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- FLAMMABLE LIQUID and a OSHA: the Legal Airborne Permissible Exposure Limit DANGEROUS FIRE HAZARD
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- Different Melting Behavior in Pentane and Heptane Monolayers on Graphite; Molecular Dynamics Simulations
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- Pentane, Hexane, and Heptane - in a Supersonic Nozzle
- SAFETY DATA SHEET Flammable Liquefied Gas Mixture: Ethane / Heptane / Hexane / Isobutane / Isopentane / Methane / N-Butane / N-Pentane / Octane / Propane Section 1
- Synergistic Adsorption of Polyaromatic Compounds on Silica Surfaces
- Analysis of Highly Disfavored Processes Through Pathway-Specific
- A Methodology to Relate Octane Numbers of Binary and Ternary N-Heptane, Iso-Octane and Toluene Mixtures with Simulated Ignition Delay Times
- Interfacial Tension and Phase Behaviour of Methane + Propane + Heptane Mixtures
- Experimental Study of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Pahs) in N-Heptane Laminar Diffusion Flames From1.0 to 3.0 Bar
- Material Safety Data Sheet
- Solubility of Hydrocarbons in Physical Solvents
- Compositional Effects on PAH and Soot Formation in Counterflow Diffusion Flames of Gasoline Surrogate Fuels
- Diode Laser Measurements of HF Concentrations from Heptane/Air Pan Fires Extinguished by FE-36 and FE-36 Plus Ammonium Polyphosphate
- Parametric Study of Hydrogen Fluoride Formation in Suppressed Fires