New Patient Questionnaire

Dr. Moore’s New Patient Questionnaire

Name: Age: Date:

What problem would like evaluated today (e.g. left knee pain)? ______


On the body diagrams use the appropriate symbols to mark where you feel the following sensations:

Numbness Pins and Needles Burning Stabbing Aching

=== ooo xxx /// •••

On the line below please indicate (with an X) how severe your pain is now.

No Pain------Worst possible pain

0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 – 10

When did the problem start (approximately what date)?

Did the problem result from trauma (e.g. an accident)? yes no

If yes, please describe: ______

Have you been evaluated by a physician or received any treatment for this problem?

yes no

If yes, what treatments (check all applicable boxes)?

Pain medicine Brace Physical Therapy

Surgery Injections Alternative Medicine Other______

If you have pain, what is it like (check all applicable boxes)?

Sharp Dull Ache Episodic Constant

Numb Burning Radiating Stiffness Swelling

Joint feels unstable Other______

What makes your symptoms worsen?

Motion Activity Bending Lifting Early morning

Running Touch Standing Lying End of day

Sports Random Overhead activities Other ______

What makes your symptoms improve?

Physical Therapy Ice Heat Medicine

Alternative Meds Injections Sitting Lying down

Exercise Massage Nothing Other______

What is your height (in feet and inches)? ______

What is your weight (in pounds)? ______

Past Medical History: Please check (X) the box next to any problems that apply to you (or the patient if completing for a child).

Heart disease Lung disease Kidney disease

Eye disease Auto-immune disease High blood pressure

Liver Disease/Hepatitis Diabetes Thyroid Disease

Other endocrine disease Ulcers/Reflux Neurological disease

Stroke Epilepsy Skin lesions or rash

Bleeding/Easy bruising Sickle cell disease Other anemia

Cancer Arthritis Gout or pseudogout

Depression Other psychiatric disease

None Other______

Past Surgical History: Please list all surgeries you have had, their dates, and the hospital where the procedure was done.


Type of Surgery / Date of Surgery / Name of Hospital

Have you had any of the following diagnostic studies performed?

X-rays / radiographs

CT (computed tomography)

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

EMG/NCV (electromyogram / nerve conduction velocity)

Bone scan / nuclear medicine study

Who is your primary care doctor or provider?______


What medications do you take? ______




Allergies: Please check (X) the box next to any allergies that apply to you.

No Known Allergies Penicillin Sulfa

Iodine Shellfish Cephalosporins

Other antibiotics, medications, foods, or dyes:______

Do you have any difficulty taking anti-inflammatory medicines (e.g. Motrin)?

Yes No Unknown

Review of Symptoms: Please check (X) the box next to any problems that apply to you (or the patient if completing for a child).

Fever or Chills Difficulty sleeping unintended weight loss

Heat or Cold Intolerance Change in Gait Weakness

Loss of control of bowel Loss of control of bladder Numb arm or leg

Dizzy or light-headed Chest Pain Shortness of breath

Night pain Endocrine/hormonal Psychiatric/emotional

Other difficulties:______

Family History:

Cancer Diabetes Heart Disease Stroke

Bleeding Problems Sickle cell anemia Sudden death Arthritis


Social History:

Tobacco use: no yes if yes, packs per day_____, years of use _____

Alcohol use: no yes if yes, amount per week______.

Work status: employed unemployed disabled retired

What is your occupation?______

Marital status: single married divorced separated widow/widower

Handedness: right left ambidextrous

Developmental History: (complete if patient is an infant or child)

Did pregnancy go to full term? yes no unknown

Normal birth / normal first exam? yes no unknown

Normal motor developmental milestones? yes no unknown

Normal verbal developmental milestones? yes no unknown

Are immunizations up to date? yes no unknown

Is the child generally healthy? yes no unknown

If you answered “no” to any of the above questions, please elaborate below:



Doctor’s Notes:


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