Radio Title: Bless Israel 008 WOE V8


Radio Title: Bless_Israel_008_WOE_v8


Former Title: WOE Anti-Semitism

Ask: $1,500, $500, $150

# Asks in Program: 3 Announcer ASKS

WOE PHONER PLUG: 1 from Yael Eckstein (Non-Dated)

Donation Provides: Airlift of One (1) Jew on WOE

Of Note: This is an existing IFCJ radio infomercial. It had the old $350 WOE ASK language. We are removing all of these references to the old $350 ASK and replacing/updating this radio infomercial with the new WOE Ukraine Freedom Flight for 2016 and with ASKS of $1,500, $500 and $150.


With a generous gift of $1,500 you can help one Jew return to Israel from a life of brutal hardship and religious persecution. You tax deductible donation will help with their airfare cost and resettlement assistance once they arrive in Israel. Become a partner with God in fulfilling Biblical prophecy here in 2016 in bringing these precious Jewish people home to Israel through The Fellowship’s “On Wings of Eagles Freedom Flights.” You can also give a gift of $500. We’ll join your donation with two others who are also giving $500. Lastly, you can also give a gift of $150, and together with 9 others who are also giving $150, you’ll rescue a Jew and put them on an upcoming Wings of Eagles Freedom Flight.

Phone Number →844-80-WINGS (844-809-4647)


Radio Infomercial

Transcript, Edits & Announcer ASKS


The following program, “Bless Israel with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein,” is made possible through the friends and supporters of The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews… presenting the plight facing God's chosen people today, so that you can be a blessing to them through your prayers and Christian love.

Here’s the president and founder of The Fellowship, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: My friends we're facing turbulent tumultuous times around the world today.

MALE SPEAKER: Many are calling an Arab spring is more like a radical Islamic winter.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: We are witnessing the rise of antisemitism around the world. In Europe --

FEMALE SPEAKER: Many little children on the floor, with blood around them.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: In the former Soviet Union.

FEMALE SPEAKER: The neighbors say we will poison you dirty Jews, they say it openly.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Terrorist attacks.

MALE SPEAKER: They say they were tortured and killed before the final shooting.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Time is not on our side.

MALE SPEAKER: [Hebrew spoken] exist and is big problem.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Every Jew who is in need of escaping from the forces of antisemitism today there is an Israel, that is the home for every Jew who flees there.

MALE SPEAKER: It's our Promised Land. It's a very important --

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Time is of the essence. We must seize this opportunity today in this miracle of God bringing his children home on Wings of Eagles.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: The phenomena of antisemitism, people who hate Jews and are prejudice towards the Jewish people has been with us perhaps from the very time of existence of the Jewish people.

But for many of us in North America the concept of antisemitism may seem foreign.

MALE SPEAKER: The Jews killed Jesus.

MALE SPEAKER: Jews did not kill Jesus.

MALE SPEAKER: God is going to come after them with a vengeance.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: It's just not a part of our culture. But here in the former Soviet Union antisemitism continues to be a very real force.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: I was walking down the main road here in Kharkov, the city in the former Soviet Union and I came across this and I looked across the street and I saw the same graffiti and I saw it and I said the past is still here. And we're learning in the newspapers of attacks in synagogues and of assaults on Jews in the universities. And now, we're seeing fresh graffiti attacking Jews.

OKSANA GALKEVICH: This inscription says that Yids should all be stabbed. Yid is a derogatory, negative word for Jew used all over the former Soviet Union. This is the name that the Nazis called Jews when they put us -- yellow Star of David, it's the same now.

FEMALE SPEAKER: They called us Yid and I realized that I am a Jew and because of the antisemitism that I felt it was very important for me and for my family to come to Israel.

NATAN SHARANSKY: There is a lot of street antisemitism, there are a lot of anti-Semitic feelings and there is no future for Jews in most of the parts of the former Soviet Union.

FEMALE SPEAKER: My name is Alexa and I came from Russia and the main reason my wife and I decided to leave was antisemitism, it was really awful there and we just did not want to bring up our children in a situation that was frightening.

NATAN SHARANSKY: Jews are in real danger. There are tens of thousand Jews who have to be rescued. I believe that we help to bring them to make Aliyah.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Aliyah means literally going up. And you find it in the Bible; let us go up to Zion. When you come to Israel to live you come on Aliyah, you are going up spiritually in the sense that you are closer with God.

There are still thousands, tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Jews yearning to come to this Holy Land. Jews who, cannot afford to pay for their trip themselves.

FEMALE SPEAKER: It's very hard to describe for someone in the west.

FEMALE SPEAKER: [Hebrew spoken]

FEMALE SPEAKER: The antisemitism that still lives here in the former Soviet Union.

FEMALE SPEAKER: [Hebrew spoken]

FEMALE SPEAKER: Valentina is the mother of five children and when they went out for one Shabbat in the synagogue --

FEMALE SPEAKER: [Hebrew spoken]

FEMALE SPEAKER: -- the neighbors they broke the door, came in and stole all what they have and left a note, “dirty Jews go out.”

FEMALE SPEAKER: [Hebrew spoken]

FEMALE SPEAKER: The neighbors told them we will poison you and you will all be dead, we will accomplish Hitler's task, Hitler lives in our heart Valentina's neighbor told her. And she's frightened now so, she has to live in fear because they promise her that they will poison her.


(With feeling)

There are thousands of people who desperately want to flee to Israel. But time is not on our side. It’s important to do what we can now while the doors to immigration are still open in most countries to bring these persecuted Jews home to Israel.

Every month throughout 2016, The Fellowship is conducting Ukraine Freedom Flights, rescuing Jews out of the war-torn regions of the former Soviet Union and flying them to a new life in Israel.

With a generous gift of $1,500 you can help one Jew return to Israel from a life of brutal hardship and religious persecution. Your tax deductible donation will help with their airfare cost and resettlement assistance once they arrive in Israel.

Become a partner with God in fulfilling Biblical prophecy here in 2016 in bringing these precious Jewish people home to Israel through The Fellowship’s “On Wings of Eagles Freedom Flights.”

You can also give a gift of $500. We’ll join your donation with two others who are also giving $500.

Think of the joy you will bring to one of God’s chosen people when you bless them in this way.

Lastly, you can also give a gift of $150, and together with 9 others who are also giving $150, you’ll rescue a Jew and put them on an upcoming Wings of Eagles Freedom Flight.

Here’s the phone number to call and rescue a Jew in the former Soviet Union and bring them home to Israel.

844-80-WINGS. That’s 844-80-WINGS.

You can also give online at I-F-C-J dot org, slash radio. That’s I-F-C-J dot O-R-G, slash radio.

Or, our phone number again is 844-80-WINGS. 844-80-WINGS. Numerically, the number is 844-809-4647. That’s 844-809-4647.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: There are thousands of people who need to flee to Israel. And it is imperative that we do what we can now, while we have the opportunity to do so; while the doors are open in most countries, to brings those Jews here to Jerusalem. Time is not on our side. Today we have that opportunity to join with God in the fulfillment of these prophesies in providing hope in the midst of what may appear like a hopeless situation by tangibly and meaningfully bringing them to freedom, enabling them to escape anti-Semitism.

MALE SPEAKER: To be Christians supporting this organization, for us it's all about showing the love of Jesus. Then I go back to God's word where he says I will bless those that bless Israel and I will curse those that curse Israel. And we would encourage anybody to step up, take that step of faith and see if God is true to his word. If, you will bless Israel, he will bless you.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: The Bible teaches us to bless the people of Israel, the Jewish people. How do you bless them? Well, certainly you can bless them through your words. Bless them by speaking out against antisemitism.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Jews attacked. Cemeteries destroyed. Threats of terrorism against Jewish institutions. But very often it's also beneath the surface, systemic to the society in which is exists.

FEMALE SPEAKER: [Hebrew spoken]

FEMALE SPEAKER: There is something which is called everyday antisemitism. I feel this. And I do not want it.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: When a child goes to school and because of his or her name is called dirty Jew. Where a person can't get a job because the boss doesn't like Jews.

MALE SPEAKER: I met a lot of newcomers from Russia and they said that we never felt equal, not in the university, not in the hospitals, not in getting jobs, not in -- no where.

FEMALE SPEAKER: My parents they weren't ah, promoted in their jobs, my mother heard at work don't you have like a, a country of your own to go there?

MALE SPEAKER: This kind of antisemitism, once you face it personally there is a terror atmosphere there for the Jewish people.


FEMALE SPEAKER: We came because of a lot of antisemitism in the Ukraine, people would come knocking at our doors and ah, call out anti-Semitic remarks and tell us to go back to our own country.


FEMALE SPEAKER: And my mother basically was very worried for my safety so we decided to pack up and come and live in Israel.


RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: The ingathering of the Jewish people is a sign of the redemptive period for the world. It's a sign that God has not forsaken his people. That God's words in the Bible through the prophets, foretelling a day when the Jewish people would be ingathered from the four corners of the world and come right here to Jerusalem to Israel when those prophesies would be fulfilled. That God's word is true.

MALE SPEAKER: For all of them to begin to come home, to fulfill the prophecy after they've been scattered all over the world for these hundreds of years and to know that we can be a part of that and help that is even more just such a blessing to us.



Friends, we pray that what we’ve been sharing with you on our program today has touched your heart.

Today you can help The Fellowship stop the anti-Semitism, stop the religious persecution and suffering that unfortunately so many precious and loving Jews still experience.

You can be an answer to prayer for the scattered remnants of Israel.

Every month throughout 2016, The Fellowship is conducting Freedom Flights from Kiev, Ukraine to Tel Aviv, Israel.

A generous gift of $1,500 will help save one Jew waiting to go to Israel. Your donation will make it possible for them to get a seat on one of these upcoming flights.

Call toll free 844-80-WINGS. That’s 844-80-WINGS. And tell the operator that you’d like to give a gift of $1,500 to help return one precious Jew to Israel.

You can also give a one-time gift of $500 and we’ll partner you with 2 others who are also giving $500.

Lastly, you can donate $150 toward an upcoming flight. We’ll include your donation with 9 others who are also donating $150, and together you’ll rescue one Jew on an upcoming Wings of Eagles Freedom Flight.

Here’s that number again. 844-80-WINGS. That’s 844-80-WINGS. Operators are standing by waiting for your call.

And please feel free to donate using your credit card. Your gift is tax deductible. Call right now. 844-80-WINGS.

You can also give online at I-F-C-J dot org, slash radio. That’s I-F-C-J dot O-R-G, slash radio.

Or, that phone number one more time, 844-80-WINGS. Numerically, the number is 844-809-4647. That’s 844-809-4647.

May God bless you and your family as you help rescue his chosen people, Israel.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: My friends, that's why we need your help now to fight the battle against antisemitism, to help those Jews in countries where they are oppressed to flee to Israel. And time my friends is of the essence.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: We are witnessing a very, very difficult, dangerous rise of Islamist radicalism around the world.

NATAN SHARANSKY: If we would look broader on the world, we believe there are at least 70,000 Jews who are in real danger due to some Arab country, Jews of Iran who are in big danger. Each of them is a person who tomorrow can be persecuted or declared a, a hostage.

RABBI YECHIEL ECKSTEIN: Jews are coming from the four corners of the world and there are countries in distress especially Ethiopia that on Wings of Eagles helps bring them from there as well. But because of the sensitivity of the situation and the possibility of the closing of the doors we need very quickly to get them out and in to Israel. The fact is that their life is an extraordinarily difficult one, living under very, very harsh, gruesome, difficult conditions, seeking desperately to come to their homeland. The situation today is a very sensitive, very complex one.