Mildred Scheel Lectureship meets Club meets Women in Science and Society

September 4th 2018 9th Lecture 5:00 pm (c.t.) Prof. Dr. Margaret A. Shipp Lecture hall, ground floor CECAD Research Center Josef-Stelzmann-Str. 26 Targetable Genetic Signatures 50931 Köln in Lymphoid Malignancies Chairs: Prof. Dr. Carien Niessen Dr. Tamina Seeger-Nukpezah Prof. Dr. Michael Hallek

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 9th Mildred Scheel Lectureship Margaret A. Shipp, MD given by Prof. Dr. Margaret Shipp, Harvard Medical School and is Chief of the Division of Hematologic Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA. In cooperation with Neoplasia at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Director of the Lymphoma our local seminar series „Cologne Cancer Club“ and „Women in and Myeloma Program of the Dana- Science and Society“, it is the fourth time we host the Mildred Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, and a Scheel Lectureship in Cologne. Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Her clinical and labora- With the unique Mildred Scheel Lectureship series we pay tribute tory research focuses on the clinical and molecular heterogeneity of the to the outstanding commitment of Dr. Mildred Scheel in the fight large B-cell lymphomas (LBCLs) and Hodgkin lymphomas and against cancer, for which she is to this date nationally and interna- the identification of unique lymphoma subtypes amenable tionally highly regarded. Initiated in Heidelberg in a joint endeavor to more targeted therapy. Dr. Shipp coordinated the develop- ment of the International Prognostic Index which is used of the German Cancer Research Center and the German Cancer Aid, worldwide to individualize treatment approaches to LBCLs the Mildred Scheel Lectureship is for the sixth time spread to and many other lymphoid malignancies. More recently, she has led efforts to develop molecular signatures of LBCLs further Comprehensive Cancer Centers due to its great success. and Hodgkin lymphomas, identify biologically distinct subsets Our goals are to honor outstanding cancer researchers, and Medical of these diseases, and credential associated rational treatment and Clinician Scientists dedicated to the advancement of cancer targets including modulators of the host anti-tumor immune response. These studies are already leading to more specific research. In addition, through discussions with these pioneers, and more effective treatment approaches in these diseases. we would like to encourage in particular young scientists and MDs Dr. Shipp received her Doctor of Medicine from Washington to pursue a scientific career. University School of Medicine and completed an internal medicine internship and residency at Barnes Hospital, We are looking forward to your attendance! Washington University.

Mildred Scheel * 31. December 1932 · † 13. May 1985 Dr. Mildred Scheel, a German physician and wife of the 4th German Federal President founded the German Cancer Aid in 1974. Her vision was to fight cancer at all levels and improve the treatment and well-being of patients. Prof. Dr. Dr. Tamina Prof. Dr. At the same time she managed a family life with three children. Carien Niessen Seeger-Nukpezah Michael Hallek For her personal commitment she received innumerable honours and gained an outstanding international reputation. With her life philosophy “if one really wants something, one and the Mildred Scheel Lectureship Committee can do it…” she has served as a role model for many women all over the world.