Jordan Child Development Center Early Intervention Requirements of the Affiliation

Jordan Child Development Center Early Intervention Program

Affiliation Requirements

1.  Present an in-service related to pediatrics and early intervention. Topic mutually agreed upon by the CI’s and student.

2.  Complete an evaluation/assessment on a child. Become familiar and use standardized and non standardized assessments. i.e., Batelle, Peabody, Bayley, ELAP, and HELP. Determine whether a child qualifies for early intervention services.

3.  Write an evaluation summary on the outcome sheet.

4.  Write goals for an initial IFSP.

5.  Participate in proper paperwork needed by the state of Utah early intervention program. Prior notice, permission to evaluate, testing, outcome summary form, eligibility form.

6.  Know components of an early intervention file and make sure files of the kids you are responsible for are up to date.

7.  Write a 6 month review with supervision.

8.  Participate in a yearly evaluation and IFSP.

9.  Participate in a transition meeting, set up the meeting and include all of the needed personal within the time frame needed.

10.  Participate in an IEP and know the process of an IEP.

11.  Write a letter of medical necessity for equipment using the Medicaid form.

12.  Coordinate with other early intervention personnel to plan the child’s program.

13.  Develop a working relationship with the families of our students and become competent at family training while visiting with them.

14.  Write up timely home programs for the families while at every visit.

15.  Hand in home visit notes to the secretary in a timely manner.

16.  Be able to contact a physician if needed to discuss treatment plan and early intervention goals.

17.  Be able to independently coordinate with all therapists your daily schedule.

18.  Be able to physically assess a child and understand and make inference about how each child is different in different positions, Right side vs. Left side, Upper extremities vs. Lower extremities and then make home programs from that information.