1999 Coaches Academy Notes www.CoachMeyer.com Look for ‘Must Read Books’ You can get any of the recommended books on amazon.com

Others: Upward Mobility My Life on a Napkin Rick Majerus Indoor Playing The Rogue Warrior Finding the Winning Edge Bill Walsh

Don Meyer Enterprises, INC P.O. Box 159054 Nashville, TN 37215-9998

PAC Defense Ed Hideman Wisconsin Green Bay John Cress College of Charleston

Movies to see: What about Bob? Starring Bill Murray Groundhog Day -make everyday a good day, it is what you think it is

Wade Tomlinson Women’s Coach Free Throw Competition 102 Robin Way Salem, IN 47167 or a thoughtful note 812 883-3731 812 883-2581

4 Things that cause the most Stress 1. Death of Child 2. Death of Spouse 3. Divorce 4. Arrested

5 Coaching Axioms “You are not what you do” Coach Meyer 1. Never resign from a coaching job 2. Do what I say and not what I do 3. Don’t just say what you think people want to hear (Holdup in Ireland of Jew by an Arab) 4. It is never hard to leave a job when you are not wanted or needed 5. Genius knows its limits, stupidity has no limits

1999 Academy Notes Tape 24

 You build your program by the coaches you study.  Your life consists of the books you read and the people you meet.  You can’t read when you turn the pages too fast.. Read the defense  Acknowledge your teammates.  Use the count down to get kids moving.  Get enough practice leading into the conference season over Christmas Break

Camp T-shirt Leave room on the front to put name, coach, dorm to be written

 Join the battle field fighting for fundamentals  Work  Don’t be a drill coach be a skill coach  I seek to leave this world a little better place than I found it, is your avenue.  You do not realize the value of coaching when your kids play for another coach.  You want to be the kind of program that even when they lose they win.  A good enemy keeps you sharp.  Team ATTITUDE  ARETE  Don’t comment on guys coming in or leaving….. that would show no class  You build your program each year and each day.  What’s us, what’s not us.  You have to teach attitude every single day.

Work ethic------how hard Work habits------how smart Work together------team attitude

On a good team 1 or 2 guys do the little jobs on a great team they all do the dirty jobs.

Passion Duty Where are you in your coaching career?? Burden

Willingly or Eagerly? a person is rich who has a passion for their work

There comes a time you need to stand up be a man and kick some butt……. Pat Riley’s dad

1999 Academy Notes  Know who you are and what your game is. Rick Majerus  Courtesy pays and when you are impolite you pay  Number 1 Rule for Coaches - find yourself  Find your unique gift and talent and develop it.  Give your gift away  Sweat with players  If you want to be prosperous you have to give back to the game.  You should be a non factor when the game starts…. the coach  It is your ATTITUDE and your EFFORT……. That is what you control  It starts at the top. Morgan Wooten  Leadership is taking responsibility not credit.  On taking a stand…… worthwhile ones usually involve the kids  You should feel important when you go home to your family.  Have a five minute experimental time in practice (coaches and players).  Variety—human beings need variety.  —every year assume you have been fired and see what you can do better.  Make practices like games and the games like practices…. Teach during the game  Buddy Coaching—involve your bench  Do things for old people and little kids because they can’t give you anything in return.  What does this team/program need this week? Plan by the week.  Your thoughts, your words, your deeds……..all starts in the mind, what you’re thinking about controls you.  Coach kids for the right reasons. What is your coaching career besides memories, moments and emotions?  The test of time……. Wooden was better at 35-30 50-40  You need . . . have needs or there will be no motivation.  Do you want the pain of discipline or the pain or regret?? When disciplining your team  The most important things on defense…  His number and his game  It is much harder to play off your star than your slug…..  Great players make more mistakes  When it comes down to you or the program that decision was made long ago.  Go slow, get a rhythm and then go fast enough to make a mistake  Don’t let stuff slide by in practice… in the game you can let some things slide.  Winning is the by product  A man’s reach ought to exceed his grasp.  Need assessment = What is - (minus) what should be?  Making people want what they need is motivation and making people want what you need is manipulation.  3 wishes joke: Beat me ½ to death  See the big picture. Have you ever tried to put together a puzzle without looking at the picture first then break things down  Every coach has got to suck scum, to make your program better.  Mickey Mantle: a great teammate  I have determined by watching you, you are the players the rest will listen to John Wooden  You are the leaders of the team, they will listen to you, take care of everything off the floor  If your best player isn’t a leader he better be the hardest worker  There is only one way to coast……..down hill  Keep coaches notes alphabetically by last name.  Do the next right thing right.. and you are as close to perfect as you can be.  The only thing I know is your kids must play very, very hard.  Don’t ever lose focus on SHOT PRESSURE and REBOUNDING for your defense  2 Emphasis in Practices  Run or Sit when you refused to do what we want.  When you cut Rick Majerus open you will find a heart as big as his body. John Wooden  You can never teach too slowly.

1999 Academy Notes

Newell’s Rules - Get better shots that your opponent and get more of those better shots.

1. Look to run every possession 2. Handle the ball with sureness 3. Be hard to guard. Help each other get open 4. Great shot discipline. Technique and selection 5. Get fouled. Make more shots than your opponents take

On Zone Attack 1. Look to run every possession 2. High post 3. Short corner 4. Attack the rear of the zone 5. Replacement---replace a guy who vacated that area 6. Pass fake and shot fake 7. Skip Skip 8. Great shot discipline. Technique and selection 9. Penetrate 10. Offensive board coverage

Bill Clinton’s Lessons on Coaching 1. Can’t give sound bites on coaching 2. Can’t take a poll in coaching 3. Would you want your kid to play for him

Triangle and 2------Great for 2 shooter’s

Doug Collin’s Coaching Sayings  An army of asses lead by a lion will defeat an army of lions lead by an ass.  A man bent on revenge must dig 2 graves.

1999 Academy Notes

Meyer Saturday AM

Tape 27 Handout Core Skill Development Rules: Go slow Get a rhythm Go fast enough to make a mistake

Taking infield 30 -40 seconds (throw it side arm) You can’t get too low or too wide

Never criticize a kid with a good attitude and a good effort Don’t be afraid to get on a kid who doesn’t

Dribbling and Juggling-----head up, looking at the opposite basket Under Toss w/a partner Over hand Toss 2 and a tennis ball-----pass in rhythm 3 Basketballs 2 Ball Dribbling-----low rhythm, high rhythm, non rhythm low, non rhythm high, one high/one low SCAN Mikan Drills-----see how many clean you can make in a row 28 is high Reverse Mikan Power Mikan-----no steps, two feet power jumps Start , Stops and Turns---variety of ways, pivots, passes, post ups, v-cuts, pass v-cut catch pivot post feed Groups of 4 put a person out there to cut off the screener to make cuts off the v-cut

Don’t use fundamentals for punishment

2 on 0 Basket cutting Pass and cut in one motion 3 on 0 Basket cutting Call out every pass, screen and cut TALK Guards create space Posts eat up space

Coach K in practice 1. Play hard 2. Compete 3. Talk

Be a skill Coach not a drill Coach

2 on 0 post feeding and relocating baseline/elbow end with a basket cut 3 on 0 High/Low feed with a defender use air dummies 3 perimeters with a post passing, feeding, penetrating, cutting pass away from the defense

1999 Academy Notes

Fastbreak Riley Drill------3 on 0 two wings running the floor one Rebounder

Secondary Break Option 1 Feed the Post Option 2 High Post Trailer Option 3 Opposite Skip Pass Option 4 Back to the Point Guard

Defensive Notes/Drills  How do you know if they are selfish defenders?? They don’t give help or they don’t talk  ON Defense everything happens outside the lane  You use cheat steps  Jab to go high and spin to go low to defend the post from the lob  The great post player gets his work done before he gets the ball

2 on 2 Defense --skip 3 on 3 defense ABOVE THE CIRCLE 3 on 3 ball side OUTSIDE THIRD 4 on 5 Open POST Open SHOOTER or Open Driver GREAT for Scouting Report

Shooting Drills 32 Point Drill-----(5 spots) --- 3 pointer—3points 2 points—show and go jumper 1 point show and drive Triple threat, circle tight, ball quick (from the shot fake to the bounce) Free Throw Swish-----swish +1, make 0, miss -1 2 Balls - 3 Closers Out----- 3 point shooter shoots until it gets blocked, then direct drive

Rick Majerus Saturday June 4, 1999 11:00am

“I guarantee I’ll have you out by lunch”

Defense Stats that are important Defensive FG % (most important) which means hand up on every shot REBOUNDS Shot Allocation and Shot Distribution

The most difficult thing to defend is a flare screen

Contesting Shots -perpendicular to the floor, to alter the release, not in their face it doesn’t alter the release -low body balance base of support Wider and Lower is better Weight Coach is important FREE weights -no middle on the drive 90% of the time (situational match ups may change like no left hand) -1 arms length away -opposite hand high to encourage the bounce pass (it gives the defense more time to recover) high hands, active hands -Stockton throws bounce passes ONLY when necessitated by the defense…. Air passes to Malone -get a hand up late on a shooter (avoid the shot fake getting you in the air) maybe earlier if you are forcing the dribble

Defensive Play ON the ball -his chest my nose Is your nose in his chest? -arm on the waist of his body when he moves to keep balance -sit in your stance -toe to toe (top side) to prevent no middle

The first thing we practice is NO MIDDLE Then CONTESTING SHOTS Then Defending the Shot Fake, stay down on the fake Then Blocking out, we set a goal being the best team below the rim

Defensive Stances (positioning of the defenders feet) No middle STRAIGHT UP stance Be up on top toes Center the defender’s top foot in the offensive players stance Sit on the left Toe Bottom Toe Diagonal Stance – force toward a place he is not going well

In order to win close games  Good free throw shooting  Know who should have the ball when in nut cutting time

We use 2 video cameras going in practice. When we check it…. We ask . . . are 5 guys in stance, are 5 guys traveling on the air time of the pass??

1999 Academy Notes, Majerus

On Match ups on Defense…….. Who covers who, who can guard who, who can’t guard who, how will we guard them and how will they guard us Know who you are and who you are defending Doleac v. Jamison

On Lifting Weights…… 4 Days a week lifting – off season They test body fat VERY IMPORTANT is the weight program “One of the most important thing is to be stronger than the other guy”

I love practice and love to play, if you don’t you are probably not going to get better. To be a better player you must get stronger.

We lift year round. We chart the players on the weights. Bench, reps, lungs etc. Many people are keeping the kids accountable. I would make less money and pay the weight coach to have a better weight program.

You can not have enough discipline Bad Shots will beat you as much as anything else

I spend hours on the defensive positioning stance.

Off season Defensive Rules that Coach Majerus asks his players to work on 1. Deny and be back doored all summer --recover to the back door 2. Make the guy you are playing dribble to a shot 3. Get a hand up on the shot 4. The most difficult thing to defend defensively is to guard the dribble, so try to level him off THE FIRST 3 LEAD to guarding - the toughest thing in basketball 5. Block-out, make and maintain contact

Defense is one thing--- it is aggressiveness, energy, tenacious

Back door Defense if you open up, open up lower and wider and pass him hand to hand high hands if you turn your head, crack to the ball, point the toe, pivot up to the level of the ball

What coach will hold their kids back from……  Running the floor  Diving on the loose ball  Rebounding

1999 Academy Notes, Majerus

On Block outs…… Mistakes 1. Make Contact, make room for yourself leading with your back, too narrow 2. Maintain Contact, the ball will be there, move laterally

Blocking out is every possession, every drill, every time Sprints anytime you see it missed to emphasize- anytime I see it we are running

#1 Defense is Field Goal % #1a is Blocking out

3 on 3 High On ball, Deny, on the pass to the wing Help with 2 passes away Used to teach the basics of :  Contesting shots  Blocking out  Defending from the three spots

Too wide, too far apart, too spaced, Run fast break drills on the sideline

 Go inside, Go inside, Go inside  Fast break  Post Game  Penetration  Offensive Rebound

Stats - conceal as much as they reveal

 There are a lot of guys I want to go camping with, but not a lot of guys and I want to win.

 Off the court, you forget the things you were getting

 Riley’s practice: Hard, long and his players like it----Great players have enthusiasm for the game

On the fastbreak  Don’t crowd the point  Pass it ahead as fast as you can

Everyday in a Utah practice Free Throws Transition Defense Skill Development

1999 Academy Notes, Majerus

4 on 4 Defense with a coach From here play utilizing the options which you have to defend On Transition Defense  Point guards-always back to pick up early at ½ court  Two guards -always sprint back to stop lay-ups, and get ready to contest 3’s  Run the lane lines, with your wings 3,4,5 can offensive rebound  The first three steps on both sides offense and defense are the most important  Stop the lay up and get ready to close out on three point shooting  You run the lane with no regard to the ball (offensively and defensively) to be great  Point, touch, and talk defense communication

For the offensive boards - put back ratio is more wise to send people back to not give up the lay-up

TRANSITION DEFENSE Transition Drill 5 on 5 on 5 ( the third team is offensive attacking  1, 2 get back, 3,4,5 –crash the boards to the paint (or they run) They do this by position in every drill  1 and 2 are forcing the drive, MAKE A STAND – force a back dribble (and don’t attack, level it off) if 1 stops the ball, he stops the lay up

We replicate the break we are going to see in the game (scouting)

 1st big player down the floor must body, bump, disrupt route and timing as high and as early as he can 4 catches for players in transition 1. Run out 2. High in the paint in transition 3. Button Hook, seal 4. Post up Seal TO STOP 1-get low and wide to meet 2-point 3-push 4-talk  2nd player down the floor defender-shadows the ball until it gets down the floor, low wide w/ high hands  big and wide in transition or helping, NOT in no man’s land, not doing anything  you could be here for denial at a realistic level for the offense to score in  the shadow defender is as important as any guy we have in transition  as the ball is advanced he looks to help on the post with his mind on this man, usually a non shooter

We want to play 5 defenders on 4 offensive players

We do not move off this until we have it right (1st month of the season) then it is fun to adjust to what the other teams we play

We play people according to personnel by the team we are playing against 1999 Academy Notes, Majerus

 A very hard thing to defend is a 4 person that can hit a 3

 Play to our player’s strengths

 On secondary break, run off the trailer’s butt, it is the hardest thing to guard, defend especially if the 4 person (you want a trailer who can score)

 We have a plan A and plan B for defense game plan on the different phases of the game: transition, screen and roll,

 A third side attack when there are a lot of seconds on the clock

 I have always errored on too much work. 5 hour practice the day of the Miami game

 The secret to success…. compartmentalization of your days, focus on what is at hand (the idea of balance) Your attention needs to be undivided.

 Tight with your game and economy of motion: with your players and with coaches

On Foul Shooting:  NO TALKING during free throws, your mind is focused on what goes on, not coaches either

 Concentration and Relaxation ----dichotomy opposite ends of the poles come together to make the best foul shooter

 Correct only 1 thing at a time when working with foul shooting

 Foul Shots –vary partner and basket every time Shoot 2 or Shoot 4 Run sprints for each miss

 Stockton is a 180 guy 90% foul line 37% from 3 53% overall ---add up to 180 FOUL LINE + THREE POINT + OVERALL = 180 is a very special player

 All great foul shooters -come forward with weight

 Stats—versus good teams and bad teams, bottom 1/3 of the league top 1/3 of the league, road versus home

 When you ask the player what they shot from the line you will learn what they are doing and how important it is, if they can’t tell you what they are doing as a shooter. v. Karl Malone

On defending the pick and roll make the big beat you.

1999 Academy Notes, Majerus

Defending  Denial- hand on the man, crack to the ball, denial hand in the passing lane straight arm, vision of the ball (get back-doored)  We do drill aspect of it early in the season until mastered and drop it and play, do it right the rest of the year  Helping on penetration - meet the ball (attack penetration, come with high hands make them throw the bounce pass slower)

Playing the catch—make him catch out of rhythm and out of the offensive range

Playing the post  lower wider sitting on the knee, on the lob go up with him to the ball  WHITE –call lets the wing know we are fronting the post, PRESSURE the pass,  try to get beat off the dribble,  front the miss match  front the in/out game (relocating)  front the low feeds  on butt fronting the post, rebounding by backing him under the rim

NOT FRONTING the post  ½ to behind on the catch  dead behind and push them off the block NOT with legs or arms - use your mid section  the perimeter plays 70-30 post attention to perimeter Yo-Yoing on penetration STEP and LEVEL  50/50 yo-yo on the perimeter defense and level off the dribble

What should you know defending the post? -What shoulder does he turn on? And who can guard him.

Teaching Points:  Deny, ¾ , deflection or position, preferential shoulder, gap, cutoff, umbrella, contest, block out lower and wider

 Everything is superseded by not allowing a catch 1. IN the paint 2. in rhythm

Weak-Side Defense Stance and vision

 How far you are from them is a quickness factor  Make a mistake of being too close to the line than too far below it  Meet them outside of the paint—to help on penetration (with high hands)  Meet them outside the paint –to rebound  Meet them outside the paint ---to hand the cut Meet, greet, and stand you up

1999 Academy Notes, Majerus

Building your defense Switch everything we can  Talk it ---- the bottom man triggers the switch, both guys yell switch  Touch it ---- the defenders touch each other  Switch it ---- change men, looking to deflect or steal  Deny it ---- no sense in switching unless you are going to deny

Screening your own man is the number 1 anecdote versus the switch

Rules 1. NO passes from the top into the post Ride the post player on defense when the ball is on top—chest on him with arms extended (no foul) 2. Know your slip point 3. Get beat backdoor 4. Automatic Switches 5. Get beat by the big on screen and roll 6. Bump every curl 7. No one cuts below you to the rim

The dribble in place should clue you to get lower and wider because something is going to happen.

Defending the Cross Pick  Distort Route and timing  Go the man receiving the screen and take away low cut  The man guarding the screener (loses sight of the ball) forces the cutter high, so he can’t catch it in the lane  Switching is the best way to defend

Pick on the ball (Location, and Personnel are the keys) 1. Talk 2. Can you switch it? 3. Get beat by the big 4. On the wing: Black call would be to force it baseline Red call would be to stand up the screen (like a trap) force the guy into the screen, when you leave the trap - pass out, dribble pick up, retreated dribble hard show and recover late to your own man see your man through squeeze the pick—lean on screener forced everything wide and the man on the ball slips under

1999 Academy Notes, Majerus

POST PLAY  The number 1 thing in post play is to want the ball  Get to the Free Throw Line is number 2

It maybe the easiest thing to develop a post player

McHale Drill (start left, right, left) we warm up with this everyday

Tip and touch the rim 3 times on each side Going up 3 times and then throwing it over add the numbers as they get better On the X # touch and then finish


Mikan Drill at about 11-12 o’clock release on the hook 90 seconds  Slower is better inside, low slow and head up  release the ball higher  don’t pull out of the shot, move your weight into the shot  bounce heal toe sprint for misses, we must make  climb the ladder with your trail leg and shoot a hook shot power shots  pull the ball out of the net with two hands  shoulder blade at the angle we want to shoot it on the glass  don’t compromise technique for speed  I am not interested in how fast you do it, I am interested in how well you do it

There are only 2 or 3 great shooters all time who tended to miss short If you want to have a lot of success you have got to have a lot of failure

FASTBREAK  Run your 4 man Rim to Rim, a guy with speed and stamina  Try to high pin a guy you have a step on, the key is the passer must be in an attack area  Guards pass ahead to an attack area or push it ahead, cross the floor on a diagonal looking to turn the corner & go  The post pins and spins for a look  The fourth is a flash to the ball

The Jazz look to cross the wings and pass it to a low feeding angle as an early feed

Wider is better, run the floor on the sideline, don’t crowd the point guard

1999 Academy Notes, Majerus

Post Position  Sit in the post, straight back, low and wide, pick out your spot, try to catch in the paint, arms at a right angle from the shoulder to keep guys from slipping through.  Send a message to the guy guarding you, get lower and wider  Small to big in the post, small to smaller on the catch, demand the ball, don’t be stupidly unselfish,  Meet the ball with a 2 foot jump stop, don’t leave too early (slow is better), look to the middle of the floor to see the basket and to see where the help is coming from, if your spacing is good he should be able to see the help is coming  Have a favorite block, (the coach can set things up from here) what is the best way the player likes to receive the ball: stationary, off a cross screen, ..

Teaching The Power Move

1. On the reception his head is lower on his post position 2. When he pivots to make his move he drops lower and puts his head on the rim 3. Turn on your top pivot foot 4. Make the dribble go somewhere 5. Land perpendicular to the baseline, shoulders square

Never give up on big kid, especially if the game means a lot to them

Post Feeds

1. How is your man playing you? (yo-yo, pack, pressure) 2. How is your man playing the receiver? 3. Where is the help? (number 1 on probably causing the turnover) 4. On the post catch, where are you putting the other players on the floor? Where is the spacing? 5. On RELOCATING – cut to the vision of the post 6. The post will

To Help with spacing Work your off side by pass-faking to the post and screening in opposite for a skip pass

What is the first thing the low post does when the ball comes to the high post? Inch his man up and get lower and wider

Good Turnovers -in the post would be a charge -make the ref call 3 seconds so we get a long look -tough hard aggressive screen, send a message and set the tempo (very important in winning)

Why do posts dribble (all dribbles are evaluated this way) 1. Break the 5 second count 2. Gain balance 3. To improve your passing angle, let it take you somewhere

Make kids who have bad hands become screeners, don’t post them up

1999 Academy Notes, Majerus

HARDEST THINGS TO DEFEND Post feeds Drives Basket cuts

On the shot fake: Low Body Base of Support Head on the target 6” and don’t bring it down

Teaching the hook shot 1. First we teach the Mikan a. Pivot low and wide, heal toe, go perpendicular b. Chin the ball c. Head on the target, shoulder

Sealing When his belly comes on my thigh, post will 1. step up 2. pivot down with bottom foot 3. set up for the lob if he keeps coming

Setting up for the lob 1. Both hands up 2. Inch yourself some space 3. Wait to release until the ball passes your inner ear

Make and maintain contact Wait on the pass Make room for yourself

1999 Academy Notes, Majerus

Setting up for receiving penetration As soon as post realizes the drive, I create space, hand target, 3 step I-cut or baseline drop

Individual Practice Plans Mikans Skill Development Go to it move on go to it block (SPECIFIC BY PLAYER) In/Out games Draw and Kick game Seals and Lobs Seals with ball reversal Screening on the ball Duck ins (straight duck in, v-cut duck, roll defense out for a lob)

The game is the most over coached and under taught game Bobby Knight

We go out with the AD for happy hour and the guys wait for him to leave for it to begin.

1999 Academy Notes


Disadvantage drills 1 on 2 full court 1 on 1 2 ball dribble with 1 player and 1 ball dribble with the other 1 on 3 defender’s trying to level him off use their go to and counter move, add the race

Disadvantage Drill Two man over head passes pass in rhythm shot fake to balance to get in rhythm

I saw two coaches, one was talking and one was listening and I figured out the one listening was the better coach.

If you have weighed your thoughts and measured your words you are not a friend

He is worse than a 7 year old who needs ritalin.


On Defending Flex….. understand what the offense is trying to achieve before Easiest way to get into is 1-4 low best way to get a back door is 1-4 low a) Shut off the pass to the wing b) Bump the screen c) Squeeze on the flex screener d) Switch everything (keeping your bigs in the paint and guards on top)

If you are a slow team press 2-2-1 (soft ¾ court) to destroy rhythm Counter-move your offense up the floor

On defending Screens If they set illegal screens-Dumars method, chase on outside hip until you can get to denial On almost all screens JUMP TO THE BALL EXTEND or BUMP

When the defense goes ball side of the screen, change the angle of the screen and fade (perpendicular to back of the screen) On staggered screens (two down screens) also on PHOENIX (side by side screens) 1. Chase the cutter (man side of the screen) 2. Lowest screener defender ZONES—handles the slip screener 3. Highest screener-EXTENDS or BUMPS if he curls Single double------double screen on one side and a single screen on the other side (same rules) Defending the back screen—guarding the ball jump to the ball opens up and recover Set ups-your switches need to be set up carefully to take away what the offense wants

Play off your stars 1999 Academy Notes

Scouting  Call to be sure they are playing  Confirm the time  Who is their best player and what is his best cut to get open

You have to play versatile basketball. Balanced, not slow ball or fast ball, be versatile, and a team with more than one gear. Know whether you want to lengthen the game or shorten the game.

Next Year’s Plans: College Camp and Academy at Cumberland’s Academy The Last Three Weeks of July Camps

Press Offense Pressures and half court traps TAPE #29

Principles v. patterns Fast break when in doubt Placement of your personnel (best player must be in the middle of the floor) Shorten the pass 1-dribbler to receiver 2-receiver to pass Catch opposite Look opposite Pass fake and look opposite Look for the break in the string (go against momentum) Need a deep diagonal receiver Best in-bounder takes it out

On the press offense alignment

1-3-1 alignment in-bounder

second best best player best finisher


Spread the baseline Three tight with your big deep Spread, flash the big man and race your best players up the floor

Crack Back behind the trap pivot and pass it behind the trap 1999 Academy Notes

Press Offense (cont.) If you don’t know what to do go to a Secondary

On the zone attack the back of the zone

Sideline out of bounds spread 3 tight (RED Gun type of press) Run your secondary of all of your out of bounds

½ Court Trap 4 Corner by player personal, best in middle, worst reversal guy

Offensive Basketball is: Spacing Angles Momentum Deception