Marketing Strategy

Around eighty per cent of the total Roller Flour Mill / Chakki output is consumed directly by the household sector for preparation of various types of India breads and other dishes. The balance output is consumed by the secondary and tertiary sector, which produce bakery and confectionery products (breads, biscuits and other products), pasta products (macaroni, spaghetti etc.) breakfast foods and other instant foods.

Market for Maida (Flour)

Bread & Biscuits manufacturers, households, Sweet makers, confectioners, protein rich food manufacturers primarily use Maida. All these customers, to make these products, require flour with different characteristics. While an automatic bakery plant may make bread out of poor quality flour yet the smaller baker may not be able to make good bread out of the same.

Different end users need different qualities of flour produced from different varieties of wheat classified as hard and soft wheat. These varieties are available but not segregated in the market. The bread manufacturer is looking for flour with high protein content, high water absorption, gas production capacity of flour and gas retaining capacity of flour to make dough of uniform consistency. The biscuit manufacturer is looking for flour, which has greater extensibility but lower resistance to make biscuits. The confectioners are looking for low ash, low gluten flour to make fluffy products. Cereal based breakfast food manufacturers / protein rich food manufacturers desire to have high protein flour with lesser starch damage. The household consumer / restaurant user goes to the retailer and buys flour available on the shelf.

Market for Rawa (Semolina)

Semolina, Suji & Rawa are all names of the same item, Suji, in general is bold Semolina where as Rawa is fine / medium Semolina. The Consumer profile is similar to that of flour i.e., industrial, for pasta manufacturing or in the quick food manufacturing units. Pasta product manufacturing units have preference for semolina of hard wheat where as the other end-users can do with semolina of any wheat.

The household consumer is primarily in south where Suji is used as a regular raw material for making breakfast items like Idli, Dosa that has a large per capita consumption. The consumer in north consumes Rawa primarily on festive occasions to make sweet items, the favorite being Halwa.