Bookwork Questions (Page 113-114)

!Review Questions: Multiple Choice #2, 3, 6, 7 #2 Serous Membranes: #6. Which structure is NOT associated with a ? a. line the mouth a. nail bed b. have parietal and visceral layers b. c. consist of and c. nail folds d. have a connective tissue layer called the lamina propria d. nail follicle !e. secrete a lubricating fluid #3. Which is NOT a component of sweat? #7. Which one of the following is NOT associated a. with the production of ? b. chloride a. sweat c. sebum b. sweat pores d. ammonia c. arrector pili e. vitamin D d. eccrine e. apocrine gland ! !Short Answer Essay Questions: #2-14 !#2. What primary tissues are destroyed when the skin is damaged? !Epithelium (epidermis) and connective tissue (dermis) !#3. From what types of damage does the skin protect the body? !Chemical (acids), mechanical (pressure/trauma), bacterial, desiccation (via the waterproof keratin), UV, & thermal. !#4. Explain why we become tanned after sitting in the sun. When the amount of UV radiation reaching the skin increases, melanocytes in the skin begin to produce increased amounts of protective melanin (brown pigment) and to deposit it in epidermal skin layers to protect the basal cells from the damaging effects !of UV radiation. !#5. What is a decubitus ulcer? Why does it occur? !A localized breakdown of the skin and underlying tissues resulting from a lack of blood supply in the area. !#6. Name 2 different categories of skin secretions and the glands that manufacture them? Perspiration (water, salt, and sometimes protein/lipid substances) from sudoriferous glands; sebum (a fatty substance and broken !cells) from sebaceous glands. #7. How does the skin help to regulate body ? controlled by the nervous system. High Temp= blood is allowed to flush into the skin capillary net so that heat radiated from the body surface. Sudoriferous glands produce perspiration, which evaporates from the skin to dissipate more heat. Low Temp=blood is prevented from entering from the skin capillary system, radiation to the body exterior id prevented and perspiration does not occur. This restricts the blood to deeper tissue and maintains the core temperature of the body. !#8. What is a blackhead? !An accumulation of dried sebum and in a . #9. What are arrector pili? What do they do? Small bonds of smooth muscles cells attached to a follicle that pull the hair into an upright position with they contract. !They are activated by cold or fright. #10. What are the life-threatening consequences of severe burns? The immediate problem is loss of body fluids containing essential proteins and . Then overwhelming bacteria !infections place the body at risk. !#11. Distinguish between first, second, and third degree burns- First- epithelium damage, redness and swelling with some pain. Regenerates easily. Second- (same as in first) but additional some dermal damage; plus blisters usually form. Usually regenerates easily. Third- Epidermal and dermal destruction, skin is blanched or blackened. No pain because nerve endings are destroyed. Must !be grafted. #12. Why does hair turn grey? !Results from a delayed action gene that eventually causes the non production of melanin. #13. Name three change that occur in the skin as one ages- !It dries, thins, leading to the increased possibility of bruising) and loses elasticity and subcutaneous fat tissue. #14. Is a bald man really hairless? Explain? No, very fine are formed but they are colorless and many do not actually emerge from the follicle.

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