentences the indicator token for the use the dependency-based annotations, given that language embedding is DE-SRL, FR-SRL, ... de- there is labeled data available in different lan- pending on the target language. Formally, at each guages on this format. Specifically, we use the time step the decoder updates its state by taking English and German portions of CoNLL-09 and the automatically annotated French SRL corpus into account the previous decoder state st−1, the 5 of van der Plas et al.(2011) for training and the previous generated token yt−1, the language in- human-labeled sentences from van der Plas et al. 4Johnson et al.(2017) only use a translation token, but our (2010) for testing. Both corpora contain a similar training data is significantly smaller than theirs. 5During training we use teacher forcing, feeding the gold 6Note that CoNLL-09 is not a parallel corpus. All data target token instead of the previously generated token was annotated independently and later ported to CoNLL.

606 Mono- Language Train Test improve the translation quality of the model, we lingual # Sents w/ 1-Pred w/ 1-Pred CoNLL-05 EN [Span] 75,187 94,497 5,476 use 90% for training and the rest as a development CoNLL-09 EN [Dep] 39,279 180,446 10,626 set. The data is summarized in Table2. CoNLL-09 DE [Dep] 36,020 39,138 2,044 v.d. Plas FR [Dep] 40,075 73,094 2,036 4 Experiments and Results Table 1: Train and Test Data for Monolingual Models. 4.1 General Settings We show the original number of sentences and the size of the ”expanded” data with one copy per predicate. We use the AllenNLP (Gardner et al., 2018) Enc- Dec model as a basis for our implementation. Our Cross-lingual Model # Sentences model is trained to minimize the negative log- EN - DE-SRL (Akbik, 2015) 63,397 likelihood of the next token. Hyperparameters and EN - FR-SRL (Akbik, 2015) 40,827 model sizes are provided in Supplement A.1. We EN - FR (UN) 100,000 use pre-trained word embeddings (fine-tuned dur- EN - DE (Europarl) 100,000 ing training) for the 3 languages: GloVe (Pen- Table 2: Data used for Cross-lingual Models: From the nington et al., 2014) for EN and the pre-trained SRL parallel data available we take 90% for training vectors from Grave et al.(2018) for FR and DE. and use the rest as a Dev set for our experiments. We We also train versions with contextual word repre- add the non-labeled data (from UN and Europarl) dur- sentations: pre-trained English 1024-dimensional ing training to enforce translation knowledge. ELMo (Peters et al., 2018) and multilingual 768- dimensional BERT-small (Devlin et al., 2019) rep- label set as the English PropBank7. For statistics resentations. on the size of the datasets see Table1. 4.2 Monolingual Experiments and Results 3.2 Datasets for Cross-lingual SRL We train three separate monolingual versions for We use the dependency-based labeled German EN, DE and FR. We first benchmark our system and French SRL corpus from Akbik et al.(2015) against a wide variety of English models (span- which was produced via annotation projection. and dependency-based) that perform the role clas- These sentences are already pre-filtered to ensure sification task with gold predicates to show that that the predicate sense of the source predicate is our labeling performance is competitive with the preserved in the target sentence. Since the role la- existent SOTA neural models for English. This is bels are projected from automatically PropBank- shown in Table3. The performance of DE and parsed English sentences, all languages share the FR is shown in Table4 where we compare all same label set. The underlying corpus for this monolingual systems for the three languages (top dataset is composed of Machine Translation (MT) half), against the one-to-one multilingual versions parallel corpora: Europarl (Koehn, 2005) for EN- (bottom half). Results for EN show that the Enc- DE (about 63K sents), and UN (Ziemski et al., Dec architecture is competitive with the GloVe- 2016) for EN-FR (about 40K sents). based models (although still 4 F1 points below Since we only had access to the labeled sen- SOTA in most cases), however it benefits more tences (target-side), we constructed our parallel from ELMo, achieving SOTA results for span- training pairs EN to FR-SRL and EN to DE-SRL by based and dependency-based SRL. finding the original source English counterparts. We use Flair (Akbik et al., 2018) to predict Prop- 4.3 Multilingual Experiments and Results Bank frames on the English source sentences and We train a single multilingual model with the con- find the alignment to the labeled predicate on the catenation of the training data for the three lan- target side using fast-align (Dyer et al., 2013). guages EN, DE and FR that we previously used on In addition to the parallel SRL-labeled data, we the monolingual experiments. We use a common choose a subset of 100K parallel (non-labeled) vocabulary for the three languages and keep all to- sentences for each language pair from the men- kens that occur more than 5 times in the combined tioned MT datasets (Europarl and UN corpora) to dataset. We train the model with batches contain- ing instances randomly chosen from the individual 7French data was directly annotated using the English la- belset but German CoNLL-09 contains additional core labels languages (this means that each batch might con- A5-A9 and does not contain AM- modifier labels tain examples from different language pairs).

607 Type Model Word CoNLL-05 CoNLL-09 because the model needs to learn two tasks: be- Repres. WSJ OOD WSJ OOD He 2017 GloVe 84.6 73.6 - - sides generating appropriate SRL labels, it needs Daza 2018 GloVe 79.2 68.4 - - to translate from source into a target language. To He, 2018 ELMo 83.9 73.7 - - do so, we train a single model using the concate- Tan, 2018 GloVe 84.8 74.1 - - nation of the parallel datasets listed in Table2 and Strubell 18 [LISA] GloVe 84.6 74.5 - - Span SRL Strubell 18 [LISA*] ELMo 86.5 78 - - described in Section 3.2. We further include Ma- Ouchi 2018 ELMo 88.5 79.6 - - chine Translation (MT) data to reinforce the trans- Roth 2016 DPE* - - 87.7 76.1 lation knowledge of the model, so that it can gen- Marcheggiani 2017 Dyer* - - 87.7 77.7 Dep SRL erate fluent (labeled) target sentences. As in the Cai et al 2018 GloVe - - 89.6 79 FitzGerald 2015 GloVe 80.3 72.2 87.8 75.5 multilingual experiments, we train the model with Li 2019 ELMo 87.7 - 90.4 - alternating batches of instances randomly chosen Ours [Mono] GloVe 80.4 70.5 85.5 75.7

Dep and from the individual language pairs. Note that the Span SRL Ours [Mono] ELMo 88.3 80.9 90.8 84.1 amount of MT data that we can add is restricted: Table 3: CoNLL-09 and CoNLL-05 Test Sets for En- the labeled multilingual data is relatively small glish. Our model with ELMo shows SOTA perfor- and labeling performance suffers when the MT mance on both types of SRL. LISA* only reports data gets too dominant. ELMo with predicted predicates; DPE*: dependency path embeddings; Dyer*: Dyer et al. 2015. Evaluating Cross-lingual SRL. As in classical MT, evaluation is difficult, since the system out- Model EN-Test DE-Test FR-Test puts will approximate a target reference but will SOTA models* 90.4 80.1 73 never be guaranteed to match it. Hence in this Ours-EN [Mono + GloVe] 85.5 - - setting we do not have a proper gold standard to Ours-DE [Mono + GloVe] - 61.9 - Ours-FR [Mono + GloVe] - - 70.3 evaluate the labeled outputs, since we are generat- Mulcaire 2018 [Multi + GloVe] 86.5 69.9 - ing labeled target sentences from scratch. Similar Ours [Multi + GloVe] 87 68.2 70.5 to MT research, we apply BLEU score (Papineni Ours [Multi + ELMo] 91.1 75.7 70.7 et al., 2002) to measure the closeness of the out- Ours [Multi + BERT] 89.7 77.2 72.4 puts against our Dev Set. Table 4: F1 scores for role labeling on dependency- The upper part of Table5 compares the scores based SRL data. EN and DE Tests: CoNLL-09; FR- of two versions of the Enc-Dec model trained on Test: van der Plas et al.(2011). State of the art (SOTA) the cross-lingual data from Table2 systems, one ∗ models are: Cai et al.(2018) [GloVe] for EN, Roth using GloVe embeddings and the second using and Lapata(2016) [Dependency-path Embeddings] for BERT, respectively. To better distinguish trans- DE and van der Plas et al.(2014) [Non-neural] for FR, respectively. lation vs. labeling quality, we compute BLEU scores for the system outputs against labeled ref- erence sentences in three different ways: on words Multilingual training yields improvement on the only, labels only, and on full labeled sequences three languages studied in this paper when com- (both word and label outputs). We see that the pre- pared to our monolingual baselines, particularly diction of words is similar in the two languages, for German, which shows more than 6 points but labeling is more difficult for DE than for FR (F1) of improvement. In addition, we compare for both systems. Also we observe that adding with the polyglot SRL system of Mulcaire et al. multilingual BERT is very helpful to obtain even (2018) (which also leverages data from multiple more fluent and correct labeled outputs (according languages during training), obtaining better re- to BLEU) resulting in ca. +9 points in German sults for English using GloVe. We then show that and +5 in French on the full sequences. This is adding contextual representations to our model re- very important given that we have a small training sults in bigger improvements across the board. set compared to classic NMT scenarios. The bottom part of Table5 shows the scores 4.4 Cross-Lingual Experiments and Results when restricting the evaluation to sentences with 8 Training. After validating the robustness of our score ≥ 10. We observed that this threshold is architecture when handling different languages at a good trade-off in both the amount of kept sen- the same time, we now train a cross-lingual SRL tences (above the threshold) and average BLEU version. This setting differs from the previous two 8We tried with thresholds of 5, 10, 20 and 30.

608 German French 4.5 Cross-Lingual Detailed Evaluation Model [Filter] F-Seq Word Label F-Seq Word Label XL-GloVe [All] 18.86 17.17 25.52 28.99 17.36 32.76 We are aware that BLEU score gives only a rough XL-BERT [All] 27.22 27.36 29.59 33.59 22.48 37.17 XL-GloVe [≥ 10] 30.58 36.71 51.68 38.99 43.79 61.73 estimate of the actual quality of the outputs, there- XL-BERT [≥ 10] 36.95 41.36 55.73 42.66 46.52 65.32 fore we propose to measure the performance of our system in two more detailed evaluation set- Table 5: Cross-lingual (XL) system results using tings: (i) a small-scale human evaluation where BLEU score on individual languages inside the Dev set. we evaluate the assigned SRL labels against 226 We compute BLEU on labeled sequences (F-Seq), and separately for words and only labels. We also show sentences that were manually judged and anno- scores when pre-filtering on F-Seq with BLEU ≥ 10. tated to give an estimation of the quality of the generated data, (ii) an extrinsic evaluation using labeled sentences generated by our system to aug- score increase (presumably sentence quality). By ment the training set for a resource-poor language. keeping only the filtered subset of sentences we We conduct the extrinsic evaluation on German get an improvement on average of approx. 10 and French and the manual evaluation only on the BLEU points on the full sequences (F-Seq), and German data, which proved to be the more chal- almost double the score for labels only. This holds lenging language compared to French. for GloVe and BERT versions on both languages. 4.5.1 Human Evaluation Output Filtering and Data Generation. We use our cross-lingual model as a labeled data gen- To provide an in-depth quality assessment of the erator by applying it on EN sentences from Eu- generated sentences, we create a small-scale gold roparl (100K) and UN corpora (100K)9 and let standard consisting of 226 sentences. To select a the model predict DE-SRL and FR-SRL as target representative sample from our newly generated 11 languages. This results in unseen German and labeled sentences, we analyze the distribution of French labeled sentences. Since we cannot guar- labels in the data and apply stratified sampling to antee that the generated sentences preserve the cover as many predicates as possible and as many source predicate meaning, we filter all outputs by role label variants as possible. We judge these sen- keeping only those that come close to the origi- tences on the quality of the generated language nal sentence meaning. We approximate this by and annotate them with PropBank roles. back-translating the generated outputs (stripping SRL Gold Standard. As we are lacking trained the labels and keeping only the words) using the PropBank annotators, we mimic the question- pre-trained DE-EN model from OpenNMT (Klein based role annotation method of He et al.(2015), et al., 2017). who constructed QA pairs in order to label the We compare the back-translations to the sen- predicate-argument structure of verbs. The anno- tences that we originally presented to the sys- tation involves several subtasks: The first is to gen- tem and, using the previously described filtering erate questions targeting a specific verb in a sen- heuristic, we keep only those whose BLEU score tence and to mark as answers a subset of words is equal or greater than 10. The logic behind this from the same sentence. The next subtask is to is that if the back-translation is close enough to choose the head word of each selected subset and the source, the generated sentence preserves a fair to assign a PropBank label to this head accord- 10 amount of the original sentence meaning . With ing to a table that correlates WH-phrases with the this strategy, after applying the BLEU filter, we most likely label.12 end up with a parallel dataset of 44K generated We ask two linguistically trained annotators to sentences for (EN, DE-SRL) and 32K for (EN, FR- perform the whole task independently and com- SRL). In the next section we show more detailed pute Krippendorff’s Alpha (Krippendorff, 1980) evaluation measures of the system outputs, focus- on the role labels, which results in an inter- ing on the filtered dataset that we just described. annotator agreement score of 82.83. We resolved 9Note that these are taken from a different subset than the conflicting annotations through discussion among parallel sentences used during training. 10BLEU score is used as a naive approach to avoid exces- 11i.e., the generated sentences for which we measured a sively noisy data but we could also develop, for example, a se- BLEU score ≥ 10 against the source using back-translation. mantic similarity metric to also keep sentences that are close 12We provide this correlation table and the full annotation enough to the original predicate sense meaning. guidelines in appendix A.2 in the Supplement.

609 the annotators. The resulting gold standard con- Model + Training Data Data Size F1 Test tains 737 annotated roles. Notably, the most DE [Mono] (Original) 39K 61.9 prominent roles (as in the CoNLL datasets) are A0 DE [Mono] + LabelProj 83K 62.37 and A1 which are normally related to the agent and DE [Mono] + OurGen10K 49K 62.4 the patient in sentences, but the annotated data also DE [Mono] + OurGen20K 59K 62.46 includes modifier roles such as temporal, modal, DE [Mono] + OurGen30K 69K 62.81 DE [Mono] + OurGenALL 83K 63.57 discourse markers, among others13. FR [Mono] (Original) 73K 70.3 Translation Quality. We ask two different an- FR [Mono] + LabelProj 105K 70.45 notators to score each output sentence (they see FR [Mono] + OurGen10K 83K 70.33 only the words, not the labels) on a scale of 1-5 FR [Mono] + OurGen20K 93K 70.52 for Quality (1: ‘is completely ungrammatical’; 5: FR [Mono] + OurGenALL 105K 70.39 ‘is perfectly grammatical’) and for Naturalness (1: Table 6: We retrain the monolingual systems DE, FR ‘The sentence is not what a native speaker would using the original training sets (BL: Original) shown write’; 5: ‘The sentence could have been written in Table1 and inject our generated data in different by a native speaker’). We obtain a high average sizes. We also compare to the stronger baseline La- score of 4.4 for Quality and 4.2 for Naturalness. belProj where we add data created by label projection (Akbik et al., 2015). SRL Performance on Gold Standard. We use our human-annotated sentences to measure the au- tomatic labeling performance of our cross-lingual bel scheme has arguments not seen in our train- SRL model which we call XL-BERT). We obtain ing data (namely A5-A9). Presumably we see this 73.21 F1 score (73.33 precision, 73.1 recall). We improvement because the frequency of the major also measure the performance of the ZAP label roles is more prominent. In the case of French, we projection system of Akbik and Vollgraf(2018) on don’t see significant improvement, however also this data (we only consider arguments of the pred- here the addition of projected data shows a similar icates that were annotated). ZAP obtains a low F1 trend. score of 56.03 (42.65 precision, 81.7 recall). Thus, XL-BERT shows much better, and more precise 5 Related Work results compared to this baseline and achieves Encoder-Decoder Models. A wide range of overall very acceptable and stable labeling quality. NMT models are based on the Encoder-Decoder This shows that the joint translation-labeling task approach (Sutskever et al., 2014) with atten- is successful. ZAP, by contrast, shows more unsta- tion mechanism (Bahdanau et al., 2015; Luong ble results, which might be due to word alignment et al., 2015). More recent architectures (Zoph noise. Although we train on such data, our model and Knight, 2016; Firat et al., 2016a) show that can also loose some of this noise, given that the training with multiple languages performs better same model is trained to produce more than one than one-to-one NMT. Multilingual models have labeled language, namely FR-SRL and DE-SRL. also been trained to perform Zero-shot translation 4.5.2 Extrinsic Task: Data Augmentation (Johnson et al., 2017; Firat et al., 2016b). The Enc-Dec approach has been tested in many tasks Finally, we augment the training sets of our two that can be formulated as a sequence transduc- resource-poor languages DE and FR, in portions tion problem: syntactic parsing (Vinyals et al., of 10K until we cover the complete generated data. 2015), AMR and (Konstas et al., We compare the increase in F1 score when training 2017; Dong and Lapata, 2016) and SRL (Daza and models with different amounts of additional data. Frank, 2018). The most similar approach to ours We also add a comparison of the improvement is Zhang et al.(2017), who propose a cross-lingual achieved when adding the same amount of sen- Enc-Dec that produces OpenIE-annotated English tences produced by the labeled projection method given a Chinese sentence. However, their setup of Akbik et al.(2015). We see in Table6 that is easier than ours since they have a reliable la- adding our German data shows improvement in beler on the target side, facilitating the generation F1 score, despite the fact that the CoNLL-09 la- of more training data unlike us who are interested 13The label distribution is given in the Supplement, A.3. in labeling the resource-poor language.

610 Cross-lingual Annotation Projection. A com- 6 Conclusions mon approach to address the lack of annotations is projecting labels from English to a lower-resource We presented the first cross-lingual SRL system language of interest. This has shown good results that translates a sentence and concurrently labels in the transfer of semantic information to target it with PropBank roles. The proposed Enc-Dec languages. Kozhevnikov and Titov(2013) propose architecture is flexible: as a monolingual system an unsupervised method to transfer SRL labels to the model achieves SOTA for English PropBank another language by training on the source side role labeling, the multilingual SRL system shows and using shared feature representations for pre- that joining multiple languages improves SRL per- dicting on the target side. Pado´ and Lapata(2009) formance over the monolingual baselines, and a project FrameNet (Baker et al., 1998) SRL la- cross-lingual system can be used to generate SRL- bels by searching for the best alignment in source labeled data for lower-resource languages. Eval- and target constituent trees, defining label transfer uation of the cross-lingual system shows that the as an optimization problem in a bipartite graph. quality-filtered sentences are highly grammatical van der Plas et al.(2011) use intersective word and natural, and that the generated PropBank la- alignments between English and French with ad- bels can be more precise than label projection. Us- ditional filtering heuristics to determine whether ing our labeled data beats a label projection base- a PropBank label should be transferred and then line when using it to augment the training set of a use this to train a joint syntactic-semantic parser lower-resource language. for both languages. Akbik et al.(2015) proposes An advantage of our proposed model is that it a higher-confidence projection by first creating a does not need parallel data at inference time. Our system with high precision and low recall and then current model can possibly be further improved by using a bootstrap approach to augment the labeled adding more automatically generated data in the data. data augmentation scenario, or by targeted selec- tion in an active learning setting. Current limi- Separately, Minard et al.(2016) generated a tations of the system may be alleviated by pre- multilingual event and time parallel corpus includ- training the model to acquire better translation ing SRL annotations. Their corpus was manually knowledge from larger training data, and by de- annotated on the English side and automatically veloping more refined filtering methods. projected to Italian, Spanish, and Dutch based on In future work we also aim to make the system the manual alignment of the annotated elements. more flexible, by extending it to few-shot or zero- Unfortunately, the authors do not report the per- shot learning, to alleviate the need for an initial formance of the SRL task, making it difficult for big annotated set, and thus to be able to generate us to use their data for benchmarking. SRL data for truly resource-poor languages. Fur- Semantic Role Labeling. Span-based SRL ther challenges for this novel architecture are to only exists on English data (Zhou and Xu, 2015; extend it to joint predicate and role labeling for He et al., 2018; Strubell et al., 2018; Ouchi et al., more than one predicate at a time. 2018). Dependency-based SRL models such as (Marcheggiani and Titov, 2017; Cai et al., 2018; Acknowledgements Li et al., 2019) are the state-of-the-art for En- glish. For French, we compare against van der We thank the reviewers for their insightful com- Plas et al.(2014) since we did not find more recent ments. This research is funded by the Leibniz work for that language. Roth and Lapata(2016) ScienceCampus Empirical Linguistics & Compu- show a model based on dependency path embed- tational Language Modeling, supported by Leib- dings that achieved SOTA in English and German. niz Association grant no. SAS2015-IDS-LWC The Polyglot SRL model of Mulcaire et al.(2018) and by the Ministry of Science, Research, and shows some improvement over monolingual base- Art of Baden-Wurttemberg. We thank NVIDIA lines when aggregating all multilingual data avail- Corporation for donating GPUs used in this re- able from CoNLL-09, while more refined integra- search. We are grateful to our annotators and to tion did not show further improvement. Their sys- Eva´ Mujdricza-Maydt´ for her assistance with the tem does not perform better than our multilingual human evaluation setup. models for English and German.

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