Student Association General Meeting


Student Association General Meeting

Seventh General Meeting Spring 2013 Semester

April 22, 2013


11:17 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Attendance: Sierra Korb

Hannah Roebuck

Benjamin Shearer

Chris Ellis

Eva de Charleroy

Jeffrey Derouin

Casey Taylor

Sarah Collins

Theresa McHugh

Absent: Monty Flynn-in and out of the room

42- Students


Missing Clubs: Basic-2nd Absence

Drama- 7th Absence

History-2nd Absence

Hockey-6th Absence

Math-2nd Absence

Missing Organizations E.S.O.




Sierra called meeting to order at 11:17 a.m.

Minutes from 4/8/13 were motioned for approval. Vets motioned. GSA seconded.

Sierra Korb-President

Sierra gave the group and overview of what was accomplished at the SUNY Student Assembly Spring 2013 conference in Albany, New York

Elections—all candidate paperwork due today. All spots have at least one candidate.

Sierra also announced Blood Drive is this Thursday and Friday (volunteers to help and donors are needed)

Sierra’s email:

Hannah Roebuck-Vice President Clubs and Organizations

Hannah reported that clubs need to get their three required community engagement pieces done.

If community engagement hours were completed, we need either email, agency letterhead, flyer, etc. stating the three club members’ names and what they accomplished before last day of classes (Spring 2013 semester).

Hannah also presented proposal for the Fall 2013 (handout):

General meeting start time: 11:20 a.m.

Roberts Rules of Order-meeting decorum

Training for all club members as well as advisors will be provided starting Fall 2013 semester.

Hannah’s email:

Jeffrey Derouin-Vice President-Media

Jeff announced the winner of the SA Logo Contest and the second place winner. Gift cards were given to both.

Jeff also asked how many students read their email, respond to twitter, and/or facebook. The weekly email provides a list of events. Please let us know if your club has its own Facebook page so we can link yours with our SA page

Most in audience had no response.

Jeff’s email:

Casey Taylor-Vice President-Entertainment & Programming

Casey reported the events this week and next week. Party on Quad—free food to students with OCC ID and $7.00 all others. T-Shirts will be given to all volunteers and raffled off throughout the event

He also announced Dinner/Movie this Friday.

Casey gave an APCA conference update to all. Casey asked all to send their events to him.

Casey’s email:

Benjamin Shearer-Student Representative to the Board of Trustees

Ben gave his update on the SUNY SA Conference in Albany.

Three resolutions were brought forward:

1.  Trayless SUNY—not passed

2.  Veterans in New York State—eligible for in-state tuition regardless of the state that the student originally was from-passed

3.  Paperless Transcript-table

4.  NYS Alert System

5.  Election of SUNY SA officers

6.  Ben also asked how many responded to proposal to remove kitchens in OCC Residence Halls.

7.  There were no responses-as no one was questioned. Ben had been informed that students were asked about the changes to the Residence Halls and reportedly had no issues with the proposed changes

8.  OCC Trustees are still attending classes.

9.  The OCC Budget hearing is on 6/14/13. The Onondaga County Legislature votes on 7/2/13.

Ben’s email:

Chris Ellis and Eva de Charleroy—OCCA Representatives

Both Chris and Eva reported they attended the last Spring 2013 OCCA Board Meeting.

Chris email:

Eva’s email:


The Club contact sheets will be critical to the Fall 2013 operation of Student Association.

Dr. Kraai gave an overview of Earth Week

Meeting adjourned 12:30 p.m.

Our next and final meeting is: May 6, 2013 at 11:15 a.m. in W-101

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa M. McHugh