Lake Saint Louis Community Association s1

Lake Saint Louis Community Association

Lakes & Parks Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: September 1, 2009

Time: 7:00 P.M.

I. Call to Order: 7:02pm by Chairman Mispagel

II Roll Call

Present Absent


Tom Mispagel, Chairman (2009) ___X______

Darrell Hollinger, Vice Chairman (2009) ___X______

Barry Berisford, Secretary (2010) ___X______

Duane Wall (2010 ) ___X______

Jerry Lee (2011) ______X_____

John Dangoia (2010) ___X______

Jerry Disper (2011) ___X______

Joe Dattilo, (2010) ___X______

Michelle Beattie (2009) ___X______

Skip Raleigh (2011) ______X_____

Nan McCabe (2010 ______X_____

Tom Bick (2011) ___X______

Staff Representative

Ron Wilson ___X______

CA Board of Directors

Terry Pollard, Board Liaison ______X______

Greg Jones ___X______

III.  Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve as amended to include dates for World Record Float and Barefoot Tournament.

(Approved 8-0)

IV.  Approval of August 2009 Minutes: Motion to approve as submitted, less ‘Secretary’s note’ to be resolved by Ron Wilson).

(Approved 8-0)

V.  Guests: Henry Levinson, representing Marty Levinson: RE: Requesting approval to register’96 Sanger inboard boat. The committee determined that the subject boat has not been USAWS tested and approved and is not on the LSL list of approved Class 6 boats. The committee suggested that Mr. Levinson contact the factory to determine if the ’96 Sanger 20 SE has a hull identical to one previously tested and approved by USAWS, obtain such confirmation in writing from the factory and resubmit their request.

Kurt Huels RE: Requesting approval to register ’61 Century Roadster V-8 inboard ski boat. The committee noted the boat is a beautiful antique classic and would be an enhancement to the boat population. The committee noted the engine’s rated 225 horsepower is in the same range as many of our Class 5 six cylinder registered boats.

The committee suggested Mr Huels obtain an accurate weight for his boat and take his request to the CA Board for an exception to the boating rules.

Elmer Powell: Representing Concerned LSLCA members: A newly formed interest group with representatives attending various CA activities to learn more about the CA and its operations.

VI.  Committee Reports

1.  City Parks: Tom Mispagel reported the triathlon was reported to be very successful.

2.  Aquatics: Ron Wilson reported that swim season is winding down. The pool will close after Labor Day.

3.  Finance: Joe Dattilo reported the committee approved the pool resurfacing project. 2010 capital projects are under review.

4.  Engineering and Facilities: Ron Wilson reported no action at recent meeting.. Foliage clean up is underway at the Duello Rd. silt holding area.

5.  Water Safety Committee: No meeting.

6.  Maintenance Items: None to report.

VII.  Results of Board of Directors Meeting: The Board approved that no more than four of the seven Dri Port pontoons in question may be registered at LSL. Dri Port can select which four.

VIII.  Old Business

a.  Water Patrol Report: Copy of August and Year to Date actions taken. No serious issues to report.

IX.  New Business

a.  2010 Capital Improvements: The committee reviewed the proposed list and prioritized the list as show in Attachment 1.

Motion: Recommend the Finance Committee accept the prioritized 2010 Capital Improvements as shown in Attachment 1.

Approved (8-0)

b.  World Record Float:

Motion: Recommend the CA Board of Directors approve the use of Lake St Louise for the next attempt at the World Record Float on 24 July 2010.

Approved (8-0)

c.  Barefoot Tournament:

Motion: Recommend the CA Board of Directors approve the use of Lake St Louise for the 2010 Barefoot Tournament 24-25 July 2010.

Approved (8-0)

X.  Comments from Committee Members: None

XI.  Adjournment: 8:15pm

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Berisford, Lakes & Parks Secretary

Attachment 1

to September 2009 Lakes & Parks Minutes

2010 Lakes and Parks Capital Improvements Requests

Prioritized List

1, Jefferson Point Improvements.

1.  Replace Wood Dock

2.  Pavilion & Restrooms

3.  Sand volleyball court

4.  Paving and Lighting

2. Two (2) more courtesy boat spaces by large lake spillway

3. Bollard lighting on Dock Areas - $10,000/year

4. Pavilion/Restrooms at Woodlands. $80,000

5. Restroom at Lakewood

6. Pavilion/Restrooms at Brittany. $60,000