We Believe That


At Longford Park Primary School we believe that children learn best when:


We believe that:

*Longford Park is a school where children are encouraged and supported to be successful. They are expected to adhere to good standards of behaviour in school and understand that there will be sanctions and consequences if the appropriate level of behaviour is not maintained.

*It is the responsibility of the primary school to develop social skills which will help each child to live happily in the world and which allows them to co-exist peacefully and positively in an atmosphere of care and support. These values are made explicit and expanded in the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) curriculum and are implicit in the delivery of the National Curriculum and the development of a good school.

*All staff/volunteers must act as role models from whom the children learn to develop their own life skills.

*The role of the parents is critical in the success of this policy and we encourage them to take an active role in their child’s education and behaviour.

This behaviour policy and its principles and beliefs will be implemented throughout Longford Park starting in the classroom but equally applied in breakfast club, on the playground and after-school clubs.



Our school, delivers 5 key Effective Learner values which underpin our behaviour policy. While much of the reinforcement of positive behaviour will occur on an ad hoc basis, the PSHE curriculum, including British Values is embedded throughout and woven into whole school assemblies and the curriculum. As a school we recognise national awareness days/ weeks (such as Anti-bullying week) to further develop positive behaviours.

The Effective Learner focuses are:

*See also the Inspection handbook which outlines the expectations that a school must promote good, fundamental values in order that our children can grow to be worthwhile and positive contributors to a modern, multi-cultural Britain.



At Longford Park we expect the following from the whole school community:

Ø  We shall respect each other’s point of view.

Ø  We shall be polite and well mannered.

Ø  We will treat the school and all things in it with care.

Ø  We will consider and support the needs of all the people in the school.

Ø  We will behave in a kind and helpful way.

In-class Behaviour Consequence Ladder

Example of behaviour / Behaviour Type / Adult Action / Consequence(s)
Talking/ shouting out
Distracting others
Not following instructions/ class rules
Being in school without permission
Rough play
Swearing & Spitting / Level 1
Excellent behaviour / Look/Gesture / No consequence
Level 1
Good behaviour / 1st warning- Reminder of rule broken / No consequence
*Repetition of the above
Being rude to staff
Throwing objects
Unkind/ derogatory comments
Hurting another child accidently
Damage to school property
Stealing / Level 2
Could do better…’ behaviour / 2nd warning- Verbal warning / Turn Good to be Green to a yellow warning card
*Repetition of the above
Bullying of any sort (incl. cyber)
Rough play with leads to another child getting hurt (e.g. pulling someone around the neck)
Throwing objects to intentionally cause harm to another child. / Level 3
Poor behaviour / 3rd warning- Recorded warning (write child’s name on the board) / Turn yellow warning card to red consequence card
Child moves to Time-out table (15mins) in classroom.
Class teacher discusses incident with the child and educates the child about why the behaviour was unacceptable.
*Repetition of the above
Violence towards another person (fighting)
Racist/ homophobic comments
Continuous bullying or harassment
Continued defiance of the school rules
Bringing dangerous objects into school
Intentionally harming another person / Level 4
Unacceptable behaviour
* Adult uses professional judgement regarding the severity of the unacceptable behaviour and availability of LM/ AHT/ HT / a) Child sent to Learning Mentor (LM)
Behaviour is logged on CPOMs / Learning Mentor asks the child what the unacceptable behaviour was and then reminds the child of what is acceptable behaviour.
LM escorts the child to another classroom (up to 15 mins)
Loss of Play/Lunchtime (up to 15 mins) with MLT/ SLT on duty
b) Child sent to AHT
Behaviour is logged on CPOMS / Loss of Play/Lunchtime (up to 30 mins)
AHT makes phoned call home and offers the parent(s) a meeting with LM/ SEND co-ord where appropriate.
ci) Sent to HT x1
Behaviour is logged on CPOMS / Loss of entire Play/ Lunchtime for that day or the following day
Letter sent home to parents at the end of the school day.
cii) Sent to HT x 2
Behaviour is logged on CPOMS / Loss of entire Play/ Lunchtime for that day/ following day(s) up to 1 week
Phone call home to parents- possible meeting to be arranged when child is collected at the end of the day (HT, class teacher, parent, child) Letter sent home to parents at the end of the school day.
ciii) Sent to HT x 3
Behaviour is logged on CPOMS / Parents contacted immediately and a meeting arranged as soon as is possible. Meeting with parent + child prior to the child returning to school (HT, LM, parent + child, SENCO where appropriate).
*Repetition of the above
Malicious violence
Bringing dangerous objects into school with intent to harm others / Level 5
Extreme behaviour / Sent to HT
Behaviour is logged on CPOMS / Fixed Term Exclusion- Follow LA protocols
Meeting to be arranged with parent + child prior to the child returning to school (HT, LM, SENCO co-ord parent + child,) to set targets for Report Card.
Intervention with appropriate outside agency.

Playground Behaviour Consequence Ladder

Example of behaviour / Behaviour Type / Adult Action / Consequence(s)
Everyone plays nicely together
Everyone uses kind words
Everyone respects one another
Everyone follows instructions
All the play equipment is used correctly / Level 1
Excellent/ Good behaviour / No adult action required / No consequence/ record needed
Being rude to staff
Not following instructions/ school rules
Being in school without permission
Rough play (in which no-one is harmed)
Swearing / Level 2
Could do better…’ behaviour / 1st warning- Reminder of rule broken and what is excellent/ good behaviour / No consequence/ record needed
*Repetition of Level 2
Rough play which leads to another child being injured
Using unkind/ name calling- ‘suggested’ bullying
Not using the play equipment safely
Damaging play equipment/ resources / Level 3
Poor behaviour / 2nd warning- Verbal Warning
*There may be times (at break and lunch) when a Learning Mentor/ AHT is asked to intervene at this stage because of the children/ child involved. Staff will use their knowledge of the children/ child to make this decision.
Behaviour is logged on CPOMS at the discretion of the person who dealt with the situation and asks the teacher to refer to it for more detail/ follow-up. / Time- Out- child is sent to the ‘Sin Bin’ (Thinking spot zone) against a designated wall.
Member of staff on duty will verbally inform the child’s teacher. The teacher who dealt with the behaviour should discuss and educate the child about why the behaviour was unacceptable.
The member of staff on duty will verbally inform the child’s teacher.
The Dining Room Assistant (DRA) discusses the poor behaviour with the child and the Senior Lunchtime Supervisor (SLS) who educate the child about why the behaviour was unacceptable. DRA and SLS agree on the amount of Time-Out the child will have in the ‘sin-bin’ (Thinking spot zone) (5-15 mins)
The DRA/ SLS will verbally inform the child’s teacher that there has been an incident with the ‘named’ child/ children.
*Repetition of Level 3
Fighting/ Violence/ severe assault towards another person
Continuous bullying or harassment
Racist/ homophobic comments
Playing dangerously
Continued defiance of the school rules / Level 4
Unacceptable behaviour / Child sent to AHT/Learning Mentor (LM)
Behaviour is logged on CPOMs by AHT/ LM/SLS / BREAKTIME & LUNCHTIME
AHT/ Learning Mentor asks the child what the unacceptable behaviour was and then reminds the child of what is acceptable behaviour.
Child will lose the rest of their playtime for that day and the next day.
Child’s class teacher will be verbally informed of the incident and refer them to CPOMS to see the details and any follow- up
Child will lose the rest of their lunch time for that day and the next day.
Child’s class teacher will be verbally informed of the incident and refer them to CPOMS to see the details and any follow- up
A letter will be sent home to the child’s parent by the AHT/ LM/SLS.
Level 5
Extreme behaviour / Sent to HT
Behaviour is logged on CPOMS / Fixed Term Exclusion- Follow LA protocols
Meeting to be arranged with parent + child prior to the child returning to school (HT, LM, SEND co-ord parent + child,) to set targets for a Playtime Report Card.
Intervention with appropriate outside agency.

If a child reaches Level 3, 3x in a week, the child is to be sent to the AHT- a letter will be sent to parents expressing concerns about the child’s behaviour and recommendations that the parent(s) speak to their child about their play/lunchtime behaviour.

If a child reaches Level 4, 3x in one half term, a meeting will be arranged with parent (s) to discuss behaviours and agree sanctions.