Tewkesbury Church of England Primary School

Tewkesbury Church of England Primary School


Parent agreement for use of iPads Mini’s

Terms and Conditions

By signing this agreement you are agreeing to abide by the following Terms and Conditions;

  • We/I agree to pay the school an annual insurance fee of £19 in advance of collection.
  • We/I will ensure that the iPad mini provided for my child by the school will be used solely by my child for school activities ONLY.
  • We/I will ensure that our child does not access sites/apps/unapproved social network sites from the iPad mini.
  • We/I will make every effort to ensure the correct storage and use is conducted whilst in our care.
  • We/I accept that accidental damage, loss of, water damage, theft, must be reported to the school immediately.
  • We/I acknowledge that the school will from time to time carry out random checks and monitor the use of the iPad mini and if seen fit will remove .
  • We/I will ensure that the iPad mini comes to school daily fully charged.
  • When requested by the school we/I will return the iPad mini in good working order.
  • We/I will not undertake any repairs or alterations to the iPad mini hardware or software configuration.
  • We/I will inform the school of any technical problems that my child’siPad miniexperiences.
  • We/I understand that all iPad mini technical faults are managed by the school technicianONLY.
  • We/I agree to pay the school for any damage or loss of iPad charging adapter or USB cable or iPad Case (whichever may apply).Please note: Charging adapters, USB Cables and iPad Cases are not covered by insurance. School will not accept aftermarket or alternative item as a replacement.Charging adapter cost £15, USB Cable cost £10 and iPad Case cost £20.

Pupil’s Name………………………………………………………………………….…

iPad Serial Number…………………………..………Charger Number.……..……..

Signed………………………… Parent/GuardianDate………………

Signed ………………………… Class teacherDate………………