Outdoor Catering Food Safety Checklist

Outdoor Catering Food Safety Checklist


Wehave provided the checklist below to help you identifyany hazardsand for you to put the necessary controls in place to make sure that the food is safe to eat. This isspecifically designed for caterers and food business operators attending outdoor events. Please take your completed checklist with you to the event.Ifyou answer ‘no’ to any of these questions, then there is a potential problemwhich will increase risks of something goingwrong.Most of these are common sense practices, whichyou haveprobably been following for years.


Food Safety Management
Do you havedocumentation on the foodsafety controls you adopt to ensure thefood you prepare issafeto eat? / Yes / No
Do you keepmonitoring record sheets, training records, etc? / Yes / No
Are these available for inspectionon your trailer/stall? / Yes / No
Are all foodstorageareasunder cover and protectedfrom contamination?
Are they clean and free from pests? / Yes / No
Do you haveenough refrigeration? Does it work properly? / Yes / No
Food preparation and service areas
Have you gotenough proper washable floor coverings for the foodpreparation
areas? / Yes / No
Have you identified precautionsthat may take to keep mud outof thestall inwet weather? / Yes / No
Are all worktops and tables sealed or covered with animpervious,washable material? / Yes / No
Have you got enough preparation worktop space? / Yes / No
Have you got enough wash hand basins? Are they supplied with hot and cold water, soap and paper towels? / Yes / No
Have you gotsinks which are large enough to wash food and equipment in(including bulky items)? Are they supplied with hotand cold water? / Yes / No
If there is nomains drainage have youmade hygienic provision for the disposalof waste water, e.g. waste pipe from sinkto waste water carrier? / Yes / No
Have you gotenough freshwater containers? Are they clean and have they got caps? / Yes / No
Do you have a procedure for sterilizing the containers? / Yes / No
Have you got a supply of hot water reserved for washing up and hand washing? / Yes / No
Have you got adequate natural/artificiallighting, particularly for food preparationand serviceat night? / Yes / No
Is all your food equipment in good repair? Are any repairs outstanding since your lastevent? / Yes / No
Is your stall/vehicle clean?Can it be kept clean? Have you allowedtime for thoroughcleaning of the vehicle/stallequipment betweenevents? / Yes / No
Do you havea cleaningschedule to ensure all areasare kept clean? / Yes / No
Have you anample supplyof clean clothsand a ‘food-safe’ disinfectant/sanitiser to clean food and hand contact surfaces? / Yes / No
Are the cleaning chemicalsstored away from food? / Yes / No
Can food beprotected from contamination atall times? / Yes / No
Is the unit free from pests,and is open food protected from flying insects? / Yes / No
Have you got proper binswith lids for food andother waste?Where will this be disposed of? / Yes / No
Do you havearrangements for the collection and disposal of wasteoil? / Yes / No
Are all your food handlerstrained,supervised or given instruction to ensure food safety? Haveyou any untrained, casualstaff carryingout high risk food preparation? / Yes / No
Do your staffdisplay a good standard ofpersonal hygiene and wear clean over- clothing? Have you a goodsupply of clean overalls/aprons? / Yes / No
Are your staffawarethat they should not handle food if suffering from certain illnesses? / Yes / No
Have you a first aid box with blue waterproof plasters? / Yes / No
Safefoodpracticesduringthe event
Is goodstockrotation carried out,and are stocks within their expirydates? / Yes / No
If you use raw and cookedfoodsare they adequately separated during storage? / Yes / No
Are high-riskfoods(e.g. cooked rice)stored under refrigeration below 8°C? / Yes / No
Are you purchasing raw ingredientsor food products from a reputable company? / Yes / No
Do staff always wash their hands beforepreparing food, andafterhandling raw food? / Yes / No
Are separate utensilsused for rawandcooked food, e.g. tongs, knives,etc? / Yes / No
Do you use separate chopping boards for rawand cooked food? / Yes / No
If you answered ‘no’ to the previous question, are they properly disinfected between contact with raw and cooked foods? / Yes / No
Is all frozenmeatand poultry thoroughly thawed before cooking? / Yes / No
Is all meat and poultry cooked until it ispiping hot (above 70°Cand the juices run clear? / Yes / No
Are cooked and part-cooked food separated during cooking? / Yes / No
Reheating food
Is all food reheated to above 75°C? / Yes / No
Do you only reheat foodonce? / Yes / No
After cooking
Is food cooked and servedstraightaway? / Yes / No
If ‘no’ is it held at 63°C orabove untilserved? / Yes / No
Once cooked, is food protected from contact with rawfood and foreign bodies? / Yes / No
Do you and your staff operate a ‘clean-as-you-go’ procedure? / Yes / No
Are you usingclean clothsand a ‘food-safe’ disinfectant/sanitiser to clean food contact surfaces? / Yes / No
Hand washing
Are your staffwashing their hands regularly, e.g.onentering theunit, especially after visiting the toilets, handling raw food, etc / Yes / No

Authorised Officer: ______Date: ______

Food Business Operator: ______Date: ______