Notebook Check Grades

Notebook Check Grades

Notebook Check Self-Evaluation and Grade

Grade your notebook according to the following rubric. If your grade does not match mine, please feel free to ask about the reason for any difference.

organization / on time / completion (x3)
0 points means this: / No notebook is turned in. / No notebook is turned in or it is turned in more than a week late / No notebook is turned in.
1 point means this: / There are none of these:
  • syllabus is in the front
  • quizzes/tests are in their own section
  • assignments are in order
/ The notebook was turned in 3-5 days late. / About 25% or less of assignments have been completed.
2 points means this: / There is one of these:
  • syllabus is in the front
  • quizzes/tests are in their own section
  • assignments are in order
/ The notebook was turned in 1-2 days late. / Between about 25% and 75% of assignments have been completed.
3 points means this: / There are two of these:
  • syllabus is in the front
  • quizzes/tests are in their own section
  • assignments are in order
/ The notebook was turned in by the end of the day. / Between about 75% and 95% of assignments have been completed.
4 points means this: / There are all of these:
  • syllabus is in the front
  • quizzes/tests are in their own section
  • assignments are in order
/ The notebook was turned in on time. / About 95% or more of assignments seems to be completed.
total points for this category (with example at the bottom): / example: A notebook with quizzes/tests missing would receive a 3. / example: A notebook turned in on time would receive a 4. / count this three times (for example, 3 = a total of 9 here)
example: A notebook with about 80% of the work completed would receive a 9 because 3 x 3 = 9.

Document your estimate for the total grade on the front. The example is given first.

How grades translate:

19-20 = A 17-18 = B15-16 = C 13-14 = D1-12 = INC

Notebook Check Self-Evaluation and Grade

Use the rubric on the back to complete the self-evaluation.

what is being checked / self-evaluation
(out of 20) / actual grade
(out of 20) / notes regarding grade (see me if you have questions)
example / 15 / 16(C) / Be sure to have quizzes/tests in your notebook. Also, be sure to complete any assignments not completed in class.
1: Introduction and the Federalist Period
2: Expansion and Reform
3: Civil War and Reconstruction
4: New West
5: Gilded Age, and Progressive Era
6: Imperialism and WWI
7: Roaring 20s and Great Depression
8: WWII and the early Cold War
9: 1950s to early 1970s Domestic Affairs and Vietnam
10: 1973—today