_____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2009__________ 117 THREE NEW RECORDS OF ALEUROVIGGIANUS IACCARINO (HEMIPTERA: STERNORRHYNCHA: ALEYRODIDAE) FROM IRAN WITH IDENTIFICATION KEY Hassan Ghahari*, Chiun-Cheng Ko** and Hadi Ostovan*** * Department of Entomology; Islamic Azad University; Science and Research Branch; Tehran, Iran; email:
[email protected] ** Department of Entomology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan; email:
[email protected] *** Department of Entomology, Islamic Azad University, Fars Science and Research Branch, Iran; email:
[email protected] [Ghahari, H., Ko, C.-C. & Ostovan, H. 2009. Three new records of Aleuroviggianus Iaccarino (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aleyrodidae) from Iran with identification key. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 4 (1): 117-120] ABSTRACT: A total of three Aleuroviggianus species including, A. adrianae Iaccarino, A. halperini Bink-Moenen, and A. zonalus Bink-Moenen were identified for the first time from Iran. Identification key, host plants and distributional data are given in this paper. KEYWORDS: Aleyrodidae, Aleuroviggianus, New record, Quercus, Iran The plant genus Quercus (Fagales: Fagaceae), commonly known as oaks, comprises species which are deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs. There is not any literature about the exact number of Quercus species, but probably 500 species exist in different regions of the world (Weeda et al, 1985). Oaks have a mainly Holarctic distribution but in the Old World they extend from Europe to the Atlas Mountains of North Africa, and in the mountains of Asia they can be found as high as 3000 m above sea level (Camus 1939). In a total of 14 oak tree species including, Q. brandtii, Q. calliprinos, Q. cardochorum, Q. castanefolia, Q.