Richard III Society, Inc. Volume XX No. 3 Fall, 1995 -~

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Richard III Society, Inc. Volume XX No. 3 Fall, 1995 -~ Richard III Society, Inc. Volume XX No. 3 Fall, 1995 -~. R EGISTER S TAFF EDITOR: Carole M. Rike l 4702 Dryades St. New Orleans, LA 70115 l (504) 897-9673 FAX (504) 897-0125 l CompuServe: 72406,514 E-Mail: AOL: CaroleR l Internet: [email protected] OR [email protected] R~CARDIAN READING EDITOR: Myma Smith Rt. 1 Box 232B l Hooks, TX 75561 0 1995 Richard III Society, Inc., American Branch. (903) 547-6609 l FAX: (501) 772-5818 No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any ARTIST: Susan Dexter form or by any means - mechanical, electrical, or 1510 Delaware Avenue l New Castle, PA 161052674 otherwise - including, but not limited to photocopying, recording or information storage E XECUTIVE B OARD retrieval - without written permission from the Society. CHAIRMAN: Dr. Compton Reeves The Ricardian Register is published quarterly. Dept. of History l Bentley HalI Ohio University l Athens, OH 45701-2979 e-mail: [email protected] The Richard III Society is a non-profit, educational corporation. Dues, grants, and contributions are VICE CHAIRMAN: Laura Blanchard tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. 303 Vine St. l Apt. 106 l Philadelphia, PA 19106 l (215) 574-1570 FAX (215) 574-1571 l [email protected] Dues are $30.00 annually. Each additional family SECRETARY: Judith A. Pimental member is $5. Members of the American Society are 1248 Regent St. l Alameda, CA 94501 l (510) 421-0487 also members of the English Society. All Society TREASURER: Peggy Allen publications and items for sale may be purchased either direct at the U.K. member’s rate, or via the 1421 Wisteria l Metairie, LA 70005 (504) 837-0974 U.S. Society, when available. Papers may be MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: bole M. Rike borrowed from the English Librarian, but books are P. 0. Box 13786 l New Orleans, LA 70185-3786 l (504) 827-0161 not sent overseas. When a U.S. member visits the FAX (504) 897-0125 U.K., all meetings, expeditions, and other activities IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN: Roxane C. Murph are open, including the AGM, where U.S. members 3501 Medina Avenue l Fort Worth, TX 76133 l (817) 923-5056 are welcome to cast a vote. COMMI~E CHAIRMEN Advertise in ARCHIVIST: Jefiey &Toni Collins The Ricardian Register P. 0. Box 344 l DouglassviIIe, PA 19518-0344 l (610) 385-3119 C HAPTER C OORDINATOR: Cheryl Rothwell Your ad in the Ricardian Register will reach an 6033 Sam Smith Road l Birchwood, TN 37308 l (615) 961-2515 audience of demonstrated mail buyers and prime Fax: 615-961-2519 l e-mail: rancheryl& l CIS: 71641,lloO prospects for books relating to the late medieval era, LIBRARIAN: Audio/Visual: Sandra L. Giesbrecht as well as for gift items and other merchandise relating to this period. They are also prospects for 3575 Douglas l Box 48147 l Victoria BC V82 7H5 CANADA (604) 744-1109 lodging, tours, and other services related to travel in England and on the continent. LIBRARIAN: Fiction: Mary Mier 1577 KiIIdeer Drive l NaperviIle, IL 60565-1323 l (708) 778-8843 Classified Advertising Rate: 57.50 per inch. Send LIBRARIAN: Research &Non-Fiction: Helen Maurer copy with your remittance payable to Richard III 24001 SaIero Lane l Mission Viejo, CA 92691 l (714) 768-0417 Society to The Ricardian Register, P. 0. Box 13786, LIBRARIES COORDINATOR: Melinda K. Knowlton New Orleans, LA 70185. P. 0. Box 10 l Chauncey, OH 45719 l e-mail: [email protected] M ONOGRAPH COORDINATOR : Sharon D. Michalove Copy Deadlines: 309 Gregory Hail l 810 Wright Street l Urbana, IL 61801 l (217) 333-4145 RESEARCH &PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER: Margaret Gurowitz Spring Issue February 2.5 27 Horizon Drive l Edison, NJ 08817 l (908) 248-0228 Summer Issue May 25 Fall Issue August 25 SALES OFFICER: Wendy Logan 371 West Lancaster Avenue l Haverford, PA 19041 l (610) 649-7682 Winter Issue November 25 SCHALLEK MEMORIAL/GRAD. FELLOWSHIP: Laura Blanchard 303 Vine St. l Apt. 106 l Philadelphia, PA 19106 l (215) 574-1570 Society Internet address: SCHOOLS COORDINATOR : Anne Vineyard 4014 Broken Bow Lane l Garland, TX 75044 Changes of address and dues payments to: TOUR COORDINATOR : Dale Summers P. 0. Box 13786 218 Varsity Circle l Arlington, TX 76013 l (817) 274-0052 New Orleans, LA 7018.5-3786 Fall, 7995 -2- Ricardian Register EDITORIAL LICENSE Carole Rike hanks to Compton Reeves for the excellent We had hoped to include in this issue a feature by one article in this issue on Paul Murray Kendall, of Mr. Kendall’s students, our own Daphne Hamilton. whose RicbardIIIis a continuing favorite with Daphne’s health did not allow her to complete an article Ricardians, if not the all-time standard biog- before publication. We plan to bring you her insights in raphy of England’s last Plantagenet king. Pictured on the the near future. Should you encounter Daphne in the cover of this newsletter, Mr. Kendall described himself in meantime, ask her about Kendalh she has many interest- 1965 as “5’9” and 175 lbs.” There was much more to be ing stories to share with you and many kindly recollec- said for him than a modest accounting of his physical tions of him as a professor. properties. As this issue of the Register arrives, some of you are Tey’s Daughter of Time introduced me to the question returning from the Annual General Meeting in Seattle of Richard. Consumed with the need to view the infa- with memories of good cheer and fellowship. I sincerely mous picture, I ordered Kendall’s book from the local regret I was unable to attend, but look forward to seeing Doubleday, and went during my lunch hour to take you in Philadephia in ‘96. possession. I was accompanied by a young man I was dating at the time who had little use for my eagerness Please share with us your Ricardian thoughts, re- and fascination with an obscure English king. searches, experiences, book reviews. Let us know what That was over 25 years ago. I barely recall the boy, but you find most interesting in the publication, and least. Richard III still occupies a special place in my heart. I We look forward to hearirw from vou. originally wanted to see the picture, but found myself reading the book, and then reading another source, and another . and here I am, all these years later still fascinated with the mystery of Richard III and the cha- risma of his times. The fust time I stood in the National Portrait Gallery and gazed at the original painting of Richard, I thought of Kendall and thanked him for making Richard so accessible. Kendall’s book celebrates its fourtieth birthday in publication this year. I am confident many of you share my pleasure in this kindly and scholarly interpretation of Richard III and suspect that the influence of Ricardians may have something to do with its continuing presence on the bookshelves. Many of us have even influenced professors to use it as a text! Ricardian Register -3- Fall, 7995 PAUL MURRAYKENDALL AND T HE A NNIVERSARY OF R ICHARD THE T HIRD A. Compton Reeves t would be interesting to knowthe percentage tion of Richard the Third, which was published by W. W. of today’s Ricardians for whom the first non- Norton in 195.5. The reviews of Richard were entirely fiction book they read about King Richard III friendly, was Richardthe Thirdby Paul Murray Kendall, E. E Jacob, who was six years away from publishing which first appeared in 1955. Any book that has re- his volume in the OxfordHistory ofEngland, The Ffteeenth mained in print for forty years must indeed have been a Century, 1399-1485, wrote in the Manchester Guardian good introduction to the subject. To mark the anniver- (13 January 1956), “This new life of Richard III has two sary of the publication of Kendall’s study of King Rich- principal merits: it deals with his whole career, not merely ard, it seems fitting to examine briefly the career of with the last two years; and it is carefully constructed Kendall and to note some of the early reactions to Richard from original authorities,” and went on to credit Kendall the Third. with “distinguishing between genuine contemporary tes- Kendall spent the majority of his academic career timony (even if much of that is hearsay) and Tudor myth, teaching English at Ohio University in Athens. The and making it clear when resort is had to conjecture.” English Department and the Archives and Special Col- R. B. Dooley, writing in the Catholic World (November lections Department at Alden Library, Ohio University, 1956) said: “In all the reams ofwriting in print that have have made it possible for me to put together for Ri- been spilled by the enemies and friends of Richard III, cardian readers this sketch of Kendall’s life. this is actually the fust objective biography.” Paul Murray Kendall was born on 1 March 19 11 To mention but one more early review, A. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and graduated L. Rowse stated in the Chicago Sunday from Frankford High School in that city Ttihte (26 August 1956) that in 1928. He moved on to the University “Mr. KendalI has achieved the of Viiia, where he took all of his best biography of Richard III professional training: A.B. in 1932, that has been written.” In a A.M. in 1933, and Ph.D.
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