Paper Bag Book Report


You need to have a brown paper bag

1. Inside the paper bag there should be 6 to 10 items that represent significant events or characters from the book.

(An example: Goldilocks and the Three Bears you might put in a spoon, thermometer, ad for running shoes, a piece of doll furniture.)

2. On the paper bag draw a scene from the book which you will explain during the class presentation.

3. Also on the paper bag the following information must included: Title of the book, author, publishing company, date of publication, your name and date.

4. On a separate page of paper, give a summary of the story which should include the “5 W’s - Who? What? Where? When? Why? (1 pages).


CATEGORY / 4 –A / 3 – B / 2 – C / 1 -D
Knowledge / Can accurately tell author, illustrator, title and favorite part of story / Can accurately tell author, title and favorite part of story / Can accurately tell title and favorite part of story / Has trouble remembering title without prompting.
Voice / Always speaks loudly, slowly and clearly. Is easily understood by all audience members all the time / Usually speaks loudly, slowly and clearly. Is easily understood by all audience members almost all the time. / Usually speaks loudly and clearly. Speaks so fast sometimes that audience has trouble understanding. / Speaks too softly or mumbles. The audience often has trouble understanding.
Listens to Others / Always listens attentively to other storytellers. Is polite and does not appear bored or make distracting gestures or sounds. / Usually listens attentively to other storytellers. Rarely appears bored and never makes distracting gestures or sounds. / Usually listens to other storytellers, but sometimes appears bored. Might once or twice accidentally make a gesture or sound that is distracting. / Does not listen attentively. Tries to distract the storytellers, makes fun of them, or does other things instead of listening.
Knows the Story / The storyteller knows the story well and has obviously practiced telling the story several times. The speaker speaks with confidence. / The storyteller knows the story pretty well and has practiced telling the story once or twice. The speaker is relatively confident. / The storyteller knows some of the story, but did not appear to have practiced. The speaker appears ill-at-ease. / The storyteller could not tell the story without using notes.
project / Student has all requirements. / Student includes all but one requirement. / Student has all but two requirements. / Student student has more than 2 requirements missing.


Book Report Due October 6, 2008