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Guest Artist:Gregory Kunde,

Gregory Kunde Tenor Illinois State University

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,I Gregor~ Kunde, Tl!nor ,, I)er_yl Garver, Fiano I I I I I I Center for the Ferfonning Arts I f ebruar_y 26, 2007 Monda_y Evening 8:00p.m. b is is the One hundredth prog~m of the 2006-2007 season. a>ithterliebe, Op. 48 frogram I . fobert Schumann (1810-1856) Poetry by Heinrich Heine Flease turn o f+ cell phones a nd pagers tor the duration ot the concert. Tha nk You. r. ranslated by William Mann I Im wunderschonen Monat Mai 1. In the marvelous month of May m wunderschonen Monat Mai, In the marvelous month of May Dichterliebe, Op. 48 Robert Schumann ls alle Knospen sprangen, when all the buds were bursting, Poetry of Heinrich Heine (1810-1856) ·1 a ist in meinem Herzen then in my heart did I. Im wunderschonen Monat Mai ' Die Liebe aufgegangen. love arise. 2. Aus meinen Tranen sprieBen 3. Die Rose, die Lilie ... • m wunderschonen Monat Mai, In the marvellous month of May 4. Wenn ich in deine Augen seh' I .ls alle Vogel sangen, when all the birds were singing, 5. lch will meine Seele tauchen Da hab' ich ihr gestanden then did I reveal to her 6. Im Rhein, im heiligen Strome ein Sehnen und Verlangen. my yearning and longing. 7. lch grolle nicht r. 8. _Und wiiBten's die Blumen, die kleinen I Aus meinen Triinen sprielle~ 2. From my tears there spring 9. Das ist ein Floten und Geigen I 0. Hor' ich das Liedchen klingen us meinen Tranen spriessen From my tears there spring 11. Ein Jiingling liebt ein Miidchen I , l iel bliihende Blumen hervor. up many blossoming flowers. 12. Am leuchtenden Sollllriermorgen nd meine Seufzer werdc;n And my sighs turn into 13 . Ich hab' im Traum geweinet Ein Nachtigallenchor. a choir of nightingales. 14. Allniichtlich im Traum 15. Aus alten Miirchen winkt es • Ind wenn du mich Iieb hast, Kindchen, And if you love me, child, 16. Die alten, bosen Lieder I llschenk' ich dir die Blumen all', I will give you all the flowers, Und vor deinem Fenster soil Klingen and at your window shall sound as Lied der Nachtigall. the song of the nightingale. [ ~ Intermission ~ I 3. Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne 3. The rose, the lily, the dove, the sun

Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne, The rose, the lily, the dove, the sun, Die liebt' ich einst alle in Liebeswonne. once, rapt with love, I loved them all. Cine melodies. Edouard Lalo I lch lieb' sie nicht mehr, ich liebe alleine I love them no more, I love only I. Guitarre (Victor Hugo) · ( 1823-1892) Die Kleine, die Feine, die Reine, die Eine; her who is small, exquisite, chaste, unique. 2. Puisque ici bas toute ame (Victor Hugo) Sie selber, aller Liebe Wonne, · She, all loving rapture, herself 3. Dieu qui sourit (Victor Hugo) Ist Rose und Lilie und Taube und Sonne. is rose and lily and dove and sun. 4. Oh, quand je dors! (Victor Hugo) I 5. Chanson a boire (Victor Hugo) 4. Wenn ich in deine Augen seh' 4. When I gaze into your eyes

Wenn ich in deine Augen seh', When I gaze into your eyes I So schwindet all mein Leid und Weh; all my pain and grief vanishes, Musique Anodine Gioacchino Rossini Doch wenn ich kiisse deinen Mund, then wheh I kiss your mouth Prelude ( 1792-1868) So werd' ich g~z und gar gesund. I am made wholly and completely well. No. 3 When I lean on your bosom No.4 I Wenn ich mich lehn' an deine Brust, joy as of heaven comes upon me; Tirana alla Spagnola (Rossinizzata) Kommt's iiber mich wie Himmelslust; Doch wenn du sprichst: Ich Iiebe dich! ·but when you say "I love you," I So muss ich weinen bitterlich. 'I must weep bitterly. ' · I .. 5. lch will meine Seele tauchen 5. I long to sink my soul U~9 wiissten's sie mein Wehe I IDie goldenen Stemelein, If only they knew my woe, those golden stars, !ch will meine Seele tauchen I long to sink my soul Sie kamen aus ihrer Hohe, within the cup of the lily; Und sprlichen Trost mir ein. they would come down from aloft In den Kelch der Lilie hinein; and speak comfort to me. Die Lilie soil klingend hauchen the lily would sing in whispers I Sie alle konnen's nicht wissen, Ein Lied von der Liebsten mein. a song of my beloved. I Nur eine kennt meinen Sc hmerz; They can none of them know, one only knows my sorrow; The song would tremble and quiver Sie hatja selbst ze.rrissen, Das Lied soil schauem und beben she herself has made the rent, Wie der Kuss von ihrem Mund. like the kiss from her mouth IZerrissen mir das Herz. has rent my heart asunder. Den sie mir einst gegeben that once she gave me I In wunderbar silsser Stund'. in an hour of wondrous sweetness. 9. Das ist ein Floten und Geigen 9. There is fluting and fiddling 6. Im Rhein, im. heiligen Strome 6. In the Rhine, the holy river 1 I Das ist ein Floten und Geigen, There is fluting and fiddling, trumpets are blaring within. Im Rhein, im heiligen Strome, In the Rhine. the holy river, Trompeten schmettem darein; there in the waves is reflected D~ tanzt wohl _den Hochzeitreigen There in the wedding circle dances Da speigelt sich in den Well'n, the best beloved of my heart. Mit seinem grossen Dome, with its mighty cathedral, IDte Herzallerltebste mein. mighty, holy Cologne. I Das grosse, heilige Koln. Das ist ein Klingen und Drohnen, There is a hubbub and a din, drumming and piping, In the cathedral there hangs a picture Ein Fauken und ein Schalmein· Im Dom. da steht ein Bildnis, and in between are sobbing and wailing Auf goldenem Leder gemalt; painted on golden leather; I D~~isc~en schluchzen und sti>hnen the dear angels. into the wilderness of my life I , Die hebhchen Engelein. In meines Lebens Wilonis Hat's freundlich hineingestrahlt. it has shed its friendly beams. 110. Hor' ich das Liedchen klingen 10. When I hear the sound of the song Flowers and angels hover there Es schweben Blumen und Englein When I hear the sound of song round Our Lady; I , Hor' ich das Liedchen klingen, Um unsre liebe Frau; that once my beloved sang, her eyes, her lips, her cheeks Das einst die Liebste sang, Die Augen, die Lippen, die Wlinglein, my bosom is near to bursting Die gleichen der Liebsten genau. are exactly like my beloved's. So will mir die Brust zerspringen I I Von wildem Schmerzendrang. with the savage strain of sorrow. 7. lch grolle nicht 7. I do not complain A dark longing drives me Es treibt mich ein dunkles Sehrien up to the woody heights; !ch grolle nicht, und wenn das Herz auch bricht, I do not complain, even if my heart is br,ing Hinaufzur.Waldeshoh', there in tears is released Ewig verlomes Lieb! ich grolle nicht. love lost for ever! I do not complain. I I I Dort lost sich auf in Trlinen my overwhelming woe. Wie du auch strahlst in Diamantenpracht, Though you gleam with the glory of diamonds , Mein iibergrosses Weh. Es fiillt kein Strahl in deines Herzens Nacht. no gleam falls into the night of your heart. 11. A lad loves a girl Das weiss ich !angst. !ch sah dichja im Traume, I kn.ew it long ago-I saw you in my dreal I 11. Ein Jungling lieht ein Miidchen and saw night in the-confines of your heart, Und sah die Nacht in deines Herzens Raume A lad loves a girl; and saw the viper that gnaws at your·bospm; Ein Jiingling liebt ein Mlidchen, Und sah die Schlang', die dir am Herzen fris~t, she has chosen another. Ich sah, mein Lieb, wie sehr du elend hist. ~ saw, my love, how wretched you are_. IJ Die hat einen andem erwiililt; I Der andre liebt eine andre That other loves another, Und hat sich mit dieset verrnlihlt. and it is this. one he has married. 8. Und wiiOten's die Blumen, die kleinen 8. If only the flowers could know Das Mlidchen nimmt aus Arger The girl out of anger accepts the first good man If only the flowers, little as they are, Den ersten besten Mann. Und wiissten's die Blumen, die kleinen, who crosses her path could know how deeply wounded is my heart, Der ihr in den Weg gelaufen; Wie tief verwundet mein Herz, .the lad is hard hit. Sie wiirden mit mir weinen, they would weep with me Der Jiingling ist ilbel dran. Zu heilen meinen Schmerz. to heal my sorrow. Es ist eine alte Geschichte It is an old tale 11 but it remains ever new, If only the nightingales knew Noch bleibt sie immer neu; Und wilssten's die Nachtigallen, and when it has just happened to a man how sad and sick I am, Und wem sie just passieret, Wie ich so traurig und krank, his heart breaks in twain. Sie liessen frohlich erschallen they would gladly pour out Dem bricht das Herz entzwei. Erquickenden Gesang. their refreshing song. IJ 12. Am leuchtenden Sommermorgen 15. Aus alten Miirchen winkt es 15. From old tales someone waves 12. On a gleaming morning in summer I Am leuchtenden Sommermorgen Aus alten Marchen winkt es From old tales someone waves Geh' ich im Garten herum. On a gleaming morning in summer Hervor mit weisser Hand, out with a white hand. Es fliistern und sprechen die Blumen, I pace about in the garden. Da singt es und da klingt es There is singing, and there are sounds lch aber wandle stumm. The flowers they whisper and speak, Von einem Zauherland; of a magical land, but I wander speechless. Es fliistern und sprechen die Blumen Wo bunte Blumen bliihen Where gay flowers bloom Und schaun mitleidig mich an; The flowers they whisper and speak, Im goldnen Abendlicht, in golden evening light, Sei unsrer Schwester nicht bose, and look at me compassionately; I Und liehlich duftend gliihen and, sweetly smelling, glow Du trauriger, blasser Mann! "Do not be cross with our sister, Mit brautlichem Gesicht; with faces radiant as brides; you sorrowful, pale-faced man!" 13. lch hab' im Traum geweinet Und griine Baume singen And green trees are singing 13. I wept in my dreams I I Uralte Melodei'n, the tunes of long ago; lch hab' im Traum geweinet, Die liifte heimlich klingen, the breezes sound softly Mir traumte, du lagest im Grab. I wept in my dreams. Und Vogel schmettern drein; and birds twitter there; lch wachte auf, und die Trane I dreamed you lay in the grave; Floss noch von der Wange herab. I awoke, and the tears I I Und Nebelbilder steigen And misty shapes rise still poured down my cheeks. Wohl aus der Erd' hervor, up out of the ground lch hab' im Traum geweinet, Und tanzen luft'gen Reigen, and dance in airy circles Mir traumt', du verliessest mich. I wept in my dreams, Im wunderlichen Chor; a wondrous assembly. lch wachte auf, und ich weinte I dreamed you had left me; I I Noch lange bitterlich. I awoke and I went on weeping Und blaue Funken brennen And azure sparks are burning long and bitterly. An jedem Blatt und Reis, on every leaf and twig, Ich hab' im Traum geweinet, I wept in my dreams, I~ I Und rote Lichter rennen and crimson lights are running Mir traumte, du warst mir noch gut. I dreamed you were still kind to me; Im irren, wirren Kreis; in circles hither and thither; lch wachte auf, und noch immer I awoke, and still Stromt meine Tranenflut. the flow of my tears streams on. Und laute Quellen brechen And noi~y springs are bursting Ii I Aus wildem Marmorstein, from the unhewn marble rock, 14. Allniichtlich im Traume Und seltsam in der Bachen and strangely in the streams 14. All night in dreams I see you Strahlt fort der Widerschein. glows the reflection. Allnachtlich im Traume seh' ich dich, Und sehe dich freundlich griissen, All night in dreams I see you, Ach, konnt' ich dorthin kommen, Ah! Could I but go there, Und taut aufweinend stiirz' ich mich and see you greet me warmly, Und dort mein Herz erfreu'n, and there make my heart happy, Zu deinen siissen Fiissen. and crying aloud I throw myself Und aller Qua! entnommen, and be relieved of all sorrows, at your sweet feet. Und frei und selig sein! and be free and full ofjoy! Du siehest mich an wehmiitiglich 11: I Und schiittelst das blonde Kopfchen; You look at me sadly Ach! jenes Land der Wonne, Ah! that land ofrapture, Aus deinen Augen schleichen sich and shake your fair head Das seh' ich oft im Traum; I see it ofien in my dreams, Die Perlentranentropfchen. From your eyes there are stealing Doch kommt die Morgensonne, but the sun comes at morning teardrops like pearls. IJ I Zerfliesst's wie eitel Schaum. and dispels it like empty bubbles. Du sagst mir heimlich ein leises Wort, Und gibst mir den Strauss von Zypressen Secretly you speak to me a hushed word, lch wache auf, und der Strauss ist fort, and give me a branch of cypress. Und's Wort hab' ich vergessen. I wake up, and the branch is gone IJ I and I have forgotten the word. I~ I I 16. Die alten, bosen Lieder 16. The old and evil songs 2.Puisqu'ici-bas toute ame (V. Hugo) As each soul here below (V. Hugo) Puisqu'ici-bas toute rune Die alten, bosen Lieder, The old and evil songs, As each soul here below the dreams so evil and bad Donne a quelqu'un Someone has lent, Die Traume bos' und arg, Sa musique, sa flamme, Die !asst uns jetzt begraben; let us bury them now Its music or its glow Ou son parfum; Holt einen grossen Sarg. fetch an enormous coffin. Or its own scent; Rer,:ois mes voeux sans nombre, My vows uncounted claim 0 mes amours! Hinein leg' ich gar manches, In it I'll lay plenty My love, always. (but I don't yet say what it is); Rer,:ois la flamme ou l'ombre Receive the shade or flame Doch sag' ich noch nicht, was; De tous mes jours! · Der Sarg muss sein noch grosser the coffin must be even larger Of all my days. Wie's Heidelberger Fass. than the tun of Heidelberg .. Je te donne, a cette heure, I give thee, at this hour, Penche sur toi, Und holt eine Totenbahre And fetch a funeral bier Bent over thee, La chose la meilleure Und Bretter fest und dick; and planks firm and thick; I I The best that's in my power, it too must be even longer Quej'ai en moi! The best in me! Auch muss sie sein noch lii.nger Mon esprit qui sans voile Als wie zu Mainz die Brilck'. than the bridge at Mainz. My spirit which, afar, Vogue au hazard, Drifts on the sea, Et qui n'a pour etoile Und holt mir auch zwolf Riesen, And then fetch me twelve giants; Its only gliding star Que ton regard! Die miissen noch starker sein they must be mightier even The sight of thee. Als wie der starke Christoph, than mighty St. Christopher Rer,:ois done ma pensee, Im Dom zu Kolo am Rhein. in the cathedral of Cologne on the Rhine. I give my thoughts so true, I I Triste d'ailleurs, Though sad they be, Die sollen den Sarg forttragen They shall carry the coffin away Qui, comme une rosee, Like glistening drops of dew T'arrive en pleurs! Und senken ins Meer hinab, · and sink it deep in the sea; They fall on thee. Mes transports pleins d'ivresses, Denn solchem grossen Sarge for such a huge coffin My wildest transports greet, Pur de soupr,:ons, Gebiihrt ein grosses Grab. demands a liuge grave. I I Suspicions gone, Et toutes les caresses And each caress so sweet Wisst ihr, warum der Sarg wohl Do you know why the coffin De mes chansons! Of this my song. So gross und schwer mag sein? must be so huge and heavy? Ich senkt' auch meine Liebe I want to sink my love and my sorrow in it. I I 3. Dieu qui sourit (V. Hugo) Und meinen Schmerz hinein. Dieu qui sourit et qui donne God, who smiles and who gives Translation: © 1985, William Mass Et qui vient vers qui !'attend, And who comes to those who wait, Pourvu que vous soyez bonne, As long as you are good, Sera content. Will be content. Cine melodies Edouard Lalo (1810-1856) Le monde ou tout etincelle, The world, where everything sparl.cs Poetry of Heinrich Heine Mais ou rien n'est enflamme, But nothing is ignitied I I Pourvu que vous soyez belle, As long as you are beautiful Sera charme. Will be charmed. l.Guitarre (V. Hugo) · Guitarre (V. Hugo) Comment, disaient-ils "How," asked the men, Mon coeur, dans l'ombre amoureuse avec nos nacelles My heart, in the shade of love "can we ffee the Policia in our small boats?" I I Ou l'enivre deux beaux yeux, Fuir les alguazils? Where two beautiful eyes intoxicate "Row," replied the women. Pourvu que tu sois heureuse, Ramez, disaient-elles. As long as you are happy · Serajoyeux. Will be merry. "How," asked the men, Comment, disaient-ils, "can we forget strife, misery and danger?" I I Oublier querelles, "Sleep," replied the women. Misere et perils? Dormez, disaient-elles. , "How," asked the men, "can we enchant beautiful women I Comment, disaient-ils; without love potions?" Enchanter les belles "Love," replied the women. Sans philtres subtils? Aimez, disaient-elles. I Oh, when I sleep (V. Hugo) I.Oh! quand je dors (V.Hugo) Oh, when I sleep, approach my bed, )h! quand je dors, viens aupres de ma couche, as Laura appeared to Petrarch; 1: I comme a Petrarque apparaissait Laura, and as you pass, touch me with your breath ... Edouard Lalo. (1823-1892) Et qu'en passant ton haleine me touche ... at once my lips will part! Born into a military family of Spanish descent, Lalo pursued music studies against his father's soudain ma bouche s'entrouvrira! will and went to Paris, without funds, in 1839 toward that end. There he studied violin at the On my glum face, where perhaps Paris Conservatory and composition privately. He supported himself by working as a violinist ,ur mon front morne ou peutetre s'acheve a dark dream has rested for too long a time, and teacher. In 1848 he published his first songs and in 1855 joined the Anningaud quartet as un songe noir qui trop longtemps dura, let your gaze lift it like a star. .. viola player. Though he wrote little in the early 1860s, he won success with his Symphonie que ton regard comme un astre se leve ... at once my dream will be radiant! espagnole for violin and orchestra in 1875; for his cello concerto (1876); and for his ballet Soudain mon reve rayonnera! 1· I Namouna (1882). There followed the Symphony in G Minor (1887) and the final version of his Then on my lips, where there flits a brilliance, opera Le Roi d'Ys (1888; libretto by Edouard Blau). Perhaps better known for his orchestral Puis sur ma levre ou voltige une flamme, a flash of love that God has kept pure, works, Lalo was also a master of chamber pieces. His chamber works, which were influential, Eclair d'amour que Dieu meme epura, place a kiss, include a string quartet, three piano trios, and cello and violin sonatas. He also wrote concerti 1· I for violin and for piano and many songs and song collections (His music, although it shows pose un baiser, and transform from angel into woman ... et d'ange deviens femme ... at once my soul will awaken! some affinity with Reibert Schumann and Carl Weber, is the product of a highly original talent. Soudain mon fune s'eveillera! These five pieces which use the poetry of Victor Hugo were taken from 6 melodies. They were 5. Chanson a boire (V. Hugo) I Friends, long live the orgy! I composed in 1856 and written especially for and performed by Lalo's wife, a contralto. Amis, vive l'orgie! I love the insane night, · J'aime la folle nuit The reddened tablecloth, Et la nappe rougie And the songs and the noise, About the Artists .... Et les chants et le bruit, The ladies are a bit harsh, I Les dames peu severes, The cavaliers merry, Gregory Kunde, tenor Les cavaliers joyeux, The wine is in all of the glasses, Le vin dans tous les verres, Love is in all eyes! L'amour dans tous les yeux! I Gregory Kunde was born in Kankakee, Illinois, and studied music at Illinois State University, The grave is black, focusing on voice and choral conducting. He began his career in 1978 at the Lyric Opera of La tombe est noire, The years are short, Chicago's Center for American Artists, where he had the opportunity to work with well-known Les ans sont courts, We must, without believing conductors, directors, and singers, such as Erich Leinsdorf, Julius Rudel, Jean Pierre Ponelle, II faut, sans croire Every stupid discourse, I Tito Gobbi, Mirella Freni, Joan Sutherland, Alfredo Kraus, Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, Aux sots discours, Drink very often, and Jon Vickers. From Chicago, he went on to become a guest of America's major theaters, Tres souvent boire, Love always! Aimer toujours! including those in Toronto, Cincinnati, Houston, Detroit, Minneapolis, Columbus, San Diego, I I Seattle, and Washington, D.C. Amis, vive l'orgie! J'aime la folle nuit Friends, long live the orgy! He is regarded worldwide as the most elegant and accomplished bel canto singer on the opera Et la nappe rougie I love the insane night, stage today. He has impressed audiences in the world's leading theaters with his sensitive Et les chants et le bruit, The reddened tablecloth, I I phrasing, impeccable style, and dramatic command of the bel canto repertoire. Mr. Kunde has Ayons done a nos fetes And the songs and the noise, earned widespread acclaim for his performances of the most demanding tenor roles of the French Les fleurs et les beautes, So, at our festival and Italian bet canto operas, including, most notably: Arnold of Rossini's Guillaume Tell; La rose sur nos tetes, Let us have flowers and beauties, Tebaldo in Bellini's/ Capuleti e I Montecchi; Lindoro in Rossini's L '/ta/iana in Algieri; Julian La femme a nos cotes! Roses on our heads, I in Charpentier's Louise; Des Grieux of Massenet's ; Nadir of Bizet's Les Pecheurs des T. aclir,s at our siclr:s! Per/es; Ernesto in Donizetti's ; Elvino in Bellini's La Sonnambu/a; Fernando in Donizetti's La Favorita; ldreno in Rossini's ; Don Ottavio in Mozart's Don Musique Anodine (Metastasio) Giovanni; Don Ramiro in Rossini's La Cenerentola; Rinaldo in Rossini's , and Arturo In silence I will complain I of Bellini's / Puritani. He is a favorite of conductors and stage directors alike and has Mi lagnero tacendo About my bitter fate. collaborated with many outstanding talents such as Richard Bonynge, Giancarlo del Monaco, della mia sorte amara. But not to love you, dear, Riccardo Muti, Pier Luigi Pizzi, , George Pretre, Claudio Scimone, Alberto Zedda Ma ch'io non t'ami, o cara, do not hope to obtain that from me. among others. non lo sperar da me. ll I Cruel one, why do you still Heralded as the bet canto authority, Kunde now claims the music of Berlioz as his territory as Crudel, in che t'offesi Let me suffer like this? well. In 2002, John Eliot Gardiner sought the tenor for his new production of Benvenuto Cellini farmi penar cosi? You are cruel! Do not wish it upon me. in Zurich. This Poutney production placed Kunde at the center of action throughout and the tenor handily embodied the mercurial personality of the music and character of Cellini. Soon after this Crude!! Non lo sperar dame. I critical triumph, he was immediately named heir apparent to the Berlioz repertory. Shattering old ideas of the heldentenor's secure place in this French genre, Kunde has convincingly brought his be! canto elegance to this music. Under the direction of John Nelson, Kunde performed and recorded Benevenuto Cellini in concert with the Orchestra Radio France (Virgin Classics). He has sung numerous concert performances of La Damnation de Faust with Maestro Charles Dutoit in London, Atlanta and Sydney. At Paris' Theatre du Chatelet, Kunde appeared in the challenging role of Aeneas, for a landmark staging of Berlioz's under the baton of Maestro John Eliot Gardiner (released in January 2005 as a DVD on Opus Arte/Naxos). Berlioz continues to figure prominently in the tenor's future performance schedule.

The 06/07 season engagements featured a debut in Busoni's Doktor Faust in Zurich opposite I Thomas Hampson, the title role of Gounod's Faust in Houston opposite Samuel Ramey and a reprise of the Doctor in Malaga, a television special highlighting the tenor in Tokyo, and his signature role of Arturo at the opposite in Bellini's l Puritani. Upcoming appearances include performances of lucrezia Borgia in Las Palmas, I concerts at Radio France in Paris of Piccinni's ljigenie, and a return to San Francisco and Dallas with Maestro Dutoit for Berlioz' Damnation de Faust. But this career did not begin on the stage. Gregory Kunde attended Illinois State University to I become a choral conductor. Eight years ago, Mr. Kunde founded an adult chorus of 50 voices. And, now in its ninth season, The Gregory Kunde Chorale has fast become the finest adult choral sound throughout the upstate New York region, receiving rave reviews from the public and critics alike. Choral conducting is a passion with this musician and though his I work continues to take him around the globe, he has persevered to make this dream a reality. In recognition of his significant contributions to the musical world, last February Mr. Kunde was honored by his alma mater, Illinois State University when he was presented with a Doctor of Arts degree in celebration of the 149th anniversary of the founding of the University.

His discography includes Bellini's Bianca e Fernando (Nuova Era), Rossini's Semiramide (Ricordi), Armida (Sony), Thomas' (EMI), a live concert recording from Pesaro entitled I Di Tanti Palpiti (Ricordi), the much acclaimed EMI recording of Delibes' Lakme, Strauss' Capriccio (Forlane), a DVD of the Chatelet's new landmark production of the Berlioz epic Les Troyens - named as Gramophone' Magazine's DVD of the Year 2005, Benvenuto Cellini of Berlioz (Virgin Classics) - winner of Gramophone's prestigious Opera Recording of the Year I 2005, and just released in the fall, the tenor's first solo recording, In Love and War (V AI Audio), among others.

Beryl Garver, accompanist I Beryl Garver is an accomplished musician and scholar. A graduate of the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York with a Master's degree in Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music, her repertoire includes a vast amount of concert and recital material, spanning the varying styles of over four centuries in vocal and instrumental literature. Winner of the Barbara I M. Koening Award in Vocal Accompanying from Eastman, Ms. Garver is highly sought after as a freelance collaborative pianist and vocal coach. Her extensive knowledge of art song literature makes this pianist the perfect match for Mr. Kunde. Formerly employed as a pianist, coach and conductor in Virginia, she now resides and works in Rochester, NY where she is I currently on the faculties as a performing artist at both the Eastman School of Music and Nazareth College. Ms. Garver has joined Mr. Kunde for several projects including the programming and performance of Sirius Satellite Radio recitals and various recital programs, in addition to assisting the tenor prepare for new operatic roles. Ms. Garver also serves as Music Director for the Gregory Kunde Chorale where she prepares the choir in Mr. Kunde's absence and accompanies the chorale in performance. I