Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council Meeting Held s8


ON MONDAY 14 JUNE 2004 AT 7.00 PM

In the Chair: Councillor C McCambridge

Members Present: Councillors M Black, C Blaney, S Blaney, M Digney, H A Harding, G Hartin, W Graham, T Laverty, D McAllister, A P McConaghy, R D McDonnell, M Molloy and O McMullan.

Also Present: Mr R G Lewis, Clerk & Chief Executive

Mr K McGarry, Tourism Development Recreation Manager

Mr T Stuart, Technical Services Manager

Mrs E Mulholland, Development Manager

Mrs D McLean, Interim Human Resources Manager

Miss F McCorry, Member Services/Clerical Officer



An apology was received on behalf of Councillor McIlroy who was unable to be present.

Chairman’s Business

Moyle Art Exhibition

Councillor McCambridge stated that the Moyle Art would be exhibited in the Mayors Parlour during the Ballycastle Fest.

HMS Breacon

Councillor McCambridge stated that HMS Breacon had visited Ballycastle and that hospitality had been made available in the Mayor’s Parlour. She also stated that she would like it to become an annual visit.


Councillor McCambridge expressed her congratulations to Ms Elinor Glynn of the Coleraine Chronicle, on her new post as North Antrim correspondent for the Newsletter. She thanked Ms Glynn for her years of coverage of the Moyle area and expressed her best wishes for the future.

Members concurred with these remarks.

Planning Meeting

Councillor McCambridge stated that the planning meeting to be held on Monday 28 June 2004 would commence at 4.00pm due to civil service industrial action, and suggested that the planning meetings continue to commence at 4.00pm until the end of the industrial action.

This was agreed.

Special Council Meeting

After discussion, it was agreed that the Special Council Meeting to be held on Monday 5 July 2004 would commence at 5.30pm.


The minutes of the Council Meeting held on 10 May 2004 and the minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on 1 June 2004, having been circulated, were taken as read.

After discussion,

Councillor McConaghy proposed

Seconded by Councillor Graham and resolved,

“That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 10 May 2004 and the minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on 1 June 2004 be adopted.


Ballycastle Tennis Courts

Councillor Laverty referred to page twelve of the minutes of the 10 May 2004 and in particular to the Ballycastle Tennis Courts, and enquired if the locking system would be installed in the tennis courts before the July tournament.

The Technical Services Manager (TSM) stated that he had stressed the urgency with the consultants but pointed out that they had not committed to a completion date.

Councillor Laverty stated that he would like the work to be completed as soon as possible to ensure that there would be no damage to the courts.

Fisherman’s Path, North Street, Ballycastle

Referring to pages thirteen and fourteen of the minutes, Councillor Laverty requested an update on the Fisherman’s Path on North Street, Ballycastle as he stated that he had heard that the land would be vested off Council.

The Clerk stated that there had been no communication from the Road Service with regards to vesting the land.

In reply to Councillor McCambridge, the TSM stated that the person who knocked down the wall was responsible for public safety.

After discussion,

Councillor McDonnell proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Graham,

“That formal notice should be given to reinstate the wall”.

Councillor Laverty stated that members had to consider the health and safety need for a footpath.

After further discussion,

Councillor McCambridge proposed,

Seconded by Councillor Graham and resolved,

“That the meeting would continue in committee”.

After discussion, it was agreed to investigate if the planning application for the site at the Fisherman’s Path had been withdrawn or not. It was also agreed that DRD Road Service would be approached to enquire what their intentions would be for a footpath.

It was agreed that the meeting would continue out of committee.

Illegal Dumping

Councillor McMullan referred to page nineteen of the minutes and in particular Illegal Dumping and stated that Council should write to the NIO enquiring what joint approach the two governments are taking on illegal dumping, and how it was being dealt with.

This was agreed.

Mid Antrim Motor Club Ltd

Councillor McAllister referred to page fourteen of the minutes and in particular the Mid Antrim Motor Club Ltd and thanked Council for allowing the club to have the use of the all weather pitches and playing fields at the Quay Road and Ferry Terminal to facilitate the running of a Special Stage Car Rally on Saturday 29 May 2004.

Councillor Laverty concurred with this remark, and stated that it had been a great success.


Councillor McMullan requested that item thirteen of the agenda, Housing Executive House Sales, be discussed as part of the NIHE presentation.

This was agreed.

Councillor McCambridge welcomed Mr Frank O’Connor and Mr Gerry McCusker of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) to the meeting.

Mr O’Connor thanked members for allowing Mr McCusker and himself to attend the meeting, and informed members that at the end of the financial year in March 2004, the NIHE had spent £1.9 million on housing within the district area. He also informed members that the intention for the current financial year was to spend £3.4 million within the district, and in particular on major projects, external improvements, repairs and grants to the private sector.

He stated that the NIHE was selling off properties and pointed out that a review was currently on-going. He also stated that ten years ago, one in three houses in Ballycastle were owned by the NIHE but pointed out that the number owned by NIHE was reduced to eighteen percent, and that it was anticipated that a further fifty four houses would be sold.

Mr O’Connor stated that there were a significant number of houses rented out on a private basis. He also informed members that lack of affordable houses had put pressure on NIHE waiting lists, and pointed out that in 2003, the house prices in Moyle were higher than the Northern Ireland average, and that in recent years, Moyle had the second highest house prices in the province.

Referring to waiting lists for NIHE housing, Mr O’Connor stated that the waiting list had increased but pointed out that the figures appeared more startling than they actually were, and informed members that twenty nine households on the waiting list had been offered accommodation and had refused it.

He informed members that two major issues that had arisen over the province were homelessness and anti-social behaviour. He pointed out however that there was some homelessness in the district but that it was of a fairly low level, and that nine cases of anti-social behaviour had been recorded for the area which mainly involved pets, gardens and noise levels. He also stated that in some towns in the district a number of new generation initiatives had been introduced to stabilise anti-social behaviour.

Finally, Mr O’Connor stated that he would like to pay tribute to the elected members that both Mr McCusker and he frequently dealt with, and in particular Councillor McIlroy for his diligent attendance at the Housing Council meetings. He then invited members to ask questions.

In reply to Councillor S Blaney, Mr O’Connor stated that everyone was entitled to put their name on a waiting list, but that unless they satisfied the priority need, they would not be registered as homeless.

In reply to Councillor Laverty, Mr O’Connor stated that the waiting list for housing had grown over the last twelve months and that they had been in contact with housing associations to try to overcome the situation. He also stated that the NIHE would respond to the increase in numbers through the Northern Area Plan.

Councillor McMullan referred to the agenda item, Housing Executive House Sales, and pointed out that the sale of NIHE houses had ceased since May 2004 during the consultancy period of the Northern Area Plan. He also pointed out that the discount on the purchase of housing had been reduced from thirty percent to twenty percent, but informed members that there was actually a thirteen percent loss on discount.

He also stated that very little consultation had taken place between the DRD, the Housing Executive and other agencies, and suggested that Council resist the changes and call a meeting with the Minister to oppose the proposed changes of house sales.

Mr O’Connor stated that the Department of Social Development had introduced a statutory scheme that any applications prior to 18 May 2004 would continue for the sale of NIHE houses, but that after that date, the applications would be subject to the consultancy.

Councillor McMullan also enquired what number of people had been relocated to Moyle from neighbouring areas. He stated that he had requested the figures before, and pointed out the importance of addressing the issue and that it should also be addressed by the Minister.

Mr O’Connor stated that anyone applying for a Housing Executive house could apply for any area, and pointed out that the allocation of housing was based on a points scheme.

Councillor Harding stated that she wished to thank the NIHE staff for all their help during the year, but enquired why grass would not be lifted after it had been cut in the NIHE developments.

Mr O’Connor replied that the grass was not collected for three reasons. Firstly for practical reasons as they had no where to put it. The second reason was for economic reasons as it would increase the cost incurred for cutting it, and thirdly for environmental reasons because it was removed, the soil would become impoverished.

Councillor Digney stated that the lack of housing was not just a problem for Ballycastle but for the whole of the district of Moyle.

Mr O’Connor stated that the NIHE recognised the need for housing in the Glens community, but pointed out that there were difficulties in obtaining sites, and pointed out that they were putting continued pressure on the housing associations.

In reply to Councillor Laverty, Mr O’Connor stated that refurbishments had to comply with certain standards and go through building control, and pointed out that the refurbishments satisfied their technical department.

In reply to Councillor S Blaney, Mr O’Connor stated that the Northern Area Plan had not yet been published, but that document PPS12 would deal with issues such as affordable housing, second homes and the needs of travelling people.

Councillor McCambridge thanked Mr O’Connor and Mr McCusker for the presentation of the NIHE Annual Report, and their continued assistance to elected members, and they left the meeting at this point.

After discussion,

Councillor McMullan proposed,

Seconded by Councillor McConaghy and resolved,

“That a letter be sent to the Minister stating that Council objects to the proposed policy changes on the sale of Housing Executive houses and also seeking a meeting with the Minister before the end of the consultancy period to discuss the same.”

The meeting adjourned for a break at 8.36pm.

The meeting reconvened at 8.45pm.


Councillor McCambridge welcomed Mr Jeremy Finch, Director International ICT, Mr George McKinney, Manager North Easter Local Office and Mr Colm Neill, INI to the meeting.

Mr Finch thanked members for allowing his colleagues and himself attend the meeting and informed members on the mission statement and objectives of Invest Northern Ireland (INI) and the intervention principles and forms of assistance available to local businesses.

He then asked Mr McKinney to inform members of INI local activities.

Mr McKinney informed members that INI was located in Ballymena and that it services Antrim, Ballymena, Ballymoney, Carrickfergus, Larne and Moyle council areas. He stated that in Moyle there were twelve primary active clients employing two hundred and eight people and that there were sales of £28 million in 2002/03 with export sales of £19 million.

He stated that the role of the local office was to promote enterprise and to increase new business starts with potential export and assist established companies to build capability to export.

He also pointed out that there were regional development initiatives, signposting for additional assistance and informed members that INI worked with partners to ensure a co-ordinated approach to economic development, supported the work of the Business International Division and of the Property Solution Unit.

He stated that INI gave assistance for local, external and global businesses, and that there was a Start a Business Programme which gave training, advice, planning and financial resources and mentoring. He also informed members that there was assistance at pre-start to help with research, gave incentives and business planning, and that there was assistance for established businesses which provided situational analysis process, financial support and non financial support.