Ashfield Nursing & Residential Home

Ashfield Nursing & Residential Home

Statement of Purpose


Ashfield Nursing & Residential Home is a 32 bed care home providing nursing & residential care to the elderly (persons over 65 years of age). Our Home aims to deliver a high standard of professional care at all times to our service users. The care provision at Ashfield endorses a holistic approach which is sensitive to the needs of every service user and encompasses the following essential aspects of the person:


Preserve every service user’s right to privacy at all times by:

·  Respecting and keeping confidential all information relating to a service user and their relatives

·  Respecting a service user’s preference to be alone and undisturbed

·  Discussing personal matters with staff and relatives in private and without violating confidentiality

·  Provision of the facility for a service user to make and receive phone calls in private

·  Handing over all correspondences to the service user in their original sealed state


·  Treat every service user with respect and allow each person to live in a dignified manner

·  Maintain every service user’s autonomy by empowering each person to consider choices and make their own decisions as far as possible

·  Know each service user, develop a good rapport and treat each service user with respect


·  Enable each service user to take calculated risks, to make their own decisions and think and act for themselves. Offer assistance as appropriate


·  Ensure every service user has options over their activities of daily living in accordance with their capabilities


·  Preserve all basic human rights of each service user including consent, confidentiality, safety, equality and autonomy

·  Encourage freedom of expression, participation and decision making

·  Encourage rights of access to entitlement of services and benefits


·  Enable service users to realise their own aims and create opportunities for them to achieve goals in all aspects of daily living

Philosophy of Care

Ashfield Nursing & Residential Home aims to provide its service users with a secure, relaxed and homely environment in which their care, well-being and comfort are of prime importance.

Nursing and Care Staff will strive to preserve and maintain dignity, individuality and privacy of all our service users in a warm and caring atmosphere and will be sensitive to the individual needs of service users. These needs may be medical/therapeutic, cultural, psychological, spiritual, social and emotional. Service users are encouraged to participate in the development of individualised Care Plans in which the involvement of family and friends may be appropriate and greatly valued.

This will be achieved through a programme of activities designed to encourage mental alertness, self-esteem, social interaction with other service users and with recognition of the following core values of care which are fundamental to the philosophy of our Home.


All staff within the home are appropriately qualified and trained to deliver the highest standards of care. A continuous staff training programme is implemented to ensure that these high standards are maintained in line with the latest developments in Care Practices as set out in appropriate legislation, Regulations, the National Minimum Standards under the Care Standards Act and the Care Quality Commission’s Essential Standards of Quality and Safety.

Registered Provider/Registered Manager: Mrs Karen Dean RN

Company Name: Ashfield Nursing Home Ltd was formed in after being a family owned and managed care home since 1986.

Responsible Individual and Registered Manager: Mrs Karen Dean RN

Experience – 25 years working in care. Qualified Nurse with 17 years experience in managing Care Homes for the elderly.

Professional Development:

v  C & G D32 and D33 Work Based Assessor

v  C & G 325-3 Advanced Management in Care

v  IIHHT Body Massage Certificate

v  IIHHT Diploma in Aromatherapy

v  Diploma in Business Coaching

v  Advanced Counselling

v  Bereavement counselling

v  Registered Managers Award

Home Owners: Mr P Lowcock & Mrs J Lowcock

Mrs Lowcock

Ø  Registered Nurse

Ø  Sister ‘Care of Elderly’ at St James’ Hospital and Newton Green Hospital, Leeds

Ø  Registered provider / manager in residential and nursing care for 28 years

Ø  Appointed to the Registered Homes / Care Standards Tribunals

Ø  Cert. Ed. Health Care Management. Leicester University

Ø  C and G D32, D33 and D34

Mr Peter Lowcock

¨  Registered provider for 28 years, registered manager Residential Care for 8 years

Care Speciality of the Home

The Care Home is registered to cater for 32 service users requiring residential or nursing care.

Organisational Structure
Details of Staff Numbers and Staff Training

The home employs 49 members of staff. There are 6 members of staff on the morning shift, one nurse and 5 skilled mix staff. The afternoon consists of 5 staff, one nurse and 4 carers and the night shift consists of 3 staff, one nurse and 2 carers. The staff are selected for their qualities of reliability, integrity, friendliness, professionalism, interpersonal and caring skills. They are carefully screened and references are checked thoroughly. All staff are given a comprehensive induction when they start and are supervised by experienced staff in the following standards:

·  Understanding the principles of care

·  Understanding the organisation and the role of the carer

·  Maintaining Health & Safety

·  Understanding the individual experiences and needs of the service user

·  Understanding the effects of the care home setting on service provision

Ashfield Nursing Home encourages all care staff to hold a minimum of NVQ level 2 in Health Care and all new staff are supported to achieve this important qualification.

The home also supports staff on internal training for topics such as Food Hygiene, Manual Handling, Fire Safety, Medication Administration, Basic First Aid, Infection Control, etc. External training provision is also resourced for topics such as Safeguarding Adults, Clinical updates for qualified staff, Dementia Care, etc. Mandatory training is compulsory for all staff.


Ashfield Nursing & Residential Home is registered for 32 beds, however 2 beds are only utilised for couples who wish to share a room therefore only 30 beds are generally in use allowing for 2 larger sized single rooms.

Ground Floor: 8 single rooms, 5 en-suite

First Floor: 12 single rooms, 4 en-suite

Residential Wing: 4 single rooms

Second Floor: 6 single rooms, 2 en-suite

Communal Rooms

There are 2 communal lounges, both with a television, a dining room and a conservatory. Service users are encouraged to use these areas to socialise however, service users are free to choose to stay in their own rooms if they wish.


Prospective service users are encouraged to visit Ashfield to sample to atmosphere and level of service before making a decision to come into care. A trial period of four to six weeks is always offered before taking permanent residency. The manager of the home or another suitable qualified person will carry out an assessment of need prior to any admission to the home, This ensures that the individual care needs of the prospective service user can be met by the home.

In the event of an emergency admission, as much information as possible is obtained prior to admission in order for an objective assessment to be made. From this information the service user will then be assessed on admission and a care plan is devised immediately. All criteria of admission are considered such as age, category and dependency levels in line with the registration status of the home.

Financial Arrangements and Fees

We are committed to providing quality care at Ashfield Nursing & Residential Home.

The fees we charge are dependent on:

1.  The type of facility

2.  The type of care package and needs of the individual service user

Depending on the personal financial situation, a service user can either pay the fees privately or have part of full of the fees paid by the contacting Social Services. Specific advice is available from the Home Manager or from an independent representative such as Age Concern.

Fees – what is included

·  Care staff in 24 hour attendance

·  Good Home Cooking

·  Provision of special diets

·  Laundry Service

·  GP and other Healthcare Professional visits as required

Fees – what is not included

·  Dry Cleaning

·  Hairdressing

·  Chiropody

·  Some external activities

·  Private telephone installation and calls

·  Private care of the individuals choice

·  Hospital escorts

·  SKY television installation and ongoing fees

privacy & dignity

It is emphasised to every member of staff that he/she must preserve and maintain the dignity, autonomy, individuality and privacy of all service users within a warm and caring atmosphere and in doing so will be sensitive to the service users ever changing needs.

smoking and alcohol

The Home does not have an internal designated smoking area however provision has been made outside the conservatory to the rear of the home for residents to smoke. With regard to alcohol, service users will normally make their own arrangements and as with smoking, they may require to be supervised.

fire safety

The home has a Fire Alarm System fitted with “Fire Exit” notices and “Fire Emergency Instruction” notices displayed at strategic points throughout the home.

New staff have induction training that includes: Fire Prevention, Fire Drills, Fire Safety policy, Evacuation Procedures, use of fire appliances, raising the alarm, use of evacuation blankets, etc. This training is updated bi-annually with mock fire drills at periodic intervals. Service users are informed of the emergency procedure during admission.

All fire alarm systems are carried out weekly by a designated responsible person and records of these checks are maintained as part of the Proprietor/Managers responsibilities.

All fire fighting equipment is checked annually by a qualified fire extinguisher maintenance engineer.

Where possible, furniture, fixtures and fittings must be made of fire-resistant or fire retardant fabrics and materials.

A fire risk assessment is carried out annually and this can be viewed on request.


Service users may attend religious services either within or outside the home as they desire. If the services are outside the home, the service user should, if necessary and where possible, make arrangements for transport and accompaniment with friends or relatives. In the event of this not being possible, care staff may accompany service users on specific occasions if staffing levels permit.

Service users have the right to meet with clergy of their chosen denomination at any time. If required, a private room will be made available for such meetings.


Service users family, friends and relatives are encouraged to visit on a regular basis and to maintain contact by letter or telephone when visiting is not possible. In these cases, staff will offer to assist the service user to respond where help may be required.

Visitors will be welcomed at all reasonable times and are asked to inform the person in charge upon their arrival and departure from the home. For security and fire safety reasons, visitors must sign the visitors book on each occasion.

The service user has the right to refuse to see any visitor, and this right will be respected and up-held by the person in charge who will, if necessary, inform the visitors of the service users wishes.


Once developed the service users care plan will be reviewed monthly and updated to reflect any changing needs and ensure that the objectives for health, personal and social care are auctioned. Any plan that is developed includes the involvement of the service user.

Family and relatives will be encouraged to participate in the service users daily routine as far as is practicable, and are invited to 6 monthly formal reviews, or as required. Service users and their relatives are always welcome to chat with a member of staff if they have any concerns.

The service user care plan is reviewed at three levels:

Ø  Daily – on a shift to shift basis. At shift changeover the service user’s daily care notes are handed by the outgoing shift to the staff on the incoming shift. Any changes to care plans may be proposed at this point.

Ø  At the end of the four week settling in period.

Ø  A formal review every 4 weeks held with care staff.

All amendments to the care plan must be authorised by the Named Nurse or Key Worker. Certain amendments may require the authorisation of the service users GP. All amendments to the service users care plan are recorded in full.


The home operates a pro-active comments and complaints process in the hope of continually improving the service.

If as a service user, relative or visitor, you feel there is cause for complaint, you should first discuss the matter with the person in charge, i.e. Manager. If the matter is in your opinion, a serious one, or you remain dissatisfied, you can follow our complaints procedure – a copy of which is available by the main entrance and in each service users room. We also provide a booklet giving details of how and to whom you should complain, copies of which are available in the main entrance or from a member of staff.


The Homes policy on ‘therapeutic Activities’ takes into account the service users interests, skills, experiences, personalities and medical condition. The Home offers a wide range of activities designed to encourage the client to keep mobile, and most importantly take an interest in life. Staff will encourage and in certain instances help service users to pursue their hobbies and interests:

Service Users can play the following games

Ø  Cards

Ø  Scrabble

Ø  Bingo

Ø  Draughts

Ø  Chess

Ø  Other favourite board games

Activities with staff (On a daily basis)

Ø  Chatting to individual service users

Ø  Going for walks

Ø  Manicures

Ø  Playing games, quizzes

Ø  Armchair exercises

Ø  Hand massage

Ø  Reading – letters/newspapers/magazines/books