Mr. Vanden Bergh

e-mail: [email protected]

weblog: http://dodgenms.typepad.com/mr_vanden_bergh/

Essential Question: How does a writer construct an effective and engaging narrative?

The Writing Process Two Weeks

 Utilizing the writing process (prewrite, draft, rewrite, edit, publish)  Develop proper form: introduction, body, clincher  Establish a portfolio based on Dodgen standards for written composition  Create a baseline writing sample  Use of engaging language, precise nouns, vivid verbs, & time sequence  Effective use of transitions within and between paragraphs

Evaluation: homework, daily activities, small and large assessments

Narrative Reading and Writing Four Weeks

 Use of syntactical structures and word analysis to understand and connect essential ideas in literature  Application of Standard American English to all writing assignments  Written response to various types of narrative literature

Evaluation: prewriting, peer editing, and final assessment, homework, and daily activities

Literary Elements Three Weeks

 Interpret a variety of literary devices and techniques including point of view, plot, setting, characterization, imagery, etc.  Recognize and demonstrate literary elements in narrative writing and poetry

Evaluation: homework, class work, activities, and small or large assessments

***SEE REVERSE SIDE Ongoing Expectations

Eight parts of speech, word usage, editing skills, reading skills, punctuation and Dodgen writing expectations Evaluation: Homework, class work, and quizzes

Grading Scale

50% Major assessments, Projects, and Major Papers 35% Minor assessments, Paragraphs, and Small Projects 15% Daily Assignments & Homework Major Projects- 10 points off per day up to 4 days. After 4 days it will NOT be accepted

Acceptable Presentation of Work For full credit, all work must be submitted on time and in legible form.. Pencil may be used for class work and homework; if using ink, blue or black are the only acceptable colors. All typed papers must be double-spaced in a simple, highly legible size twelve font. If your printer has problems, please email your work to me at [email protected] Work that is unacceptable in its presentation will be returned, ungraded, to the student to be improved and resubmitted. It will be considered to have been turned in on the date of resubmission in acceptable form.

*Please visit the Picasso website to review the Language Arts Standards for seventh grade.


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