Crossroads Carers Support Group


Crossroads Carers Support Group


John Booth [JB] {Vice Chair}, Wendy Lewis [WL] {Secretary}, Brian Robinson [BR] {Treasurer}, Margaret Robinson [MR], Theresa Derbyshire [TR], Eileen Hollinshead [EH], Janet Burtonwood [JBw] , Gaynor Bond [GB], and Fran Booth [FB] {visitor and financial advisor}.


Alan Kendrick [AK] and Jean Atherton [JA]

Matters arising from the last minutes:

Following the mistake made by WL with the last minutes, everyone agreed that these were a true as possible representation of the minutes taken in the meeting, with the exception of the amount of money in the bank which was £16,649.24 {thanks Fran}.

JB & FB bought a good bottle of wine after some consideration to be given to as a good will gesture following the account audit to John Richardson. JB & FB have paid for and donated the wine. John appreciated the gesture, but as always claimed that there really is no need [I am sure we all appreciate what John and Fran do and I for one am glad he has taken the gift]

Simon has agreed to be a patron of the group he sees this as an honour and is delighted to be asked, however he has asked to understand that his time is precious and that we understand that he may have other commitments if asked to attend.

Proposed GB

Seconded MR

Treasurers Report:

Fran reported that there was £15,447.13 in the bank and the accounts have been officially signed off by John Richardson

BR reported that quick calculations have left us in a ‘tight purse string’ situation until funding does start coming through. If all trips have to be funding by the group then at Christmas there will be a measly amount of £300, therefore the Christmas trip is on standby until funding arrives.

MR &JBw explained that there are now restrictions on the funding streams regarding family days out and food and running cost are restricted to £5000 which does not cover our cost for the year, therefore we are going to have to rely more and more on donations of any sort {paper, envelopes, stamps, money, food etc} JB to announce at the next meeting {remember the receipts please}

Grant Update:

BR has been investigating funding options and has Tesco which cannot be applied for until December and Grass roots to be applied to for equipment {2 Laptops} and stationary. Anyone hearing of funding opportunities please forward to either BR or JB

AK is currently in the process of applications to the 4-acre trust and JB has e-mailed a copy of the accounts to them {this is the last year of application that the group can make to them}


Halker Hall trip is next

BR is on a networking and information day at Langate School / Leigh Sports Village / Carers Forum meeting and the Armed forces day – anyone wishing to support BR in these activities please make yourself known to BR

Thomas Linacre summer fare at Writington on the 2nd July – See BR

Newsletter and Website:

Newsletter is out and about - access the webpage for information {as always a great job John}

JB reported 7300 hits this month

Any other Business:

Eileen has requested donations instead of flowers at Alan’s funeral the committee have agreed to send a £20 donation – condolences to Eileen and her family

JBw has reported that due to logistical issues the Santander event will be postponed until further notice. JBw to announce the new date as soon as she has the information

JBw has suggested that the group have some thank you cards to hand out to people who are not members but who regularly donate things to the group for raffles etc. JB & FB to look at producing them

JBw has been accepted onto the grant panel – good luck Janet - and as such WL suggested that she could give some valuable guidance when form filling whilst keeping to the guidelines and confidentiality of the panel off course.

MR brought a menu from the Community Meals section and suggested that it may be a good idea for a Christmas meal at the drop in – good idea

WL has volunteered to do the raffle in the absence of JBw at the next drop-in

Date and time of the next meeting:

13th July 2011 – Kingsley Community Hall, Leigh. 11:30 onwards

I confirm that these are as true representation as possible in the absence of minutes, of the meeting, which took place on the 8th June 2011

Signed John Booth Acting Chairperson

Signed Wendy Lewis


5 Arnside Road,
Hindley Green.
Wigan. WN2 4LB.

07807 210913

E mail:

Registered Charity Number 1123043

“This service is supported by Wigan Council”