Hoare logic
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- Lecture Notes: Axiomatic Semantics and Hoare-Style Verification
- Hoare Logic) CSE 331, Spring 2012 Written by Krysta Yousoufian with Material from Michael Ernst, Hal Perkins, and David Notkin
- Hoare Logic and Dafny
- 6. Hoare Logic and Weakest Preconditions
- The Temporal Logic of Actions
- 1 Hoare Logic 2 Soundness and Completeness
- Verification of the Chord Protocol with TLA+
- Fifty Years of Hoare's Logic
- Hoare Logic" of CSP, and All That
- On Hoare Logic and Kleene Algebra with Tests
- 4: the Hoare Logic
- Weakest Precondition Calculus
- The Assignment Axiom (Hoare) ✓
- CS 6110 S18 Lecture 17 Predicate Transformers 1 Relative Completeness 2 Weakest Preconditions 3 Weakest Liberal Preconditions
- Quantum Hoare Logic with Classical Variables
- Hoare Logic I
- A Hoare-Style Proof System for Robot Programs
- Forward with Hoare