Bluebonnet Ranch and Pick Instrument Products Tee up for A

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Bluebonnet Ranch and Pick Instrument Products Tee up for A Volume 29, Number 11, September 2019 Bluebonnet Ranch and Pick Instrument Products tee up for a good cause Moe Bandy and Allen Shamb- Clown.’ In 1979, Moe teamed To date, Shamblin has had more lin are the 2019 celebrity hosts for up with Janie Fricke for “It’s a than 100 songs recorded by such this year’s 38th annual Pick In- Cheatin’ Situation” which won the artists as Wynonna, Patty Love- strument Products Company and ACM Song of the Year. less, Willie Nelson, Kenny Rogers, Bluebonnet Youth Ranch celebrity His partnership with Joe Stam- Bette Midler, Ricky Van Shelton, golf tournament. pley created Just Good Ol’ Boys, Dolly Parton and Ricky Scaggs. Bandy has enjoyed this event so which spawned the Top Ten hit Shamblin’s most recent hit song, much that he is returning for his “Holding the Bag.” The duo won “The House That Built Me,” was third year. He’s one of America’s CMA’s Duet of the Year and recorded by Miranda Lambert all-time leading classic country ACM’s Duo of the Year. and received numerous awards, music performers who have never Shamblin is one of the great including “Song of the Year,” and strayed far from the traditional storytellers who have given coun- “Music Video of the Year” at both barroom fare. Growing up in San try music its legacy and continu- the CMA and ACM Awards. The Antonio, Bandy competed in ro- ous popularity. The Texas native song also received Grammy Nom- deos, but his career cam to a halt moved to Nashville with $1,500 inations for “Song of the Year” and after suffering injuries. At night, and fourteen completed songs, but “Best Country Song.” he would play in honky-tonks and it didn’t take long for industry in- This is Shamblin’s seventh year clubs and landed his first record siders to catch on to his talent. as celebrity host for the event. deal in 1964 and released his first Randy Travis’ number one ver- Other committed celebrities are single “Lonely Lady.” Some of sion of “He Walked on Water” Red Steagall, Tony Booth, George Bandy’s top ten hits included: “It brought Allen to the forefront of Chambers, Janie Fricke, Frank was So Easy to Find an Unhappy the Nashville songwriting com- Gilligan, Gary P. Nunn, Dion Woman” and “Bandy the Rodeo munity seemingly overnight. See GOLF, pg. 12 Bluebonnet Youth Ranch celebrity host Moe Bandy. Contributed photo. Celebramos el dieciséis de septiembre IN THIS ISSUE the originality of our history, cul- the years in celebrating El Cinco along with its people have in com- Crime......................... pg 3 ture, and the identity of ourselves; de Mayo. mon? Some say that Victorians without it we would be lost. With One can see the unity, willing- should have a special day to cel- it we can move forward. ness and determination to maintain ebrate Victoria. Well, the 16th of Noticias..................... pg 4 With that in mind, congratula- and preserve their history. Victori- September is that special day. tions to our neighboring town of ans also have their own heroes and The early history of Victoria ac- Goliad who’s first to claim the history to celebrate and preserve tually started with a man who was De León Club............ pg 6 historical celebration of Cinco de people like Miguel Hidalgo y later to be recognized as the father Mayo, one of Mexico’s national Costilla, Guadalupe Victoria, Don of Mexican Independence and El padre de la Patria Don Miguel Hil- holidays honoring one of Goliad’s Martín de León, Patricia de León, Commander-in-Chief of the revo- Charlando............... pg 10 dalgo y Costilla. Contributed art. native sons, Don Ignacio Zara- Placido Benavides and many oth- lutionary forces in the Americas. goza, who fought and defeated the ers that are connected with el di- He was Father Miguel Hidalgo y by Delfino Martínez French Pupla. A salute to the peo- eciséis de septiembre. Costilla, a Catholic priest, from La 19 ple of Goliad for their outstanding Did you know what the 16th of the town of Dolores who worked It’s a wonderful thing to know work they have done throughout September and the city of Victoria See CELEBRAMOS, pg. 8 2 — Revista de Victoria, September 2019 Ending hunger, one helping at a time by Meridith Byrd would make great strides toward million people seek help from ending hunger. food banks each year. Locally, September is Hunger Action Hunger Action Month was nearly 30,000 people receive as- Month, when food banks through- founded in 2008 by Feeding sistance from the Food Bank of out America step up their efforts America, a nonprofit network of the Golden Crescent. Our partners to advocate for hunger relief. This food banks across the country. The include food pantries, schools, se- year’s theme is “We can end hun- Food Bank of the Golden Crescent nior housing complexes, and soup ger one helping at a time.” Every- is a member of the Feeding Amer- kitchens in Calhoun, Colorado, one knows someone in need, and ica network. DeWitt, Goliad, Gonzales, Jack- if we all helped one person, we In the United States, over 46 son, Lavaca, Matagorda, Refugio, Wharton and Victoria counties. Contributed art. How you can help the end of the drive. Call the Food Challenge on social media by tag- Donate. Each dollar donated to Bank at 578-0591 to schedule your ging the Food Bank and using the Food Bank provides 8 meals food drive. #BrownBagChallenge. for those in need. Simply put, $1 Follow us on social media. You = 8 meals. It might sound impos- can help the Food Bank spread the How to get help sible, but the Food Bank is able to word about our hunger relief ef- We keep an up-to-date list of our purchase food for much less than forts, see our staff in action around partner food pantries organized by grocery store prices. We also work the office or out in the community, county on our website: with stores like HEB, Wal-Mart, and recognize our generous do- You can and others to receive food that nors and volunteers. Follow the also call the Food Bank at 578- would otherwise go to waste. Food Bank of the Golden Crescent 0591 or stop by at 3809 East Rio Volunteer. There is so much on Facebook and Instagram, then Grande (off of Delmar) to receive work that goes on behind the share our posts so that your friends information on your local food scenes, and our volunteers provide see that hunger relief matters to pantries. a valuable service. There are op- you. Mother Teresa is quoted as say- portunities for adults, seniors, chil- Take the Brown Bag Challenge. ing,” If you can’t feed a hundred dren (accompanied by an adult), Every little bit helps, and the few people, then feed just one.” You and groups (scout groups, church dollars that you would typically can make a difference. Join us for groups, coworkers, etc). Some of spend eating out adds up quickly. Hunger Action Month and we can our volunteer activities include To take the challenge, pack your end hunger one helping at a time. sorting large bins of mixed dona- lunch during the month of Sep- Meridith Byrd is the Director of tions, filling bags of dried beans, tember. Place the money that you Community Engagement for the rice, pasta, or coffee, and assem- would have spent on eating out in Food Bank of the Golden Cres- bling bags of food for schoolchil- a brown lunch bag. (Need a bag? cent. She also manages the Victo- dren or seniors. Stop by the Food Bank and we’ll ria Farmers’ Market every Satur- Host a food drive at your place happily provide one!) At the end day at the Pattie Dodson Center of business or church. The Food of the month donate the money from 9:00 to 1:00. Contact her at Bank will deliver donation barrels you saved to the Food Bank. Make 361-218-9246 or mbyrd@food- and pick up all the donations at sure to document your Brown Bag Revista de Victoria, September 2019 — 3 Do you have a plan? guaranteed to survive every time When officers arrive, try to stay of what to do should we find our- is the one you’re not involved in. calm. Drop whatever you may selves in a worst-case scenario. This is why situational awareness have in your hands, keep your John Turner is a Crime Pre- is so important. No matter where hands visible and follow all in- vention officer for the Victoria you are, be aware of your sur- structions. Police Department. For further roundings. Take note of exits or Although rare, (you’re more information or to request a pre- any area you may be able to take likely to be struck by lightning) sentation for your workplace or cover. these events have become a part organization,contact the VPD If no exit is immediately avail- of the world in which we live and Crime Prevention Unit at (361) able, the next option is to deny we must have at least some idea 485-3808. the shooter access to you. If in an office or school setting, you may have to secure yourself in room. If this is the case, lock the door, barricade with desks or any other heavy objects available then turn off the lights.
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