EXECUTIVE BOARD EB39/5 Add.l , 6 January 1967 Thirty-ninth Session ——— —— —— ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Provisional agenda item 2Л


Control Measures for Certain Dependence-Producing Drugs

Report by the Director-General

1 1. At its eighteenth session, the World Health Assembly had noted with great concern the increasing abuse of and and requested the Director-General to study the advisability and feasibility of international control measures for such psychotropic drugs• Consequently, the Expert Committee 2 on Dependence-Producing Drugs recommended a number of measures which were communicated to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the Economic and Social Council, since this Commission had for many years followed the abuse of the drugs in question and had adopted several resolutions inviting governments to take appropriate national control measures. 2. The Commission on Narcotic Drugs established a special committee, at which 3 WHO was represented, which studied the matter in August 1966. Its report was adopted by the Commission at its 21st session (5-21 December 1966). The Commission took the following action: (i) It stated that international agreement on the control of these substances was essential、

1 Handbook of Resolutions and Decisions, 8th ed” p. 22,. -resolution WHA18.47 2 Fourteenth Report, Expert Committee on Dependence-Producing Drugs, section 7, published as Wld Hlth Org, techn. Rep, Ser., 1965, 312.

)Questions relating to the control of psychotropic substances not under international oontrol (document E/CN. УД.287/Add. 8). EB39/5 Add.l page 2

(ii) It requested the Secretary-General of the United Nations to invite the Director-General of ¥H0 to examine whether WHO would be willing to determine the risks of abuse and, accordingly, the need for control, of - certain psychotropic substances.

(iii) It decided that the Secretary-General, in consultation with WHO and the Permanent Central Narcotics Board, should undertake as a matter of urgency a detailed study of the legal, administrative and other questions involved in initiating international action, giving priority to the problem of LSD_ and similar substances. In this context attention will be given in particular to the alternative of amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 196I., or making a new international convention,

(iv) It recommended to ECOSOC the adoption of a resolution (see Annex I) by which governrrcnts will be requested to take immediate action to control strictly the production of and trade in LSD and similar substances, and to restrict their use to research and medical purposes, under very close medical supervision.

(V) It hoped that WHO would give serious consideration to the action it might to take in the near future, including possible action by the World, Health Assembly on the question of LSD.

In view of future responsibilities likely to arise for the Organization in connexion with the control of psychotropic drugs, the Dire с tor-General proposes that these developments be reported to the Twentieth World Health Assembly. EB39/5 Add.l

ANNEX I page 1


The Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Recommends the adoption of the following resolution by the Economic and Social Council:


Noting with deep concern the increasing abuse of LSD (LSD-25, lysergic acid diethylamide, lysergide) and

Recognizing the grave danger of this abuse to health and safety in respect to both the individual and rto society,

Requests governments to take immediate action to control strictly the production, import and export of LSD and substances producing similar ill-effects either immediately or readily by conversion, and to place the distribution of these substances under the supervision of competent authorities;

Recommends that the use of these substances be restricted to scientific research and medical purposes and that their administration be only under very close and continuous medical supervision,;

Condemns all other usage of such substances, and urges governments to take all steps to prevent it. WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTÉ


Thirty-ninth Session 25 November 1966

Provisional agenda item 2Л ORIGINAL: ENGLISH


1 The Seventh World Health Assembly, in resolution WHA7.6, decided that the Director-General, upon receipt of the appropriate expert advice, should take decisions as to the classification of substances under certain international agree- ments, and that he should inform the Executive Board of all such decisions.

The Director-General accordingly has the honour to inform the Board that, after having received advice from the Expert Committee on Dependence-Producing 2 Drugs, he has forwarded to the Secretary-General of the United Nations:

(1) pursuant to Article 11 of the Convention of 13 July 19)1 for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success on 11 December 1946, a notification 3 concerning the ; and

(2) pursuant to Article 3 of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, 3 3 three notifications concerning the drugs , , and respectively. • • 费• /, J/. 2 5 Ê⑶ \л,.

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1 Handbook of Resolutions and Decisions, 8th ed” p. 25,resolution WHA7.6»

2 Fifteenth Report, Expert Committee on Dependence-Producing Drugs, Section 1 published as Wld Hlth Org, techru Rep, Ser” 1966, 3 Proposed international non-proprietary name; for chemical formula, see Fifteenth Report, Expert Committee on Dependence-Producing Drugs published as Wld Hlth Org, techn. Rep. Ser" 1966,