INDEX TO VOLUME 82 Compiled by Jean W. Graber

(New generic,specific, and subspecificnames are printed in boldface type.)

Acanthis, 104 Report of ResearchCommittee, 492 Accipiter cooperil, 285 Treasurer's report, 1963-1964, 265-267 gentills, 284 Anarhynchusfrontalis, 15 Acrocephalusarundinaceus orientalis, 241 Anas acura, 103,104, 228, 625,646, 647 Aegolius acadicus,652 carolinensis,104, 646 funereus magnus, 632 discors discors, 647 f. richardsoni,624,632 flavirostris, 98 ridgwayi, 652 fulvigula, 228 Africa, 282-283,465-466, 471-475 f. maculosa, 646 Age, georgica, 98 Falco peregrinus, 67, 87-88 g. spinicauda,647 juvenal, 105 platyrhynchos,228 Taeniopygia castanotis,50 p. platyrhynchos,646 Agelaiusphoeniceus, 288, 356, 371-372 p. poecilorhyncha,646 tricolor, 371 platyrhynchos X acuta, 646 Aimophila botterii botterii, 459 rubripes, 232,646 b. petenica, 458-461 specularis,98 b. sartorii, 458, 461 specularoides,98 b. spadiconigrescens, 458-461 strepera, 646 b. vantynei, 459,461 Anatomy, b. vulcanica, 459,461 feathers, 155-160 Aitken, Thomas H. G., see Worth, C. hyoid, 142,149,153 Brooke, and-- leg muscles,428-436 Aix galericulata,647 salivary glands, 139,153 Alabama, 20 sesamoidbones, 427-437 Alaska, 39, 66, 74, 103, 104, 194, 237-252, tongue, 142,153 270, 606, 624-635, 636 Anderson, Anders H., review by, 116-117 Albatross, 596 Anderson, Ted R., Frog captures a fledg- Alca torda, 333 ling Eastern Phoebe, 285-286 Alcasid, Godofredo L., Terpsiphone atro- Anous stolidus,109, 227, 591 caudata on Mindoro, Philippines, 644 Anser albifrons, 104 Aldrich, John W., Obituary of May anser rubrirostris, 646 Thacher Cooke, 685 cygnoides,646 Areadon, Dean, review by, 299 Anthropoides paradisea, 465, 467, 472, Amazilia candida, 449 473,474 cyanocephala,462 Anthus spinoletta, 199 c. chlorostephana, 449-450 Ant-thrush, White-tailed, 283 c. guatemalensis,449-450 Aphelocoma,150, 152,566, 568 American Ornithologists' Union, coerulescens,152,285,580 Awards, 255 ultramarina, 152 Committees, 1964-1965, 263-264 Aphrastura spinicauda, 100 Eighty-second Stated Meeting, 253-262 Apus apus pekinensis,624, 633 Officers and trustees,262-263 pacificus pacificus, 632 Report of Committee on Protec- Aquila chrysaetos,87, 285 tion, 1964, 477-491 Aracari, Curl-crested, 158

688 1965Oct. ] Indexto Volume 82 689

Arbib, R. S., Jr., Obituary of John Jack- , Band-tailed, 286 son Elliott, 684 Basileuterus melanogenys, 384 Arenaria interpres, 508 Basilio, Aurelio, Aves de la Isla de Fer- Arizona,287-288, 537-590, 606 nando Poo (rev.), 299 Arkansas, 67 Beer, C. G., Clutch size and incubation Arrival dates, behavior in Black-billed Gulls (Larus Agelaiusphoeniceus, 360 bulleri), 1-18 Quiscalusquiscula, 360 Behavior, Arundinicolaleucocephala, 508, 509 abandonment of eggs,90-91 Asio flammeusgalapagoensis, 592 aggressive,68-69 otus, 653 bathing, 64 Asthenesanthoides, 100 colonial, 385-388 Attagis malouinus,99 commensalnesting, 74, 104 gayi, 99 courtship, 69-70, 76-77,360 Aulacorhynchuscaeruleogularis, 415 defensive,385-388,411-413 Austing, Ronald, I went to the woods display, 288, 358-359 (rev.), 301-302 feeding, 139-154, 543-548, 639 Australia, 50, 106 flocking, 202 Aythya, 227-229,232,234 food storage,145-153 affinis, 103,227 imprinting (habitat), 49 americana,49, 103,227, 280, 647 interspecific,362-366, 643 collaris, 227 learning, 48-49 ferina, 232 mimicry, 161, 186 fuligula, 232,647 nest sanitation, 200, 203 marila, 103 nestling, 413 415 m. marila, 647 nuptial feeding,392 valisineria, 103,227 pairing, 67-68, 227-235 roosting, 74, 198-199, 203,285 Baffin Island, 337, 341, 351-352 sinistral, 276 Bailey, Alfred M., Obituary of Stephen territorial, 64-68, 151, 198-199, 203, S. Gregory, 683-684 274-275, 385-388, 651 Bailey, Alfred M., and J. H. Sorensen, wing-stretching (woodpecker), 503 Subantarctic Campbell Island (rev.), Berger, Daniel D., see Mueller, Helmut C., and-- 659-660 Baillie, J. L., obituary of Paul Hahn, 323- Berglund, B. E., K. Curry-Lindahl, H. 324 Luther, V. Olsson,W. Rodke, and G. Balearica pavonina, 465, 467, 472, 473, Sellerberg, Ecological studies on the 474 Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) in south- Banding, 103 eastern Sweden (rev.), 662-664 returns, 71-72,640-643 Bernath, Ernesto L., Observations in southern Chile in the southern hemi- Banko, Winston, review by, 662-664 Banks, Richard C., Some information sphereautumn, 95-101 from Barn Owl pellets, 506; Geo- of Paradise,155 graphic variation in the White- Blackbird, 404 crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leuco- European, 15 phrys (rev.), 510-511 Red-winged, 288, 356-374 Banks, Richard C., and Robert T. Orr, Rusty, 634 An unusual habitat for Purple Mar- Tricolored, 371 fins, 271-273 Yellow-headed, 370 Barbet, Prong-billed, 411 Blake, Emmet R., review by, 516-518 690 Index to Volume82 L[ Vol.Auk 82

Bluebird, 455 islandica, 103 Blus, Lawrence J., Accidental destruction Budgerygah, 619 of Greater Prairie Chicken eggs, 651 Bufflehead, 103 Bobolink, 649 Bugeranus carunculatus, 465, 467, 472, Bombycilla cedrorum, 49, 155, 158, 159, 473,474 382, 423, 504 Bull, John, Birds of the New York area garrulus, 155,423 (rev.), 511-513 g. pallidiceps, 624, 633 Bunting, McKay's, 634 Booby, Blue-faced, 102, 103 Painted, 497 Brown, 102,103,271,508 Snow, 634 Masked, 102 Bush-tit, Black-eared, 419 Red-footed, 102,103 Buteo jamaicensis,73,285,416 Borror, Donald J., and William W. H. j. ventralis, 98 Gunn, Variation in White-throated lineatus, 86 Sparrow songs, 26-47 polysoma, 98 Borut, Arieh, see Dawson, William R., et Butorides virescens,74 al., 606-623 Boulva, Jean, and Peter Browne, Le Conte's Sparrow breeding in Chicou- timi County, Province of Quebec, Cahalane, Victor H., see Clarke, C. H. D., et al. Canada, 644-645 Brant, Black, 646 Cain, Arthur J., review by, 654-657 Branta bernicla, 333 California, 271, 506, 557,606 b. hrota, 333 Campephilus magellanicus,100 canadensis,104 Campylorhynchusjocosus, 270 c. maxima, 646 megalopterus, 552 c. minima, 646 rufinucha, 208, 210, 211 leucopsis,646 r. humills, 206-214 nigricans, 646 r. nigricaudatus,206-214 ruficollis, 646 r. rufinucha, 206 Brattstrom, Bayard H., see Des Lauriers, Canada, 26-45, 49, 88, 92, 139, 228, 271, James R., and-- 276, 337, 343, 504, 644-645 Brazil, 507-508 Canary, 48 British Honduras, 451,456-461 Canvasback, 103, 227-234 British Isles, 343,349,352 Capella gallinago,104 Brodkorb, Pierce, Catalogue of fossil birds g. gallinago, 624, 625 (rev.), 657-658 Caracara plancus, 98 Brood patches, 14 Carpodacus cassinii, 497 Brooks, •Vinthrop Sprague, obituary of, mexicanus, 195,606 684-685 purpureus, 497 Browne, Peter, see Boulva, Jean, and-- Cassidix major, 370 Brush, Alan H., The structure and pig- mexicanus,268, 270, 370 mentation of the feather tips of the m. major, 268 Scaled Cuckoo (Lepidogrammus cum- palustris, 268, 269 ingi), 155-160 Centurus, 565 Bubo bubo, 87 carolinus, 503 virginianus, 70, 100, 285 hypopolius, 270 Bubulcus ibis, 502 Cepphuscolumba, 624, 632 Bucephala albeola, 103 grylle, 333,340 clangula americana,647 g. mandti, 333,340 1965Oct. ] Indexto Volume 82 691

Charadrius bicinctus, 15 cafer, 544 dubius curonicus, 15 Collias, Elsie C., see Collias, Nicholas E., falklandicus, 99 and-- hiaticula, 15 Collias, Nicholas E., and Elsie C. Collias, mongolus,624, 625 Evolution of nest-building in the m. stegmanni,625 weaverbirds (Ploceidae) (rev.), 515- obscurus,15 516 vociferus,506 Collins, Charles T., see ffrench, Richard, Chen caerulescens,646 and-- hyperborea hyperborea, 646 Colorado, 284 Cheng, Tso-Hsin, ed., China's economic Columba Iivia, 276, 284, 620 fauna: birds (rev.), 294-295 Connecticut,80, 500 Cheng, Tso-Hsin [Systematic keys to the Contopus cinereus,452 birds of China] (rev.), 295 Conuropsis carolinensis,215 Chickadee,Boreal, 151 c. interior, 220 Mexican, 552 Cooch, F. G., An exampleof sinistralism Chicken, 245,500 in Red Phalaropes (Phalaropus fuli- Chile, 95 carius), 276-277 Chloephagapicta, 97 Cooke, May Thacher, obituary of, 685 Chlorophonia callophrys,414 Coot, 230 Chlorophonia, Golden-browed or Tur- American, 501 quoise-naped, 414 Cormorant, 639 Chordeilesacutipennis, 107 Corvus brachyrhynchos, 72 minor, 504 corax, 624, 633 Cinclodes fuscus, 100 Coscoroba coscoroba, 97 patagonicus, 100 Costa Rica, 375,376, 425,456, 461 Cinnyris chloropygius, 283 Cotinga amabilis, 409 c. orphogaster, 283 ridgwayi, 381 Circaetus fasciolatus, 282 Cotinga, Lovely, 409 Circus [cyaneus] cinereus,98 Turquoise, 381 Cirrocephala, 1 Cowbird, Bronzed, 101 Clangula hyemalis, 647 Brown-headed, 288, 504-505 Clarke, C. H. D., Ira N. Gabrielson,Brina Shiny, 508-509 Kessel, William B. Robertson, Jr., Crane, Crowned, 465,466, 471,476 George J. Wallace, and Victor H. European, 465-476 Cahalane, Report of the Committee Sandhill, 465-476, 640-643 on Bird Protection, 1964, 477-491 Sarus, 465 Clutch size, Stanley, 465-476 Agelaius phoeniceus,360 Wattled, 465-476 Larus bulleri, 2 White-naped, 465,472 Leucosticte tephrocotis, 196-198, 203 Whooping, 465-475 Quiscalusquiscula, 360 Creagrusfurcatus, 591 Rissa brevirostris, 630 Crocethia alba, 493,508 Rissa tridactyla, 630 Crossbill,Red, 606-623 Cobb, Stanley, Obituary of Winthrop White-winged, 634 Sprague Brooks, 684-685 Crossin, Richard S., The history and Cockatiel, 106, 108 breeding status of the Song Sparrow Colaptes, 142 near Tucson, Arizona, 287-288 auratus, 64 Crow, 72,152 a. luteus, 633 Cuba, 19, 20 692 Indexto Volume 82 [ Vol.Auk 82

Cuckoo, Scaled, 155-160 Dendrocygna arborea, 646 Cunningham, Richard L., Predation on autumnalis fulgens,646 birds by the Cattle Egret, 502-503 bicolor helva, 646 Curlew, Eskimo, 493-496, 686 Dendroica caerulescens,497 Least, 496 coronata, 502 Long-billed, 494 c. hooveri, 624-625,634 Curry-Lindahl K., see Berglund, B. E., pensylvanica, 279 et al. petechia,274 Cyanocitta cristata, 64, 150, 184, 285 striata, 502 stelleri, 139,285,552 de Schauensee, R. Meyer, The birds of s. purpurea, 585 Colombia and adjacent areas of South Cygnus melancoriphus,97, 98 and Central America (rev.), 516-518 olor, 646 Des Lauriers, James R., and Bayard H. Brattstrom, Cooperative feeding be- havior in Red-breasted Mergansers, Davis, John, Natural history, variation, 639 and distribution of the Strickland's Dickcissel, 278-279,650 Woodpecker, 537-590 Dickerman, Robert W., The juvenal Dawson, William R., Evaporative water plumage and distribution of Cassidix losses of some Australian parrots, palustris (Swainson), 268-270 106-108 Digestion, in Passerculussandwichensis, Dawson, William R., Vaughan H. Shce- 281 maker, Harrison B. Tordoff, and Diglossa plumbea, 377 Arieh Borut, Observations on me- Dillery, Dean G., Post-mortem digestion tabolism of sodium chloride in the of stomach contents in the Savannah Red Crossbill, 606-623 Sparrow, 281 DDT, 91 Diomedea irrorata, 596 Dendrocopos arizonae, 537-587 melanophris,96 a. arizonae, 568 Doerr, Phillip D., and James H. Ender- a. fraterculus,538, 568, 575,582-585 son, An index of abundance of the arizonae X stricklandi, 574 Goshawk in Colorado in winter, 284- borealis, 559,560, 565,567 285 nuttallii, 557,559,560, 565,567,569 Dolichonyx oryzivorus, 649 pubescens,557,580 Dotterel, Banded, 15 p. turati, 557 New Zealand, 15 scalaris, 547-554, 556, 557, 565, 569, Dove, Mourning, 74, 108, 618, 619, 621 573, 574, 581, 582 Rock, 75,284, 620 Dow, Douglas D., The role of saliva in s. cactophilus,567 food storage by the Gray Jay, 139- s. centrophilus, 567 154 s. symplectus,567 Dowitcher, Long-billed, 626 stricklandi, 537-587 Short-billed, 626 s. azetecus,538, 572,585,586 Duck, Black, 232, 646 s. stricklandi, 586 Black-bellied Tree, 646 s. websteri, 538, 582,583,587 Cuban Tree, 646 villosus, 545, 547-557, 565, 573, 574, Fulvous Tree, 646 580-582 Harlequin, 647 v. icastus,548, 565,567 Indian Spotbill, 646 v. jardini, 567 Mandarin, 647 v. leucothorectis,567 Mottled, 228, 231,232,646 1965Oct. ] Indexto Volume 82 693

Ring-necked, 227-234 Falco columbarius, 270 Ruddy, 647 mexicanus, 85 Tufted, 232,647 peregrinus, 62,104 Dunlin, 104 p. anatum, 67, 68, 83 p. pealei, 68, 83 rusticolus, 104 Eagle, 50, 87 sparverius, 75, 98, 270 Bald, 73, 84, 85, 87, 636-638 s. niearaguen$i$, 441, 442-448 Bateleur, 87 s. sparverius,443-446,448 Golden,87, 285 s. tropicalis,441-448 Ecology, tinnunculus,89 Dendrocoposarizonae, 540-548 Falcon, 216 Haliaeetusleucocephalus, 636-637 Peregrine, 62-94, 104 Ptilogonyscaudatus, 379-380 Prairie, 85 Edge, Rosalie Barrow, obituary of, 325- Farner, Donald S., see King, James R., 326 et al. Eggs, Fecal sacs,200, 203 Molothrus bonariensis,509 ffrench, Richard, and CharlesT. Collins, Ptilogonyscaudatus, 395 Royal and Cayenne terns breeding in Egret, Cattle, 502-503 Trinidad, West Indies, 277 Eider, Common, 104 Ficken, Millicent S., and Robert W. Spectacled, 647 Ficken, Territorial display as a popu- Eisenmann,E., The useof the terms"ju- lation-regulating mechanism in the venal" and "juvenile," 105; reviews Yellow Warbler, 274-275 by, 111-112,296, 296-297,297-298 Ficken, Robert W., see Ficken, Millicent Eisentraut, Martin, Die Wirbeltiere des S., and-- Kamerungebirges(rev.), 665-666 Finch, cardueline, 616, 618 E1 Salvador,456 Cassin's,497 Elaenia flavogaster,409,452 Gray-crowned Rosy, 190 frantzii, 388 House, 195,199,606,618-620 Elliott, John Jackson,Jr., obituary of, Purple, 497 684 rosy, 190-205 Emlen, John T., Report of Research Zebra, 48-61,619 Committee for 1963-64, 492 Fischer, Richard B., review by, 301-302 EmpidonaxtrailIll, 49 Fledgling period, Enderson,James H., seeDoerr, Phillip D., Agelaius phoeniceus,360 and-- Falco peregrinus, 82-83 Endomychuracraveri, 271,506 Leucosticte tephrocotis, 201-202 hypoleuca,506 Ptilogonys caudatus,413-415 Ereunetesmauri, 104, 624, 626 Puffinus lherminieri, 594 Ergaticusruber, 552 Quiscalusquiscula, 360 Erolia alpina, 104 Taeniopygia castanotis, 50 melanotos, 104 Flicker, 64, 73, 74, 92,142 Erythrosoma, 640 Red-shafted, 544 Etch•copar, R. D., and FranqoisHtie, Les Yellow-shafted, 633 oiseaux du nord de l'Afrique de la Flight speed,of Columba livia, 72 Mer Rougeaux Canaries(rev.), 293- Florida, 19-21, 91, 102-103, 163-188, 500 294 Flower-piercer, 377 Euphaguscarolinus carolinus, 634 Fluvicola pica, 508,509 694 Indexto Volume 82 [ Vol.Auk 82

Flycatcher, Black Paradise, 644 Galapagos,591 Boat-billed, 415 Gallinago paraguaiae, 99 Fork-tailed, 452 Gallus domesticus,245,500 Traill's, 49 gallus, 76 Vermilion, 452,453 sonneratii, 155,158 Food, Gannet, 350 Agelaiusphoeniceus, 362 Garrulus glandarius,150 Anthropoides paradisea, 466 Georgia, 67 Balearicapavonina, 466 Geositta antarctica, 100 Dendrocoposarizonae, 544 cunicularia, 100 Falco peregrinus,74-76 Geothlypis speciosa,268 Falco rusticolus, 104 Glaucidium gnoma, 652 Grus americana,466 Godfrey, W. Earl, The gender of the Grus canadensis,466 fringillid genusPinicola, 273; review Grus grus,466 by, 510-511 Larus delawarensis,504 Godwit, Bar-tailed, 626 Leucostictetephrocotis, 201 Goetz, Christian J., obituary of, 685 Passerculussandwichensis, 281 Goldeneye,Barrows, 103 Perisoreus canadensis,150-152 Common, 647 Phainoptila melanoxantha,421-422 Goose, Barnacle, 646 Ptilogonys caudatus, 380-381 Blue, 646 Ptilogonys cinereus,419 "Cackling," 646 Quiscalusquiscula, 362 Canada, 104,646 Tyto alba, 506 Emperor, 646 Food boll, of Gray Jay, 143-144, 146, 153 Greylag, 646 Foster, Mercedes, An early reference to lesser Snow, 646 the techniqueof owl calling, 651-653 Red-breasted, 646 France, 343,347,352 Swan, 646 Franz JosephLand, 338, 343,352 White-fronted, 104 Fratercula arctica arctica, 333 Goshawk, 284 a. grabae, 333 Grackle, Boat-tailed, 268, 370 a. naumanni, 333 Common, 74, 356-374 Fregata magnificens,271,508 Great-tailed, 370 Friedmann, Herbert, review by, 515-516 Marsh, 268 Frigatebird, Magnificent, 271, 508 Slender-billed, 268 Frohling, Robert C., see Jehl, Joseph R., Great Britain, 66 Jr., and-- Grebe, Eared, 648 Fulica americana, 501 Horned, 648-649 leucoptera, 98 Greenland,334-353 Fulmar, 327-355 Gregory, Stephen S., Jr., obituary of, Fulmarus auduboni, 351 683-684 glacialis,327-355 Griscom, Ludlow, memorial to, 598-605 g. auduboni, 352, 354, 686 Gromme, Owen J., Birds of Wisconsin g. glacialis,328, 351,352,354 (rev.), 298-299 g. minor, 327, 345, 351 Grosbeak,Pine, 273,275,634 Rose-breasted,48 Grouse, 427 Gabrielson, Ira N., see Clarke, C. H. D., Gruiformes, 427 et al. Grus americana,465,467,474 Gadwall, 646 antigone, 465 1965Oct. ] Indexto Volume 82 695

canadensis,465,467,474 aureola, 502; Molothrus bonariensis c. canadensis,640-641 parasitizing Fluvicola pica and Arun- c. canadensis X c. tabida, 640 dinicola leucocephala in Surinam, ½. tabida, 640-641 508-509 grus, 465,474 Hawk, 50, 72, 415, 416 vipio, 465,474 Cooper's, 285 Guano (caloric value), 278-279 Pigeon, 270 Guatemala, 206, 286, 418419, 442-461 Red-shouldered, 86 Guillemot, Black, 340 Red-tailed, 73, 85,285,416 Pigeon,624,632 Sparrow, 75,270 Gull, Black-billed, 1-18, 627 Heimerdinger, Mary A., reviews by, 115- Black-headed,1, 4-16 116, 292-293 Brown-hooded, 1 Hensel, Richard J., see Troyer, Willard Fork-tailed, 591,597 A., and-- Franklin's, 1 Herbert, Kathleen Green Skelton, see Glaucous,498, 499,624, 626 Herbert, Richard A., and-- Glaucous-winged,624, 626 Herbert, Richard A., and Kathleen Green Great Black-backed,499 Skelton Herbert, Behavior of Pere- Hartlaub's, 1 grine Falcons in the New York City Herring, 6, 498, 499, 504, 627 region, 62-94 Iceland, 498 Heron, Green, 74 Mew, 104 Yellow-crowned Night, 649 Red-billed, 1, 15 Histrionicus histrionicus, 647 Ring-billed, 504 Homing, 49, 50 Ross', 631 Hon, Will, Bird study in the mid-south Sabine's,104, 649 (rev.), 115-116 Thayer's, 499 Honduras, 438-459 Western, 271 Hosts, of Shiny Cowbird, 508-509 Gunn, William W. H., seeBorror, Donald Howard, H., Obituary of Laurence Mark- J., and-- ham Huey, 323; Obituary of Egmont Gyrfalcon, 104-105,202 Z. Rett, 686 Howell, Thomas R., review by, 289-292; New subspecies of birds from the Haematopusleucopodus, 99 lowland pine savanna of northeastern ostralegus, 9 Nicaragua, 438-464 o. finschi, 15 Hudson, George E., Sy Ying Chen Wang, o. ocddentalis, 15 and Ernest E. Provost, Ontogeny of palliatus, 508 the supernumerary sesamoids in the Hahn, Paul, obituary of, 323-324 leg musclesof the Ring-necked Pheas- Haliaeetus leucocephalus,73, 636 ant, 427-437 Hall, George A., Flame-colored Tanager Hi/e, Franqois, see Etch•copar, R. D., parasitizedby Bronzed Cowbird, 101 and-- Harrier-eagle, Banded, 282 Huey, Laurence Markham, obituary of, Harris, Bruce K., More specimenrecords 323 of birds unusual in New Mexico, Huey, William S., Sight records of color- 648-650 marked Sandhill Cranes, 640-643 Haverschmidt, F., The Black-tailed God- , 216, 377 wit (rev.), 112; Variations in plu- Calliope, 650 mage of male and female Pipra Rufous, 286 696 Index to Volume 82 Vol.Auk 82

Hybridization, Kansas, 163-188, 285 Cranes, 640 Kenyon, Karl W., and Richard E. Phillips, Gulls, 498-500 Birds from the Pribilof Islands and Wrens, 206-214 vicinity, 624-635 Woodpeckers, 574 Kessel,Brina, see Clarke, C. H. D., et al. Hydrobates pelagicus,333 Kestrel, 89 Hydrocoloeus, 1 Kiff, Lloyd F., seeLand, Hugh C., and-- Hylocichla, 166 Killdeer, 506 minima minima, 109 King, James R., Donald S. Farher, and Hyperphagia, 245,278 Martin L. Morton, The lipid reserves Hypocolius,375,422,423,425 of White-crowned Sparrows on the breeding ground in central Alaska, 236-252 Kingbird, Eastern, 49 Ice!and, 342-352 Tropical, 381,452 Icterus galbula, 49 Kittiwake, Black-legged, 349, 404, 627- IlLinois,228-233, 278, 503 631 Incubation, 1-18, 80-82,395-401,630 Red-legged, 627-631 length of, 50, 401,594-595 Koepcke, Hans-W, and Maria Koepeke, Iowa, 215, 221-222, 228-233 Las aves silvestris de importaneia Irving, Laurence, Falco sparverius in econ6mica del Peril (rev.), 111-112 western arctic Alaska, 270 Koepeke, Maria, Las aves del Departa- mento de Lima (rev.), 296-297; see Koepcke, Hans-W, and-- Jaeger, Long-tailed, 19-24, 104 Kramer, H., see Niethammer, G., et al. Parasitic, 19-24 Kridler, Eugene, Records, obtained while Pomarine, 19-24 banding, of birds unusual in south- Jan Mayen, 339-353 eastern Oregon, 496-497 Jay, Blue, 64, 73, 74, 92, 150, 152, 184, 285 Brown, 415,416,421 Lagopus, 104 European, 150, 152 leucurus, 195 Florida, 580 Lampronetta fischeri, 647 Gray, 74, 139-154 Land, Hugh C., and Lloyd F. Kill, The Mexican, 152 Band-tailed Barbthroat, Threnetes Scrub, 152,285,580 ruckeri (Trochilidae), in Guatemala, Siberian, 151 286 Steller's, 139, 145, 150, 152, 285, 552, Lanius ludovicianus, 107 585 Larus, 1,348 argentatus,6, 498-500, 504, 627 Jehl, Joseph R., Jr., and Robert C. Froh- a. argentatus, 333 ling, Two probable hybrid gulls from a. omissus,333 New Jersey, 498-500 a. smithsonianus,333 Johnson,Richard E., Reproductiveactivi- a. thayeri, 627 ties of rosy finches, with special a. vegae, 627 referenceto Montana, 190-205 bulleri, 1-18 Johnston,Richard F., review by, 113-114 canus, 104 Junco, 567, 568 e. canus, 333 Jungle Fowl, Gray, 155 delawarensis,504 juvenal vs. juvenile, 105 dominicanus,99 1965Oct. ] Indexto Volume 82 697

fuscus,333 Limosa lapponica baueri, 626 glaucescens,499, 624-627 Lipaugus unirufus, 415 glaucescensX argentatus, 627 Lobipeslobatus, 104, 496 glaucoides,333,498 Loomelania melania, 506 g. thayeri, 333 Lophodytescucullatus, 647 hyperboreus,333,498-500, 624, 626 Lophortyx californicus,107, 108, 618 kumlieni, 333 Louisiana, 19-21,102,228-233,500 maculipennis,1, 100, 686 L0venskiold,H. L., Avifauna Svalbarden- marinus, 333,479 sis (rev.), 660 novaehollandiae hartlaubi, 1 Lowe, CharlesH., ed., The vertebratesof n. scopulinus,1 Arizona (rev.), 116-117 occidentalis,271 Loxia curvirostra, 606 pipixcan, 1 c. sitkensis,606 ridibundus, 1, 2, 100, 624, 627 leucopteraleucoptera, 634 r. sibiricus,627 Lumb, J. W., see McLeod, W. M., et al. thayeri, 498-500 Lunk, William A., review by, 298-299 Leto, Aristides ?. A., see Sick, Helmut, Luther, H., see Berglund, B. E., et al. and-- Lymnocryptes minimus, 626 Leopold, N. F., Checklist of birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (rev.), 297-298 Macronectesgiganteus, 96 Lepidogrammus,158 Magpie, 152,216 cumingi, 155, 157, 159 Maine, 27•45 Leucophaeusscoresbii, 99 Mallard, 228, 231, 232, 234, 646 Leucosticte arctoa, 190 Manacus aurantiacus, 398 atrata, 190, 195, 196, 198, 202 manacus, 502 australis, 190, 194, 196 Manakin, 398 tephrocotis dawsoni, 190, 194-196, 199, Crimson-hooded, 502 200 Golden-headed,502 t. griseonucha,190, 194-197 Mareca americana,103,647 t. littoralis, 190, 194-202 sibilatrix, 98 t. tephrocotis, 190-193, 196-197, 199, Margarops fuscatus,643 203 Marsh-tyrant, White-headed, 509 t. umbrina, 190, 194, 197 Martin, Purple, 271-273,633 t. wallowa, 190 Maryland, 285 Life history, Maslowski,Karl H., Obituary of Christian Agelaiusphoeniceus, 359-362 J. Goetz, 685 Falco peregrinus,62-94 Mason, C. Russell, and William B. Rob- Leucostictetephrocotis, 190-203 ertson, Jr., Noddy Tern in Massachu- Phainoptila melanoxantha,420-422 setts, 109 ?tilogonys caudatus, 375•418 Massachusetts,27-41, 68-88, 109, 606 Ptilogonys cinereus,418•420 Mayr, Ernst, review by, 299; spe- Puffinus lherminieri, 592-595 ciesand evolution (rev.), 654-657 Quiscalusquiscula, 359-362 Mayr, Ernst, and Raymond A. Paynter, Rissa brevirostris, 630 Jr. (eds.), Check-list of birds of Rissa tridactyla, 630 the world A continuation of the work Zonotrichia leucophrys, 237 of James L. Peters. Vol. X (rev.), Limnodromus griseus, 626 513-515 g. caurinus, 626 McKinley, Daniel, The Carolina ?arakeet scolopaceus,626 in the upper Missouri and Mississippi 698 Indexto Volume 82 [ Vol.Auk 82

River valleys, 215-226; review by, Mexico, 19, 20, 24, 2(36-214,268, 418-4197 300-301 442, 448, 451, 459-461, 537-587, 639 McLeod, W. M., D. M. Trotter, and J. Michigan, 27, 40-41, 228, 231, 465-469, W. Lumb, Avian anatomy (rev.), 6O6 664-665 Microsittace ferruginea, 100 Meanley, Brooke, see Wetherbee, David Middleton, A. L. A., and D. M. Scott, Kenneth, and-- Testicular responseto an increased Measurements of birds, photoperiod in the Brown-headed Campylorhynchusrufinucha, 211 Cowbird, 504-506 Dendrocopos spp., 557-565, 581-582 Migration, 22-23, 45, 238 Falco sparverius, 441,447 Millar, John B., An upland Redheadnest, Larus, hybrids, 499 280 Piranga flava, 441,456 Miller, Alden H., notice of death, 687 Phasianus colchicus (sesamoid bones), Milvago chimango, 98 432 Mimocichla plumbea, 643 Pyrocephalus rubinus, 441,451 Mimus nebouxi, 101 Sialia sialis,441,454 patagonicus,100 Measurements of eggs, polyglottos, 107, 161 Molothrus bonariensis,509 thenca, 101 Ptilogonys caudatus, 395 Minnesota, 27-41,215,645 Megarhynchus pitangua, 415 Mississippi,21 Melanerpeserythrocephalus, 74 Missouri, 220, 231,233,275 formicivorus, 544 Mockingbird, 161-189 f. formicivorus, 546 Molothrus ater, 288, 504 Melanitta deglandi, 103 bonariensis,508 Meleagris gallopavo, 427 b. minimus, 508 Melopsittacus undulatus, 619 Molt, 70, 237, 238, 244,278 Melospiza melodia, 194, 268, 287-288, 371 Monroe. Burt L., Jr., On the nomencla- m. azteca, 269 tural status of the generic name m. cooperi, 619 Myioborus, 640 m. fallax, 287 Montana, 190, 215 m. fisherella,287 Morton, Martin L., see King, James R., m. juddi, 287 et al. m. merrilli, 287 Morus bassanus,333 m. montana, 287 Motacilla flava, 49 m. rufina, 287 Mueller, Helmut C., and Daniel D. Ber- m. saltonis, 287 ger, Ring-billed Gulls feed on flying m. villai, 269 ants, 504 Mengel, Robert M., Notes and news, 135- Mumford, Russell E., see Zimmerman, 138, 319-321, 536, 681-682; Alden Dale A., and-- Holmes Miller (1906-1965), 687 Murphy, Grace E. B., see Murphy, Rob- Merganser, Common, 647 ert C., and-- Hooded, 647 Murphy, Robert C., and Grace E. B. Red-breasted, 104, 639, 647, 649 Murphy, Obituary of Loke Wan Tho, Mergus merganseramericanus, 647 322-323 serrator, 104,333,639, 649 Murre, Common, 624, 632 s. serrator, 647 Thick-billed, 335 metabolism, lipid, 236-252,278 Murrelet, Craveri's, 271,506 salt, 606-623 Xantus', 5(36 water, 106-108 Muscisaxicola macloviana, 100 1965Oct. ] Indexto Volume 82 699

Muscivora tyrannus, 452 New Jersey, 62,498 Mutton-bird, 595 New Mexico, 537,541,545,548, 580, 586, Myadestes townsendi, 275 640-642,648-650 t. townsendi, 275 New York, 27-42, 62, 71, 89, 274, 606 Myioborus, 640 New Zealand, 1, 15 Newman, Robert J., Treasurer'sreport for the period August 1, 1963, to July Nebraska, 215,217-221,650, 651 31, 1964, 265-267 Neocossyphuspoensis, 283 Nicaragua, 438-464 p. praepectoralis, 283 Nicholson, Donald John, obituary of, Neophemabourkii, 106, 107 324-325 petrophila, 106, 107 Niethammer, G., H. Kramer, and H. Nest sites, E. Wolters, Die V6gel Deutschlands Dendrocopos arizonae, 545 (rev.), 299 Falco peregrinus,78-80 Nighthawk, 504 Haliaeetusleucocephalus, 637-638 North Carolina, 27-42 Leucostictetephrocotis, 191-195 North Dakota, 215,216 Margarops fuscatus,643 Norway, 334, 339, 343,347, 352 Mimocichla plumbea, 643 Notiopsar curaeus,101 Progne subis,271-272 Nucifraga columbiana, 202 Ptilogonys caudatus,388-389, 393-394 Numenius americanus,494 Puffinus lherminieri, 592 borealis, 493-495, 686 Sternaeurygnatha, 507 minutus, 496 Sterna hirundinacea,507 phaeopus,493-495 Nesting, p. hudsonicus,99 Agelaius phoeniceus,361 Nutcracker, Clark's, 202 Falco peregrinus,80 Nyctanassaviolacea, 649 Haliaeetus leucocephalus,636-638 Nycticorax nycticorax, 96 Larus bulleri, 11-14 Nymphicus hollandicus,106, 107 Larus ridibundus, 11-14 Leucosticte tephrocotis, 195 Melospiza melodia, 288 Oceanodromacastro, 592 Ptilogonys caudatus,389-393 furcata, 625 Ptilogonyscinereus, 419-420 leucorrhoa, 506 Puffinus lherminieri, 592-595 1. leucorrhoa, 333 Quiscalusquiscula, 361 Ohio, 27-45 Taeniopygia castanotis, 48-61 Oidemia nigra nigra, 647 Tympanuchus cupido, 651 Oldsquaw, 647 Nesting dates, Olrog, C. C., Lista y distribuci6n de las Leucostictetephrocotis, 195 aves Argentinas (rev.), 296 Ptilogonys caudatus,384-385 Olsson,V., see Berglund, B. E., et al. Rissa brevirostris,630 Oregon,496-497 Rissa tridactyla, 630 Oreortyx pictus,427 Nesting success, Oriole, Baltimore, 49 Falco peregrinus,87-90 Orr, Robert T., see Banks, Richard C., Haliaeetus leucocephalus,638 and-- Ptilogonys caudatus,415-417 Osprey, 85 Puffinus lherminieri, 596 Otus asio, 107, 108, 652 NetherlandsAntilles, 277 flammeolus, 652 Netta peposaca,647 flammeus, 652 rufina, 647 trichopsis, 651 700 Index to Volume82 /[ Vol.^uk 82

Ovenbird, 497, 649 Passerculussandwichensis, 104, 281,606 Owl, 216, 595 s. beldingi, 618, 620 Barn, 76, 89, 506, 652-653 s. brooksi, 618 Barred, 89, 652 Passerherbuluscaudacutus, 645 Boreal, 632 Passerina ciris, 497 Costa Rican Saw-whet, 652 c. pallidior, 497 Eagle, 87 Pavo cristatus, 437 Flammulated, 652 Paynter, Raymond A., Jr., see Mayr, Galapagos, 592 Ernst, and-- Great Horned, 70, 85, 86, 91, 285, 651- Peafowl, 437 652 Pellets, 144, 148-149, 153, 506 Pygmy, 652 Pennsylvania, 71 Saw-whet, 652 Perdix perdix, 427 Screech,108, 652 Perisoreus,139, 145,152 Short-eared, 652-653 canadensis,74 Spotted, 651-652 c. bicolor, 139 Striped Horned, 652 c. griseus,139 Whiskered, 651 infaustus, 151 Oxyura jamaicensisferruginea, 98 Pesticides,91,636 j. rubida, 647 Peterson,Roger T., In memoriam: Lud- Oystercatcher,9, 508 low Griscom, 598-605 South Island, 15 Petrel, 596 Black, 506 Fork-tailed, 625 Packard, Fred M., Obituary of Rosalie Leach's, 506 Barrow Edge, 325-326 Scaled, 625 Pagophila eburnea, 333 Pewee, Tropical, 452 Palmer, Ralph S., reviews by, 112,660 Pezites militaris, 101 Panama, 278, 457 Phainopepla, 422-424 Pandion haliaetus,85 nitens, 375 Parakeet, Carolina, 215-226 Phainoptila, 421-425 Parasitism, melanoxantha, 375,420 ecto-, 104-105 Phalacrocorax albiventer, 96 endo-, 72, 631 aristotelis, 333 social, 101,227-233,509 atriceps, 96 Parkes, Kenneth C., editor of reviews, carbo carbo, 333 110-117, 289-302, 510-518, 654-666; Phalaenoptilusnuttalli, 107 reviews by, 110-111, 114-115, 300, Phalarope, Northern, 104, 496 511-513 Red, 276, 496 Parrot, 87, 106-108, 276, 382 Wilson's, 496 Bourke, 106, 108 Phalaropus fulicarius, 276, 496 Rock, 106, 108 Phalcoboenusalbogularis, 98 "Twenty-eight," 106, 108 Phasianus, 15 Partridge, Gray, 427 colchicus,427 Parula americana, 649 Pheasant, 15 Parus, 370 Ring-necked, 427-437 hudsonicus, 151 Pheucticus ludovicianus, 48 sclateri, 552 Philacte canagica, 646 Passer domesticus, 101 Philippines, 155,644 1965Oct. ] Indexto Volume 82 701

Phillips, Richard E., see Kenyon, Karl Falco peregrinus,67 W., and-- juvenal, 105 Philohela minor, 649 Lepidogrammus cumingi, 155-159 Phoebe, Eastern, 258-286 natal, of rails, 500-501 Phoenicopterus [ ? ruber] chilensis,96 Ptilogonys caudatus, 378-379, 409-410 Photoperiodic response,504-505 Sula sula, 102 Phrygilus gayi, 101 variation in manakins, 502 patagonicus, 101 Pluvialis dominica, 494 Pigeon, 66, 69, 70, 216, 276 Pochard, 227 Carrier, 91 Common, 232 Homing, 64, 72, 74, 75 Red-crested, 647 Racing, 73, 75, 88, 92 Rosybilled, 647 Piha, Rufous, 415 Podicepsauritus, 648 Pinguinusimpennis, 333 caspicus,648 Pinicola, 273 major, 96 enucleator,275 occipitalis,96 e. eschatosus,273,275 rolland, 96 e. kamtschathensis,634 Poephila guttata, 48 e. leucura, 275 Population, rubra, 273 Campylorhynchusrufinucha, 212 Pintail, 103, 104, 228, 231, 232, 234, 625, Falco peregrinus,83 646, 647 Grus canadensis,640 Chilean, 647 Haliaeetus leucocephalus,638 Pipilo, 566, 567 Potter, Julian Kent, obituary of, 324 aberti, 107 Prairie Chicken, Greater, 651 erythrophthalmus, 74, 107 Predation, 85-86, 202, 285, 502-503, 592, fuscus, 107,286 631 Pipit, Water, 199 Procellaria [= Fulmarus] glacialis, 351 Pipra aureola, 502 Progne subis,271,624,633 erythrocephala,502 s. hesperia, 271 pipra, 502 Provost, Ernest E., see Hudson, George Piranga bidentata, 101 E., et al. flava albifacies,441,455-458 Psaltriparus melanotis,419 f. figlina, 441,455-458 Psilorhinus morio, 415 f. savannarum, 441, 455-458 Ptarmigan, 104 f. testacea,441,455-458 White-tailed, 195 Platycercus zonarius, 106, 107 Pterocnemia pennata, 96 Plectrophenaxhyperboreus, 625,634 Pterodroma inexpectata,625 nivalis, 634 phaeopygia,596 Plotus alle, 333 Pteroglossusbeauharnaesii, 158 Ptilogonys, 375,420-424 Plover, Golden, 494 caudatus, 375,423 Little Ringed, 15 Mongolian, 625 cinereus,375,418 Ringed, 15 Puerto Rico, 643 Wrybill, 15 Puffinus assimilis,595 Plumage, lherminieri, 591,597 Aythya, 227,233 1. lherminieri, 595 Cassidixpalustris, 268-270 1. subalaris, 591 Dendrocopos arizonae, 568-581 puffinus, 595 Dendrocopos stricklandi, 572-581 p. puffinus, 333 702 Indexto Volume 82 [ Vol.Auk 82

tenuirostris, 595 Salomonsen,Finn, The geographicalvaria- Pygarrhicus albogularis,100 tion of the Fulmar (Fulmarus gla- Pyrocephalus rubinus blatteus, 441, 450- cialis) and the zones of marine en- 452 vironment in the North Atlantic, r. mexicanus, 450 327-355 (corrigendum, p. 686) r. pini½ola, 441, 450-453 Sanderling, 493,508 Sandpiper, Pectoral, 104 Western, 104, 626 Wood, 626 Quail, California, 108, 618 Sargent, Theodore D., The role of experi- Mountain, 427 ence in the nest building of the Zebra Quiscalusquiscula, 74, 356, 372 Finch, 48-61 Sayornis phoebe, 285 Scaup, Greater, 103, 647 Rail, Clapper, 500-501 Lesser, 103, 227, 230-234 King, 269, 500-501 Schwartz, Paul, Bird songs from the Virginia, 269, 500 tropics (rev.), 114-115 Railus elegans, 269, 500 Scorer, Black, 647 limicola, 269, 500 White-winged, 103 longirostris, 500 Scotland, 346, 353 1. saturatus, 500 Scott, D. M., see Middleton, A. L. A., Rand, A. L., reviews by, 113, 513 515 and-- Raven, Common, 624, 633 Seedsnipe,99 Redhead, 49, 103, 227-234, 280, 647 Seiurusaurocapillus, 497,649 Redpoll, 104 a. aurocapillus, 497 Redstart, American, 497 noveboracensis,497 Painted, 640 n. notabilis, 497 Refractory period, 505 Selander, Robert K., Hybridization of Regurgitation, 148-149, 153 Rufous-naped Wrens in Chiapas, Rett, Egmont Zachary, obituary of, 686 M•xico, 206-214 Rhinoptynx clamator, 652 Selasphorusrufus, 286 Rhodostethia rosea, 333,631 Sellerberg, G., see Berglund, B. E., et al. Richmondena cardinalis,107 Semnornisfrantzii, 411 Ripley, S. Dillon, review by, 112; A sys- Serin, 48 tematic and ecologicalstudy of birds Serinus canarius, 48 of New Guinea (rev.), 113 serinus, 349 Rising, James D., Townsend's Solitaire Setophaga picta, 640 and Pine Grosbeak in Missouri, 275 ruticilla, 497 Rissa brevirostris, 627 Sex ratio, tridactyla, 333,404, 627 Agelaiusphoeniceus, 357 Robertson, William B., Jr., see Mason, C. Falco peregrinus,71 Russell,and--; see Clarke, C. H. D., Leucosticte tephrocotis, 202-203 et al. Quiscalusquiscula, 357 Robin, 219 Sexual dimorphism, in woodpeckers,565- American, 48 568 Rodke, W., see Berglund, B. E., et al. Shearwater, Audubon's, 591-597 Rolle, Francis J., Destruction of Red- Little, 595 legged Thrush nest by a Pearly-eyed Manx, 595 Thrasher, 643 Shelduck, Cape, 646 Russia, 339, 352 (Novaya Zemlya), 643 Shetland Islands, 334 1965OCt. ] Indexto Volume 82 703

Shickley, Gail M., Calliope Humming- Spinusbarbatus, 101 bird in Nebraska, 650 pinus, 198 Shoemaker, Vaughan H., see Dawson, Spitzbergen, 333, 338, 339, 340, 343, 344, William R., et al. 351,352 Shoveler, 103, 647 Spiza americana,278, 650 Sialia sialis earibaea, 441, 453-455 Spizella passerina,49, 175, 187 s. meridionalis,441,453-455 Springer, Heinrich K., see White, Clayton Sicalislebruni, 101 M., and-- Sick, Helmut, and Aristides P. A. Leto, Sprunt, Alexander, Jr., Obituary of Don- Breeding sites of Sterna eurygnatha aid John Nicholson, 324-325 and other sea birds off the Brazilian Stager, Kenneth E., The role of olfaction coast, 507-508 in food location by the Turkey Vul- Silky-flycatcher, Black-and-yellow, 375, ture (Cathartes aura) (rev.), 661-662 420-422, 425 Starling, 66, 70, 74, 75, 92 Gray, 375,418-420, 425 Steganopustricolor, 496 Long-tailed, 375-426 Stellula calliope, 650 Siskin,Pine, 198 Stercorariuslongicaudus, 19, 104, 333 Skua, 350 parasiticus, 19, 333 Skutch, Alexander F., Life history of pomarinus, 19,333 the Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher, with skua skua, 333 notes on related ,375-426 Sterna albifrons, 649 Slud, Paul, The birds of Costa Rica. Dis- cantiaca [= sandvicensis], 508 tribution and ecology (rev.), 289-292 eurygnatha, 507-508 Smart, Glen, Body weights of newly forsteri, 504 hatched Anatidae, 645-648 fuscata, 277 Smith, W. John, Dendroica pensylvanica hirundinacea, 507-508 in Trinidad, 279 hirundo, 333, 504 Snipe, Common, 104, 625 maxima [: Thalasseusmaximus], 508 European Jack, 625 paradisaea, 104, 333,631 Snow, D. W., The breeding of Audubon's sandvicensis [: Thalasseus sandvicen- Shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri) in sis], 507 the Galapagos, 591-597 s. acuflavida, 507 Solitaire, Townsend's,275 Stettenheim, Peter, review by, 664-665 Somateria mollissima, 104, 333 Stickel, David W., Wing-stretching of spectabilis,333 Red-bellied Woodpeckers, 503 Sorensen, J. H., see Bailey, Alfred M., Storer, Robert W., review by, 657-658 and-- Street, Phillips B., Obituary of Julian South America, 67 Kent Potter, 324 South Carolina,494 Streptopelia decaocto,349 South Dakota, 215-220 Strix aluco, 653 Sparrow, Chipping, 49, 175, 187 occidentalis,651 Golden-crowned, 634 varia, 89, 652 Le Conte's,644-645 Sturnus vulgaris, 66 Savannah,104, 281,606, 618-620 Sula dactylatra, 102,103 Song, 194, 268-269, 287-288, 371, 619 leucogaster,102,271,508 White-crowned, 236-252,619 sula, 103 White-throated, 26-47, 650 s. sula, 102 Spatula clypeata, 103,647 Summers-Smith, J. D., The House Spar- platalea, 98 row (rev.), 292-293 Spheniscusmagellanicus, 96 Sunbird, Olive-bellied, 283 704 Indexto Volume 82 [ Vol.Auk 82

Surinam, 502,508-509 Threnetes ruckeri, 286 Suthard, J. G., and George A. Allen, Jr., r. ventosus, 286 The junglefowl, spurfowl and peafowl Thrush, 15, 166 of the world (rev.), 112 Gray-cheeked, 109 Swan, 97 Red-legged, 643 Whistling, 646 Thryothorus ludovicianus, 187 Sweden,351,465,472,473,476 Tit, European, 370 Swift, Common, 633 Tordoff, Harrison B., seeDawson, William White-rumped, 632-633 R., et al., 606-623 Totanus flavipes, 99,626 Toucanet, Blue-throated, 415 Towbee, Brown, 286 Tachyeres patachonicus,98 Rufous-sided, 74 pteneres, 98 Toxostoma redivivum, 107, 108 Tadorna cana, 646 Taeniopygia castanotis,48, 619 Traylor, Melvin A., review by, 6654566 Tringa glareola, 626 Tanager, Flame-colored, 101 Trochilus colubris,216 Tangavius aeneus,101 Teal, Blue-winged, 647 Troglodytes aedon albicans, 508 musculus, 100 Green-winged, 104, 647 troglodytes, 194, 624 Teale, Edwin Way, Audubon's wildlife t. alascensis,633 (rev.), 300-301 Trogon, Coppery-tailed, 554 Telmatodytespalustris, 269 Mexican, 554 Terathopius ecaudatus,87 Trogon elegans, 554-555 Tern, Antarctic, 507 mexicanus,554-555 Arctic, 104, 631 Trotter, D. M., see McLeod, W. M., et al. Cayenne, 277, 507 Troyer, Willard A., and Richard J. Hen- Common, 504 sel, Nesting and productivity of Bald Forster's, 504 Eagles on the Kodiak National Wild- Least, 649 life Refuge, Alaska, 6364538 Noddy, 109, 277,591 Turdus ericetorum, 15 Royal, 277 falcklandii, 101 Sandwich, 507 merula, 15, 404 Sooty, 277 migratorius, 48 Terpsiphone atrocaudata, 644 Turkey, 219,427 a. periophthalmica, 644 Turner, Cynthia Gale, Roosting behavior Territory size, of the Blue Jay, 285 Agelaiusphoeniceus, 360 Turnstone, Ruddy, 508 Dendroica petechia, 274 Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus, 651 Texas, 19-21, 102, 172, 228-233, 465,470, Tyrannus melancholicus,381, 452 471,493-496 tyrannus, 49 Textor cucullatus,48 Tyto alba, 76,506, 652 Thalasseus eurygnathus [----sandvicensis eurygnathus], 277 Uria aalge, 333,624, 631 maximus, 277, 508 a. hyperborea, 333 sandvicensis,507 lornvia, 333,335 Thinocorus rumicivorus, 99 Thrasher, Brown, 184 Vaurie, Charles, A survey of the birds of California, 108 Mongolia (rev.), 110-111; reviews Pearly-eyed, 643 by, 293-294, 294-295, 295 1965Oct. ] Indexto Volume 82 705

Vermivora gutturalis, 384 Waxwing, 155, 158 peregrina, 497 Bohemian, 155, 633 Vermont, 27-41, 71 Cedar, 49, 155, 159, 382, 383,419, 422- Vireo, Red-eyed, 496 424, 504 Vireo, 424 Weaver, African Village, 48 olivaceus, 496 "Yellow," 48 Virginia, 500 Weights of birds, Voice, Accipiter gentilis, 284 Bubo virginianus, 651 Anatidae (newly hatched), 645-648 Campylorhynchusrufinucha, 208 Campylorhynchusrufinucha, 211 Dendrocoposarizonae, 573 Dendrocopos stricklandi, 563-565 Dendrocopos scalaris, 573 Loxia curvirostra, 612 Dendrocoposstricklandi, 573 Zonotrichia leucophrys,238, 240-247 Dendrocopos villosus, 573 Weights of eggs, Falco peregrinus, 76 Molothrus bonariensis, 509 Mimus polyglottos, 161-189 Weights of organs, Ptilogonys caudatus,381-382 testes(Molothrus ater), 505 Ptilogonys cinereus,418-419 Weller, Milton W., Chronologyof pair Rissa brevirostris, 629-630 formation in some Nearctic Aythya Rissa tridactyla, 629-630 Zonotrichia albicollis, 26-47 (Anatidae), 227-235 Welty, Joel Carl, The life of birds (rev.), 113-114 West Indies, 109, 277, 279, 502 Wagtail, Yellow, 49 Westerkov, Kaj, review by, 659-660 Walkinshaw, Lawrence H., Proceedings Weston, Francis M., and Ellison A. of the Eighty-second Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Un- Williams, Recent records of the Es- ion, 253-264; Attentiveness of cranes kimo Curlew, 493-496 (corrigendum, at their nests,465-476 p. 686) Wallace, George J., see Clarke, C. H. D., Wetherbee, David Kenneth, and Brooke et al. Meanley, Natal plumage characters Wan Tho, Loke, obituary of, 322-323 in rails, 500-501 Wang, Sy Ying Chen, seeHudson, George Wetmore, Alexander,review by, 661-662 E., et al. Whimbrel, 493,494, 495,686 Warbler, Black-cheeked,384 White, Clayton M., and Heinrich K. Blackpoll, 502 Springer, Notes on the Gyrfalcon in Black-polled Yellowthroat, 268-269 western coastal Alaska, 104-105 Black-throated Blue, 497 Widgeon, American, 103, 647 Chestnut-sided, 279 Wiens, John A., Behavioral interactions Flame-throated, 384,411 of Red-winged Blackbirds and Com- Great Reed, 241 mon Grackles on a common breed- Myrtle, 502,503,634 ing ground, 356-374 Parula, 649 Wildenthal, Joyce L., Structure in pri- Red, 552 mary song of the Mockingbird Tennessee,497 (Mimus polyglottos), 161-189 Yellow, 274-275 Williams, Ellison A., see Weston, Francis Washington, 237 M., and-- Waterthrush, Northern, 497 Williams, Lovett E., Jr., Jaegersin the Water-tyrant, Pied, 509 Gulf of Mexico, 19-25 706 Indexto Volume 82 [ Vol.Auk 82

Williamson, Kenneth, Identification for Rufous-naped, 206-214 ringers. 3. The Sylvia (rev.), Winter, 194,624, 633 300 Wilsonia pusilla, 411 Wisconsin,211,222-223,233,504 Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus,370 Wokers, H. E., seeNiethammer, G., et al. Xema sahini, 104,333,649 Woodcock, American, 649 Xolmis pyrope, 100 Woodpecker, 216 Acorn, 544 Arizona, 537,589 Yellowlegs, Lesser, 626 Downy, 557 Yellowthroat, Black-polled, 268, 269 Hairy, 545, 547-548 Yocom, Charles F., Breeding record for Ladder-backed, 547 Redhead in Alaska, 103 Nuttall's, 557,559 Red-bellied, 503 Red-cockaded, 559 Zenaidura auriculata, 100 Red-headed, 74 macroura, 74, 107, 108, 618 Strickland's,537-587 Zimmerman, Dale A., and Russell E. Woolfenden,Glen E., editor, recent liter- Mumford, First specimens of three ature, 118-134, 303-318, 519-535, speciesof birds from Kenya, 282-283 667-680; A specimen of the Red- Zimmerman, John L., Digestive efficiency footed Booby from Florida, 102-103 and premigratory obesityin the Dick- Worth, C. Brooke, and Thomas H. G. cissel, 278-279 Aitken, First record of the Gray- Zonibyx modestus,99 cheeked Thrush in Trinidad, West Zonotrichia, 236 Indies, 109 albicollis,26, 240, 650 Wren, Carolina, 184, 187 atricapilla, 625,634 Gray-barred, 552 capensis, 101 House, 508, 509 leucophrys gambelii, 236, 237, 240, 619 Long-billed Marsh, 269 Zugunruhe, 247

Issue (Vol. 82, No. 4): November 18, 1965.