List of 697 Films in LFLFC Available to UC Davis (Up to 12-15-2016, please check back periodically

Arabic Daresalam

Chinese A Great Wall 大红灯笼高高挂 站台 一个都不能少 大腕 花樣年華 三峡好人 少林足球 活着 三峡好人(Zhang-ke Jia, 归途列车 苏州河 2006) 我的父亲母亲 英雄 二十四城记 新女性 菊豆 (Fengliang Yang) 功夫 春天的狂想 菊豆 (张艺谋) 十七岁的单车 暖春 集结号 卧虎藏龙 江城夏日 霸王别姬 喜筵 洗澡 饮食男女 墮落天使 生死劫 骆驼祥子

English (Including Silent Films) 12 Angry Men Ballet Mecanique College Bambi Coming to Light: Edward S. 300 Bamboozled Curtis and the North 49 Up Big Night American Indians 500 Nations Cracking the Codes A Clockwork Orange Blow-Up Crash A Fistful of Dollars Blue Velvet Crimes and Misdemeanors A Star is Born Bonnie and Clyde A Streetcar Named Desire Bowling for Columbine Dangerous Liaisons A Study in Choreography Boyz 'n the Hood Dark Passage for Camera Bram Stoker's Daughters of the Dust All Quiet on the Western Brazil Front of a Shaman Broken Blossoms Der Letzte Mann American Beauty Buffalo Bill and the Indians Deschutes Driftwood American Graffiti Butch Cassidy and the Dial M for Murder American Outrage Sundance Kid Divided Heaven An Inconvenient Truth Camp de Thiaroye Wolof Angels in America Cannibal Don't Look Back Animal House Casablanca Down by Law Chelsea Girls Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Ararat Chinatown Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde At Land Dr. Strangelove or: How I Baby Face Easy Rider Eaux d'artifice Intolerance eXistenZ Invasion of the Body Nashville Fantasia Snatchers Native Americans in Far from Heaven Invocation of My Demon Newsreels Fear and Loathing in Las Brother North by Northwest Fed Up! It Came From Beneath the Nosferatu, a symphony of Fiddler on the Roof Sea horror Fight Club Notorious Fireworks It's a Wonderful Life Once Upon a Time When Flying Down to Rio JFK We Were Colored Food, Inc. Jules et Jim Footlight Parade Jurassic Park is Burning Forks Over Knives Jurassic World Paris, Texas Foxy Brown Killing Us Softly 3 Paths of Glory Frankenstein Kramer vs. Kramer Peeping Tom Freedom Writers Lady and People of a Feather Fruitvale Station Last of the Line Full Metal Jacket Laura Pinocchio Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Lawrence of Arabia Platoon Gilda Learned to Stop Worrying Pollock Gimme Shelter and Love the Bomb Psycho Go West Life and Debt Psycho Gone With the Wind Limelight Public Enemy Lost in Translation Lucifer Rising Race the Power of an Grapes of Wrath Manhattan Illusion Great Expectations Manufactured Landscapes Rear Window Grizzly Man Marnie Rebecca Groundhog Day McCabe & Mrs. Miller Rebel Without a Cause Guess who's coming to Mean Streets Red River dinner Meet John Doe Reel Injun Gypsy Meet me in St. Louis Rhythmus 21 Hair Meshes of the Afternoon Richard III Hamlet Minority Report Richard III Hamlet (2001) Modern Times Ritual in Transfigured Time Monsieur Verdoux Romeo + Juliet Happy People: A Year in the Monsoon Wedding Romeo and Juliet Taiga Monster's Ball Romeo and Juliet Hard Luck Monty Python and the Holy Rope Henry V Grail Rosemary's Baby Mr. Holland's opus Saboteur His Girl Friday Mr. Smith Goes to Salt of the Earth How the West Was Won Washington Salvador In a Lonely Place Much Ado About Nothing San Francisco In the Light of Reverence Murderball Savage Acts Inauguration of the My Darling Clementine Pleasure Dome My Fair Lady School Daze Incident at Oglala My Family Scorpio Rising Inside Job My Man Godfrey Sense and Sensibility Into the Arms of Strangers Mystery Train Shadows Shaft (2000) The Promised Land Barred Shall We Dance to Hobos Shall We Dance The Quiet Room Shall We Dance The Electric House The Rape of Europa Shane The General, with Cops and The Red Shoes Shawshank Redemption The Playhouse Show Boat The Gods Must Be Crazy The Sergeant Singing in the Rain The Shining Sleeper The Good, the Bad and the The Thief of Bagdad Smoke Signals Ugly The Thin Blue Line Snow White and the Seven The Third Man Dwarfs The Virgin Suicides Solaris The Ice Storm The Wild Bunch Soul Food The Indian-detour The Wizard of Oz Speaking in Tongues The Killing The Wonderful Horrible Life Spellbound The King and I of Leni Riefenstahl Stachka The Lady Eve Thelma and Louise Stagecoach Tortilla Soup Steamboat Bill, Jr. The Lady Vanishes Stranger Than Paradise Toy Story Strangers on a Train The Lodger True Grit Sullivan's Travels The Magnificent Seven Twelve Angry Men Sunset Boulevard The Maltese Falcon Under Capricorn Sunshine Gatherers The Man Who Knew Too Super-Size Me Much Vegas The Man Who Shot Liberty Vertigo Terminator 2: Judgment Day Valance Waiting for Superman The 39 Steps WALL-E The Big Chill The Merchants of Cool Way Down East The Big Sleep The Miracle of Life We Can Take It The Birds The Night of the Hunter West Side Story The Blacksmith The Paradine Case When Harry Met Sally The Bridge on the River The Philadelphia Story Who Framed Roger Rabbit Kwai The Plow That Broke the The Celluloid Closet Plains Young Frankenstein The Cockettes

French 37°2 le matin Blanc Delicatessen À bout de soufflé Bleu DIva À Nous la Liberté Boudu sauvé des eaux Entre les murs A Propos de Nice Caché Est-Ouest Alphaville, une étrange Et Dieu Créa La Femme aventure de Lemmy Chocolat mon amour Caution Cléo de 5 à 7 Indochine Ascenseur pour l'échafaud Code inconnu: Récit incomplet de divers Jeanne Dielman Beau Travail voyages Journal d'un curé de Belle de Jour Danton campagne La bataille d’Alger Le genou de Claire Ma nuit chez Maud La belle et la bête Le Grand Voyage Ma vie en rose La bête humaine Le Jour Se Lève Manon des sources La boulangère de Monceau Le Mépris d'Amérique La carrière de Suzanne Le Million Nikita La collectionneuse La Double vie de Véronique Le Retour de Martin Guerre Nuit et Brouillard Le sang d'un poet Orpheus La haine Le souffle du coeur; Le Persepolis La jetée souffle au coeur Pickpocket La Marche de L'Empereur Lektionen in Finsternis Pierrot Le Fou La natation par Jean Taris Les Carabiniers Rouge La Noire De... Les glaneurs et la glaneuse Shoah La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc Les quatre cents coups The Discreet Charm of the La pianiste L'Esquive Bourgeoisie La régle du jeu L'Heure d'été La vie rêvée des anges L'Homme Qui Voulait Vivra Sa Vie: Film en douze Lacombe, Lucien Savoir tableaux L'amour l'après-midi Lumumba Weekend L'année dernière à Marienbad Xala L'Atalante

German Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes Deutschland im Jahre Null Jeder für sich und Gott Alice in den Stadten Die Blechtrommel gegen alle - Kaspar Hauser Angst essen Seele auf Die Ehe der Maria Braun Jerichow Anonyma - Eine Frau in Die Mörder sind unter uns Jud Süß Berlin Die Sehnsucht der Veronika Lektionen in Finsternis Auch Zwerge haben klein Voss Little Dieter Needs to Fly angefangen Die Verlorene Ehre der Lola Barbara Katharina Blum oder: Wie M Bella Martha Gewalt entstehen Menschen am Sonntag Berlin Alexanderplatz Nirgendwo Berlin, die Symphonie der Fitzcarraldo Nosferatu the Vampyre Grossstadt Funny Games Run Lola Run/Lola rennt Das Boot Gegen die Wand Sophie Scholl: Die letzten Das Leben der Anderen Goethe!/ Young Goethe in Tage Das Schreckliche Mädchen Love Stroszek Der Geteilte Himmel Goodbye, Lenin! Triumph des Willens Der Himmel über Berlin Halbe Treppe Welt am Draht Der Letzte Mann Heisser Sommer Yella Der Untergang Herz aus Glas Deutschland im Herbst Im Juli.

Hebrew Shomre ha-saf סלח שבתי סוף העולם שמאלה

Hindi Awaara Kuch Kuch Hota Hai The Namesake Earth Water

Italian Accatone La stanza del figlio Notte d'estate con profilo greco, occhi a mandorla e Bellissima odore di basilico Caterina va in città La traviata Novecento La vita è bella Paisà Fellini Satyricon Ladri di biciclette Pane e tulipani Ferdinando e Carolina L'Avventura Pasqualino Settebellezze Giulietta degli spiriti Le notti bianche Pinocchio Il Conformista Le notti bianche Ricordati di me Il deserto rosso Le notti di Cabiria Roma città aperta Il divo L'eclisse Terraferma Il momento della verità L'ultimo bacio Travolti da un insolito Io sono Li Mamma Roma destino nell'azzurro mare Mediterraneo d'agosto La finestra di fronte Mine vaganti Vincere La meglio gioventù Ninfa plebea La notte di San Lorenzo

Japanese Shall We ダンス? 八月の狂詩曲(ラプソデ 狂った果実 火垂るの墓 ィ) 生きものの記録 うなぎ 切腹 生きる お早よう 千と千尋の神隠し 用心棒 ゴジラ 夢 砂の女 たそがれ清兵衛 天国と地獄 秋刀魚の味 タンポポ 天空の城ラピュタ 素晴らしき日曜日 となりのトトロ 女が階段を上る時 羅生門 トニー滝谷 巨人と玩具 自殺サークル はなよりもなほ 幻の光 虎の尾を踏む男達 フラガールズ 影武者 蜘蛛巣城 まあだだよ 心中天網島 西鶴一代女 もののけ姫 怪談 誰も知らない わが青春に悔なし 悪い奴ほどよく眠る 赤い橋の下のぬるい水 ワンダフルライフ 戦場のメリークリスマス 赤ひげ 一番美しく 晩春 酔いどれ天使 七人の侍 東京物語 醜聞 乱 歩いても、歩いても 野火 人間の條件 浮草物語 隠し砦の三悪人 雨月物語 風の谷のナウシカ 麦秋 雪之丞変化 鬼婆 黒い雨 風の谷のナウシカ 魔女の宅急便

Portuguese Bicho de Sete Cabeças Cinema, aspirinas e urubus Bye Bye Brazil Dona Flor e Seus Dois Terra em Transe Casa de Areia Edifício Master Terra Estrangeira Central do Brasil Maridos Vidas Secas Cidade de Deus Orfeu Negro

Russian Que Viva Mexico

Двенадцать Солярис Андрей Рублев Дерсу Узала Сталкер Баллада о солдате Зеркало Третья мещанская Брат Кавказский пленник Три песни о Ленине- Брат 2 Киноглаз Утомленные солнцем Броненосец «Потёмкин» Маленькая Вера Человек с кино Возвращение- Олигарх аппаратом Вор Русский ковчег Восток Запад Собачье Spanishсердце 7 Soles Allá en el Rancho Grande Barrio A la mar/Alamar Amar te duele Blossoms of Fire Abre los ojos Buena Vista Social Club La historia oficial Mujeres al borde de un Carne trémula La historia oficial ataque de nervios Cautiva La lengua de las mariposas Nostalgia de la luz Cocalero La ley del deseo Princesas Como agua para chocolate La mala educación Ramo de fuego De la calle La Mujer Sin Cabeza Salvador Allende Día de la bestia La nana Sin nombre Diarios de motocicleta La Niña Santa Sleep Dealer El espíritu de la colmena La otra familia Sleep Dealer (aka El hijo de la novia La teta asustada Traficante de sueños) El laberinto del fauno Los abrazos rotos Solas El lado oscuro del corazón, Los lunes al sol Soldados de Salamina 2 Los viajes del viento Soy Cuba El lugar sin límites Luna de Avellaneda Suite Habana El secreto de sus ojos Machuca Te doy mis ojos El violin Mar adentro Todo el Poder En construcción María llena eres de gracia Todo sobre mi madre En el hoyo Matador Vidas privadas Hable con ella Mi familia Viridiana Historias minimas Mi vida sin mí La flor de mi secreto XXY Y tu mamá también

Swedish Det sjunde inseglet (English Sub)

Turkish Crossing the Bridge: The Gegen die Wand Sound of Istanbul

Misc Limonádový Joe aneb

Tři oříšky pro Popelku Koňská opera