BOOKS. I Fred Smith, . BHOW (continued). V0U WANT THK LATEST BOOIt

ung ; a Don son »V Ku«|1Ir)t(1 GO TO THE GREAT SALE OF lw- 'ii Kushford ; 2 (< •• jeesdale Mercury Bookshop, bun. ~C,J||» En ( fcmpMl; 2 R G Alder*., yj.rktt Place, BARNARD CASTLE, fcushford. tbu Largest Stock iu thu District GENT.'S SUITS -8 Qolin Cikinpliell • •! , UK" may bo ma. • A At Bargain Prices. 11; 2 A l'reston. prices from 1/- to 7/6. nek—Colin Campbell ; Atkinson, Mickleton. ' ' SOUTU DURIIAM, NOIITII YORK AND WESTMORLAND ADVERTISER. ickletun : 2 J Bird. \v;„ Lg WINDOWS. SKE WINDOWS. L 23, Horse Market, Barnard (lastle. Word. llt0» auipbell, Haxby. Established 1854. RKUIHTKKKI) AT Tim OKNBUAL POST OPPICK AS A NKWSPAI'KU.

Campbell; -i T Kicliar,i

Lk-U W Dale, Masham ; T 2 No. 3,780. Barnard Castle, Wednesday, September 28, 1027. Price Three Halfpence. btherstmie; 3 K Aiuler*^

|l ; 3 K W Dale ; » W nje Gees&ale flDercur?- DROWNED IN A RAGING vy breed —K Watson, lSarna,, tell: STN lUine, Startf ii or ^XAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ODD LOTS TORRENT. S Hodgson; 2 U R^S tcnM.K IfKRCURYBan be Boated every week

|man, Ureal Musgrave. ' fcf 5in the Kingdom and all British possessions at a Colin Campbell ; 3 ' l&f*--- &.M. OF WOOL. WORKMAN'S SAD DEATH AT 111 KV. 5s. THOMAS GARBUTT, Ltd. .i^l, ad. kt fowl, cock—J W I'arkin • PROFITABLE use for odd lots of wool— lls M Tlic North Kidiug Coroner, Mr G. J. E. f Mickleton. *!S ••• - - A too small to market in the ordinary way Postal Orders to be made payable to the —is to havo them made up by the Otterburn fiarduer, Nortballurtou, held an iuiioest at |dletnu; 2 J Atkinson ; 3 R Jjjltrcurr Limited. GENERAL DRAPERS, Mill into serviceable woollen goods. Ilury ou Friday morning on Hichard Lowis 'special Scale for Small Prepaid -II lUine, Spennyuic« . , l''or 105 years Otterburu have been making- ('28), murrii (1, whoso body was found in tbe )r Advertisements. Darlington ; 3 T Q up Grower's own wool into " woollens" for river Haider on Thursday morning. -Want- Specific Articles Wanted or COMMERCE HOUSE, BARNARD CASTLE. or For Sale. Household and Personal use. Mrs Alf reda Mary Lowis, wife of the deceased, Ul or Sell. Lr black Minorca, cock—3 • Businesses Wanted or For ,.,..„„„,,, J 7, HORSE MARKET, BARNARD CASTLE. said her husband, a laliourer in tbe employ of J,sWanteu or The charges are extremely moderate, being Sale. tho Tees Valley Water Itoard, left borne as usual fttet- . Articles Lost and Found. BMAaVUJSB:\ HORSE MARKET, MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE. only a small percentage over actual working ell ; N Metcalfe, E gl . . Wanted g ei)t0|l ^^n-anW etc Private Miscellaneous Wants. costs, and the carefully made goods wear, at 7 a.m. ou Wednesday, btiug then in bis usual aud wear, as only pure wool can wear. health, lie took bis dinner with him, as usual, Penrith ; 2 Colin Campbell • 3 \ JnR CONSECUT1VF. INSERTIONS as be was uot sure of where be might be at Thrice Six Inscr Our " Grower's Own Wool " Booklet will tell Uish •[> Auckland. Once work at dinner-time. s d. «. d. you of the many things we make, such as : idg.iou ; 2 Colin Campbell • 31 1 0 2 6 Frederick Henry Sowerby, West Cottage, loderliind. 3 9 Tweeds, Blankets, Scarves, Rugs and Knitting 1 e NEW GOODS FOR THE AUTUMN SEASON. , auother cuiployeo of the Tees tying—K Forrest ; 3 J l; 2 o S 0 Yarn. It also gives scale of charges aud roWn 8 3 Valley Water Hoard, said he was with Lowis Hodgson. 2 6 quantities of wool needed. Ask for Post Free 3 0 7 6 at tho reservoir bouse at dinner time on ety - 2 Mrs Hobinson, I>ailin„ Booklet. swutiv! e EACH insertion will be charged for [Sons, Kggleston. »»itco" FINE RANGE OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S VELOUR TWEED COATS. Weduisday, aud at ten minutes to one witness tn for one. "ety for laying—K Forrest; ( '- does not apply to Advertisements from Public started to walk to Ulacktou reservoir while tbe •o Traile Advertisements, or any other class than Otterburn Mill, Ltd., deceased weut ou witness's bicycle to the I FUR NECKLETS at Keen Prices. aying purposes (heavy breed),.! irA___ — Woollen Manufacturers, Strathmore Arms to get some cigarettes. He a J Swau ; 3 S A Hojgsoo, LADIES' MACKINTOSH COATS from 16/11. OTTERBURN, S.O., Northumberland. should have lieeu back by one o'clock. That bod 3 C Anderson, West Auck.j [gBDLEY&SONS was the last that wituess saw of Lowis alive. pleby. The Exors. of JOS. RAINE. Ironmongers, Asked by the Coroner whether he had ever anUin —1 and 2 H.Ewin; jjj Registered Plumbers, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MILLINERY. Market Place, Middleton-in-Tecsdalc, heard Lowis brag about riding along tbe coping luckland. ] beside thu overflow channel of tho reservoir, - J T Kuowles, 13ai nard Caatle-J [GALGATE, BARNARD CASTLE, are our ageuts for Receiving Wool to be sent witness replied that he bad uot, but once when Id ; 3 C 15 Liddle, New ShikkJ ALSO BKANCH SHOP to us for Manufacture. •rigeou-L Hall, Lartington • »] Mr GEORGE LOWES, Grocer, St. John's deceased said be woudered whether he could L)S£ TERRACE, Mlddleton-ln-Teusdale ride ou it wituess told him never to dream (kland ; 3 H Raine. Look Out for our DISPLAY in the SMALLER WITHAM HALL, WEDNESDAY, Oct. 5th. Chapel, Weardalc, -D Pollock ; 2 U HollandJ ^ left with Mr T. Todd, Blacksmith, of it. is our Agent in Upper Weardalc. Llgson, Cotherstoue. will be attended to). Wituess added that his bicycle was in good aud 2 J A Hodgson, Cotlit .j r MRIUDDELL SCOTT, our Representative ruuuiug order, as he had himself ridden from •bers, Painters, Paperhangers, iu South Durham aud North Yorkshire, is Cutherstoue ou it that morning. Lowis would TKLBPHONK 49. PRODUCE. I Electricians, Ironmongers, travelling iu the district at present. Ou receipt have to cross the embankment iu order to reach -F Hall, Kinninvie ; 2 and Ural Contractors and Builders R. WILSON & SONS of a postcard he will be glad to call with patterns the path from tbe Strathmore Arms. Witness kirk. had a mile and a half to walk to his work. He aud collect Wool for Mauufacture. and 2 U It Armstrong, Butter. Merchants. ADDISON & WOODHAMS BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, expected Lowis to follow him along tbe path, Address:— RIDDELL SCOTT, I Iogleton. JOINERY WORKS aud as he did uot come he concluded bo had (PKOPRIBTOK: KICHARD WOODHAMS), Whorllon, Iturnnril. Cnstlc. II aud 3 0 R Armstrong ; 2 \I„ been detained at tho reservoir house. It was sh. (iTCRAIG, MANUFACTURERS OF ARTIFICIAL uot until ho got back to the house at 5 o'clock Ion, Middleton ; 2 A l'reston | lm KLOWER AND VEGETABLE Wholesale Wine, Spirit and Ale Merchants, Tea and Coffee Dealers STONE, PresUm, .Jowes. GROWER. aud missed his bicycle that he knew of Lowis's and Provision Merchants, disappearance. He came down tho path beside Addison, Hayberries ; 2 Mrs] j ind Vegetable Plants, also Seeds and MONUMENTAL MAS0NS. • FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE the overllow chauuel aud found marks of I Rigg ; 3 0 R Armstrong, IGnrdou Sundries suppliod 10, MARKET PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE. to order. bicycle wheels. There was a stone coping two and 2 Miss Robinson, lianui Ropair Work Promptly Attended To. ' Urmtht and BougueU a speciality. MAKE feet wide with a grass embaukmcnt ou one BALGATE * LOWFIELD GARDENS, side aud ou the other the chauuel used for [ and 2 Miss Robinson. E hold large Stocks of all the popular brands of Wines, Spirits and Liqueurs at market ADDRBSS:—1, VICTORIA TERRACE EAST, -1 and 3 J E Laws, liarnai BARNARD CASTLE. prices. Cider and Ale in cask (all sizes). Our Grocery Department is complete with 5 J. T. KNOWLES, couveying the storm water to the river Balder. W AND Lgslaif, Barnard Castle. carefully selected stocks of every description. TEA AND COFFEE a speciality. Finest He traced the wheel marks for about a hundred 39, MARKET PLACE, 1 Bain bridge, F.ggleaton ; 2 3 IUDSDALE BROS., quality obtainable at least possible prico. WILSON STREET, BARNARD CASTLE. yards aud then saw no more. They showed on, Middleton. DERS -iND MONUMENTAL MASONS, BARNARD CASTLE, ' that the bicycle had been going in tbe direction 1 J G Walton, Mickleton ; 2 Mil WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES. 1, CECIL ROAD, ESTABLISBBD lft54 of Lowis's work. |S Mrs W Watson, Marwood. • YOUR CHEMIST. litis, m, Marwood ; 2 Mrs WhiU BARNARD CASTLE. Delivery in Town aud Country. Orders called for on request. Every satisfaction guaranteed. Mr James Harvey, who has charge of the [j G Walton. jJtORIALS in Marble, Stone A Granite A trial order is respectfully solicited. reservoir uuder the geueral manager, Mr O. It. 1 E T Snaitli, Toft Hill; 2 Mrj [Designs and Price Lists Free on applica- Frederick Metcalfe, E has the most complete stock Colliuson, said the depth of the water in the J Thompson, Toft Hill. 1 Mounmental Yard in Mr Jackson's Fruit, Flower and Potato H of all that a FIRST-CLASS channel that day was six feet. |Suaith ; 2 Miss Guy ; •< Mi - J1 jlOvposite Steele Placo). " CHEMIST supplies. The Coroner : Are there any orders about Salesman, meu using the track ? _ shape—Miss Longstafl, IEGE STOCK OF CHEAP AND Nursery and Seedsman, i Mr Harvey said the men invariably used it Valton, Mickletou ; 3 Miss G Qui ARTISTIC Messrs. MOTOR SUPPLIES (Auckland), Ltd. HOLIDAY PHOTOGRAPHY: when going to rilacktou, aud those who did not G Walton ; 2 Miss Langstaif; I 9, MARKET PLACE, Call aud inspect the could uot perform their duty of seeing whether anything connected with tho works needed • Tunstall, ; 2 Mril IWALLPAPERS OUR AGENCIES AND PRICES FOR 1927. BARNARD CASTLE. atteutiou. 13 Mrs T Iceton, ALL-DISTANCE From 3d. per Roll. 11-4 Citro.ii Saloon, 4 door, £190 I 14 H.P. Standard The Coroner : Iu your opiuiou he was taking H Reeks ; 2 Mrs T Iceton ; A Choice Variety of English bt SELECTION IN THE DISTRICT. the proper course back to his work 1 Coupe £200 \ 14 H.P. Saloon and Foreign Fruits, Flowers ddison ; I Mrs Iceton, Barn and Vegetables always in ENSIGN CAMERA. Mr Harvey: Yes; his duties commenced when 11-4 Four-Sealer, 4 Wheel Brakn ... £165 9 H.P. Rover aine, Cotherstoiie. stock. Tho most wonderful production in be had finished his lunch at oue o'clock. [j, WRATHALL, 11- 4 Saloon £210 [bread—Mrs Neasham, Kgglcrioi Bouquets, Wreaths and Crosses made to order. Mr lugram Dawson (to tho wituess Sowerby): DECORATOR, &c, 9 H.P. Rover Sport* cheap Cameras for over thirty years. „gle«ton ; 3 Miss F Allimou. 12- 24 With Front Wheel Brakes, Vaco The Oldost and Most Reliable Firm in the You went to work ou the same track ? Iceton ; a N Walton, Egi^le«ton| 14-45 H.P. from IET PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE Servo Brake System, 4-Seater ... £195 District for Oood Seeds of every description Price 25K Wituess : Yes ; we were working together. [ Top. and for Garden and Farm Produce. Mr Dawsou : This was a very wet day 1 Saloon, 4 door. £240 16-50 H.P. „ ! A Kidd, Kggleston ; Mrs R. W. APPLEBY, Mr Harvey : One of the worst days I have I 3 Mrs Parkin, Cragg Top. (Late J. Parkin 8t Co.), MOTOR CYCLES :—A.J.S., B.S.A., NEW HUDSON, DOUGLAS, NORTON. DVERTISEMENTS can be inserted in any seeu iu the district for rain. The overflow was RACING. iu full Hood six feet deep. To-day it is only IDER k MONUMENTAL MASON, Magnetos, Bonnet Muffs, Heating Lamps and Stoves. A Newspaper, Daily or Weekly, British EWSPAPERS and PERIODICALS sent by jidicap-Willan's Dare Devil; a few inches. and Foreign, by special arrangements, through Post to all parts of tho World. Prompt kx Erard ; 3 Sowerby's Qtr~ i Home, Bndgeg.te, BARNARD CASTLE. Solid Tyres Fitttil at any tune on our own Press. Giant Pneumatics in Stock. N the medium of the Teesdale Mercury Advertise­ and efficient service guaranteed. Tccsdalo Will Workmau, labourer, West Briscoe, said •Stephenson's Ginger Stup. KlstoutK iu Marble, Stouo aud Granite, EVERYTHING MOTORING. ment Bureau, 24, Market Place, Barnard Castle. Mercury Bookshop, Barnard Castle. he found the body iu the balder at 9 o'clock ou Thursday moruiug halt a mile from the over­ Laler ; 3 Howe's Roan. , I tetjiviu for all Branches of the Trade VAN ATTENDS BARNEY MARKET EVERY WEDNESDAY. |E Teasdale, Hamsterley ; ' 1 ou Heasonable Terms. llow channel, entangled iu trees. Tbe bicycle MORRIS COMMERCIALS OUR SPECIALITY. Telephone 171. I ; 3 11 W Gill, Briscoe. Icr in .Sanitary Pipes, Blue and Stone E. COOPER, F.S._AI;C.,F.B.O.A., was lonud '200 yards from the cud of thu ^Stales, Cement, Bricks and Lime. chauuel. Tho rear mudguard was bent back REGISTERED OPTICIAN [I RURAL COUNCll i:-CR00K LANE, near Barracks. aud wheu the machiue was got out the left Jl, NORTHGATE, DARLINGTON. pedal came off. HJCED BY A PENNY- The Corouer said there was no question that he Startforth Rural CouWj ATTENDANCE EVERY WEDNESDAY AT BARNARD CASTLE. death resulted from au accident, aud tho only nesday, Mr T. W. Garth, J-' Hours : 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. question was to what accident it was duo— whether deceased or the bicycle slipped or liuK' Aid 2 6, HORSE MARKET. whether he lost his nerve through lookiug at It) coming half year was u*j Always ready the turgid waters. Registered by the Joint Council of Qualified Opticians, for Sight-testing and Optics] Treatment [being 4s. 3d. in the £ ag^T under the National Health Insurance Act. Mr Harvey : There are many things which lear. This amount was m« Hot Water for baths and might account tor it. 1 think he was walking. IRural Council rate, He may havo riddeu a short distance. lie |7d.; County Council, 2s- domestic use — 50 gallons with 9 lbs. of coke. may have been ligbtiug oue of those unfortunate tout! H. C. Watsou) said L.NE.R. TIME TABLE cigarettes. The coping is very greasy. There tioual rate of Id. for Barniur IDEAL would be a turbuleut roll of tbe overflow forty while for special purpo* feet wide aud six feet deep, aud that sometimes a 6d. rate aud Bowos »_ BOILERS DARLINGTON, BARNARD CASTLE AND TEBAY. has au overpowering fasciuatiou. pe required a 2d. rate The Corouer returned a verdict of " Accident­ i raise £50. . „ are easily connected to existing iWO, WO MO 1 SO 1 I so I ally drowued iu the Hood water chauuel of tbe said it was very satis'*0 a.m. a.m. am p.m. p.m.!p.m. l.m. a.m. in. p.m. p.m p.m. pipes. Assist the cooking stove, Darlington d 6 50 9 25 10 55 12 38 5 3 7 40 p.m. Tebay 10 55 32 5 30 8 12 Tees Valley Water Board carrying water from on of Id. in the £• Ob* North Koad „8 55 9 31 11 0 12 43 3 H 5 8 7 45 10 55; 11 1 38 5 36 8 19 kl of Mr J. O. Harris, warm the kitchen, burn refuse, Gaisgill .. Blacktou reservoir to the Balder." Piercebridgs „ 7 4 9 41 11 9 12 52 3 13 5 17!7 54 II 0 R'stonedale 11 9 46(5 44 8 29 11 9 L and Valuation Cotnn" heat radiators. Gainford ... „ 7 12 9 50 11 17 1 0 3 El 5 25 8 2 Smardale ... 11 17,' 54 5 52 8 37 P.C. North was Coroner's officer, aud L 11 17 59 5 57 appointed a member o Winston 7 17 9 5S 11 22 1 5 3 26 5 30 8 7 K. Stephen { J 11 24 8 44 Iuspeetor Chisholm was present. Prices from £5 9s. 6d. 7 10 1 18 3 5 438 20 11 22 31 11 29 23 8 51 B of the late Mr W. Birk** *11 35 Mr J. lugram Hawsuu attended the inquiry Bd.Cajtle{ 3 7$ "^i* 1 25 3 5 50 Barras 46, 11 44 saed plans for the ex«JD 1 Lartington „ 7 43| 1 313 5 56 Bowes 3 12 I ou behalf of the widow. Bowes • ... „|7 54j 1 404 51 Lartington 11 12 9 6 aerstoue for Miss Moore- a 9 16 9 33 The funeral of Mr Lowis at Uomaldkirk on Wm. SMITH & Co., Barras ... Jg l»i 1 58 8 24 Bd. Castle 12 if 6 2 84 6 34 d 7 31 9 19 10 26 12 20 2 50 6 8 55 9 36 Sunday was the occasiou of a great gathering 1 K. Steph {»,| ffl I ow Mill Foundry, BARNARD CASTLE. en 2 18 6 41 Winston ,,7 42 9 30 10 37 17 313 16 9 6 of dalesfolk, oue of the largest ever seeu iu ../ESLEY GUILD, Smardale JB 51 2 24 6 47 Gainford 7 471 35 10 42 12 36 3 6 6 9 11 lilson presided at the » R'stonedale „ 8 59 2 32 56 Piercebridge ,.(7 53'9 43 10 50 12 43 3 14 6 9 18 Teesdale. The Buv. Cauou Beal, ltector of Gaisgill J9 s: 2 38 7 3 North Koad .,8 3 9 53 11 0 12 533 24 6 I 28 Uomaldkirk, officiated, assisted by tho Kev. h. Barnard Castle Wesley « Tebay ... a 0 12 2 45 7 Darlington a 8 7 9 57 11 5 12 57 3 29 6 '1 32 [when committees and o 11. B. Hodges, of Wiustou. Mr Wilson is presideu'. e its, who preside o* dd BARNARD CASTLE es, are Messrs G. W. A ^ BARNARD CASTLE AND BISHOP AUCKLAND. 'TIS FIFTY YEARS SINCE.

C. Harker (Literary); ,j( - Service), and G. Sanitary Steam Laundry 1 1 SO SO i SO !a.m. a.m. I p.m. ip.m pjn. 'p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m.'am. p.m. p.m.Ip.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. From tfe« Teeidalt Mercury, October 3rd, 1877. _1). Mr F. H. Christie W,, Bp.A'kland d 6 44 10 13 12 27 1 i 4 5 5 17 5 55 8 40 10 3b Bd. Castle d 7 88 40 12 30 2 10!z SS'4 22 6 16 6 45 9 40

s W.A'ckland 4 12 5- 23 10 42 Cockfield F ,7 22 8 54 12 44 2 24 3 9 4 36 6 31 ... 9 55 A popular lU'iimutlratiuii look pl.iee in l.'tqicr tasurership, and Mi» - \ (PROPRIETOR - A. STEELE) 6 50|10 19 12 33:1 15 6 18 46 0 Evenwood 6 59 10 25il2 33 I 21 4 19 5 30 6 7 8 52110 49 Evenwood ,.7 28 8 59 12 49 2 29 3 14 4 41 6 36 .. 10 0 Tee*dale' <re»vntm- (Mr John Pratt were *VV" Cockfield F 7 6 10 32 12 47tl 28 4 27 5 39 6 15 8 59| 10 56 W. A'ckland ,17 35 9 5 12 55 2 35 3 20 4 47 6 42 ... J10 6 e "ion to Mr and Mrs K. \V. Iliinhriige, of Middleton }s. Other appointments Is the only Steam Laundry in Barnard Castle and District. Bd. Castle... 7 25 10 47 1 4 1 43 4 42 5 56 6 309 14 11 11 Bp.A'kland a 7 42 9 12 1 2 2 43* 3 27 4 54 6 49 7 1411013 j|Jr House, of a serio nf cslly maiU, . Tbe singer ; roll-secretaty> \ , I R Have you tried HIGH-CLASS WORK IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. articles were purchased by public -ubseription, uiont secretaries, Miss T,Pj*g f|J' e "'wham's Powder* yet? BARNARD CASTLE AND MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE. of the uiuuey lieiiig contributed by I tie miners, secretaries of tbe jji * remarkable combina- SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO HOUSEHOLD WORK. numbering a'mul *2,OO0, employed iu tlie extensive evotional, Miss *J7 r»«l n ite ,'° of drugs, they are Vans Collect and Deliver in Home District. "WO; x " WO 1 X works hi Teesdale,, and iu Cumberland, in Miss Cousins; ^^ii ?« Wonderful Remedy a.m. a.m a.m. p.m. .m pjn. an, a.m. a.m.! .!, . !p.m. p.m. relation to which Mr llainbridi; • h.i- for • nuuilier of I Social, Mrs Tarn ; "* l?r Nervous Headache, Bd. Castle d 7 41 9 0 10 50 1 36? Middleton d!6 45 8 16 9 36Il 1l 45 2 20 5 35 years been chief su|ieriuteudenL uuder the I»udou Cotherstone „ 7 48 9 7 10 57 1 43 49: 8 35 Mickletoi 6 49 8 20 9 40 11 49 2 24 5 39 "euralgii, Rheumatism, STEAM LAUNDRY WORKS : NEWGATE, BARNARD CASTLE. Romaldkirk , 17 56 9 13 11 1 49 4 56: 6 42 Romaldkirk ,.16 54 8 25 9 46 11 54 2 29 5 4b; Lead t'omi>auy. Hands of music from Gairigill, ""uenia, Colds. Many Mickleton... 1 9 18 11 1 54 5 2 6 49 Cotherstone ,J6 59 8 30 9 52'11 59 2 34 5 53 Neii! bead, Mickleton, Bggie*U» aud Muldletou e Middleton... a'3 51 S 22 11 12 1 58 5 7 6 53 Bd. Castle afV 5 8 36 9 58,12 5 2 40 6 1 «timonials have been 5 11] 6 57^ jHiraded tbe streets. The presentation took place iu FY YEARS~SJNCkrf JJJJJJH Proving their the Middleton Primitive Methodist Cha|>el. Dr. *°rth. CARTER BROTHERS Aruisoii, BtaohafM, presided. There was a ciowded Mertiry, S.pU-ber 2«». ^ 8 P owde SUNDAY SERVICE. Si„ t ™. V3d. (Proprietors : H. H. CARTBR, G. F. CARTBB.) attendance. . . Ill commemoralion of the event ling Mr William Be"' t» n leC ^UPowderi, 2d. each. two drinking fountains will l>e erected, one at Netit- | deUvered an interesting « head and the other at Middletoti, towards the cost of ' My visit to Canada. V|1 ! p.m. a in. p.iti V ALE, STOUT AND CYDER MERCHANTS, Darlington dep 8^5i 8 15 Middleton-in-Teesdale ...... dep 5 35 which Mr Hainbridge handed over the sum presented y Sea and Land." ^ goci^l North Road 8 50 8 20 Mickleton 5 39 to him. At the evening meeting Mi Kicliard Watson, of the Temperance Pierrebridge 8 S9j 8 29 Romaldkirk 5 46 WOOD'S CHALLENGE REMEDY Gainford 9 8 3 37 Cotherstone 5 53 of Holwick, delivered au appropriate lioelical address. IK the 9 14 8 42 [Uil." T wm of £100 to cure when Winston ... t arn r 5 59 9 29 8 55 Barnard Castle Adjourned Magdalen Fair.—This fair Ml held 00 01 10 an "" I dep 7 14 6 5 SwU ""P*" Pill", Pellets, or any AGENTS FOR: Barnard Castle Winston 7 25 6 17 Wednesday at Barnard Castle, when there was a good M have little flea* m nt For a11 01 . dep ol«- * c*"* irregularities, Cotherstone Gainford 7 30 6 23 show of stock and a large altendanee of visitors. . backs to bite 'em : Romaldkiik Piercebridge _ 7 38 6 30 8 •mate CHALLENGE REMEDY u Vaux's Ales and Stout Whitbread's Ales and Stout According to ancient custom the boundaries of the fleas have leeaer fl** ' 6 KZ.,P'< /-. Special 12/-. Stamp for i Mickleton North Road >i 7 48 6 43 I to — ad infinitum- Middleton-in-TeesdaU. Darlington 7 52 6 47 market were iierambulaled by the Steward ami '^lara. Established SO years. an It with Keating'. P°w^; Quiness's Extra Stout Bass's Ales Qaymer's Cyder ! Jurors of the Manor, accompanied by the tiaililt, who made the formal pioclaiuatiou. The pioceasion on MRS. W. WOOD, MO—Mondays only. WO— Wednesdays only. SO—Saturdays only. X—Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday only |Un,iP this occaMon was headed by the band of the Durham JwdbyJOHMKD^it-^ MEr)I This table i§ compiled from the best authorities but we do not hold ourgelvas responsible for any error it aay contain. Loii , CAfc SPECIALISTS Wholesale and Retail. Fusiliers. ale Mercury * co*& U Manufacturers of Aerated Waters '° 'S.STREET, LEEDS . Office* of the b0p« |ce, Barnard Cast'e- kst Beptember, V"

I ki