(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,913,760 B2 Carr Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,913,760 B2 Carr Et Al USOO691376OB2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,913,760 B2 Carr et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 5, 2005 54) DRUG DELIVERY COMPOSITION B ennett, et al.,1. "A peripheral mononeuropathyhv iin rat pro (75) I nVentOS. DanielDaniel B.S. CCar CheStnut Hill,HI MA duces disorders of pain Sensation like those Seen in man', (US); Andrzej W.s Lipkowski,s Warsaw Pain,ain, 33(1)33(1): 87-107,s 1988. (PL); Donald L. Wise, Belmont, MA Carr, et al., “Spinal tube of analgesia: Opiods and future (US); Vasif Hasirci, Ankara (TR) options”, Neural Blockade in Clinical Anesthesia and Man (73) Assignee: New England Medical Hospitals, Inc., agement of Pain, Cousins and Bridenbaugh, eds., 915-983, Boston, MA (US) 1998. 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U.S. Patent Jul. 5, 2005 Sheet 6 of 6 US 6,913,760 B2 p < 0.05 Control group 1O N HM group BP group -15 - Sexs HM + BP group single dose double dose in the experiment with double dose (t-test): p < 0.05 control group vs HM, BP and HM + BP group x p < 0.05 HM + BP group vs HM group and BP group ^ p < 0.05 HM group vs BP group is 4 US 6,913,760 B2 1 2 DRUG DELIVERY COMPOSITION The device is administered topically (e.g., on or into dermal tissue Such as skin), locally (e.g., implanted or This application claims priority to provisional applica injected directly around a nerve Supplying a painful area in tion U.S.
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