!"#$ ()*+ -."d$+(.% 0#1(r +$+ 5"(6d(%)7 "(+ 89:9 • New York, NY 10118 ;* :> >8@A8486 • Fax: (212) 643A8>BC www.humanrightsfoundation.org •
[email protected] DEF6$G $G36 January 27, 2011 H!IJ'MIL The Honorable Trinidad Jiménez García-Herrera JLM0'LIMJNLIO HNPLHJO Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain Q3%%3 I%d3r,.% Plaza de la Provincia, 1 Dd(#(r R.G,RS Via fax and express mail ;$d3% S$+,. Madrid, Spain T$rr $,1$r.G Dear Minister Jiménez: Mr O$$r U6G$r D$r 6.,$ The Human Rights Foundation (HRF) respectfully writes to you, as Minister of Foreign V$FW"36(%3 M."d3(%$ Affairs and Cooperation of Spain, to express our deepest concern regarding your IXd36AL$,,3r d *#$%3 November 2 and November 16, 2010, statements about the nonexistence of political ;$r $%)A*$R prisoners in Venezuela. We are writing to inform you of the case of Rubén González, a M+$X$r $dY(X$S3G$ labor leader and prisoner of conscience of the Venezuelan government, as well as to '$#Z% 36E,W"3\ give you a brief overview of the human rights situation in Venezuela. The cases that 06(3 (3,36 follow are by no means exhaustive, but are just a few illustrative examples of the types V$#3 (6,.% of human rights violations occurring in Venezuela today. !$rr " On November 2, 2010, while addressing the Spanish Senate, you stated: _J'0HMN'4 L_ I_DJ4N'4 In contrast to what happens in other countries, international human rights H*$r63 .3`6(F* organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have '.% $F.X, not categorized any of Venezuela’s prisoners as political prisoners.