Grays Medical Practice and Gosbury Hill GP Clinic
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Grays Medical Practice and Gosbury Hill GP Clinic
Minutes of PPG Meeting Wednesday 27th February 2013 – 14:00
Loraine Clarke (LC) – Assistant Manager Patient 1 (TE) – Grays Medical Practice (GMP) PPG Patient 2 (MI) – Gosbury Hill GP Clinic (GHGPC) PPG
Apologies: Mike Finnegan (MF) – Manager
LC thanked TE & MI for coming. She explained MF was unable to attend as he had a meeting to attend at another practice, but had requested this meeting to give an update on the redevelopment of the building.
LC explained the NHS Kingston had now appointed a Project Manager (PM) to write a business case for the new build and had been given a deadline of the end of March for this to be completed. PM has requested a meeting with the patients of all three practices to find out what the patients would like to be available in the new surgery. LC advised they and the patients would be notified when this was to happen.
LC advised the plans have been drawn and all three practices are in discussions as to the use and divide of the room allocations. This is calculated according to the practice list sizes and future growth. The plans have to go to Kingston planning department for approval and once the business case is prepared it has to go from NHS Kingston to NHS London for agreement.
The Orchard practice will have to vacate the existing building to allow the building works to commence and will be housed in portacabins built in the area around 1 Gosbury Hill, the building currently occupied by GHGPC & GMP, with all patients using the same entrance.
As explained previously to facilitate the redevelopment of the Health Centre GMP staff and patients have already moved to this building on the 14th August 2012.
The admin teams are working across both practices, as are the nurses and doctors.
MI was concerned about the continuity of the doctors. She had visited 3 times regarding the same problem and had seen a different doctor each time. LC advised that a new doctor had been employed at the beginning of the year and another one was in the process of being employed. LC explained for Gosbury sessions the doctors are on a two week rota with the regular doctors working the same shifts over the two week period. The Grays surgeries are worked with the same doctor working the same sessions each week. Locums are being used but they are regular locums to try to keep the continuity. LC gave MI a list hand written list of the regular doctors and will discuss with MF about putting a list up in the waiting room showing the sessions worked by each doctor.
TE stated he had called the surgery and the phone had taken a while to be answered. LC advised there had been several problems with the Grays phone and the telephone company had been in a number of times to try and sort it out, most recently this week.
LC will advise MI & TE when the meeting is with the PM.
Meeting closed 15:00.