Topic 9 Study Guide from the Era of Excess to the Crash

US History

Topic 9 Study Guide – From the Era of Excess to the Crash

Notes –Prohibition and Its Effects, Life in the Roaring Twenties, the Pitfalls of Prosperity, New Deal – New Era

Readings – The Roaring 20s: Culture and Headlines of the 1920s; 1920s cultural webquest; Langston Hughes poetry; Intro to the Great Depression

Names to Know

Ø  Sigmund Freud

Ø  Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti

Ø  William J. Simmons

Ø  William Jennings Bryan

Ø  John J. Scopes

Ø  Clarence Darrow

Ø  Charles Lindbergh

Ø  Henry Ford

Ø  “Scarface” Al Capone

Ø  Elliot Ness

Ø  F. Scott Fitzgerald

Ø  Claude McKay

Ø  Langston Hughes

Ø  Aaron Douglas

Ø  Douglas Fairbanks

Ø  Charlie Chaplain

Ø  Calvin Coolidge

Ø  Warren G. Harding

Ø  Stepin Fetchit

Ø  Louis Armstrong

Ø  Ella Fitzgerald

Ø  Marcel Duchamps

Ø  Queen Victoria

Ø  Hattie McDaniel

Ø  Marcus Garvey

Ø  W.E.B. Dubois

Ø  Oscar DePriest

Ø  Herbert Hoover

Ø  Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Ø  Huey Long

Ø  Father Charles Coughlin

Ø  Eleanor Roosevelt

Ø  John Steinbeck


Ø  Corset

Ø  “In the Family Way”

Ø  Temperance

Ø  Racketeers

Ø  18th Amendment

Ø  21st Amendment

Ø  Nativism

Ø  Laissez-faire

Ø  “on the margin”

Ø  “Tin Lizzie”

Ø  Speculation

Ø  Catharsis

Ø  Bull Market

Ø  Bear Market

Ø  Pinko

Ø  Progressive

Ø  Conservative

Ø  Deficit spending

Ø  Foreclosure

Ø  Surplus

Concepts & Multiple Choice

Ø  Comstock Law

Ø  Nativism

Ø  Emergency Immigration Act

Ø  Resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan, reasons for decline

Ø  militant fundamentalism

Ø  Scopes “Monkey Trial”

Ø  Booms in the 1920s

Ø  Temperance Movement

Ø  Volstead Act

Ø  cultural trends during Prohibition

Ø  “speakeasies”

Ø  racketeering, bootlegging

Ø  St. Valentine’s Day Massacre

Ø  results of prohibition

Ø  cosmopolitan culture of the 1920s

Ø  Jazz music/culture

Ø  the New Morality

Ø  “New Feminism”

Ø  flappers

Ø  changing views of marriage

Ø  results of Great Migration

Ø  Harlem Renaissance

Ø  Negro Nationalism

Ø  effects of the Ballyhoo Years (as factors of the Great Depression)

Ø  reasons for a slumping economy

Ø  Black Tuesday and its results

Ø  human toll of the Depression

Ø  Hoover’s “non-response”

Ø  domino effect from Europe (reparations payments)

Ø  Bonus Army

Ø  “New Deal” 3-Prong Attack

Ø  “Interregnum of Despair”

Ø  changing views of federal govt’s role in the economy

Ø  21st Amendment

Ø  National Recovery Act (NRA)

Ø  Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Ø  Works Project Association (WPA)

Ø  Agricultural Adjustment Act

Ø  Welfare Capitalism

Ø  Social Security Act

Ø  Court Stacking

Ø  Share Our Wealth

Ø  Reasons and consequences of the Dust Bowl

Ø  Oakie Migration

Ø  FDR’s “brain trust”

Short Essay (1-3 Paragraphs, with a THESIS)

Ø  Prohibition

o  Background/Reasons?

o  Effectiveness?

o  Difficulty of Enforcement?

Ø  Roaring Twenties

o  Changes in culture?

o  Changes in style?

o  Changes for women and blacks?

o  Reflected in music, art, poetry?

Ø  Great Depression

o  Causes?

o  Effects on Americans? Industry?

o  Govt efforts to fix the problem?