246 Session of Rajya Sabha
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INDEX S. Question No. Question Date Subject Division No. Type 1. Question No. 32 Starred 20.07.2018 Status of setting up of Kolhapur Bench of Desk Side High Court of Bombay 2. Question No. 408 Unstarred 20.07.2018 e-filing of cases in courts eCourt 3. Question No. 409 Unstarred 20.07.2018 Fast Track Courts for criminal cases against Justice-II public representatives 4. Question No. 411 Unstarred 20.07.2018 Creation of Indian Judicial Service National Mission 5. Question No. 417 Unstarred 20.07.2018 Implementation of Centrally Sponsored JR section Schemes 6. Question No. 418 Unstarred 20.07.2018 Increase in strength of Judges of High Desk Side Courts 7. Question No. 193 Starred 03.08.2018 Calculating requirement of additional National Mission Judges 8. Question No. 2020 Unstarred 03.08.2018 Establishment of rural courts at Panchayat JR Section level 9. Question No. 2022 Unstarred 03.08.2018 Fast Track Courts Justice-II 10. Question No. 2023 Unstarred 03.08.2018 Sanctioned and vacant posts of Judges of Desk Side High Courts 11. Question No. 2024 Unstarred 03.08.2018 Measures to reduce huge pendency of National Mission cases 12. Question No. 2025 Unstarred 03.08.2018 Slow pace of justice system National Mission 13. Question No. 2026 Unstarred 03.08.2018 Amendment of Legal Services Legal Aid to Poor 14. Question No. 2029 Unstarred 03.08.2018 Missing case files in the Supreme Court eCourt and High Courts 15. Question No. 2030 Unstarred 03.08.2018 Bench of Orissa High Court Desk Side 16. Question No. 2032 Unstarred 03.08.2018 Reduction in burden on jails through National Mission Speedy trials 17. Question No. 2033 Unstarred 03.08.2018 Fast Track Courts to try rape cases Justice-II 18. Question No. 2034 Unstarred 03.08.2018 Pending cases in various courts National Mission 19. Question No. *265 Starred 10.08.2018 Government’s plan for reducing the National Mission litigation cost 20. Question No. 2831 Unstarred 10.08.2018 Legal Aid for poor women prisoners Legal Aid to Poor 21. Question No. 2832 Unstarred 10.08.2018 Centrally Sponsored Scheme for JR Section Development of Infrastructure Facilities for the Judiciary 22. Question No. 2833 Unstarred 10.08.2018 Fast Track Courts for releasing prisoners, Legal Aid to Poor Imprisoned for petty crimes etc. 23. Question No. 2837 Unstarred 10.08.2018 Telecast of live proceedings of Supreme National Mission Court 24. Question No. 2839 Unstarred 10.08.2018 Updation of data in National Judicial Data eCourt Grid GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE RAJYASABHA STARRED QUESTION NO. 32 TO BE ANSWERED ON FRIDAY, THE 20.07.2018· Status of setting up of Kolhapur Bench of High Court of Bombay *32. SHRI SAMBHAJI CHHATRAPATI: Will the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be pleased to state: a) whether a proposal is under consideration of Government to set up a Bench of High Court of Bombay at Kolhapur to take care of the cases pertaining to western Maharashtra and Konkan region, as the petitioners and respondents have to travel to Mumbai to follow up the pending cases, causing inconvenience; b) if so, the details with current status thereof; and c) by when Kolhapur Bench of High Court of Bombay would be setup? ANSWER MINISTER OF LAW AND JUSTICE AND ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SHRI RAVI SHANKAR PRASAD) (a) to (c): A statement is laid on the Table of the House. Statement referred to in reply to Parts (a) to (c) of Rajya Sabha Starred Question No. 32 due for answer on 20.07.2018 regarding "Status of setting up of Kolhapur Bench of High Court of Bombay" (a) to (c): In accordance with the recommendations made by the Jaswant Singh Commission and judgment pronounced by the Apex Court in W.P.(C) No.379 of 2000, Bench( es) of the High Court are established after due consideration of a complete proposal from the State Government, which is to provide infrastructure and meet the expenditure, along with the consent of the Chief Justice of the concerned High Court, which is required to look after the day to day administration of the High Court and its Bench. The proposal should also have the consent of the Governor of the concerned State. At present there is no proposal from the State Government of Maharashtra for establishment of a bench of Bombay High Court at Kolhapur. ***** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE) RAJYASABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION No. 408 TO BE ANSWERED ON FRIDAY, THE 20th JULY, 2018 e-filing of cases in courts 408. smu NARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYA: Will the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be pleased to state: (a) whether Government has taken any steps for e-filing of cases in courts; (b) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; (c) whether any court in Rajasthan has been selected to promote e-filing of cases; and (d) the details regarding other steps being taken to promote the use of technology in the working of courts? ANSWER MINISTER OF STATE FOR LAW & JUSTICE AND CORPORATE AFFAIRS (SHRI P. P. CHAUDHARY) (a) to (b) : Yes, Sir. The Government of India is implementing the eCourts Mission Mode Project (Phase-I 2010-14 and Phase-II 2015-19) with a total outlay of Rs.1,670 crore (Phase-II) for communication and information technology enablement of district and subordinate courts across the country. An important objective of the project is to start e-filing of cases. o e-filing application has been developed and has been integrated with Case Information Software (CIS 3.0), which is the unified common software across all district and subordinate courts of the country. The pilot testing of e-filing software has been launched in December, 2017 in district and subordinate courts under the jurisdiction of Delhi High Court. e-filing module with e-payment of court fees is ready for courts in the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab and Haryana. (c) : All district and subordinate courts across the country, including those in Rajasthan, have been selected for promotion of e-filing of cases under the eCourts project. (d) : The steps being taken by the Government to promote the use of technology in the working of the Courts are as under : (i) The eCourts Mission Mode Project Phase I was implemented during 2011 - 2015 wherein Rs. 639.41 crores was released for computerisation of district and subordinate courts. At the end of Phase-I, out of the total target of computerisation of 14,249 district and subordinate courts, sites for all '14,249 courts (100%) were made ready for computeri sation, out of which LAN was installed at 13,643 courts, hardware provided in 13,436 courts and software was installed in 13,672 courts. Laptops were provided to 14,309 judicial officers and change management exercise was completed in all the High Courts. Over 14,000 Judicial Officers were trained in the use ofUBUNTU-Ljnux Operating System and more than 4,000 court staff have been trained in Case Information System (CIS) as System Administrators. Video Conferencing facility was operationalised between 488 court complexes and 342 corresponding jails. (ii) Under the Phase II of the Project (2015-19), Rs. 1,073.18 crores has been released till date, against the financial outlay of Rs.1670 crores. Computerisation of 16,089 .district and subordinate courts has been completed, through provisioning of computer hardware, Local Area Network (LAN), and installation of standard application software in district and subordinate courts. The details of computerised district and subordinate courts under various High Courts are as under: 1. Allahabad 1733 2. Andhra Pradesh 1078 3. Bombay 2079 4. Calcutta 772 5. Chattisgarh 340 6. Delhi 427 7. Gauhati 442 8. Gujarat 1108 9. Himachal Pradesh 118 10. Jabalpur 1203 11. Jammu And Kashmir 218 12. Jharkhand 351 13. Jodhpur 978 14. Kamataka 897 15. Kerala 486 16. Madras 988 2 s. No. '- - ,'.c ;:"(}:: .-', ;; ...•- ~-:.;. 17. Orissa 509 18. Patna 1025 19. Punjab And Haryana 1018 20. Sikkim 15 21. Uttarakhand 185 22. Tripura 62 23. Manipur 30 24. Meghalaya 27 Total 16089 ._ . •• (iii) A new and user-friendly version of Case Information Software (CIS 2.0) has been developed and deployed at all the computerized district and subordinate courts. (iv) The National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) for district & subordinate courts has been created as an online platform which now provides information relating to judicial proceedings/decisions of 16,089 computerized district and subordinate courts of the country. The portal provides online information to litigants such as details of case registration, cause list, case status, daily orders, and final judgments. Currently litigants can access case status information in respect of over 10.1 crore cases and more than 6.90 crore orders / judgments. (v) Judicial Service Centres (JSCs) have been established at all computerized subordinate courts to serve as a single window for filing petitions and applications by litigants/ lawyers, and for obtaining information on ongoing cases and copies of orders and judgments etc. 3 (vi) ECourts mobile app with the facility of QR Code was launched on 22.07.2017 for use of litigants and lawyers. Services under different captions viz. Search by CNR, Case Status, Cause List and My Cases are available on this application, which is available on both Google Play and Apple Store. (vii) Furthermore, the facility of providing case information servtces through SMS has also been implemented and the process of disseminating system-generated SMSs is operational. During the Phase II, till date, about 124.98 crore electronic transactions have been recorded for eCourts through eTaal portal.