St. Luke United Methodist Church 1306 West Lynn Street s1


Jan.12, 2009 to Jan.19, 2009

St. Luke United Methodist Church 1306 West Lynn Street

Austin, TX 78703

Sarah Currie, Pastor


Church Office: (512) 476-8164


Web site:

+ Norma Wood’s sister, suffering complications after surgery

+Barbara Schwab’s sister-in-law Diedre, with lung cancer

+ Delores Pasley, mother of Diana’s sister-in-law, with congestive heart failure

+ Alfred and Louise Schmitz

+ Lucille and Walter Timberlake

+ Adam Hinman

+ everyone at Oak Run apts, & all displaced by a fire

+ Joe Soto and the Oak Run maintenance staff for the loss of their maintenance & pool shop in the fire

Happy Birthday To:

January 12, Bob Newell

January 13, Nancy Quick

January 15, Bill Dorman

January 16, Max Rychlik

January 17, Kristen Word

January 25, James Silver

Ben Quick

Tom Word

Homeless Kits need the

following items:

breakfast, cereal and fruit bars,

small bottled water, travel size toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap, deodorant, socks, and gloves-- also please include


We are looking for folks to serve as Sunday morning greeters and hosts of fellowship time. Call the office or sign up downstairs on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall.

Dancing the days,…

Hello, Friends!

On Sunday we celebrated Jesus’ baptism, his calling and anointing by God, his conscious choice to accept that calling, and claim his true identity as the most human of holy men, the most holy of human beings.

Jesus was unique, and he sets the bar impossibly high, it may seem to us mere mortals. Yet throughout his teachings there runs this urgent, insistent, tough and tender theme:

I’m showing you who you really are.

God is doing a new thing in you.

The kingdom of God is within you.

You can do great things, too.

Just keep Love at the center.

Nothing can kill Love.

You are Love’s perfect instrument—

Just like me.

Be who you really are.

This coming week we have a momentous, never-to-be-duplicated opportunity to channel that Love, claim that promise, embrace that calling for ourselves, our faith community, our nation and our world.

All we have to do is remember who we really are—creatures emanating from the heart of a Creator whose essence is Love.

On Monday, our president-elect has asked us to do something, to commit ourselves to service in our community in a new and deeper way.

I’m going to march, and join our Bridge Builder friends at Wesley UMC

(see the announcements in these pages).

On Tuesday I’m going to call Mathews Elementary, and see if they need me to volunteer for an hour once a week as a mentor, a reading buddy, or another kind of companion for one of the beautiful kids in that population.

On Thursday or Friday I’m going to volunteer at Hope Food Pantry.

My plan this new year is to tithe my time, to give at least four hours a week to the community in service beyond the church. In the scheme of things it’s not much, but if we all do just a bit, and if we all embrace the spirit of service and sacrifice called for by our new president, I have no doubt that our nation will shine, our people will thrive, and the world will benefit in remarkable, healing ways.

I hope you’ll come to worship with me on Sunday, and hear once more some words of inspiration from leaders past and present.

I hope you’ll join with me in claiming this new year as a beautiful launching ground for a newly conscious, newly dedicated, newly hopeful journey as followers of Jesus’ loving, life-giving way.

I look forward to journeying with you this Sunday, and all our days to come.



Let there be

peace 0n earth,

and let it begin

with us!

Human Relations Sunday

is January 18. Come for

worship at 10:50 am, for inspirational readings in the tradition of Dr. King.

Join members of Bridge Builders

for the march from the Capital to Huston Tillotson, starting at 10 a.m. Then come for lunch and

Conversation at Wesley UMC,

1160 San Bernard St.

Contact Karol McMahan for more info—217—2282.

Sara Hickman

and Elizabeth Wills

“Sisters in Song”

Here at St. Luke UMC

Sunday evening, January 18

6 – 8 pm

Tickets are $15; a percentage

will benefit our ministries.

Spread the word!

Other Dates to Remember:

Thursday, Jan. 15—Trustees, 7 pm

Friday, Jan. 16 and 17- Sarah, Dianna,

and Gale, will be in San Antonio for

the Holy Boldness Academy

Tuesday, Jan. 20—Denim Dames & Dudes, 7 pm

(a brainstorming/planning session—everyone is welcome)

Friday, Jan. 30— Capital Outing

Denim Dames & Dudes,

Everyone interested in touring the Capital, please meet at St. Luke at 9:30 a.m. We will lunch at a local restaurant and be back at St. Luke by 3:00. Everyone is welcome! You may reach Lisa Adkins at 282-1763 who is the contact person

Scripture Readings

Sunday, Jan. 18

1 Samuel 3: 1-10, 11-20

Psalm 139: 1-6 13-18

1 Corinthians 6: 12-20

John 1: 43-51

Sunday, Jan. 25

Jonah 3: 1-5, 10

Psalm 62: 5-12 or 787

1 Corinthians 7: 29-31

Mark 1: 14-20



Saturday, Jan. 24

9 am-12:30 pm

Manchaca UMC

1011 FM 1626

Manchaca, TX 78652

Workshops include:

*Creating a Culture of Growth

*Developing the Next Generation of Leaders Today

*Introduction to SPRC

*Introduction to Trustees

*Introduction to Finance

*Christian Giving in Economic Uncertainty

*Personnel/HR Practices for the Local Church

*Healthy Leadership in an Age of Anxiety

All are welcome—no preregistration necessary.

For more info., contact

Rachel Wright at or 444-1983

A note from Sarah about this:

I really hope we have a good showing from St. Luke —call me if you are interested, or have any questions!

Robert Schase, author of

Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations,

will be leading a workshop on the book Saturday, Feb. 21, at University UMC, 5084 DeZavala Rd., in San Antonio. Calll Lynette Ramon at 210/408-4515 or email her, for more info.

Online registration is available on the conference website,

We’re starting a book group

on Thursday, February 5,

7 pm, at the parsonage,

1613 W. 14th.

Our first book:


by Marilynne Robinson

We hope to meet monthly.

Let Sarah know if you’re coming, and be thinking about another book!




We’re undertaking a study of Robert Schnase’s book, Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations.

Groups will meet for one hour during the five weeks of Lent, beginning Sunday, March 1.

Group times are:

Sunday morning, 9-10 am

Sunday evening, 6-7 pm

Wednesday, noon-1 pm

Wednesday, 6-7 pm

Contact the office, or call Sarah, to order your copy of the book,

@$15 per issue.