NottinghamshireN ottinghamshire BuildingB u ildng PreservationPreser vatio n l-rT r.... ustust l-imitedLimited

NewsletterNewsletter !.. , r - • . 'J, MARCHIIAIDi 19,9(1,01 Old"'C_'_"'_~~_'--'''' Co\vcrlon - The Pmfl·ld & Old faclory, MaIO __ Streat



The:bo Tru'lhoost.... has ar..,.,..",.,r anR...ed a. tr' _01,.&aini ng course...... fot«r M...... embers 110 .. and...! oth",""ers... in• ~ te..reste,...... d in t'ho he r"''''' ecor''''''''ding of ol01<1d bbui!

11 ...... t o enab0.1. l e ~:l:..oembe b.,..r s to'0 acq"qui

22. . t<0 o bu",,110ild up" •••• a co11oodll ection... off s.,."urveys... (as( ...... s essmentn. of th.,,e~ c.1>0..har...... acter, of h1.0"""'ouses w"'-1).ill t.~. hen n'.0'ot be". su.";>pe""'01rficial01 as.. it ten'uuds tto o bebO . att pres,....,."Jent) t'0 o' beboltt t •er• _Ipequip th.he. Tr""".rust fofMr ' it...s ma""'Rin t_asoKk ofor c,.""onse..... r vat0<,,,, ion .

1'1>0The ...... course "'-11will i1.,<1_nclude t• he..., prpncU",,} a ct i cal r.. eco00 rd...11 i ng.....

{be0 he ''''' l>Jby the. h. <.:110,"""Chairma n of0' tb.t he rr...Trust • ,. Prl'rof."..". of essor " M. •W.• • _101.Bar ley, tt. o be 1101hel d<1 ib n th....e Lo.,..,..,Lecture Ho.llHall cation,, Shoi.Shak e••sp"....,... ear e ~"Str ee••••t, N~o

Link HHouse,1/IOouse, 110 MansflelMansfieldd RRoado ad,, Not.tingham., NG1 3HL.3~-1L . BBU U IL I L IIINGS D I N G S AT RI SK REG ISTER

Progress Report by Mike Pringle, Co-ordinator

1I took eTover. r nthe .• !!uUdinBuildings, . "'at TIlokRisk Reg"~ghl<"i s t er inIn ApAl'"llril 19t9&;l80 andand since01000 then" .on I have.... visited, hit•• 66 .isites••• ""iehwhich have~ ••• bee"Unn notifie"o,IHO

Bol.ngBeing ~a ",,",p"'"comple te a_tomateur,,.,., I! haho ••ve "".l.J"only been...0 able~bl.o to'0 comment' ''''''''"' onOn thtbuil"i,,!""gs' should"'ould beloo ca""~""I",,.dmpai gned overOV.r Mdand howh o~ such""e~ anon .e<1""action should,"""ld be""""n.d. It isio b,o","i,,,becomi ng increasinglyinor... i""l, obvi.,..>IIobvious to'0 ththo.'at statutory''''ut'>7 powersIX""r a aru. e un•""_ likelyilk • .,. '0to be.. ffruruiitfultful 0"except'.'" in .a v vecryr y limitedlid,od nunUmbe~""rr of cases,e ••." andor." \'Ie... wJ.llwill nne • •ed d '0to r .ely' y on i n'e"""tnformatiionoo (to(to b""thoth the.h. ownersown ... andar.d theth. public)I""llel andorA gego,.ntletl. 1"'"..,,10"persuas ion. •

A• fufullll Hlist • • of ~ all ,,,.the bu\o\>l1o.!_ildings vIliehHhich theto..... AdvisoryI."'y Panel~.".l conseOMI""i ders" to bebo at. t gerer • a•• t rdisollook "."0"""through t".the pho»totto_.",..graphs ofbr these, ho •• buildings""Ho'",," ,i. s =.more 1'""0t han ...He l,lcome. _ . IfH a nyone,.,._ ffeels ••l.. inclired'noli,.o to•• holphelp i"i n the,r,. tas,MIck ofof keepko'pinlo"g then .• re"9ilJ892298) .

------c, ~ T~he follOl.infon.winsg isio Onan '~'''''extractot tfrom""" an"" ar"lEI1HEN ,lINlID! THE""!; IlJ.""L~BATTLE OF K)i1I"lJJillPORTLAND PI.P.CPLACEE

1."10'],he. ~_demo lilitiont i "" ofof da :pO.irpair of elegantd . g ..... t 18.>.18th ",."and hhiistoric. tort , im i,,?='~ ort ance. ""oo, Though ChinaCh i"" centuryooo'"r, h ...... ouses in'n ""~one ~rof LondonLondon'' s. ! f iinoooestt O"h"""" used~ood as.., itsit3 embassy,. ~bo.",,~. during thetbe past....,. streets is cl,I.I",,~ai med tot~ have"",., beenkM th.h.e . "='''' "'r .... {. 20 years1,,",rO they'h.y hadMJ be0.0_come increi,.or"'in«lyasingly result 0of' an. n ""pr.,.d.n!""unprecedented extensionoxtonol"" of .".H ddilopi""ilapi dated ••d ,, although t he GrerOao'.terr LondonLoOOoo diplomaticdirl..... U ' i mmunity -- to'0 ..avool" i d ~ro.tUr""upsetting 0.1'''''"'''' ".• '""""Uy ._ (:"""Council011 had~"" beent ..o pressinpr.",lnFf, forfor moremo ro t'Mhano th.e Gh'ftChinese. • • ~ . ~a decade~"od. foforr t!h.he propeP."<>I>U'Yrty to'0 be"" mainta..b',i""O. i ned. Inrh JaJ' num",,.,ary they.!",~.,." Here ... k~ nockenod< ..d down."no ..... ".. The"rh. hhouses,_ • • , ;inn PorPorttl)..,"and PPlacel." , weW'~re desd ..ii""",, gned h, tIh.he "",brothers. h.. . Ada.~Adam or.cland HereWHo oofficiallyrt '

It" i. s ironleonic '"'"tha t ,hi~ t hi s i;""'0,,,nsensi ti1 ve• • ''"'act ...I'las, ~u""'supl"ortedr ud byb, the".0 Foreif oro'""gn OOf<1ooffice for.'sensitive' ChiChinese.n. ".. lire""0 we_ to'0 expect, xPO" ouro"r a"r

Buildings at Risk Register, presented ' provisional - .'l ::l .c!: " ::: '" ~.~~ ~ ~;; ~j .. . , , . .. ' o ~ ~ !l, '0::l~ " " " "' " .. 0" ,., o reports1l. . on the buildings which had been brought to Survey of Buildings - I " " cO . ~ ~c-<" '.' "' :; ~ • ~ ~ "- ~~~.., '"B" ~ « " = his. . attent·"o ion.~ Some 20 of t hese properties 'Jere Training Course 1 . :;l .-< -<'" A , .., _. .. " }! ~~ H ~ .. ,., ~ ~n" ., ", " " .. " . selectedO" for further detailed investigation by the :. , • .... " , , . • ' -<. co ", M ~ j > . ~~ ; ". .. . , " .. " " . ~ O technical advisers, after which,"I a ction will be taken Buildings at Risk Register - " , ~ " " ~ ~ " ­ .. ,< • 0 < ~ ~ ~ ~ S :I L .0 •• - " " ~; ,. as seems appropriate to safeguard their future. " China's Diplomats/ , " " . " " "- ';;""'t .'l : ': ", ':l M l~ · · L ." h n " .. " • 0"," o ~ ~ 0 ~ .~ Portland Place 2 Technical advisers were also asked to review not " " .... ;;J~' 1! . " .5 . " . " t. " ~ ~ ~: .. 6 !i .. _ H

only these, but other buildings as prospective " 1 . "" Jj ~] ~ 1 . "" , ~'" . Q R' ~ " .... • '" ~~ u ~ ~ Technical Advisers • ' "

.. purchases for the Trust, which is keen to expand and - ! , " .!< ~ . • ,< 0 ~ . ~ Membership 3 develop its fund 'IOrk. , , 1 " H ". •• - I ' il " O:,l: ;5~ .. t" '" , r::::l, ~~s,.: :gt "B '''I , i " ~ ; e h·H~ ~~,.,o

.t. Redundant Buildings in • , ." - " ; " The Farm Buildings Survey, wh ich >!as begun us ing the " .. , M .. .-< ~ I ::i; i 0 ". the Countryside 4 .. Pro ~ ramme, Special Temporary Emplo' yment was to be " " Il! . ] ~ " " • ~1 ~ ~t ~ u ~~ ~ ; - I " 0, , j ! continued on a voluntary basis and, as a first step, • . .. '" - l' .. " 0 ~ ... " ~! ~ Some Carpenters' Marks 5 a trainin, g weekend is to be arranged at Flintham ~ z .. " ~ , :. ' j ! ,: •• "" ~ 11";' " for interested Members. " Tracing the History of Your 0 . House-9~ 6,7, 8 & 9 1 . .! • " " '" H o o • • • " '" '" , M E M B E R S, HIP Foot path vlalk 9 l' " • " • ... , , " .. "" • "'"' , M~6 -" H~ c:~ '. · , b , , ~ ~ H-,~ ~:.: ,. "' ; .. • & H. a ,~ _ ,. Althou" gh we have gained a number of ne>! supporters, International Year of , ' . .' .., .8 " ]'g ~ ~ _. • . 0< '" t ' t ~ it is with regret that we report that. membership is Disabled People 10 ;: N . ., '''' ~ , . , • 0 ~.-< ~ ~ ~ " , . dmm- on last year and no" stands at 271, made up as ~lU .-< . • ~ Q ~ ;; ¥ • 5 "" - ~ -"

follows: ~ Trees: III , ~ " Narch ' 80 Harch ' 81 0 "n",,, "-'" '" >=' - "'","''''N~ " .'1 '" ~ .'1 o

dP;;~ Broxtowe Survey ~ . Individuals 139 137 "' 'j , - ~ ' . ., " " " ""~ Annesley Park " .. • , , ,

Parish Councils 40 38 .. " , ,, ' :l ~ .

.~l . Forestry Commission land Life Hembers 29 31. ..,. ' " , , • ,,,. co f;) o l ~ ~.,'! .. e • ", " " " Amenity" Societies. 25 24 Recording Old Houses:~ ~ - - . a "''"' '" ~ , - . , " Women's~ . Institutes. ~ 23 21 a guide 11 '" ,,>:1B!;! r ~~ ," Companies8 16 16 " ,, .1-.1 '" " J 0 ~'I; ~ ~:'l " .. s , ~ ~. " Estates 2 2 Tax Relief" \vould Help to 1 . __ - ." , ., ... -- ' • '" n . ,~ • , , 4 Q.'1 ~~ ~, " " " ,r< Educational Establishments 1 1 Save Historic~ Buildings J , " , - l 1 " o Villae;e Halls 1 , Forge "ork 12 ... .. '" 'l:.s ., '- H t: ~ , r< · -, ·" . ~'" ~O~!: ~ ~ ~ u ~~" " 0 " ·~O ~ ~';l~> "~~2qf;:S '," . -

The Trust ir. r,r ateful for the su' pport it receives .il " " "' ., Q:;< . "'~~ ~~ . .. " " but '$,~;1 wouldO again ~' urge"'. .>.,., · membe" rs to n. encouroo"' ~ age others .. " l~ '-." .... ~ -""~ _ ., . '\' ~" " ~ "~~ S , . to join us in this '-lOrth''"' -lhile t ask of seekin· g to - • , ''' "lln ~ ~ c o~ ~~-"'o . , ,, . U.-<,"r< ~ ·~8c~ "''',J ~ '" preserve" "~ the county's buildings of historic or 10 .. ... · :ri~~~ ' ,,'o " £ ~~"" "-"8 "'"" •• b ~ " u , • " • "· architectural interest. . A new publicity brochure ::1 " '-< ~" ~ " ... .l:~ ~ ... , ., Q ~,,~ . " •• • will" be availa ble soon and if anyone "QuId like to , , ... ~~ ~ '" :;:: . _ _. ~ 0 0< ~ " « 0l', " · " receive supplies for distribution t o . friends or ;:1 -< _" :j . " ~ . " . ~ " org6 anisations pleo. ase drop us a line . , , .on -­ " '-« ~~ ~~ -:e !~ . ] 2 o '§ ,, " " , : ," " " \1e are g~ll rateful to the following di s trict councils .;j - ~ . , . . ] , , , " t ~ for cont ributions received, to dllte for 1980/81: ! " 8 ;:- • . H . • • • 00 iJ'E , , ~g , • " •• '" •• " Gedling, Nottingham,- County ., . • - " " Council and Rushclif~ f e.

-" 3 - /-/-//-1-/-/--/-/1-1-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/--/-1-/-/-/-/-/ -/-// -/-1-/--/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ -1-/-1/-/-/-1-/--/-//-/-1-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ -/-/ _/_/-/-_//_/ - /



/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ -/-/-/-/ -/ -1-/-/-/-/-1-/-/-/-/-/-//-/-/-/-/ -/-/-/ -/-/-/-/--/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-// -/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/./_/_/_/_/ by Bob Middl eton For10. some__ historich b .ork buildin,"",,11'_gs theU.. endon' comes.-. The Council for Small Industries in Rural quicklyq01'01, own .U..... l. _r. and indeed Newark Dis trict Council, Rural demolO_lIitiontI"" co...... mes aat t theth. enoMd of•• a" lloo,.,ong ., I n~,",J N,,,,, .. Ol""'ot cOIle,n. "","01 Areas Work i n g Party has gone so f ar as period"..'od of de"oilclin... e andad decay... ,,,,. InIn a. fe",I •• ''''... ""'kh~ Foee' 'hU ~":_ t~.< ...... tC Ol>/! environmental objections, there should be Parishhrl-ob Room__ converTO"'" t ed iInnto••• a VillVIlI.'.af'e Halollll ,"".i"""""~"l ....J.j" UptonUF''''' P.....ari I.~sh Council,Co.m<11, a•• newow viviableable use... & ,,"_i.., h 10 ...... et _11 .eal. light industrial developme nt in villages can beha fountoun.d for th.boemt \1hich,."" seO.. rv,M es th'00e dduauall UJI-.• i •.• ·",• • I 01 d."' l= ."~ I~ .n:_ '*. Vii thin t he defined 'rural employment function"'"otlon of01 ppro"",.,.reservin;"!"g our architect"," ,hit, l. .. i s providing practical support to f ar me rs are.... s1gnsoi""" th, ""more.. and""" ...,more ... of,t 'thesebo • • u. f'"O'"ldlot _"<,,I _.WOO"' ,~ t.,.. .. "'ho have buildings they wi sh to dispose buildings are being regarded as a potential >!l~ kao. 1lt: ll .j ~~ tl>ey ~1.~ to dl0!Xl" b .._~. "t. Iloorr ~W"" O" , """ or , ... T~rus t't ·.s Ttoo!.",echnic ..a ll Advisers.'""V"".. Freef,.. •• advd.l" ice is given on the suitability of the Changing agricultural "'00<1practice .. has loJled '0to j . ~ h"', "" t-.. ..l.t .. >ili', or ",. ChoIl4i "" ~rlco!t "',,,·.10_"' c.-t ••l"". i s to be continued by volunteers whom the 1. b ... ~""tlo_ b~ ...1"" ...... ""... "'" Turnint; from country to town, a new Trust w:l.ll be training through the weekend f""u"ll r.... """""7 '0 ...... a •• w lnoo, ..tU bo '1"Cll.nh" ".:"0'." ,~-" ••k ... pr oj ect i s being developed vlhereby ••at ru Fli~,ntha~m 0:>on ~HApril ~t~4th ."-<1and ,,~5th.. ,",jo<~ ~ _ ... do.. ,.,.... w... rob)o redundant buildings (not necessarily of !IoRe'''''''cordin~Gg,, ho.norhOl-lever Tv.:ialuobl.uab l e, , 0-.does no::r of architectural interest) are converted r.~"feguard . a !"'"'por10" I'farm.r< h .l~ OJ>! o,t .. looot"" In I ", I",,", .... '1<11"'" ..... """ """'.".r ... j~ .- ."0". ta. City Area. rfewer ...., 1<""01people..... are _.~needed toto """"wor k ~ a $'I gi ....ven ~ttl ...... area orof l~land .an""d Ill<-there... "'.0has _~been ~ a _marked .... Redundant buildings can be a liability. d.,ul>Odecline bin nthe .• """l b '".1, _ ...... hilo,! i. ""'" I in••• a ,,10'1variety ofof .....ways . .a';or,Loosatisfying ,tt han' n ooel~seeinE ~a rhoo"~Phoenix rl&et-nEfts MARK!> '1 ~~ e.Q.O.MW\eV'IIt dl \ U•

/11 1'>. ".~ "Ea.> ...... _"'"0 .. , fill. "1>,)t'

------.------..... 11. IN..... fA-i" • ..." IIHIII Q I,) --'---..,----'------··;----~-r··· ._.--.< \

f">~t ! , -.'R'Klr or-* lioniD ... Hol-e'"_ - -'i~or' ..... :.0p " ' 'v o • ';X • / ,,> ~ "- 17 ""'- D.cof \t" t:.~ .. I o.r)~·'" "~1J( of A~"'·_'"of- .:;on-,mon por"\,,~ FC";'i. "i'Gf~ ....roftt;r& ,~. Tracing the !fir/ory of l our House

'r';'h.he ninthDI" . ~ con,ooul""U",,tribution t.~ o the...... seri10. es byl>1 Ad.....ri10lI an HROlI.enstoc •• ocl:,k , t' heOo C""""'7ounty Ar"'o~hl."chivist, ddescribin•• ,.loll>&g basic'0<\>\0 d__ocumenn,...., tary s0""'''.ources for~or tr,,,,,,toe:acing tthehe,s tory of~r s_lloma llert househou ••s• inIn NoNotti"""t t inghamshir __I ...e built. ull••• befor !oroe c.1900.•• 1<)00 . +• + + +• +• +• +• +• +

T7111his • articl.,01.10e conoo.Utinue...... s t he s. econ. con'd paporr tt of0' tthehe s••eries• 10. ded •••scribin "l b l~g t.""he histor10.10 ''''7y ofof se..le100004 cted l1_1ocal bbun",uildin . , T"".~his issu1_'e 's•• ex_tl-o ample iI. s agaqdoin ofor a• buil_I<11"1lding witwithh a • s• pepoo101l00


(a)to) !r,£hit.IU.age on th....e parporlotoi sh bo~undary >/witlli t h CayC."h_ thorpe and..... Geon.u.""onals ton.. The<'loo coc ....mpl, ex•• of"I bric....c.· k- and...... - pant~.n. i le farf..- M and.... m00111ill buildinboH.loll"gs s••tr..-1_. addl es a mcUIill•. race"'co ddhivert.. ,od ed ffro.'~rom the Do_.ver B&<1:h"'I.hich " hi1I1 ...... storicallyIliwi""ng hhooas thl hee ap__peaor,oo. r a nce ofor •••a sep""" arateoto cott001<_,age . ., Twor-.o ofo~ th'hee ... buildin\UI ",be...... ar smallU dat.....e-..s t""" ones... set' intoIn'. thIh,e 'orl bricki s 0400 case ""'hboth 'ap ."'r ~ a.. r tto o au,",,,,,,tiot hentic and..... inI. th'"o!~eir ",.11;1origin ..al1 GHsitu ..aUtion .. ., "..That, ""on ,~the mUmill r....".eads '#C' B" C 177.7'3'8 ' aon

•Vi ~i .....t h r egapzd r d '0to uven pr~~om i nence 0< on ...... s uch s tone_ s.. '1'00The sM.codecond pp<>l.otoint ,"".t hp t Itit lAis n_1orma l [""for ....suchh i"'i ni.. t i als. 1.o rofuref er '0 t o ...... a marrieIod d .... coup,.,.. l e ••••• , i . e . B ...••• &odand C ...oo. F}'. ... • • , ....Hho 0 __presumablbI:r y ~l''''' built or nb\ditr ebuilt ,0.the =Ill mill 1.0in 1778'776.. ~I.Thei r 140nllllidentity ..will/ ill bebo lIi",,~"di scussed ..be1lo ...H. .

...An • ex _""U""aminati on of ...t he brbrlO>:...m:i ckwork .of1 ....the 1oooI:"I.~buildi ng c_lcompl .. ex •s va ugG.... est s 'M' t hat Ihth.e :>tu mil l,, ""wh.. ee Thl h ","and ..,.one w_i~ing 0< of u., t he ...... hous·e Oreare co con ...... temporary,7o./7 . beinbol,,!:g plapioMdnned ini n 11"0line,, eo"and ,t 110,hat tDothe "co.'"second ~,,",,,"hous e win:;"linE> ....11as oModadded 1<0.1l at .. er, , pro._'l;rpr es umab l y iin. 10%181f6 . (h) f.'>.iU:'4!l.'!1."l. .Il'.!'-""l.

1'",lIopoPerhaps thelhe ""'.most _,"""obvi ous .st tuar"tin""g ",,'ot poi nt toi s to t o try t r y '0to idenldon\!!)tify ,toethe ioHI_",initials ""on tuhe.. ""tdate.. -~,oo.... s tones. :'b.The 10%1846 .sttonoone ,f.n. al ls wi'hlnHi thin th.the por peri .....od co-. ve..... r ed ",.by - . 6 - TRACIN""""TI"G THLrn: HlH I ~h"':'CRTO RY ! OFO'f Y1OUR00R HO1iOCUSS>;-£-9 continuedOOII tiOU.. •••• ••

commercial directories and the section of \'/hi te' s Directory of Nottinghams hire of 1844 lists the name of Robert Faulkes, corn-miller, '1ho seems likely to have been the' R.F.' of the date• stone. For the 1778 stone it i s more difficult, but here the obvious sources are the Lund Tax ass essments >lhich list all owners and tenants of property for each parish from 1780 onwards, and which are in the Nottinghamshire Record Office. However, the 1780 assessment , for Hoveringham does not reveal any obvious candidate >lith: jthe'hi.:~ initials·~·:"i ~:. , B.F. " but this' couldoould bebo dduueo tot o the""' two-yearh o_,... r intervalintor.. l betwebot _ enn theth. twohoo events. It is10 'tet .mp~p'tini "S'g tb o assu...""" me thatH,,,c 'B' H.F.'.t . ' w~illill also.woo beb. a" me_ m'*>orber of~ f thn e_ Faulkes faf ..mily;! . butbu, thchji sa is( • an• n example__p h of the, ddAngoangersra ofof circuoiro=mstantialt ..~ tioJ. evidenceedJ e" '" as"" itIt ultiu1<1 ma....t el 1:' y tur' ur""ns outOU' not " 0' to'0 be ththoee caseco •• (see( • • • below).lal",,).

T",.he presence"...•• n O< of dad . te-.._ s • tone• o" ••s ,dvithth initialsioit101o on0" a dome d"",soticti< or0" farmf . .... buildin\>U ildineg priorprlo,. tot" thmmer-occu. " _"",un~ier,i or, es• • pe",ciallyd a H, a• ','yeom. """",'an' far.,,,,, r mer .. or". tradesmant " ...... " whowho was_ " proud , rcud enouenoughgh of0' hihi s• ach• 0>.10"ievemen...... ts tto o recorr oeordd "th~ " f' a«ct' ini o stone..t"". . It isj . unu~''''.s ual''''I forf or tenantt .."", .. s tto o pup,ott their<1r n, on"" someon"_0e, -else'_.1.. 's. property,pro",,,. , butbut t'·'re'1,e re were"""" cert,.,.hina in lonlone_l.g-leasehol~ .. "o Bders.r~ who.c.o enjoyor.j.".ed. d googoodd security• • c",i'y of0' tenut.nur", 2 a,,nd'" '1ho,",,0 hadhod a rea.,.[, nably1, f1reroe. ha _ nd1 in; n whatIt theyt h ' ~ diddid withwit" their'boir p,,",ropo p"rtert~y.. InI" the' ho ca"",.se ofo' Hoverin~ "".d ""gham",,~ m~illn l thecc. • presentpro,,'''_' own0""er• • isio Trinityr d nity ColleCo11.pge,, Cac..mb""'~rii dge'-s . , aonnd' invein. ..s ti tif'O-ga tiontior. soh.,...hoVls that,t h.o t, likeH ko thet,. OldOld HouseHm, ... ata t B"leasby" "7 and""; t'ne he Fl,'1.' yin\ "1:g H""orse" . a tt NottinN ott i.'.ggham,ho ~ , thet1,. ppropertyr OOO r!, has , .... ala lEs o beb ..en" ini o thche. handshand. ofof thtat ther.,.., e w.illill bebo no titlet!tl ~ de~Oe.Mds a.. vadJ.o. ilable,~I •• as•• it has""" r" a~ rely"

Trhhese ••• records",<="hhowo. th" a. tc the " , Colle«'11'ge;;0 ' gr~ anted. d tt he 1I0l!o-Ylever,Ho... vor. it was"". cu'""s tomary' ''''-" ' i1 n" pa1"r" t ofof tthe~ . 1R1R"th a.,..nd 1919tthh ceo. tot o a major""jor tenantt . ""nt >lho""0 would"cuH then, h., subletoubl o' thtboe lan"-odsd. a ndno] hous" 0""' es0• as.., he•• wri.ish' e.dd.. InIn the, 0. 11"ilt h>, century'""<"'1' theth. les1."s.. ees. . weWO r" e thtoe. GGiilbl boert-Cooro_C""l-"'perr f, am...ily11 , '"ho'""" liveli ..d. at. t ThurTh= ga",rtonrton PrioryPr;'or, a."ndd in i n ththeo 1'9t9th'. ce

On00 thet h. principleprin,i ,l. th>hatot iti t ii> s besboott '"to wwoorrkk bac",o,k, ...>mm~ o ini " titime". frr"om,,, theth. knokoown,," to t" he. unknkr.o,,",no\ffi on0'"e cao" n beb .~gini " >lod,i th> th" .e• 119thO9th ce"nt""'1'ury est. ..a~ te .. r""or ecordsdo ata t CaG.. mbb ridr l~ge.. A valu..l ..a tionti "" ofor 1R1>1881,+ des " _.cribesorib.. tht h.e b""uildinHO' ''''''gs and""; thetb. roo",,,,m.. s, , ando,d it iI~ s intint er""est""'l,,,,ing to noooteto t har.. t, thet h. m~ill!l1 m..achinc~t""'7 ery thetbo pprOP""ropertyty ofor ththe u....nd der. " tet.",".nant -_ thth,,"en ~ illi1l11,am ~ Lee.t.>.. ThTt.oerere isla anoth. not ""rer valuation...1""" "" orof 1' 84584~ "hen01-•• " Rlloobboertr t Fau h ulklkes •• "laswOO t, he"" undunoleurtenant',tooan" >lhic.Mehh sh, h0\1sla.....s re. ~bbuuilt\l ' , ini n 11i<4'i-R!'5- 6,C conooO' ftlirmin" a i ",g thet h. datd,,, e sotontoo33070 thlC. e• ColleCol!. ge€< paipoio d £101OC,0 , SSirir RichRi ,h",ardd S~utton,u"on , ","",ho0 leased, ,,,,," thet h manor_ nor and""1 somee o... 50050C aocror from"" t<>,he College,Col"'"" , pa""iid d £1£10000,, and"". R?-Oob~ertrt FaF_ulul

- 7 - r , i i " "J • • o TRACING THE HIS~~ TORY OF YOUR HOUSE-9 • . continued• 0. 0 "'~ .!<'.l!f::; • .l! f. ~ ·l" ~ .:l £i , ~t~;H r~", ~ ; 0 . u.::~~£ ~ ~ §~ .. , ",. " i H q " ~.';'., ~ !l. « I ' I . - Robert, Faulkes' successor in 1872 was Thomas Faulkes, probably his son, 1 • ., "'. ,., ~:~.q ! .. ~ , " " ".; t·~ ~ ~ ~"~~ . " but he was frequently0' in arrears with his rent and gave up the tenancy "'~~~ :;;"" . -g ~ ~~'" . ... .,' • .. at '" till" to,.; ~ i .. in 1881. 'This was the period of0 the great agricultural depression when :::: '"" , . J 'Po H~ ~ " ~ .. . t:1() ~q ~ ~· ~~ , ," ~ r~.!l o,, farmers were finding_ it .hard to make ends meet, and it is a very telling ... , 1!~ !l ., ~g;: . , ll' .. 0 . •.. '" '". .. .. -(> sta.tement that when Faulkes left he had been trying to find £125 a year,. 1.i . . ." .!<' ~ . ~ ll' " .. '" but the inc:Jming tenant in 1881 was only asked £75.. · 8 ,. ... " , '" "' t:=:o '" 'P. ~,,-::l ~;l.:l ~ ;::,~ • qg · , • .. ~; ...... " ,·t ••• • a " ,.,.:i . ~'!l ~~ Before the 19th century the estate records are less full._·B A College :l' , •• '> , }111 . 0< , •• " ti::: rental of 1746 shows that the mill was held by John Flinders. . In the , , , . ~ 1 , !J . . • 0 , j • : • , f ~ ' Nottinghamshire• Record Office i s a beautifully- executed written survey r "'"' , • '.' f I , < j r . '" , " " ~~ '. " . .. " " "' Dra\l .; '" .--. ~w .-< ..,.~~ ".0 ... • ... • . ., • " 0 o 0"-'" 0'" Ow"""' ~"o::: ', ~I!.".; O_" ."" neighbouring village, poss ibly LOI·ldham. In view of the closeness' of .. ~ -i;'!;~:E: r hh~~ .g';;J!~:! ., ..... " .l! ... "~1I> '". .,~ ," ~ t;;~-;: . 0 this d",te to the 1778 date-s tone"~.< t he probability is that Wido ~ 1 Flinders" .~ r ~ ~",~~ " ."".~. "''''''' ~ , .. 0 . ~,...'"~ . ,., •• died in 1777 or 1778 and Has succeeded i n t he underten~ ancy by a relation, " ~ , ~ ~." ... +'- '"n " .!<' . a " " . o ~'" . i 0 •• ~ _ Brian Flinders, \'Iho pr obably rehuilt the mill,_I"~ possibly with assistance .. ,,; .." .;J':''' ', ... .l!,!l . . " 0"'-< 0 !' '" .. from his landlords . He and hi s wife \Ihose initia ls a ppear 'on the dat e-' stone, and some detailed genealogical . ~ ... .g ... ~ " !. •• .. " • " ~~ i~ ~ ' " . " 0 research amongst the local parish regi s t ers would no doubt F resolve. the relationship... ; - " "' ...... " .. tu ... 201"'" ~ '::~" ! '" ". .. .. · !,' · " ~ ., ,. , "' •• • • " " a " Q.! o ~ . ,,~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ l!.~:li The documents consulted so far cover the history of the present"~ building, .:'lo'" .. " .., .... "" ~"" . . ~ ~ . ••• M • ",," q • O..,~ "~ ., but: as it is evident that there \'Ias a mill on this site much earlier, , ... !l .. .! - ' .. .. . " 2 n .. .. il" . p ... ' " 0" 0 " ~ ~" ."

attempts'r: can be made to trace the history of its predecessors. As , " " " ' ,., "" . , ' ~ ~ . ! .. . ~ ~ " , :r • !!. 6 • 0 usual, one is faced with the problems~ of identifying the property from "" - 8 - ;! i , ,

TRACING I THE HISTURY OF YOUR HOUSE-9 I l~ • ii "" continued•• ••. ~ ~ ". ". . !' . ~ ~ : t: • • '

the documents, even thouGhl water-mills are usually specified as such. ~ ~ ., o ~ ~ " " w '" '"- " ,._ i 1" . The chief problem. is that there have been at least two mills in 'l\ ~ ~:: ·· ' ~ ~! ,. :t " • " • •• "' a~ ~

Hoveringham~~ parishl" as well as others on the Dover Beck in adjoining ~ ,. , ' ~ ~ . " ""'_ ... " """ ~ "~Z ~ parishes which are difficult... to distinguish one from another. The ~ "" • .. "I' :! ~" ~ a~~~t -' • """ ...... ••

foundation charter of Trinity College in 1546~" refers to a mill called ~ 'l:I~ ,"g~ ,fiG ."~ ~ ~ ~ .~ , '" i" Snelling Hill which appears to.. have been in Hoveringham. Those ~ ~"., .... ~~ "'-! ""~ ~ ~ \: _~ ~~~"" "~ ...... national archives which are now available in print reveal that, ~g" similar endo~Ment ~ ~ I. " ii~ . " "~ ::: 0' .. " • ·"'" .. .,"

to Bleasby, the for the College comprised'q", land confiscated by ~~ , ~::< ~". r~i!~; ~~~~"L~~ ;l : ~ OD '" "' "SO' "" •• " .00 . ...

the Crown at the Dissolution of the Honasteries, and that HoveringhamI .... •

• ·'·~-~=:~~i' ~ , · ,~![i~~I::! 00 0 " "_0 .... l,. and its mill had previously been the property of nearby Thurgarton... 1 , ~ o.~ "' .",." · . ~4 i • , , § Priory. The bailiffs' accounts for the newly-dissolved priory~~~~ in 1540 ~." . ~:t~ ~ .n~.~ ~;;; ~. ~'l""-~ !-~~~g;, ~ D . ' ", ,':' i ......

(in the Public Record Office) -, refer only t o a mill called 'Barell Hylne' ... , ~.. . "~O , "~ " ;t!i."'q .. " " S H:!

in Hoveringham. The Thurgarton Cartulary... (register of deeds) now kept _ ~- " ~ ~ ~ .~"" " .. , at South,<.o ,.-~. ~ ·! ~N (i!~i ,"on.. ""j'"""" ""O-! . Edward Ill's charter confirming the priory's possess ions in 1340,~~- and I"' , • ~6~" ,", [-1~~ ~ ~ ,,~ . ~'" ~ "~~~ ,.~~ d'.. " " •• "_

both records mention. both Snelling and Barrell Mills. In addition .. "."." [~H;~g;;HHH~~ ~~-~ ~,. . l>1f;;1~""Z ",",,~ q 0 a- OM" 0il.':l:;: 8' ... ,. •• .. Domesday Book of. 1086 lists blQ mills in Hoveringham. Trinity College t' ·'~M;~· ~,. :I ~ ·4 " wa W... B 0. O "' il 8'01 .. •• ' . ! ,,~

surveys from 1576"" onwards, however, refer to fields called the Old Mill ' ~ . ",~ ~ . 0 00 " . . Field, etc., Hhich seem to have been situated near,. the confluellce of :o ",".~" "' ) o ~;; l,~ ·l·~~ .~ ~ ~".". 0 i' ," ••. . "'d' ~ ~

the Dover Beck and the Trent, - which suggests that one mill disappeared ,, ~ ~ ~ "' ';.Ii "1 ,., '" g.!!-~ .~ S! .... after the Dissolution, but"'. which one? The Cartulary contains a record . ~~!~j o;~ "."~~ ~ :; ~." ~ .... 0_ "'- ...... af the original gift of Snelling Mill.... to the priory by Ralph de Beauchamp J;l ""O .~a"!d ~ ,.~" ~ ~~ ~ • "''' .. - as early as c.1180, and although" it cannot be proved conclusively, the ", ~~P"" ,., ~~ ~tt;; ~,~ ,."'.' . ,.~~" ~W~~W" p • ,.g .. ,. .. ",. evidence does point to the fact that the present mill stands on the ,- site ,,,,"" • • __ "'~o~. " !j~~g~;~~~~~~~~;~,;~~ "~~~, r;l!i~:,I,·: ~g~ ~ ~ , ". • • .... ,,, • • '.

of Snelling Mill, which in turn was probably in existence at the time· ~ Il "::r ' wa~ ~~ " ..,~ ~ ~,. ~p~ ,~~g~~,~"~!. f • , • " ... ,,'q a tn",,'2 "'" "'" 10. . ••• ~" ..

of Domesday$~ and even earlier back in the Anglo-Saxon period.! , ~ S, ~ 0 In conclusion the history of this property can be , traced largely as a .. " ~ " ~ 0.:1. 0" ,-. •• result of the continuity of ownership under only two institutions,..., which "~n ~ • remarkably span the whole period of 800I<'" years from 1180 to the present ~"ri~ ~lg4 ... ii1S~'i ~, • ,. .. .. 1100

day. There are problems caused by the complicated tenurial relationship,;: ~ ""d~" ~ 0 0 l°o" "'. ['Ii'.b ; as at some periods"'" the property had an owner, a principal tenant and an 'II~O~' ":an: ii;;~i'., n~:;o,'-~ ~'IInri " " " '. .... 11-0"",", undertenant, which is confusing to the: researcher. On the other hand p;l.~ igllY:;"'':: ::iH n." 0 • "" riri .. there is the bonus of the date-stones, but the dangersj' of leaping to - - - ~;:;:. . ~~~;i~H i~.i~l"' ii~ ~~!:,"&5;~ ~ "'~::~"~ ~~~~"~p:,: ~H~ ~:;iir;i: n '" ,. ri .. :; ""0 ":> . , ?'f'. ' conclusions are evident from the fact thatin 'B.F.' and 'R.F.' turn out to ~h :-. ~~ n ~ri o " ,,;l. .. . l represent totally. different surnames. iH~~2IH ~ , 0 ,. g ,. .. = , ~ ~ ~ • "' - . . . . ,

Most of the above information is taken from an article by F. Patmere,. vi. . " " ' . .. .. ~ :1i­ "' ~!" Q 0 g " ,. ., , , .. i '" . R. Fincher and N. Summers . in the Transactions of the Thoroton Society, vol.70, . -i.., - ~"" " .. • ~ ~~ ~ 0 . "' Hi ' "0" ,"" i ' .... 1966. Articles by W.A. James.. on 'The Mills of Doverbeck' appeared in the .~ j' ~5"" , • 0 " .. ". [ , . .. .. ~ .:.I ...... Lowdham, etc. Parish Magazine in 1936, and historical notes en the mills' by . I '" !I'~ ~~ ~~.:rl'" ~~ ~ o hqg C' e, • o • ". , "' "" "''''- &- , ;"8 " :l.Hq bh ~ :-~ ~~;iie ~ ~,.~:<,. · g " e ...... !:u J.W. Russell are deposited in the Nottinghamshire Record Office (M 1926-1985).', 1 ~Wl

00000 ! " J [ ; , r , , , , In the next issue : Further local caseI studies. . 0 " • L , • - . • " " il' ii ' .. N.B. In the December:r issue pages 8 and 9 (Tracing the History of Your House-8) . ~r ~ ;'.. " " H "" :: .. la .. '" "ere inadvertently'. trans posed and "e offer sincere apologies to the .. ':l. 'lI q " ~ ~~n ~ ~d ~ L~ 00 " i:' , " ;: , . hi:" '." "' .. .. ~ ;-~~ n"~ H_ -" Author, Mr. Henstock, and readers::- for any inconvenience caused. --, . "! :h , " !t-O ~ ' " , , o , i!; " ", " 11 VlALK " • l 8 - , , , ..

FOOTPATH ANNES LEY - SUNDAY,.. 17th MAY - Assemble 10.00 a.m. at the , . I 1 . - >I-," ~~ ~ • 0 ! ~ ~ , car park, Annesley Miners' Welfare, Annesley" Weodhouse. ' i • . ~ . " • • , , ." .. ~ ri._ "~" . This event is being organised by the Kirkby District Conservation, Society. s

11-: & , l,!il,. , .. ,,'I ~. . ~ ;1 ~ C " " • • "',. ;:!g " '" , "" ,,1 . " ." ,. For further details please contact Sylvia Sinfield, 66 Kingsway, Kirkby-in•., ~",;;-~ 1~ " .. . ~ ,,~= ~: ~~Ii~ ~~iii~ "'/!.~-", ~ ~ ~nhl!l ' - " .""

Ashfield," Notts. Tel: Nottm. 752833 . ~~.t~~ "' " .


",PEOPLEPEOPLE " ~. ... ,

The!'M ·United""U,d NationsKat! .... has!>at designatedd."gn.o.' •• 19811981 thet h The Year of the .Disabled People does not International1.,.,.".\1""", Year10..,. ofof Disabledl>i,-,0l0<' Op""rloni' 1 organise events and activities to mark forf involve"". 01 .. usgo all.n ..... The_., aims ...... of the year are: _-, In Nottingham \'/e have formed a small group In Nott! oq... wo t.. n forp/areness~..,.." ... of". theth, needs""" i, o~ po opl.... rd "" w'ith ,h. dl ••M,; rn.r ••• organisations to t~y to .stimulate efforts abilities,bUilt .. and""~ aspirations"pi,.." .... of disableddl.. bld ""_inU",,. t. try tQ .. 1",,10.'. dtor\. _Ipeople.•. -, to'0 m_arl): , the.~.,...... year.. AlreadyUr_ we...... have ne>/sno.., a of0' specialope<;'l events._to beinboi~g plannedpiano...... - a gala,plo • • concerts, sports events, a pantomime and Z2.. To 1"".--..increase participation,_ridely to the public a Diary "3. I"!IoTfie prc...,nprevention. t"" of disability.'o_hoa ..... booi"" "'ouUa.d .., 1""01 groups, community associations and clubs. «idisabled... bled PO""'"people. ' """", ~.w..~ ..,. ... Inl""" __ ~I~"'. I;e would be very pleased to hear from But tliese can, only be achieved if the \,hole anyone who wants to contribute towards community both able bodied and disabled the effort of IYDP 1981. ' take the initiative to participate by organistnt, events and publicising the year. ~o~tact ,. PI-Please _".' "'0.Mrs. ''''7Mary "'Perry,r 17, Volunteer Co-ordinator for IYDP 1981 , ~Ie must 'all know several di sabled people, y.l.,..' •• r 'o-•..uoo , .... tOT TrDI' '98' ...... UI kn"" "'orol dJ ..blooi poopl • • c/o 31a Hansfield Road, Nottingham, f.".for ddisabledU.U... ddoee.... not0' -.,mean jjust ... I~.the ./. ~1 a Pl"""fiol4 ~"" ', Hottlnt;hM, Telephone: Nottm. 46714 (for messages) ~ioallzphysically _,o"I>J'04.handicapped, bJ..but &lalso.. tthe ... bllblind,. , . ro"""""'" ~." ... 467'~ (for . 0 ___ 0) doar,deaf, '-';,-. H. 1&111...,., Old Police Station, Sutton-in-Ashfield. _Ad d t to•• these, ~ ... , 0those • .,.. dl"disa"l'"bled '07by "old""ageing 01<1 r.,ll,. Stall .. , SU"..,..""...... ' ..1O. Telephone: ~lans field 515614 """""..and we .esee. 11it ,.is ~"I".quite a largo l ar ge •••section u"" 0'of""""", KoMflold "561~ ourour 'community.-..nity . JuOlJust .tostopp "'.~and 'thinl~I ""c ~how. v .,...,.m",ny ..disabled I •• bl... , _rhpeople ,,"" you k,know:.•• : DODDon','t oror ('or(for _HBassetlaw)' l.o..) >:rHr.. ".M. [",Nel1stead .....d • Priory Gatehouse, Cheapside, l ' lo rks~p, ••theyoy ...... have the ..,.sa ~e hopotopes,. . ...asp. Iir U_,ions, l'rl..-,. ""'0"""". ""-,.1<10, ,.\,.. ,.",,, • Notts. Telephone: I;orksop 86868. _needs ...... and pl~pleasures 1_you .....have?1 .....- and "'"'how _0<... ~l''''''' ' IIorlu>op lI6M. poorl:!poorly ourour ....societyioty ",·.,.Ho.provides 'orf~r U,them.... . • It la •• dl'rlcu1t 10 ••' ....hb; '0 It is so difficult for disabled _lapeopl e to .....Mary7 ~.E. F"'17Perry •'do• '-'1 many -ofof · ''"''the ''04.,. -Id...."."""Information Co-o,Co-ordinator"IYDP,",,_. . ... 1981.


. " •

. -10 10 • - •••••••• T R E E S ••••• •••


Broxtowe""'.. _ BoroBo",~ugh Councileo-U have11.0 ... begunhocun the'~o comprehensive' ...... 1>< ...1 ••• task&al< of01 checkinclle«<1""g andond up•up" ANNESLEY PARK datin..t(o< g all.ll the.... p",.reserv. ....a. tionUon or_noders f~r lot' trees' r _ . inin the.h. borou...... KirkbyKiri"'"roxtowe, Plam!I"" lIo)lO ...... many"'''Y of01 them.~_ handed"".... d on.. byb7 predecessor__ immediately. -...t...... itIt learned1_ .... th'M'at tree,_ au~horities ...h ..,.!U... att loclocalal gt'O'fovernment ...... reor.--rgo,to.ganis• fellin'.U1.... g was_ in10 pro~~gres s he...... re. On investigation it >Ias found that ,• ~t10n, ..! .... and""~ there.h...... are seriousI .... ina1",,<\OqIlooldequacies .. 00 1"_'I ... U"", H _ r"""" ' 100, 1nIn a• ·nu" """"mber •• of f oro_rders.•• Dnavid•• ld AdIo4aNams LimitedLlod ...... had cleared01 ...... some0_ sm...all U trees'r ••• butbot hadM •• also100 cut.u. dOlm the large Walnut tree which Th1'1> e•• surve~ y >lill"'n taketok. acc'00"",,ount' of0' an....,.y new... ~ d""" 'l>o lo..p. "'1>10' la.Ut(;g . Tn-he.. \1aS- probablypro.... bl;t the,be last1Ao...... remaining.o!.cc <10001_.,. example of that species in the initial101t1. 1 survey,~1, of.1 12' 2 orders, haslID alre.lNodltady .,..,,1. of .M ....el .. u...... 00las _ claimed.lo.1.wd that..., itit was_ been""'" completed.....10 ..... ant:d d t he Council'seo....U'~ t!,,, diseased. The Secretary of the ad• _ministrni •• ation and0 le"101gal services_'N dd.po.r',epart• dl_od. ~ :;'Ocr...... f 'h• nu"" .... Society pointed out to the mentOor.' have h ... bebooen. rroe_nf;o""l;t 12 we r e some very rare trees in the orders"""'...... have so0 farlA>" be_~en revi....b'""', e;!ed 195, ~ "",.., _ ·'''1 ' .... IroN i. ' Iuo individuall ..... hld... 1 tre...... es anMdd .hsix ""-pOgroups .i~f \1ood-. _ Arboretum...1>0 •••.., which"";ch halIo11 .. haveho.. ""'"been _p rot...... ected . . back...... fr,... om.. th,~.e overs__eas travels' .....01 .. of th'looe Cct.o.."..hha',orth familyfOdlJ' andODd .-these borel>oro nameplates_ph ... giving~iY''''' detd.. aoll. ils of0' th.hoi.eir oriorlgsin.ln. AnJ.n assurance had been given that ... """"'" ha,) ...... ~," n .r.. , hl"rtoReports th.h at• • 1legislation.~hl.tI." 10is .soon""" to• • bobe thereth."..... Houldold be nobO furtherfor'lo<, major""jOO'" ,otNd>lOO


• "1lXflDIN:lRECORDING ct:!OLD /IOOSi:SHOUS ES, : • A OOUle:GUIDE """'.co.Produced b1by "the ... eo.m.uCouncil rorfor 8r-itUohBritish ",.Wool=Archaeology Recording Old Houses: a guide is in t he process significant features may essential reading for all those concerned u. ••• FOcos.o . 1&0;<1_. i .." ..... ""1 di sa ppear t o be lost forever unless they with recording buildings, Hhether t his i s 01 ..._. '0 .. 10. ' loro... r ..1 _ ,~ •• are r ecorded first. being done as a purely historical s tudy "'0 .oeo• • •• 1 .. Building Preservation Trust Ltd. at dropped but the number which are subjected &"ildln, Pr... ro"'", l"ruot Ltd ••t .... ol'f'Od but ,loo ~"".. . ""I.~. or ••ub j . o'" Link House, priced £1.95 per copy plus to extensive r estoration has greatly Li,"" £"'." 1""1<00 £1 .~ po. eo,.". pi.. ' 0 ""•• 010. r ••t aroU"" 110 ••r • • ",. 20p post and packing (£1.45 + 20p p & P increased . It i s desirable that old >Op """• • net ...,k ; "" (~,.,, ~ • 20p p ~ p "",,_d. h \0 ••• 'robl. " .at old to Hemb ers of the Trust). "'\Idl.,..buildings ...... be ada"" pted... toto ...... modern needs botbut ... '_r. or . too '!r.. t) . • _ 11 _ - 11 - ISSISSNN 03QEl·725Q0:308-7255


The.". 00cost •• of buyin...,.111&'g .tIIIand ",,_HAIlrenovating M$'orl.historic buil,,"1l'I"~dings soIIhould ... l~ &1"'-1allowed to. 0 set 0(0.1"'.agains t c..-"..,.IICorpora tion ... 'n,Tax; ....the ''sava ..... e-ge rform""", ofDf discriminborlt'd ..atloa'tion ' .,of charging, .....Pll&' Vir.VAT ""on ..repairsp l .o andW _Imt._maintenance,, w'but ,.,.not 0tIon _Uti""demolition or.... Anel1.. I>uil~1.or'O,buildings , should_l.

'lIo.The rroep ...... ort (Pri(Pric.. e £}.OCI£3 . 00 fromfrcoa the.h. BritishMH,. ':Wrt.oTourist ...... Authority)""'"It ~ ) says...... too many ol10 d b..uildin1l0""others _ehwh ich can_loo be saved...... ifIf economic",,, I. alternOI.o,.....Ua tive .. "-uses ...... ca n be foundf_. Ot her r ecomme ndatinns incJ.uded in t he report are that Centr~ Government should introduce guide lines r equiring governme'nt departments , nublic sector bodies and local l authorities to consider re-using hi storic buil dinr,s to«0 mee....t demands for ne vI accommoda, tion. SecretariesSoo,..'",\_ orof State,S«O'" withwith help,<1, fromt ..... thto,e P1.... roperty"""1 ServGor."ices .. Agency~ "'1 ,' should. , ... Id have""Ye a• directdiu.' ...Hatchin ""1'8g briefI»-I.r forro, hiM_tos toricr!o buildin"" lIdl_gs inIn the'h, hands""""" ofor a,11ll geo"""_overnment' dep<)lI'N r e othet""er fin'1 •••anci,101 al means...""" ofor helho:";;""ning the...... priv ,..... ate sect'.0'''''or toto undutodorert. ako:te •• conserv_ ...ation; 01 ... , ap.t",,,,,,,hproach buildin""'M'"",g owners...... " •• withH~ su."tt9"tIggestion .....s ff., or r.....ehabi bllttlita•• tion;"" and."" newMW .....uses,. . an....el support""""".t theith.,~r sug."f'!'Uur;estions .... wo.1thith offerottoras ofor g"-'"''rants or"" loans,...... 'fh""'~ey sho...... uld ld con.""., i der Hhethe...... r " empt'''l> ty~ hous...... es """I.could be"" offered0 ...... ,. atA' minimum.... I .... prices,...''''" tot ~ h,,,'om eo_"vme r .... s wwilll""illing to•• caOOT""rry out.... ' ' 1, renov"'n