Unit Planner: Who Sent the Parachute? Year 2 2 Week

Unit planner: Who sent the parachute? Year 2 2 Week

Lead Subjects: Literacy, Geography, History, DT / Starter: Parachute arrives in school playground with a package sent from India?
Outcome: Create an Informational Poster and present to class.
National curriculum subject
Pupils should be taught to:
Write for different purposes to develop positive attitudes toward and stamina for writing.
Consider what they are going to write before beginning by planning or saying out loud what they are going to write about.
Write down ideas and/or key words including new vocabulary.
Spell correctly words from the year 2 spelling list.
Write in a clear legible handwriting, in cursive script if able.
Use the correct grammar and punctuation, for year 2 expectations, in their writing.
Make simple additions, revisions and corrections to their own work using a purple polishing pen.
Use peer and self-reflection to make additions, revisions and corrections.
Read aloud what they have written using the appropriate intonation
Pupils should be taught to:
Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical and human features.
Use world atlases and maps to identify the United Kingdom as well as the countries and continents covered in the unit.
Pupils should be taught to:
Show an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases.
Describe where the people studied fit within a chronological framework.
Describe events beyond living memory that are significant globally.
Discuss the lives of significant individuals from the past who have contributed to international achievements.
Talk, draw or write about aspects of the past.
Pupils should be taught to:
Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through talking, drawing and where appropriate ICT.
Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks.
Select from and use range of materials including ingredients.
Pupils should be taught to:
Know about different groups and communities.
Explore, understand and respect diversity and develop and express personal views and values.
Explore the values and beliefs of others.
Make connections between their values and beliefs and the values and beliefs of others. / Objective: What is in the crate?
·  Who sent the crate?
·  Where did it come from? / ·  What are Indian Schools like?
·  What could we send back to India?
Objective: Can you find India on the map?
·  Where is India?
·  Who lives there?
·  What does the country look like? / ·  What religions are followed?
·  What is life like for Indians?
Objective: What are Rangoli patterns?
·  Can you create your own patterns?
·  Why do we make them?
Objective: What is Eid?
·  Who celebrates Eid?
·  Why is it celebrated?
·  How is it celebrated?
Objective: What is Kabbadi?
·  Can we learn any Indian games?
Objective: Why is Gandhi so important?
·  Who was Gandhi?
·  What did he do? / ·  Why did he do it?
·  What can we learn from Gandhi?
Objective: Do we know the name of any Indian Sweets?
·  Can we make Barfi?
Pupil lead learning:
·  Finding a recipe on ipads.
·  How do you play Kabbadi instructional video.
Reflection: What do we know about India?
·  Children create posters showing what they have learnt and then present back to the rest of the class.
Text types: / Literature: / ICT: / Assessment Opportunities:
·  Non-Chronological Report
·  List Writing / ·  The Tiger Child; Stories From India
·  Seasons of Splendo / ·  iPad research; Google Earth
·  Filming Kabbadi and Cookin / ·  Ongoing