Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
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Professor of Urology
Imam Reza Teaching Hospital, Tabriz Iran TeleFax: 0098 (411) 3342219 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Education: MD: Orumieh University of Medical Science 1987-1994, Orumieh. Iran Postgraduate Training: 1995-1999 Residency, Urology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences Certified: Iranian Medical Council License 1994 Iranian Board of Urology, 1999. Awards, Fellowships, Trainings
Neurourology and Urodynamic Research fellowship from Montreal children Hospital, McGill University Montréal, Quebec, Canada 2003. Female urology Fellowship in Jewish General hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2003 Urogynecology international curse, McGill University Montreal(by supervision of professor Corcos) , Quebec, Canada 2002 Neuro-urology observership in urology department of Sheffield University (by supervision of professor Chappel), Sheffield, UK 2009 Fellowship of Evidence Based Practice, JBI, Adelaide University, Australia, 2016
Top researcher staff award in “Research Festival of TUMS” 2005 Award as One of Top University Staff in Iran Top Associate Professor Award in Tabriz Medical School 2006. Top educational process award (Evidence Based Practice in urology department) Tabriz 2008
1 Research methodology workshop Tabriz 1999. Scientific writing workshop Tabriz 1999 Study design workshop Tabriz 2000. Animal lab workshops Montreal 2002 Data management workshops Montreal 2002 Statistic analysis workshop Montreal 2002-2003. Scientific writing workshop Tehran 2005. Evidence based medicine workshops Tabriz 2004-2011. Evidence based health care workshops Italy2005 Evidence based medicine teaching workshops Oxford 2006 Research Ethics workshops Tabriz 2006 Evidence based medicine teaching workshops Tabriz 2007 Evidence based medicine teaching workshops (Singapore- Mc Master) 2007 Clinical Guideline writing workshop. Singapore 2007 Asian Pacific Evidence based medicine teaching workshops Tiwan-2008 CASP international workshop Oxford 2008 GATE critical appraisal workshop of Rod Jackson, Tabriz 2009 Evidence Based Practice- Prognostic Studies by Paul Glazziou, Tabriz 2010 Cochrane collaboration workshop Tabriz 2010 Clinical Governance workshops Tabriz 2011 Top researcher staff award in “Research Festival of TUMS” 2011 Cochrane systematic Review workshops Tabriz 2013 Systematic Review workshops Kish 2015 Meta-analysis workshops Kish 2015 Presentation skills Belgium 2015 Second top research and educational center((EBM) award in “National Festival of TUMS” 2015
Skills: +15 years’ experience in: Diagnosis and treatment of female urinary incontinence, Open and minimally invasive methods like TOT, TVT, Mini sling, Bladder neck suspension… Diagnosis and management of female uro-genital fistula, including vaginal and abdominal approaches or tras-anal approach for recto-vaginal fistula Urodynamic study and Neurourology, especially SCI center of war disables. Management of overactive bladder, including: medical treatment, Botox injection, Neuro-modulation or augmentation. Diagnosis and management of Female Sexual Dysfunction Teaching general urology for urology and gynecology residents.
2 Teaching Evidence Based Practice and systematic review for academic and nonacademic health worker. Leading national HTA projects in Iran Research activities in all above fields
Academic Position 1999 Assistant Prof, Tabriz University of Medical Science. 2003 General director of researches in TUMS 2005 Associate professor of urology in TUMS 2005 Director of Evidence based medicine center of TUMS 2007 Educational Deputy of Tabriz Medical School TUMS 2008 Program Director of female urology fellowship TUMS 2009 Program Director of Clinical effectiveness TUMS 2010 Scientific secretary of international EBP in developing countries confrence, Tabriz 2011 Scientific secretary of Iranian Continence Society conference Tehran 2011 Professor of urology in TUMS Honors Member of International Continence Society (ICS) Active member of European Urology association (EUA) Active member of Society International urology (SIU) Member, Iranian Urological association & female urology branch Member of Iranian Evidence Based Medicine Center Member of Iranian Continence society board Member of Florida University Evidence Based Urology work group Member of Asian Pacific Evidence based Health care Net work Member of Research Council of Drug Applied Research Center of T.U.M.S Research and Clinical Interests Female Urology, Neurourology, Urodynamics, Female Sexual Dysfunction Evidence based health care, Systematic Review Selected Lectures (Congresses and Seminars): More than 150 lectures in field of urology or EBM. (Also see my full CV) Selected Published Articles: 1. Hajebrahimi S ,Taghizadeh A, The effects of pregnancy on transplanted kidney Iranian journal of urology No: 19, 1997. 2. Hajebrahimi S ,Madaen K. Prevalence of urinary incontinence in Tabrizian women Iranian journal of urology No: 26.2001. 3. Hajebrahimi S, Madaen K Comparison of urodynamic studies finding in incontinence and normal females. Iranian journal of urology No: 27.2001. 4. Hajebrahimi S, Madaen K ,Primary Adrenal lymphoma a case report. Iranian journal of urology No: 34, 2002. 5. Hajebrahimi S, Madaen K ,Effects of thyroid releasing hormone on urethral closure pressure in females with
3 voiding dysfunction. 6. Hajebrahimi S, Madaen K ,Prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms and incontinence in Iranian men 40 years old and older. Iranian journal of urology No: 35, 2002. 7. Hajebrahimi S, amjadi M Bladder stone after bladder neck suspension, Iranian journal of urology No: 36, 2002 8. Hajebrahimi S, Altaweel W, Cadoret J, Cohen E, Corcos J. Efficacy of botulinum-A toxin in adults with neurogenic overactive bladder: initial results. Can J Urol. 2005;12(1):2543-6. 9. Hajebrahimi S, Corcos J, Lemieux MC. International consultation on incontinence questionnaire short form: comparison of physician versus patient completion and immediate and delayed self-administration. Urology. 2004; 63(6):1076-8. 10. Karsenty G, AlTaweel W, Hajebrahimi S, Corcos J. Efficacy of Interstitial Cystitis Treatments: A Review. J EEUS. 2005; 10. 11. Hajebrahimi S, Azaripour A, Sadeghi-Bazargani H. Tolterodine immediate release improves sexual functions in women with overactive bladder. J Sex Med. 2008;5(12):2880-5. 12. Hajebrahimi S, Dahm P, Buckingham J; Evidence-Based Urology Working Group. Evidence-based urology in practice: the Cochrane Library. BJU Int. 2009; 104(8):1048-9. 13. Hajebrahimi S, Azaripour A, Sadeghi H.Clinical and Transperineal finding in female with stress urinary incontinence versus normal controls. Pa J BS. 2009;12. 14. Hajebrahimi S, Roshanghar L, Mohajery D, Zeynali M, Mesgari M. Effects of Mid-Urethral Tapes: An Animal Study on Female Rats. J Anim Vet Adv. 2011; 10: 1968-1973. 15. Hajebrahimi S, Mahboub Ahari A, Sadeghi Ghyassi F, Mostafaie A, Yousefi M. Holmium Laser Prostate Enucleation (HOLEP) Versus Trans -Urethral Resection of Prostate (TURP) in Treatment of Symptomatic Prostatic Enlargement; A Health Technology Assessment. Journal of Laser in Medical Sciences. 2011; 2(1):36-42. 16. Mostafaie A, Mahboub Ahari A, Sadeghi Ghyassi F, Hajebrahimi S, Yousefi M. Femtosecond Laser Versus Mechanical Microkeratome in Thin-Flap Laser in Situ Keratomileusis (Lasik) for Correction of Refractive Errors: an Evidence-Based Effectiveness and Cost Analysis. Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, 2011; 2(1): 6-11. 17. Amjadi M, Hajebrahimi S, Soleimanzadeh F. The Effect of Voiding Position on Uroflowmetric Parameters in Healthy Young Men. UroToday Int J. 2011; 4(3): 1944-5784. 18. Hajebrahimi S, Ahmadi Asrbadr Y, Azaripour A. Effect of tamsulosin versus prazosin on clinical and urodynamic parameters in women with voiding difficulty: a randomized clinical trial. Int J General Med. 2011; 4: 35–39. 19. Sadeghi Bazargani H, Hajebrahimi S. Evidence-Based Urology: How Does a Randomized Clinical Trial Achieve Its Designed Goals?. Urol J. 2011; 8: 88-96. 20. Jagannath VA, Fedorowicz Z, Sud V, Verma AK, Hajebrahimi S. Routine neonatal circumcision for the prevention of urinary tract infections in infancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012; 11: CD009129. 21. Behroozlak T, Hajebrahimi S, Haghipour Y. Suburethral Sling vs Standard Colporrhaphy With Suburethral Sling For Stress Urinary Incontinence Associated With Vaginal Prolapsed. The Internet Journal of Urology. 2011; 8(2). DOI: 10.5580/ee3. 22. Hajebrahimi, Hajeb A. Can the Low Dose Antimuscarinics after Botulinum Toxin Type A (Dysport) Injection in Overactive Bladder Reduce the Probability of Reinjection?. The Internet Journal of Urology. 2011; 8(2). DOI: 10.5580/12d. 23. Haj Ebrahim S, Bastani P, Hamedani R, Badiee S. Predictive Value of Intraoperative Hematuria for Bladder Rupture Caused by Passing Tunnlers during Suburethral Sling for Stress Urinary Incontinence. RJMS. 2010; 17(72): 25-30. 24. Seyed Rasooli E, Valizadeh S, Hajebrahimi S, Abedini K: Implementation of Evidence Based nursing practice guideline in Iranian geriatric population. Nursing & midwife Journal. 2011; 17: 4-11. 25. Hajebrahimi S, Mostafaie A, Sadeghi-Bazargani H. Evidence for the future - Designing a clinical trial. Indian J Urol. 2011; 27(4): 494-7.
4 26. Hajebrahimi S, Mostafaie A. How to teach evidence-based medicine to urologists. Indian J Urol. 2011; 27(4): 490-3. 27. Hajebrahimi S, Nourizadeh D, Hamedani R, Pezeshki MZ. Validity and Reliability of the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Urinary Incontinence Short Form and its correlation with urodynamic findings. Urol J. 2012; 9(4): 685-90. 28. Kazemi Rashed F, Nourizade D, Hajebrahimi S, Hasanzade K, Otoofat A. Does combination therapy with desmopressin and tolterodine improve the treatment outcomes of patients with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis? A randomized clinical controlled trial. ISRN Urol. 2013:413146. doi: 10.1155/2013/413146. 29. Jagannath VA, Fedorowicz Z, Sud V, Verma AK, Hajebrahimi S. Routine neonatal circumcision for the prevention of urinary tract infections in infancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Nov 14;11:CD009129. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009129.pub2. Review. 30. Olfati N, Dastgiri S, Hajebrahimi S, Jahanbin H. Factors influencing evidence-based practice by Iranian general practitioners. Int J Health Care Qual Assur. 2013; 26(4).
31. Hajebrahimi S, Sadeghi-Ghyassi F, Olfati N, Dastgiri S, Maghbouli L. “Evidence Based Practice: Perspectives of Iranian Urologists”, Urology Journal, 2013; 10(4): 1099-1105.
32. Hajebrahimi S, Abachi Nejad Asl F. Evidence Based Medicine and Clinical Governance: from Dream to Wisdom. J Clin Res Gov, 2013; 2(1): 41-42.
33. Taleschian Tabrizi N, Torabi Z, Bastani P, Mokhtarkhani M, Madani N, Parnian N, Hajebrahimi S. Assessing the Perception of Pain and Distress of Female Patients Undergoing Routine Urethral Catheterization in Cesarean Delivery. International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare (IJUDH), 2013; 3(2), 78-84.
34. Kolahdouzana K, Madani N, Parniyanfard N, Mostafaiea M, Madanloua K, Pourmaleka A, Ghojazadeh M, Hajebrahimi S. A Survey on the Amount of Adherence to STARD and CONSORT Standards in the Abstracts of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies and Randomized Controlled Trials Published in International Continence Society Abstract Book 2011. J Clin Res Gov, 2013; 2(1): 22-25.
35. Mokhtarkhani M, Torabie Z, Taleschian Tabrizi N, Beig Zali S, Hajebrahimi S. A Survey on the Validity of Advertisements Published in Three Top Urology Journals in 2010 and 2011: a Critical Review. J Clin Res Gov, 2013; 2(2).
36. Hajebrahimi S, Asl FAN. Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Governance: from Dream to Wisdom. Journal of Clinical Research & Governance. 2013;2(2):41-2.
37. Hajebrahimi S, Sadeghi-Ghyassi F, Olfati N, Dastgiri S, Maghbouli L. Evidence based practice: perspectives of Iranian urologists. Urology journal. 2013;10(4):1099-105.
38. Bastani P, Mallah F, Hajebrahimi S, Shoari N. Do you do preventive incontinence surgery during advanced anterior vaginal wall defect repair? International journal of urology; 2014: wiley-blackwell 111 river st, hoboken 07030-5774, NJ USA.
39. Ebrahimi MAH, Hajebrahimi S, Mostafaie H, Pashazadeh F, Hajebrahimi A. Physicians' Perspectives Toward Shared Decision Making in Developing Countries. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2014;4(18):3458.
5 40. Ghojazadeh M, Hajebrahimi S, Azami-Aghdash S, Pournaghi Azar F, Keshavarz M, Naghavi-Behzad M, et al. Medical students’ attitudes on and experiences with evidence-based medicine: a qualitative study. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2014;20(6):779-85.
41. Khayyati f, hajebrahimi s, sadeghi gf, allahverdipour a. Adaptation of school-based interventions guideline to prevent smoking. ,Kordestan Journal of Medicine, 2016: 3(26-31)
42. Mostafaie H, Parniyanfard N, Ghojazadeh M, Pourmalek A, Madanlou K, Abbaspour M, et al. Shared Decision-Making and Its Correlation with Demographic Characteristics of Iranian Patients. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2014;4(16):3140.
43. Sadeghi-Bazargani H, Farhoudi M, Hajebrahimi S, Naghavi-Behzad M, Sohrabnavi Z, Azami-Aghdash S. A Systematic Review on Clinical Indicators, Their Types and Codification Processes. Journal of Clinical Research & Governance. 2014;4(1).
44. Azami-Aghdash S, Tabrizi JS, Sadeghi-Bazargani H, Hajebrahimi S, Naghavi-Behzad M. Developing performance indicators for clinical governance in dimensions of risk management and clinical effectiveness. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 2015:mzu102.
45. Hajebrahimi S, Farshi A, Jabbari A, Bazargani HS, Babaei H, Mostafaie H. 1080 Does Tadalafil alleviate ureteral stent related symptoms? A randomized controlled trial. European Urology Supplements. 2015;14(2):e1080.
46. Jabbari A, Farshi A, Sadeghi-Bazargani H, Hajebrahimi S. Validity and reliability of the ureteral stent symptoms questionnaire to Persian language. 2015.
47. Sari Motlagh R, Hajebrahimi S, Sadeghi-Bazargani H, Joodi Tutunsaz J. Reliability and Validation of the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire in Over Active Bladder to Persian Language. LUTS: Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. 2015;7(2):99-101.
48. Taleschian-Tabrizi N, Farhadi F, Madani N, Mokhtarkhani M, Kolahdouzan K, Hajebrahimi S. Compliance with guideline statements for urethral catheterization in an Iranian teaching hospital. International journal of health policy and management. 2015;4(12):805. 49. Hajebrahimi S, Sadeghi-Bazargani H, Taleschian Tabrizi N, Farhadi F, Sadeghi Ghyassi F. Non-drug treatment for lower urinarytractsymptomsinwomenwith voidingdysfunction. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD011470. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011470 50. Sari-Motlagh R, Ebrahimi S, Nikfallah A, Hajebrahimi S, Shakiba B; Telegram Urologists Working Group. Lifelong Learning in Practice: The Age of Discussion through Social Media. Eur Urol. 2016 Feb 10. pii: S0302-2838(16)00165-2. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2016.01.046.
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