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rjjiwgwyr/J^' < :y li TULANE MEDICAL SCHOOL 1984 ®ulattp ImitptBttg

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, Digitized by the Internet Archive

in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation

http://www.archive.org/details/twaveyearbook1984edit T-WAVE 1984


Donna Chester Editor in Chief Personal Album Childhood Photos Donna Park History of Tulane Senior photos Mickey Puente History of Tulane Bill Shoies The Way It Was George Luck The Way It Was Manny Ramos Admissions Faculty Sam Young PHOTOGRAPHY Senior photos Annelle Ahmed Senior photos Jim Dorcbak larcus Penn Ben Mills Senior Photos Liz Mannino Betty Mortenson Catbv Chicola Assisted all sections Bill Shoies Donna Chester Dave Treen


To Bill Hopkins ofJosten s Publishing Co. for his expertise To Mike Puyau and Colleen Storrs for helping us get and patient counsel. organized when we didn't know which direction we To our generous sponsors and to the parents, companies and were heading. organizations who advertised in this publication. To Cindy for helping us obtain information and historic To Victoria Burten for spending long hours helping us type photos for the History of Tulane Section. the copy for this book. To Parents who contributed pictures for the Childhood Photo section. ^"' 4^4- ¥:^ [If

tv^ University Of Louisiana, Medical And Law Departments

Tulane University School Of Medicine 1984

THE HISTORY OF TULANE MEDICAL SCHOOL Tulane Medical School had its auspicious beginning as the Medical College of Louisiana in September 1834. Three brash young medical men. all less than 26 years of age, initiated the beginning of medical education in Louisiana. They were Thomas Hunt, who was to become the first dean of the medical school, Warren Stone and John Harrison. In addition to these three founders, the faculty of the school consisted of four other local physicians: Augustus Cenas, Charles Luzenberg, T. R. Ingalls and E. B. Smith. Establishment of the school was met with considerable opposition from the Creoles, whose ideas concerning medical education were based on the European system which stressed academics well grounded in the Latin and Greek classics. The idea of providing medical education without this foundation was utterly incomprehensible. Furthermore, the Creoles regarded all American universities with disdain and considered them hardly on a par with the European universities. When the medical school first opened its doors in January 1835, it became the first medical school in the Deep South and the fifteenth oldest in the country. The Inaugural address was given by Dean Hunt in the First Presbyterian Church. In addition to this church, various other borrowed quarters were used for lectures. A lecture room in the State House and wards in Charity also served as classrooms. These temporary facilities were the only ones available for use during the next several years, while the faculty attempted to secure the necessary funds for construction of a permanent structure to house the fledgling school. In 1836, the governor of the state attempted to help the medical faculty obtain funding for the erection of a school building. A measure appropriating $60,000 for this purpose was proposed and passed by the senate, but was defeated in the house. It was not until 1843 that any definitive action was taken. On March 22 of that year, a law was passed permitting the medical faculty to erect a building on a lot belonging to the state, on Common Street between Baronne and Dryades Streets. There were two conditions attached to the law: first, the faculty should donate their services to Charity Hospital without pay for ten years and second, that one student from each parish would be admitted annually to the medical school for the next ten years. The senator and representatives from each parish were to name each candidate. The state also reserved the right to reclaim all properties at the end of the ten year period.

Thomas Hunt. Dean 1834 - 1835 1852 - 1862 1

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^ ^.. TllK UNiON—IT MITgTBE PREsr.wvrD." ^.\0^ OAV MORNINt^lBEPT. 20, 1834.

• r * — — — S3M •^^(Mpf^'V'rtMvnnnvVM «J:^*. Wif. «Ve hiffh'y irraftlficd tO'«io*tice the establishment in this

riiyvif^rwliical college. The gentlemen wlio fill the choirs

* of ?|>r. )i.}i*8or8hip are men of akill and experience, and wehope

ihnt';^'f» mny not.be thought invidiou5, when we pdini in uaructMar lo IMe38r8.,HusT, Iwoalls and Lu7.emb£^g, with

apqaiintanct i3 more extendA>nJ * '^«l«?e*)fore onTiciated in a like capacity in similar ins'itu-

ip!ns, ynl the latter has established a reputation in our city

* .j tiie*'Tiighest grade as a surgeon.

T^'. ?tcnmer Friendy was run into by the Tom Jefersoru

(-[-virile Lafayelli; on Saturday, and sunk; water up lo tlie

i>»>r .i..l,: n • a

The fact that this bill gave the faculty of the new school professional privileges at Charity Hospital created an uproar among the town's medical practitioners. The opposition was based on the belief that the medical school would be given a monopoly over medicine and surgery at Charity. When it was made clear that this was not to be the case, the medical community joined together, resulting not only in the best medical care the city had ever seen, but also providing the school with a clinical teaching hospital that was gradually evolving into one of the top such facilities in the country. Charity Hospital is credited with being the first institution of its kind in the country, having been established in January 1736, almost 100 years prior to the founding of the Medical College of Louisiana. The hospital initially opened with a total of five beds and served not only as a hospital, but also as an asylum for the indigent of the city. The original hospital was located on a site in what is now known as the French Quarter and has since occupied four other buildings, including the present facility which was opened in 1939. Throughout the early 1800's the hospital expanded, until, by the mid 1850's. Charity was one of the largest in the world. It had the capability of housing 1.000 patients, although some patients were sleeping on pallets on the floor or sleeping two to a bed.

Interestingly enough, it was said that "there might be two patients to a bed. but they each had the opportunity to take a hot bath." At the present time, the number of beds is given as 1.640. However, the lack of nursing personnel has forced the closure of several wards, resulting in an actual number somewhat below this figure. Meanwhile, having obtained legislative approval for professional privileges at Charity Hospital, the faculty immediately set about drawing up the plans for a building to house the medical school. This building was estimated to cost $6,000 and was not completed until the end of 1843. In 1845, a Constitutional Convention specified that the Medical College of Louisiana was to become the Medical Department of The University of Louisiana. Two years later. additional funds were appropriated to erect buildings for the new university. The original building was relumed to the state to be used by the newly established law department. .\ much larger building was erected adjacent to the original medical building for use by the medical department.

.'\i the time of its founding, the number of medical students consisted of a grand total of II. From 1834 lo 1859, the number of students grew from II lo 276. Just prior to the Civil War in 1861. the number of students increased dramatically to 404 because of political and sectional hostility which induced Southern students to abandon Sorthern Colleges. When the war broke out, most students joined the war effort in such numbers that, by 1862, only 94 students were enrolled. Federal occupation of Sew Orleans forced the closure of the medical school later that year. Charity Hospital 1834-1939

In the fall of 1865, the school reopened its doors with 185 students enrolling. However, because of the devastation wrought by the Civil War and the subsequent Reconstruction, the medical school faced its most trying times. The school struggled financially for its very existence until 1884, when wealthy New Orleans merchant bequeathed $1,250,000 for the establishment of a university. The state legislature then placed all departments of the University of Louisiana under the newly renamed Tulane University of Louisiana. This donation enabled Tulane to once again assume front rank among American medical schools. By the early 1890's. rapid growth of the medical school had established the need for new facilities. In 1893, a new building, the Richardson Memorial Building, was built on Canal Street to house the medical school. Although this building was heralded as one of the best equiped medical buildings of its day, by 1907, further expansion was needed. At this time Alexander Hutchinson bequeathed a large sum in memory of his wife Josephine. This fund was used to construct a new Richardson Building on what was to become the Uptown Campus. This building would now house all preclinical departments. Facilities of the old Richardson Building were enlarged for clinical teaching purposes and the building was renamed the Josephine Hutchinson Memorial. Meanwhile, the school was continuously attempting to raise its standards. When the medical school was initally founded, the school year had lasted only four months, and only two full courses of lectures were required for graduation. Since only one set of courses existed, the students were expected to take the same lectures twice. Admission to lectures was gained with a "ticket" purchased at a price of $20. This was the sole means by which the professors were paid. Additional fees included a matriculation of $5, and a diploma fee of $30. Incidental expenses included the purchase of two arms for dissection at 25 cents each, and two legs at 15 cents each. At this time, the only requirement for admission was the abilitv to finance one's education.

IS Charity Hospital 1939 - Present

four and Gradually, the annual sessions were lengthened from the original four months to first, of these sessions one-half months in 1879, then to six months in 1893. In later years, the length was further extended until it evolved into what it is today. It was also in 1893 that an educational qualification for admission was first required of all students. The minimum qualifiication for admission was a second grade teacher's certitlcate of a superintendent of education. Also, to further strengthen educational standards, attendance of three instead of two annual sessions was required. In 1899. this was lengthened to four obligatory sessions.

By the early I900's. it became apparent that a high degree of disparity existed between different medical schools. In 1908. .Abraham Flexncr was selected by the Carnegie Foundation to undertake an analysis of the state of medical education. He made a study of /.v .American and Canadian Medical Schools, beginning at Tulane in the Winter of 1908. Flexner published his report in 1910. describing shocking and deplorable conditions in many medical schools. This opened the eyes of the public and the medical community such that the Flexner Report was. in effect, an obituary for a great many medical colleges. Within a few years, almost half of the colleges had disappeared, mostl) due to the adverse publicity. Although Flexner found medical education at Tulane far from ideal, he ranked Tulane among the top three medical .schools of the South. Tulane's high ranking was based on new and excellent laboratory facilities, the teaching faculty, the clinical availability of Charity Hospital. and the post graduate instruction provided by the New Orleans Polyclinic. Josephine Hutchinson Memorial Building 1893-1930

In 1913, Tulane reorganized the medical department to include the school of pharmacy, the school of dentistry, the school of medicine and the graduate school of medicine. Today, only the latter two schools remain as part of the present school of medicine. In 1958, the division of hygiene and tropical medicine was established, which has since evolved into the school of public health and tropical medicine. The Josephine Hutchinson Memorial Building on Canal Street continued to house the clinical facilities of the medical school for nearly forty years. However, by the late 1920's, the building had become crowded and obsolete. Funds were provided for a new medical unit to be built contiguous to Charity Hospital in what is now the present location of the medical school. When the building opened in December 1930, it was acclaimed as the best medical teaching unit in the South. The preclinical departments, unfortunately, were still located on the Uptown Campus.

Nonetheless, it was acknowledged that to provide the most enriching medical environment possible, all four years of medical education needed to be consolidated on one campus. It was not. however, until October of 1955 that a ten story addition to the Hutchinson Memorial Building enabled the second year departments to be moved downtown. This left only the first year departments on the Uptown Campus. In 1963, further additions to the downtown facility were built to house the first year departments, finally enabling the medical school to reunify its entire four classes in one building for the first time since the early 1900's.

10 //; 1909. ibc Tuhinc Mcdiail Center was established, :in organizational structure which broadened Tulanc's to commitments medical education, research and patient care. The Hospital and Clinic, the first such university hospital in Louisiana, was dedicated in October 1976. This 300-bed hospital enabled Tulane to consolidate a wide range of patient services in a tertiary care environment. In the Few short years .since its opening, it has become a major referral center for the region. Since its founding 150 years ago as The Medical College of Louisiana. Tulane has undergone many changes, not only in name. Several buildings and locations have occupied ihcic buildings, .so have federal troops during the Civil War. There have been periods of financial plenty, followed by periods of financial drought. Throughout the years, however, Tulane has always strived to improve its standards of medical education so that today it is ranked among the top medical

schools in the country, and perhaps the world. From its meager beginnings in 1834 with 1 1 students. The Tulane University School of Medicine has gone on to confer a total of 12.291 medical degrees including those conferred on the graduates of the Class of 1984.

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I do solemnly swear by whatcwr I hold most sacred, that I will be^ al to the profession of medicine and just and generous to its members. That I will lead my life and practice my .Art in uprighLnfss and honor.

That into whatsoever home I shall enter it shall be foMlie good of the sick and the well to the utmost of nn power, and that I will hold myself aloof from wrong and from corruption and from the tempting of others to vice. That I will exercise my Art. solely for the cure of my patients and the prevention of disease and will give no drugs and perform no operation for a criminal purpo.se and far less suggest such thing.

Thai whal.soever I shall sec or hear of the lives of men which is not lilting to be spoken, I will keep inviolably secret. "« - These things I do promise and in proportion asj^m fanciful to this oath, may happiness and good repute be ever 11 mine, the opposite if I shall be forsworn. \




Lafc A

•'*• ''a.-, ^ h THAT what that was?


::M ^f Lab C tf "in

16 Hey. Big Boy!!! Whal — no ancslbelic? 9

Ub D Lab E

Lab F

Is I he icing rc-./Jv ici?


"Aw. Iggy you didn't have lo pail that grape for me.'

this. "I can't believe we acluallv s:it through this lecture.' My mother warned me I'd have days like

quiz. BEFORE THE PATH QUIZ . . after the .4 bottle of Mag Citrate, STATU

Have stethoscope, will travel

Can you get HBO now': P.D. without tears

Tj£ACxi.AdX-/m. .jxe-rn,^ CL.

-iW^wt^a<£_ >Hj3-X&>u . CLASS IS OUT!!


Boti \/i/vf/(c.'

The Slude Brothers

Fetus Comprcssus

The ONL Y way to study!

Like WOW! Sice shiidcsH!

\l Ilc}.t lelhi.s! \R(ilF" ( hcf Tell Mondieu. Cher! HOW I SPENT MY VACATION

22 -ij^'^W?


Home, Jtimcs! ^^©D(gO!>QS ^ A G CLINIC/ EXPERIENCE

"Can't uc rind a nay to turf this one?'

"But Dr. Ellithorpe said there was nothing wrong with this x-ray.' f^- fS^

*^ ^ 'i h a? "Sure. I'm Available! "Shoot — Missed Again. '

"I'm sure I heard a l/VI Murmur . . . \mnher damn H & P!

27 "Now, remember that Steve!'

'1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5" . . .

"We're staying until we find that needle!"

Another classical Bourbon St. fracture. PxiUr-^^CS

"Doc. this iiin'l no Sony Walkman"


"I ii.in( to gron up to be just like you. A house call in Africa 3»J Floor >^3 oQ"^ S) D PP o C^ D

HtuL a RQA. ahtery Hoor LfticUJ / You're sure you didn't get this at Charity?

Then the Papa stori flies to find




30 '^, Hey Doc. Ciin't I go home today?


"You won'! believe viTio this guy .ays he is." Tl.\ #101

.\ night in the CIL' ^ '*ftf)Y£*R




QUhCENTENN OF-THtvl,,;QNIh '^^^ATlON*OF*IND ADMINISTRATION Eamon Kelly, Ph.D. President of Tulane University


John J. Walsh, M.D. Chancellor of Tulane Medical Center

38 . James T. Hamlin III, M.D. Dean of Tulane Medical School

David E. Smith, M.D. Associate Dean of Academic Affairs STUDENT AFFAIRS

Wallace K. Tomlinson, M.D. Assistant Dean of Student Affairs

Secretaries: Left to right: Standing: Elaine Mma hat, Myrna Romain, Carol Gaudet. Sitting: Melinda Smiley.


--^^ ^ffv

W. Clifford Newman, Jr.. Ph.D. Associate Dean and Director of Admissions.

Secretaries: Left to right: Rosalyn Marshall, Wendy Theard. Kathy Mullen, Gayle Sayas, Laura Barton.

41 .J*«^ m



ANATOMY Robert D. Yates, Ph.D., Chairman


V - ( % ^ \ \§ A

i^^f CSbT'' ^^p I OM> y ; f '*. .1 ^ > i y> ' i


Left to right: Standing: C. Knox. J. Mascorro. M. Anderson. G. Kirby. J. Jeter. I. Chen. Sitting: E. Peebles. R. )'ates. L. Walker. .\t.R. Vaupel. Absent: J. Weber. P. Moore.


44 BIOCHEMISTRY Rune L. Stjernholm, Ph.D., Chairman


1-, ^

Left to Right: Standing: \V. Cohen. R. Stjernholm. R. Steele. J. Muldrcy. Sitting: W. Baricos, M. Stanfield. G. Adrouny. Y. Li.

PHYSIOLOGY Nicholas R. DiLuzio, Ph.D. Chairman

Left to Right: Standing: J. Lymangrover. R. Lowe. L. Feigen. N. Kreisman. Sitting: M. Eyanich. S. DiLuzio. L. Wade. Absent: W.C. Newman. J. Pisano. M. Walters.

45 MICROBIOLOGY A,A, Gottlieb, M.D., Chairman

Left to right: J. Domer. E. Johnson, M. Johnson, G. Domingue, A. A. Gottlieb. W. Pierce. P. Mayeux, K. Anderson. C. Cohen.


J.H. Esslinger. R.G. Yaeger.

46 PATHOLOGY Norton A, Johnson, M,D,, Chairman

-? &J

ft 10 right: Standing: D. Smith. H. Johnson. C. DunUip. J. Hcirkin. \V. Sternberg. Sitting: P.

iroca. P. Walker. M. Vareb. H.N. Dhurandhnr. I. Ovcrby.

PHARMACOLOGY James W. Fisher, Ph.D., Chairman

Left to right: First rou: P. Kadowilz. A.

Hyman. .A. Segalol'f. J. Fisher. P. Guth. F. Domer. Second Ron: W. George. K. AgraxKil. L. Ignurro. D. A/c.Vjmarj. J. Lcrloni. V. Krishnamurty. M.K. Carter. Third Ro»: M. Spirtes. C. \orris. Af. Bclagu. C. Gructter. D. Crueller. B. Bcckman. E. Spannhake.

^B SURGERY Watts R. Webb, M.D., Chairman

Left to Right: F;Vs( row: ,V. McSwain. M. L'nwin. R. Nichols. W.R. Webb. E. Krememz. R. Ryan, C. Sutherland. P. Moulder. Second row: Ashercarey. Gansar. W. Hagan. Lirtzman. Henry. W. Browder. J. Muchmore. J. Kelly. Third row: Vitenas. Cole. Mastoukas. Hardin. Vercimak. Jones. Chaney. S. Theodorakis. Fourth row: Healy. Sparrow, Indeck. Bratton. Tibbs. Floyd. Day, Dale. Absent: M. Adinolfi. R. Brunswick, D. Carter, P. Hendel. J. Hussey, J. Jones, M. Kerstein, P. Moynihan. R. O'Connell, D. Rush. MEDICINE John E. Salvaggio, M.D,, Chairman

Cardiology: First row: A. Quiroz. J. Phillips. R. Mautner. Second row: Levy. R. Koepke. .Absent: S. .Ahmad. G. Burch. R. Dhurandhar. R. Dilienkoffer. T. Giles. U'. Hill. B. held. FA. Puyau. F.G. McMahon, C Thorpe Ray.

Immunology: First row: J. Salvaggio. Nordburg. J. .Morgan, N.J. Doll. Second row: R. de Shazo, B. Bozelkz, B. Butcher.

48 "&

\ f >ephrology: Seated: S.V. Shah. J. Wjllin. W . OWcil. Suinding: G. lilcy. E. Carvajal. Absent: E. Rodriguez. Gastroenterology: K. Akdamar (seated). N. Agrawal. T. Ertan.

(^ %^

;malology: Front: G. Bellnin. A. Hendricks. Back: W.J. Stuckcy. L. Dermatology: W. Galen. L. Millikan. L. Gately. lonias. VV..A. Andes.

Rheumatology: \../. Doll. O. Gum. R. de Shazo.

ndiicrinc: Sc:itcd: K Rives. ,A. Kastin. Standing: W. Banks. .X. Comaru

Schall\. P. Pros.ser. C. Bouers. .-Xbsent: A. Schalh. C. Ruiz. .\l. Lueg. Ercnt/.

Pulmonary: D. Hendrick. R. .loncs. H. Weill. D. Ellilhorpc. D. Banks. E.

Saycgh. II. \\. Barkman. .Xbsent: S. Herbert. C. Ramirez.

49 OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY Martin L. Pernoll, M,D., Chairman

Left to Right: Sitting: M.L. Pernoll, P. Moore, C. Weinberg. Standing: M. Biswas, B.C. Mabie, M. Moorehead, H.W.K. Batson. Absent: A. Clemetson.^ \ S. Degefu, A.G. O'Quinn, J. Witty. f

PEDIATRICS Joiin E, Lewy, M,D,, Cliairman

Left to Right: First row: N. Halsey, W. Gill, D. Africk, J. Lewy. S. Sharma, H. Woody, N. Woody. Second row: F. Boineau, R. Baliga, G. Rabalais, G. Bisset, J. Kanga, M. DeVoe, R. Hopkins, S. Ososfky. Third row: N. Henly, C. Butts, R. Kumar, G. Mercado, H.E. Stevenson, R. Hawk, K. Perrin. C. Trujullo, J. Frentz. Fourth row: P. Ivy, R. Russell, M. Zutter, S. Solis, V. Jameson, E. Quinones, L. Mason, S. Hirschfeld, K. Bui, C. Craft. Fifth

row: B. Maddern, P. Davis, R. Beckerman, H. Ginsberg, P. Zedker, B. Bromberg, A. Johnson, S. Sarodi, M. Blitzer. Absent: D. Burgess. I. Cohen, H. Doucet, G. Klein, K. Knight, K. Ohene - Frempong, C. Pagan, M. Smith. N. Waring, W. W'aring.

50 NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY Joseph B, Green, M.D., Chairman



eft to Right: First row: J.B. Green. T. Bennett. D. Gallant. J. Daruna. Left to Right: A. Epstein. V. Punin. M. Wilensky. S. Trufant. J.B.

'. I.ce:g. M. Block. S. Willard. R. Mercille. S. Danahy. Second row: D. Green. D. Dunn. L. Wcisberg. M. Wall. Absent: G. Kader. P. Sarala. Uiclkc. (1. Duul. J. Fetzcr. D. Franklin. H. Miles. L. Robinson. P. A. Stazio. Iriffin. D \\ instead. J. Gay.

RADIOLOGY Charles M, Nice, M,D., Chairman


Sitting: Left to Right: Standing: C. Simon. R. C.imr^:iii. .1 Smith. .1 Keating. F. Puyiu. A Fro.-l. K Adams. C. A'/cc. J. Stanglc. \V. Plauchc.

51 : -'mB

r I r- I I • « » ttilt

II...-. •- H» i| >•. f i i

• 1 J I -

,rJS*^ 'f2SOSl *09t»K!^5-'Jf.lS..: Jerry L. Abajian Samuel G. Agnew Annelle Ahmed Downey, California New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana

Hans C. Andersson Keith E. Argenbright Thomas M. Ayres Jr. New Orleans, Louisiana Dallas, Texas Knoxville, Tennessee

Matthew S. Bargas Stephen C. Barnes Melissa T. Barrett New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans. Louisiana

54 Bryan P. Bnrrillcaux Bruce W. Barton William W. Beckett Jr. New Orleans, Louisiana Starliville, Mississippi Fort Foote, Maryland

Mark R Benlleld GrilTin, Georgia

55 Robert A. Benson Gary S. Benton Elizabeth A. Booth Brooklyn. Connecticut Arkansas Citv. Kansas Bethesda, Maryland

Jeffrey A. Borchardt Michael C Boucree Laurie V. Brewer Novato. California New Orleans, Louisiana Columbus, Georgia

56 Llndsc\ R. Broun Timolhy D. Brown Bruce t. Cjhill LiiriivcUc. Louisiunn ,\cH Orleans. Louisiann Phoenix. Arizona

Peter D. Cundeloni Donna L. Chester Culhryn L. Chicola VV.nnc. Penns\hunia Anchorage. .-A/jsAa Alexandria. Louisiana


57 Frank C. Clark Dennis G. Colbert Paula A. Craigo Metairie, Louisiana Baton Rouge. Louisiana Haughton, Louisiana

Charles K. Dabbs New Orleans, Louisiana

58 BW Michael S. Dale Paul E. Data Stephen C. Davis Bedford. A'ch Hampshire San Diego, California Knoxville, Tennessee

John D Dorchak Todd Dorman Charles W. Dunn Columbus. Georgia Jacksonville. Florida Spartanburg. South Carolina

59 Benjamin H. Epstein Atlanta. Georgia

Christopher S. Ewin Paul R. Fassler Virginia E. Fegert Neu' Orleans. Louisiana Nen Orleans. Louisiana Ann Arbor. Michigan

60 Jill J. Fein berg Robert P. Fields Maury L. Fisher New Orleans. Louisiunn Cliiremont, California New Orleans. Louisiana

Richard D. Friedman Debra G. Friesendorf Ellen H. Golodner Broomall, Pennsylvania New Orleans. Louisiana Brooklyn. New York

J. Michael Grabon-ski Pinson. Alabama

61 Steven V. Grady Derwin P. Gray Lane B. Griggs Port Washington, Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisconsin Columbus, Georgia

Julio C. Gundian Jr. Kara L. Haas Joyce B. Harp Miami. Florida Tampa. Florida Fort Knox, Kentucky

Renata M. Henzl Carl J. Herring Eric W. Hirsch Palo Alto, California Conyers, Georgia Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

62 Richard A. Hodin Roch B. Hontas Clyde O. Hursi Scranton, Pennsylvania New Orleans. Louisiana Portsmouth, Ohio

Inao Jan N. John Jacocks William P. Jones Honolulu. Hawaii Lake Charles. Louisiana Mobile. Alabama

63 Jon P. Kelly Gwendolyn Knuckles Mark R. Kobayashi Athens, Georgia Fayetteville. North Carolina Rancbo Palos Verdes. California

64 >


Alexander S. Kolcszar Diane R. Kramer Paul A. Krogstad Norwalk, Connecticut Scollsdale. Arizona Terra nee. California

Steven A. Kulik Jr. Michael M. Kusaka Lee S. Laufer Ormond Beach. Florida A lea. Hawaii /Vew York. ,Veiv York

Gloria M. I.ear\ Flint. Michigan

6S ^^'ii/.IIIL

David A. Lehman Daniel R. LeNoir Martha M. Levine Forest Hills, New York New Castle, Delaware Ruston, Louisiana

Richard Lieurance Howard L. Lippton Steven C. Littlewood Napa, California Orlando, Florida Carmel Valley, California

66 George R. Luck Penelope K. Manasco Elizabeth A. Mannino Miami Beach. Florida New Orleans, Louisiana New York. New York

Carole A/. Meyers Camden. New York Benjamin A. Mills Paul T. Moore Betty M. Morlenson Sew Orleans, Louisiana Monroe. Louisiana Miami, Florida

William L. Mullen Dale J. Naquin Marie D. Nassiff Tenafly, New Jersey Thibodaux. Louisiana Manchester, Connecticut

68 ^' iSs*Av/, y-aS^

Kevin K. Nishimori Thomas G. Nutlli Robert H. O'Donnell Carmorillo, Calirornia Melairic. Louisiana Las Vegas, Nevada

Paul M. Olive Donna M. Park Karen Pendleton Neosho, Missouri Minden, Louisiana Sbreveport, Louisiana

Marcus L. Pcnn Montclair, jVcii Jersey

69 Leslie R. Pickens Allen M. Pielet McKay L. Piatt Atlanta, Georgia Oak Brook, Illinois Provo, Utah

Charles V. Pollack Jr. Taylor G. Poole Ignacio Prats Selma, Alabama Miami, Florida Bethesda, Maryland

Michael A. Puente Miami, Florida

70 m Alanuc/ A. Ramos Jr. Margaret M. Redfield Jeffrey T. Reese Pbnlalion, Florida Madoson, South Dakota Lebanon, Missouri

Karen J. Richter Chico, California

Louis E. Ridgway Thomas J. Rose Marc J. Salzman Jacl

71 Lee Ann Schaffhausen Eric D. Scher Ricliard C. Schultz Jr. Edina. Minnesota Roslyn Harbor. New York Kildeer. Illinois

Marc A. Seltman Russell A. Shatford William M. Sholes Miami. Florida Pasadena. California Johnson City. Tennessee

C. Bayon Simmons Los Angeles, California

72 Mary A. Spanjers Winter Haven. Florida

Lric 5. Utillnun Bruce Slorrs William A. Sirotl Hollywood, riorida Anterican Fork. L'lah Baliimon. Manland Charles J. Swannack Rick R. Tague David C. Treen Jr. Lamont, Washington Cassoday, Kansas Baton Rouge, Louisiana

John N. Tucker Mary E. Utz Bobby M. Vincent Abilene, Texas Rochester, Minnesota Marrero, Louisiana

Clark G. Warden New Orleans, Louisiana

74 m Neal Wcintmub Barton L. Warren Jr. John C. Wjiis III Albany. Georgia Richland. Missouri Fort Smith, Arkansas

75 Juli Stone Weiss Eric C. Welling Betty J. Whatley Baton Rouse. Louisiana Bountiful. Utah Pineville, Louisiana

Gregory G. White Albert H. Wilkinson III Claire P. Williams HI Miramar, Florida Jacksonville. Florida Orange, California

76 Samuel Young San Mateo, California

John J. Ziomck June K Zivalich William A. Zorn Jr. Athens. Gcor^iii Boat Raton. Florida Jesup. Georgia A Belated Expression Of Love

With the help from those I love. My dreams are being realized. Your support helped me through the rough times. Your belief in me strengthened the wavering belief within myself.

Your caring and love helped me to reach for my goals even as I felt them elude me. Without you by my side I might not have had the strength to finish what I had begun.

In words I've never expressed, I thank God for you; The family and friends who never doubted me.

You who stood by my side Encouraging me to go on. Without you my dreams would have no meaning. Thank you for helping me be what I am! D. Chester

\. A'

Martha & Richard Jerry & Mary m ^H^^H I Mms ^< ^^^^H^^^^^l^l pi ^^^^^Hm^^^^i ,#^ i^^ PV nSfl >s tB ^^V^^H ^ -^^ tBB Hf«^ ^Ml^l ^^^^^^HP* "^ "^^^^^1 ^^k ^^^ f M^M V J

.I' f \ i^^i 1 m^^ ! 1 K 1 ^^H^ ' m H ^^^S i ? k ^1 r / m V

Paii7 ife Family


IS» Bill & Susan Betty & Mark

Carole & Alan

Dale & Family

81 Michael & Family

Maury & Joni Helen & Family

82 Cathy & Family

James & Michelle

8) John & Trenda

Sam & Sheila

Dave, Michelle & Family

84 Rob & Ellen Eric & Kathy ^"•"' " i Bj^JgW

Betty & Family Betsy & Sisters

as Marie & Family

Donna & Mike Donna & Tom

86 '


Kevin & Jean ' ^

L^-. ^^H

i 1^1 /T ' ^KWl i E^L i^^^ J ^^_Ww^ - I r i^L *^ ^> mm / ^Hp^ ' : ^rr

87 Liz & Gloria

Tom & Mary


Diane & Family 88 Mike & Family

Jeijei, David & Scarlet

Georse & Family

89 Steve, Candace & Ryan

Phyllis & Tono

Bruce, Colleen & Sons

90 Steve & Cory

Eric & Family

HPM ^B ^^^H^^^K^ _^

VT^^^H^ a^^ ^^^*'^

Melissa s Family

91 John & Family

McKay, Pam & Family Bill & Cheryl 92 Juli & Kevin 93 #

.-/ ^

''sa^Ss, fs- ^•r-

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M ft » «t W •mil.,;'« w .X f«

y 7/^pfff?^^

Jan /nao Da/e Naquin Liz Mannino Jane Zivalich


SJ3.(si,\: J (u uotJEg g (ui xneanujEg 96 sSSuQ souiBH apoj (pBjQ (e g ([ -J (}f f^ ([ q:>sjiH 3 (• j (q uemps W (S [zuaf^ ^ (j uuaj -f^i (3 iisjjisg /^ (p uuifeqv f (0 cIjeh f (q s ^ujrg !>uno,( "''•^'1 ,'/"n\' (•"' ""<''» ff (' *''/Y-'"'".V £? fP ''''off J (' ^'"7 O M s C "looiqj J (Y s r/" ""-".' Y/.'.H S (.' O (1 1 7 U "'Y-''-'fl 3S33J/ / (ui 33Jonog IM (I ;jou//i/s/jV I 98 sppij uvuipauj (a uosdaiis Jsjsaqj X (1 }f9wojz r (f ''^Rioj a a I'oog g (q J/ (3 ujoz g (J y ueij im (p H (^ "^'"imS 3 (9 a fj

pr i i


First Row: Donna Chester. Dave Treen. Manny Ramos. Second Row: Bill Sholes. Cathy Chicola, Ben Mills. Marcus Penn. Donna Park. Third Row George Luck. .Annelle ./^hmed. Betty Monenson. Not pictured: Sam Young. Mickey Puente. Deb- bie Friesendorf

The Owl Club

I Standing: Charles Pollack. Pres. Mark .Anderson. Sec. Sitting: Vicky \orwood. Vice-Pres. Laura Pearce. Tres.

IS Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society

First Row: Rick Taguc. Michael Kusaka. Jer- ry Keating (Vicc-Prcs). Second Row. Jim Crane. Kara Haas. Maggie Redficld. Third Row: Tom Sullli i fn-- I. ( h.irlc^ Pollack. Paula Craigo. Gary Benton, lourth Row: "Beck" Shatford. Charles Dabbs. \oi Pic- lured: Thomas Ayrcs. Tod Ungelhardt. Paul Fassler. Carl Herring. Bill Jones. Mark Ko- bayashi. Kevin Nishimori. Jeff Reese. Louis Ridgway. Tom Rose. Marc Salzman. Mary Spanjers. Seal Weiniraub.

History Of Medicine Society

Left to right: Jorge Martinez Historian Scott Norton Vicc-Prcs. Scott Morrcu Prcs. Parker Roberts Sec. Marc Starer Treasurer

103 Student Advisory Board

Seniors pictured: Mark Sellman. "Iggy" Prats


Seniors Pictured: Debbie Friesendorf. Jei-Jei Feinberg

Director: Michael Boucree 104

Ij Student National Medical Association

From: Sieve Barnes. Miguel Elie. Back: Shcryl Sutton. Phillip Proctor. Greg Gex. Michael Boucrcc

American Medical Student Association Regional Trustees: Ben Mills. Ben Epstein

10S .=.*f?«^.-c^


Vol. I. £<« T CiCi Annual Subscription,auD*cripiion, SB.OO.%| No. 1. Saturday, July 14, 1883. singi. cop,.., ib c*nt.



^-'^'^^•^ ERNEST S. LEWIS, MD. T G RICHARDSON, M D , of and Clinical Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Profc-tsor of General and Clinical Surgery. Professor Genen4 Children. SAMUEL M BEMIS, M D , and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. Professor ol the Theory JOHN B ELLIOTT, M D CHAlLLfe, D STANFORD E. M , Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Clinical Medicine and Professor of Physiology and Pathological Anatomy. Hygiene.

JOSEPH JONES, M D , Professor of Chemistry and Clinical Medicine. ALBERT B MILES, M D., SAMUEL LOGAN, M D, Demonstrator of Anatomy. Professor of Anatomy and Clinical Surgery.

fiftieth year of its existence) will comtntnce on Monday, the "nd dajr of The next annu-il course ol instruction in this Department (now in the first four weeks of the term will be devoted exclusively to Clinical October 188, and terminate on Saturday, the «th day of March, 1884. The dissections in the ipacious and airy Anatomical Rooms Medicine and Surgery at the Charity Hospital; Practical Chemistry in the Laboratory, and

° Special attention is called to the opportunities 'The m^ns'o'f teaching now at the command of the Faculty are unsurpassed in the United States. presentedfor C X. I IsT I C ^ X, X IT S T K- TJ G T I O IST . Medical Department the use of the great Chanty Hospital, as a The Act establishing the University of Louisiana gives the Professors of the

^ during the last year, nearly six thousajld patients Its advantages for practical study °The cfharit'v Holpi'ul contains nearly roc beds, and received, and Obstetrical Wards are visited by the respective Professors in are unsiiirassed by any similar institution in this country. The Medical, Surgical at which time all the Students are expected to attend, and familianie themselves, at the .bi»ide or charge daily, from eight to ten oclocli A M , treatment of all fofms of dlseai*. THE PATiHNT^ with the dia^nosis and .... t. t purpose, divided into classes, assigned to the respective Professors in instruction is grTen to the candidates for graduation, who are, lor this Soecial'^ • to , . . ., .» .._i _.ij ; I ... i-__-. .^^^^A. ^1 i-^wm^ .inAmr t^r^r care.rar^ ThcThe clissesclasses thus fotmcd interchange courses, so as charge of the wards in the Hospital, and required to keep records of cases under their aid the Uinical^ ^eachersIj in developing to its full extent this enable the candidates to enjoy equal advantages Thoroughly competent Chiefs of Clinics daily hospital rounds with any of the climcal teachers system of instruction Students who are not candidates for graduation make the kesidbnt students, who are maintained by tne The Administrators of the Hospital elect, annuaUy, after competitive examination, twelve Institution. ^_ __^ ^ _ __ >'4o 00 For the Tickets of all the Professors °° For the Ticket ol Practical Anatomy '° 00 Matriculation Fee 5

years to have attended two courses of lectures and Candidates for gTad!la"ion°a"re ^uireti to'betwe.ty-i'ne yeai^' of' age:' to' 'have studied three' ;

fees. They cannot, however, obtain '"''G^du";efo'f^o'L'V""^u°t;fe school, are admitted upon payment o. the MatncuUtion and half lecture the usual Graduation tee the Diploma of the University without passing the regular examinations and paying For further information ^^^^^ ^^ ^^ RICHARDSON, M. D. , Dcan.

To Our Families And Advertisers We Express Our Sincerest Gratitude. Thankyou For Your Support.

The T-Wave Staff


Mr. & Mrs. Gaines Colbert proudly Mr. and Mrs. William Wells Beckett Dr. Julio C. Gundian congratulate Dennis on his You made it - God bless you! becoming an M.D. Col. & Mrs. P.D. Park, Jr. in We love you. Honor of Donna Green Park, MD. Coach, Tuti, Duck and Missy. Simpsons, Matthews, Johnsons, Smiths are proud of the new Dr. & Mrs. Dillard M. Sholes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knuckles M.D. in the family. are proud all over again, A dream fulfilled, Diane congratulations Dr. Gwen Knuckles Mr. & Mrs. George E. Wofford Kramer. Congratulations and in honor of Bruce W. Barton love, your parents & sisters. Well done, Maggie-Mom-Dad!

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Green We are proud of the new M.D. congratulates their daughter in our family! (R. P. Fields) Congratulations, Annelle! Donna Green Park Mom, Dad, Brothers & Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bonk Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dale congratulate our daughter, Mr. and Ms. John Mortenson congratulations Michael! "Donna Bonk Chester" on Congratulate Betty Marie becoming an M.D. -a first in CONGRATULATIONS! the Bonk family!! Congratulations 30th year Peter David Candelora. M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart G. Grady Grad; Mr. <& Mrs. Brooks Griggs Sincere Thanks & Love from a very proud family Congratulations Kevin! Dad, Mom & David C. Proud ofTLAT Mrs. Jinobu Nishimori Mr. and Leslie R. Pickens John & Brian Grabowski are Mother, Reese and Todd Mr. and Mrs. Howard Inao are very proud of you, Mike. proud of the new M.D. in the family. Congratulations Jan! Congratulations Manny, Mom and Dad are proud of the We are proud to have you as first MD in the family. the new M.D. in the family. Congratulations, Gary Love, Dr. & Mr. Manuel Ramos

The Boucree Family congratulates our MD, Michael Love you Dale, Mom &. Dad Naquin

Congratulations, Bryan! Congratulations Marcus

Eric & Kathy Welling. Congrats. Congratulations to Taylor Gibbs Poole, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Friedman Dorothy Thomas Poole Family Mrs. Ada Taylor Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ayers, Sr. are proud of the new Dr. and Mrs. William G. Pickens Medical Doctor in the family. are delighted with the first Love and Congratulations, Mike. M.D. in the family, Leslie

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119 / Came I Learned I Conquered!

A? 5 •. ROMOEM 1^04"? ^^. '*ii>'.r-
