Only the First Letter of the First Word Capitalized

Valencia, May 24-25 Clustering-2018


3rd International Conference on Clusters and Industrial Districts

Valencia (Spain), May 24-25, 2018

Title of the research proposal

(only the first letter of the first word capitalized)

Author 1

University of XXXX (Country)



University of XXXX (Country)



Select ParrafoClust as the style of this paragraph. Length of the abstract: up to 350 words.


Keyword 1; Keyword2; Keyword3; no more than 5 keywords allowed

Title of the research proposal

(only the first letter of the first word capitalized)

1  TITLE 1

All the paragraphs indented. Select the style “ParrafoClust”. Times New Roman 11, 1.5 spacing between lines; paragraph fully justified. No spacing between paragraphs.

Paper length: once formatted in this template, try to maintain your document within a total length of no more than 20 pages all included.

1.1  Title 2

Select the style “ParrafoClust”. TITLE 1, Title 2 and Title 3 have their own styles created. Choose them from the styles inventory or copy/paste.

1.1.1  Title 3

Please, insert tables and figures in the middle of the text where appropriate. Include figure/table caption on top and source below.

Table 1: this is an example

Titles in first raw in bold / Titles in first raw in bold / Titles in first raw in bold
Text left aligned and vertically aligned in the middle / Numbers aligned in the centre / 9.9
Copy/paste this table as many times as needed / 9.9 / 9.9

Source: write your source here


Choose the style “ReferencesCluster”. French indentation as showed in these examples (the first is an article, and the second is a book):

Cruz, S. & Teixeira, A. (2010). The evolution of the cluster literature: shedding light on the regional studies–regional science debate, Regional Studies, 44(9),1263-1288.

Hall, C., Williams, A. y Lew, A. (2004). Tourism: Conceptualizations, institutions, and issues. A companion to tourism, Blackwell Publishing.

Citations in the main text: if more than 2 authors, include Author1 et al. (Year). If two authors use & between the authors’ surname. In multiple references, list them from older to newer separated by a semi-colon. Examples:

Cruz & Texeira (2010) showed that…

Hall et al. (2004) considered that…

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