F E B / M A R C H . 2 0 1 9 , I S S U E 3 W A M a c c C h a t t I n t e r i m n e w s All the news from Maccabi WA and our Club's Monthly E-Newsletter There are a lot of things happening at the beginning of the season we need to let you know before March!!!!

We consider it a privilege to be part of Maccabi WA and we hope all our members do too. We have an action packed year ahead with many new improvements and upgrades to benefit all of YOU our members. We hope you enjoy the newsletter . M a c c a b i W A C o n s i t i t u t i o n t o b e U p d a t e d

We will be proposing to update our Constitution at the AGM this year with very important changes to bring Maccabi WA inline with Maccabi Australia and the Associations Incorporation Act 2015.

To develop this constitution, Maccabi Australia consulted extensively with states, clubs and the wider Jewish community.Through this consultation, there emerged support for including, within our membership, individuals with at least one Jewish parent. It was argued that it is better to engage with a Jewish parent who is seeking to retain a connection to their Jewish identity, rather than lose that family from our community. This provision has been included in the new constitution, as it is seen to be a path to a stronger Jewish community in the long-term.

If you are a current 2018/2019 member of Maccabi WA and are interested in the changes please see a copy of the proposed changes for the constitution. For your ease I have highlighted in yellow the adjustments we are planing to make.

Click here to read proposed changes and information sheet.

We will be calling a special meeting at the AGM where we will discuss and vote on the proposed changes. AGM 2019 will be 11.00am Sunday 24th March

Maccabi Community EVENT Sunday March 3rd Outdoor Movie "Heading Home" The story of Team Israel

A stirring story of sports, patriotism and personal growth, Heading Home charts the underdog journey of Israel's national team competing for the first time in the . After years of defeat, Team Israel is finally ranked among the world's best in 2017, eligible to compete in the prestigious international tournament. Their line-up included several Jewish American Major League players―, and ex-Braves ―most with a tenuous relationship to Judaism, let alone having ever set foot in Israel. Their odyssey takes them from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem where they are greeted as heroes, to Seoul where they must debunk their has-been, wannabe reputations. With their Mensch on the Bench mascot by their side, the team laughs, cries, and does much soul- searching, discovering the pride of representing Israel on the world stage.

Click Here to Book Enjoy a comfy deck chair and listen to music from Indie rock band "Schtick "whilst eating Paella from Prickly Pear cafe or your own picnic.

M a c c a b i O f f i c e i s n o w U n a t t e n d e d

From 2019 the Maccabi WA Office will be unattended - but you can email [email protected] and receive an immediate response to your query. Our President and all our Executive are willing and active to help with all your needs.


W H A T W E A R E O F F E R I N G I N 2 0 1 9

* A C C R E D I T E D C O A C H E S * C O A C H E S A T T E N D I N G T R A I N I N G A N D G A M E S * P R E S E A S O N S K I L L S A N D F I T N E S S C L I N I C * S T R O N G E N T H U S I A S T I C C O M M I T T E E * T U C K S H O P O P E N O N G A M E D A Y W I T H P R O F I T S G O I N G B A C K I N T O Y O U R C L U B * E A S Y O N L I N E R E G I S T E R I N G * F I X T U R E S A N D S C H E D U L E A P P * O P P O R T U N I T I E S F O R I N V E S T M E N T P A R T N E R S * W E L L K E P T P I T C H E S * C L E A N C H A N G E R O O M S * C O N V E N I E N C E F O R T R A I N I N G * " W A L K I N G F O O T B A L L " L E A G U E F O R T H E O V E R 5 0 ' S * " 5 A S I D E " S O C I A L L E A G U E M O N D A Y N I G H T S

C O N N E C T W I T H O T H E R L I K E M I N D E D S P O R T S M E N , S P O R T S W O M E N A N D F A M I L I E S

F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N i n f o @ m a c c a b i f c w a . c o m . a u Walking Football is coming to Maccabi for EVERYONE over 50 Details of a 'Walk Through' coming soon. To register interest email [email protected] W h y J o i n M a c c a b i ? ?

Maccabi WA exists to promote Jewish identity and continuity Connecting our Jewish and local communities through sport. Maccabi Australia is the largest Jewish grass-roots organisation in Australia, boasting a 90- year heritage, 35,000 supporters and more than 6,000 members ranging in age from 5 to 85 years across over 50 clubs. Every week participating in a Maccabi team provides an opportunity for Jewish children to connect and form lifelong friendships. Our event calendar includes an annual Junior Sports Carnival, participation in the Maccabiah Games in Israel, interstate sport challenges and Maccabi regional events. OUR VALUES By joining Maccabi you will have many fun-filled opportunities to play sport locally, throughout Australia, and perhaps, even in other places throughout the world! You will also meet new friends and learn what it means to be part of a team. As Maccabi is a Jewish organisation, there are certain timeless values that we believe are essential to your participation as a Maccabi team member. We encourage both parents and children to read the following list of values. Our hope is that they become an important reference point whenever you are involved with Maccabi sport. Respect This value incorporates respect for oneself, one's body, for others, for the rules and regulations, for sport and the environment. Related to sport, respect stands for fair play, to win with humility and for the fight against discrimination and any other unethical behaviour. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Teamwork We recognise that success and excellence can only be achieved and sustained by a deep commitment to working as a team and the practice of focusing on collective rather than individual effort and rewards. Compete with Passion and have fun Community We act consciously to inspire the trust of everyone whose lives we touch by modeling the highest standards of honesty and integrity. We carry our Jewishness with pride and behave in ways that make the Jewish community proud. Volunteerism We remain accountable to our members and value the work of the volunteers who define our organisation. Maccabi WA Has been in existence for over eighty five years fostering the sporting ambitions of the Perth Jewish community. Through that time it has grown into a strong and vibrant body that has achieved significant milestones both on the sporting fields and in its investment in the Maccabi Grounds In the last sixty years development of the Grounds has fostered the Maurice Zeffert Home, Carmel School and the Jewish Centre. In addition there has been renewal of capital items such as the four all weather tennis courts, the Carmel School/Maccabi Gymnasium including the Gordon Bloomfield Hall, the car park, and change rooms.

C l i c k o n t h e l o g o b e l o w t o r e g i s t e r o r r e n e w y o u r m e m b e r s h i p

C o n t a c t s CLUB PRESIDENTS

Steve Matz Tennis [email protected] Dawn Ott Netball [email protected] Luba Klein Bridge [email protected] Laurence Fuhr Golf [email protected] Jeremy Raiter Martial Arts [email protected] Jeremy Raiter Archery [email protected] Shane Fuhr Soccer [email protected] Ronnie Braunstein Basketball [email protected] Ruth Topelberg Israeli Dance [email protected] Trevor Wainstein Swimming [email protected] Michael Zusman Lawn Bowls [email protected] Shai Levin Chess [email protected] Russell Stein Table Tennis [email protected]

EXECUTIVE Justine Sharbanee President [email protected] Belinda Wolpert Vice President [email protected] Debbie Katz Secretary [email protected] Fred Marx Treasurer [email protected] Dawn Ott Publicity [email protected] Carol Sharbanee Member [email protected] Daniel Lazar Member [email protected] Jeremy Raiter Member [email protected] Natalie Schaffer Member [email protected] Ronny Braunstein Member [email protected]

For all inquiries: [email protected] To Book a venue: https://www.revolutionise.com.au/maccabiwa/home/ To pay membership: https://www.revolutionise.com.au/maccabiwa/home/ To view all club activities: www.maccabi.com.au/WA Follow us on facebook and instagram MaccabiWA