Warm Leads Script

Warm Leads Script

Warm Leads Script

“Can I speak with {first name}?”

-If not there, say “That’s okay, I will call back at a later time…”

-If it’s them, continue…

“Hi {first name}, this is {your full name}. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

-If yes,“What would be the best time to give you a call back?”

-If no, continue…

“I noticed that you left your information on my website because you’re looking for a way to earn money from home. I just want to touch base with you and learn a little more about you. I would also like to see if you’re a good fit for our company.”



Now, are you currently building a network marketing business, or looking to start one?

(This will get the conversation started. You will also find out if they’re completely new or an experienced marketer which will decide the tone of the conversation)

If they AREa network marketer…

What kind of online marketing have you done up to this point?

(Find out if our team offers a simpler solution. Did their previous team overcomplicate things? Do we have easier marketing strategies?)

What kind of support did you get with your previous team?

(They may have been unsuccessful in the past due to lack of training or no training. Keep in mind all of the training we offer with our team and how you will personally help them)

If they’re not already in Network Marketing…

What was it about my ad that led you to my website?

(You want to determine their pain – what area in their life can they improve by joining our company? i.e. Spend more time with family? Have more money for bills? Quit their current job?)

Tell me a little about your current work situation? How many hours are you working?

(Find their pain. Do they hate their job? Are they looking for a way to make more than they currently do? Do they want more time in the day?)

So, how much time would you have to devote to this business?

(This question does two things: It shows that you’re really trying to help them, and it tells you if they’re serious. If they say 4 hours a week or more, then they can do this)


After getting their responses, offer them a solution. Tell the prospect how our business could help them out of their current situation. Let them know how our team training differentiates from that of their previous team. Give your own testimonial of how the business has helped you to achieve time and financial freedom. And remember…Fake it Til You Make It!


“I appreciate your time, {first name}. I believe that our company would be a great fit for you. Are you open to reviewing our webinar presentation?”

If yes…

“How soon could you watch the video? I could call you back .. in say… 30 minutes which would give you plenty of time to watch it.”

If yes (30 minutes is good)…

“Great, I will send you the information in an email. Let me make sure that I have your email address correct.. is it {their email address}?”

If yes…

“Excellent, I will send that over to you shortly. Thank you for your time and I look forward to talking with you very soon!”


Be sure to send them an email with a link to your capture page and contact information. Also, be sure to compliment them in the email – refer to something you spoke about on the phone. I’ve included an email template on our team training site you can use.