City of Beaver Bay




FEBRUARY 10, 2011 7:00 PM


PRESENT: Mayor Mark Russell, Teresa Bartel, Shelley Cheney, Tom Harris, Leo Lahti


OTHERS: John McCurtain, Ben Napper, Noah Lattin, Ron Morrison, Bob Strand, Delores Johnson, Barb Sterett, John W. Holm, Tim Harkness, Fran Harkness, Vince Anderson, Rae Ann Anderson, Krysty Pirsig, John L Larrabee.

Mayor Mark Russell called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.

Tom Harris made a motion to approve the agenda, Shelley Cheney 2nd the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Leo Lahti made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 11, 2011 meeting, Tom Harris 2nd the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Teresa Bartel made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 20, 2011 meeting with the correction that Shelley Cheney abstained from the vote regarding Wits End issue, Leo Lahti 2nd the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Public comment:

a.  Bob Strand provided documents regarding snow plowing and his property.

b.  Fran Harkness commented that she had received letter regarding snow plowing and thought the letter was rude.

c.  Barb Sterett inquired whether the City could use cable TV franchise dollars to televise the Beaver Bay council meetings.

d.  Vince Anderson expressed displeasure regarding snow plowing of Macdonald Ave.

e.  Mr. Holm expressed displeasure regarding snow plowing of Mary Street.

f.  Lori Negard commented that the city plows were not stopping at bottom of Christine Circle when they plow.

g.  Ron Morrison explained that it is nearly impossible to keep up with snow removal during a snow storm that citizens must sometimes just “put up with it”.

h.  Many in audience complained on not being able to hear the meeting appropriately.

Administrators report: Administrator McCurtain distributed his written report to Council. (See attachment)

Liquor Store Report: Council accepted report and asked that State Beverage Report be added to next week’s Council agenda.

Utilities Report: Council reviewed Noah Lattin’s report. Ben Napper did not submit a report.

Marc Huss updated the Council on the reports of oil smell in water and indicated that samples were being conducted for lab analysis.

Communications: Council reviewed letter from Andrea Swanson and directed Administrator McCurtain to write a letter to Ms. Swanson indicating that the City would not agree to plow her driveway for $75.00 per snow season.

A discussion ensued regarding employee evaluations and wage adjustments. The Council decided to hold a Committee of the Whole meeting on Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 5:00 pm to discuss the issue.

A discussion ensued regarding operating hours of the Green Door. The Council decided to wait until they had reviewed patronage reports before taking action on this issue.

Teresa Bartel made a motion to approve the revised draft of the Public Works Superintendent Job description, Tom Harris 2nd the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Teresa Bartel made a motion to appoint John L Larrabee as the new Public Works Superintendent position at a starting salary of $32,500 with health coverage benefits to be added if he reached the end of probationary period, Shelley Cheney 2nd the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Tom Harris made a motion that Mr. Larrabee was to start his employment with the City beginning Monday, February 14, 2011 at 8:30 am, Teresa Bartel 2nd the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Tom Harris made a motion to reimburse Mr. Larrabee $56.10 for travel expense for 2nd interview trip, Shelley Cheney 2nd the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Shelley Cheney made a motion to approve a maximum of $500.00 for the Beaver Bay float in the St. Urho parade in Finland, Leo Lahti 2nd the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

The Council then considered the quote from Leah Krynski for summer lawn mowing. After discussion, the Council tabled the issue and asks that the lawn mowing issue be re-quoted to provide that quoting vendors would quote to mow all city owned parcels, not just the Community Center lawn. Administrator McCurtain to solicit new quotes.

Under recommendation of Administrator McCurtain and due to length of meeting, the Council postponed discussion on:

a.  Establishment of committee to review water/sewer classifications and

b.  Municipal Basic Code Review

At 9:30 pm, Tom Harris made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Leo Lahti 2nd the motion, all in favor, motion passed. JMc/City Clerk