July 2009 1663 Los Alamos Science and Technology Magazine July 2009 the Complicated Network of Transmission a Very Chilly –300°F, to Become Superconducting
loslos alamos alamos science science and and technology technology magazine magazine JUJULYLY 20 20 09 09 Wired for the Future Cyber Wars Have SQUIDs, Will Travel 1663 A Trip to Nuclear North Korea About Our Name: during World War ii, all that the 1663outside world knew of los alamos and its top-secret table of contents laboratory was the mailing address—P. o. Box 1663, santa Fe, new mexico. that box number, still part of our address, symbolizes our historic role in the nation’s from terry wallace service. PrINcIPaL aSSocIatE DIrEctor For ScIENcE, tEchNoLogy, aND ENgINEErINg located on the high mesas of northern new mexico, los alamos national laboratory was founded in 1943 to build the first atomic bomb. it remains a premier scientific laboratory, dedicated to national security in its broadest the Scientist Envoy INSIDE FroNt coVEr sense. the laboratory is operated by los alamos national security, llc, for the department of energy’s national nuclear security administration. features About the Cover: artist’s conception of a hacker’s “trojan horse,” in cyberspace. los alamos fights an mosArchive unending battle against trojan horses, worms, and la other forms of malicious software but is spearheading LosA research to play offense rather than defense in the Wired for the Future 2 During the Manhattan Project, Enrico Fermi, Nobel Laureate and leader of SUPErcoNDUctINg WIrES MIght traNSForM ENErgy DIStrIBUtIoN ongoing cyber wars. F-Division, meets with San Ildefonso Pueblo’s Maria Martinez, famous worldwide for her extraordinary black pottery. from terry wallace cyber Wars The Scientist Envoy 6 thE UNENDINg BATTLE For coNtroL Since the middle of the His direct experience with both plutonium metallurgy nineteenth century and the and international diplomacy have allowed him to days of Mendeleev, Darwin, communicate with the North’s weapons scientists, Pasteur, and Maxwell, obtain accurate information about the country’s scientists have helped to plutonium capabilities, and report his findings to the have SQUIDs, Will travel 12 better society.
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