1912 to 1924 Lister Annual Report and Accounts
T he L ister Institute . OF Preventive Medicine. Report of the Governing Body, 1912. C helsea G ardens, Lo n d o n , S.W. May 8 th, 1912. ' i The Lifter Institute of Preventive Medicine, CHELSEA GARDENS, CHELSEA BRIDGE ROAD, LONDON, S.W., and ELSTREE, HERTS. THE GOVERNING BODY. The Right H on. Sir HENRY E. ROSCOE, P.C., D.C.L., E.R.S., Chairman. The V iscount IVEAGH, K.P., G.C.V.O., F.R.S. Sir JOHN ROSE BRADFORD, K.O M.G., M.D., F.R.S. J. LUARD PATTISSON, C.B., Han. Treasurer. Sir WILLIAM OSLER, B art., M D., F.R.S. Professor ERNEST H. STARLING, M D„ F.R.S. L ieut. Colonel Sir WILLIAM B. LEISIIMANN, M.B., F.R.S. THE COUNCIL. MEMBERS REPRESENTING THE Sir W illiam W atson Cheyne, B art., C.B., F.R.S Royal Society. Professor A. C. O’Sullivan, M.B.................. Royal Irish Academy. R ickman J. Godlee, M.B. (President) Royal College of Surgeons, England. Sir Thomas B arlow, B art, K.C.V.O. (President) Royal College of Physicians, London. F. W. Andrevves, M.A , M.D. Royal College of Physicians, London. Professor A. E. Mettam, B.Sc. (President) Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. The E arl of F eversham .............................. Royal Agricultural Society. Sir W illiam Osler, Bart., M.D., F.R.S. ... University of Oxford. Professor G. Sims W oodhead, M.D. University of Cambridge. Professor W. S. Greenfield, M.D. University of Edinburgh. Professor James L ittle, M.D.
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