Basic Mime Movements

Basic Mime Movements

1. Walking (view from side)
·  put one foot forward, draw it back
·  arms and legs move forward and back
·  torso straight or slightly lean
·  lead with the heel and extend the leg / 2. Walking Against Wind (view from side)
·  body leans forward
·  forward movement only
·  head held down and determined
·  hands act as shields / 3. Climbing Stairs (view from side)
·  walk towards stairs, look up
·  reach out for railing, slightly above waist
·  lift legs as though climbing
·  about 12 steps
4. Tug-of-War (view from side)
·  create tension in body and arms
·  keep hands one in front of other
·  parallel to floor
·  involve face, torso, legs / 5. Rope Climb (view from front)
·  approach and look up
·  work hand over hand, pull down
·  strain arms, one after the other
·  reach the top / 6. Climbing Ladder (view from side)
·  approach with hands out, look up
·  grab ladder sides first, then transition to rungs
·  climb left, right, hand, foot
·  reach the top
7. Tightrope (view from side)
·  slide your feet
·  keep balance, almost fall
·  arms out
·  concentrated effort
·  attempt tricks
·  reach end, turn, go back / 8. In the Box (view any angle)
·  keep face forward
·  hands flat, fingers spread, eye level
·  keep hands on same level
·  try the side wall, too
·  look for a way out, panic? / 9. Skating (view any angle)
·  keep feet sliding
·  coast, feet go out slightly
·  head up, focus forward
·  arms out for balance
·  try adding a trick
10. Bicycle (view any angle)
·  get on bike, put up kickstand
·  one leg stationary, one leg pedals
·  keep it fluid
·  hands on handle bars
·  look around, wave / 11. Running (view any angle)
·  fantasy run with one stationary leg
·  or real run in place
·  most runs are slow-motion / 12. Walking in Water (view any angle)
·  keep legs flexible
·  imagine depth of water – knee, waist, chest depth
·  strong resistance
·  use arms to help “swim” through