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- GEOLOGY of the MOUNT TAYLOR AREA N M New Mexico Geological Society G S Special Publication 14 Ii I GEOLOGY of the MOUNT TAYLOR AREA
- Fifth International Kimberlite Conference: Extended Abstracts
- Lattice-Preferred Orientation and Seismic Anisotropy of Minerals in Retrograded Eclogites from Xitieshan, Northwestern China, An
- The Lherz Spinel Lherzolite: Refertilized Rather Than Pristine Mantle ⁎ V
- Plio/Pleistocene Flood Basalt Related Scoria and Spatter Cones, Rootless Lava Flows, and Pit Craters, Al Haruj Al Abiyad, Libya
- A Genetic Link Between Eclogitic and Peridotitic Diamond Inclusions
- Petrology of Spinel Lherzolite Xenoliths in Alkali Basalts from Liri
- The Origin of Basalt and Cause of Melting Beneath East Antarctica As Revealed by the Southernmost Volcanoes on Earth
- Generation of Hawaiian Post-Erosional Lavas by Melting of a Mixed Lherzolite/Pyroxenite Source
- Depleted Lherzolite Xenoliths from the Leucititic Morrã³n De Villamayor
- Petrology and Geochemistry of the Tasse
- Trace-Element Geochemistry of Diamond-Hosted Olivine Inclusions
- Multiphase Alkaline Basalts of Central Al-Haruj Al-Abyad of Libya: Petrological and Geochemical Aspects
- Redox State of Southern Tibetan Upper Mantle and Ultrapotassic Magmas
- Phlogopite-Forming Reactions As Indicators of Metasomatism in the Lithospheric Mantle
- The Upper Mantle Beneath Patagonia, Argentina, Documented by Xenoliths from Alkali Basalts
- 6Th Orogenic Lherzolite Conference Scientific Program
- Ž / Evidence from Mantle Xenoliths for Relatively Thin