Academic Planning and Budget Committee


Academic Planning and Budget Committee


March 6, 2003, 8:00 A.M., BUS N440

Present: Atherton, Barndt, Brooks, Heath, Helmstetter, Hutz, Kroncke, Meadows, Moore (Chair), Parsons, Priester, Solomon, Weber, Williams, Yeo, Young

Guests: Sona Andrews, William Holahan

I. Call to order. Moore called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.

II. Approval of minutes. The minutes of the meeting held February 20, 2003 were approved as distributed

III Announcements.

A.  Moore announced the next meeting, scheduled for March 27, will be held in BUS S319. Dean Prasad, School of Business, will be a guest.

B.  Moore introduced Kim Kimpel who will replace T. Howard as support staff for APBC.

IV. Overloads and additional payments. Sona Andrews presented information on overloads and temporary base adjustments. Both are compensation for work in addition to 100% employment and both are subject to State Statute 16.417 which limits the amount of payment to $12,000 per year over base salary. Overload payments are for non-recurring activities during a contractual period. Temporary base adjustments are payments for activities which occur more than once or on a fairly regular basis. Discussion followed regarding budget and program implications.

V. Budget and summer salary resolution. In response to the Faculty Senate request to reconsider the proposed resolution, Moore distributed email on proposed course of action. Motion made and seconded to rescind original endorsement of UC summer salary resolution. Discussion followed. Question called, 10 in favor, 4 opposed, 0 abstaining, motion passed.

VI. Actuarial Science review. Weber described proposal. Professors Eric Key and Karen Brucks were present to answer questions. Motion was made, seconded, and approved unanimously to recommend the Implementation Plan for a Major in Actuarial Science.

VII. General good and welfare. Williams announced that a link to budget information had been added to the UWM web page. Discussion followed regarding Provost=s timeline and committee input.

IX. The meeting adjourned at 9:37 a.m.